Red Jen Psaki doubles down on Joe Biden's smear against Kyle Rittenhouse

Old Joe called Rittenhouse a "white supremacist". Red Jen called him a "vigilante".

These people are garbage.

View attachment 564475

Why did Kyle present himself as a white supremacist?
No dude, with all due respect, fuck you. You lie and post the definition of sex pretending that it’s the definition of gender and try to hide it by not posting the link. Now you’re posting another snippet… well keep reading genius. This is from your link and it supports exactly the argument I’ve been making for months.

“Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings involving behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits. In this dichotomy, the terms male and femalerelate only to biological forms (sex), while the terms masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, woman/girl, and man/boy relate only to psychological and sociocultural traits (gender).”
They cannot process that degree of nuance. It just simply does not compute.
There is zero proof that he was "befriending" them. Biden should have waited for all the data before making a disparaging comment such as that. The judge had to tell the jury to disregard his comments. Europe has different gun laws. Agreed Kyle should not have been there (blame the parents as he was a kid) but he also has the right to self defense and doesn't deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison IMO.
I clicked in Gender and it took me there. Just showed it to you. It was the same. If you research it...says same as 1A. So fuck you, asshole. I put the fucking definition in BOLD.

You are deranged.
No you copied the definition of sex, don’t give me some lame excuse about clicking over. The definition of gender from your same source gives what I’ve been saying all along… you tried to hide that by not posting the link or complete definitions. You would be going nuts if somebody tried that crap with you. So weak!
No you copied the definition of sex, don’t give me some lame excuse about clicking over. The definition of gender from your same source gives what I’ve been saying all along… you tried to hide that by not posting the link or complete definitions. You would be going nuts if somebody tried that crap with you. So weak!
You LIE!

Are gender and sex the same? Usage Guide​


The words sex and gender have a long and intertwined history. In the 15th century gender expanded from its use as a term for a grammatical subclass to join sex in referring to either of the two primary biological forms of a species, a meaning sex has had since the 14th century; phrases like "the male sex" and "the female gender" are both grounded in uses established for more than five centuries.

You LIE!

Are gender and sex the same? Usage Guide​


The words sex and gender have a long and intertwined history. In the 15th century gender expanded from its use as a term for a grammatical subclass to join sex in referring to either of the two primary biological forms of a species, a meaning sex has had since the 14th century; phrases like "the male sex" and "the female gender" are both grounded in uses established for more than five centuries.

What do you think you’re getting by repeating your same garbage?! keep reading your link dumbass! It says this…

Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings involving behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits. In this dichotomy, the terms male and femalerelate only to biological forms (sex), while the terms masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, woman/girl, and man/boy relate only to psychological and sociocultural traits (gender).
So, according to you, that T-Shirt is a 'White Supremacist' T-Shit?


Or is it the hat? The pants?

You're an idiot... and obviously you are proud of it because you keep putting it on display.....
Obviously the pants, dope.:uhoh3:
Is that you in the red?
What do you think you’re getting by repeating your same garbage?! keep reading your link dumbass! It says this…

Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings involving behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits. In this dichotomy, the terms male and femalerelate only to biological forms (sex), while the terms masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, woman/girl, and man/boy relate only to psychological and sociocultural traits (gender).
You asked when was it changed. I showed you. Why can't you figure that out?
kyle from Antioch is both and soon will have to choose again in prison.
If You're hoping for a pulitzer for your lies forget it.....people are onto you Democrats and snowakes.

You're so stupid you guys called a black woman a white supremacist.

You asked when was it changed. I showed you. Why can't you figure that out?
No I asked for the old definition. You’re all over the place… first it was changed in the 1970s by feminists. Next it was changed in the 15th century. You don’t even know what you’re trying to argue anymore. Fact remains is the definition of the word gender, as it has been define for both our entire lives, means what it means which is what I’ve been accurately saying. Same goes for vigilante… it means what it means
No I asked for the old definition. You’re all over the place… first it was changed in the 1970s by feminists. Next it was changed in the 15th century. You don’t even know what you’re trying to argue anymore. Fact remains is the definition of the word gender, as it has been define for both our entire lives, means what it means which is what I’ve been accurately saying. Same goes for vigilante… it means what it means
Showed it to you. It is right there.

Don't play coy.

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