Red Jen Psaki tests positive for covid

Natural immunity always protects better than a vaccine for any flu we have ever had...look it up....
I did

If you've had COVID-19 before, does your natural immunity work better than a vaccine?

The data is clear: Natural immunity is not better. The COVID-19 vaccines create more effective and longer-lasting immunity than natural immunity from infection.

  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination
The takeaway: Get vaccinated, even if you've had COVID-19. Vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity.

"Natural immunity can be spotty. Some people can react vigorously and get a great antibody response. Other people don't get such a great response," says infectious diseases expert Mark Rupp, MD. "Clearly, vaccine-induced immunity is more standardized and can be longer-lasting."

Link in post #58
Because dummy every flu year brings a new flu virus that must be copied into a new vaccine...last years flu shot won't work on next years...get it?....covid is the same this year as it was last year so natural immunity works for it....
Is it?

You are just making shit up again.
trump did say he loved the 'poorly educated.'

He was talking about YOU. Rambunctious

A. If you survive. 750,000 didn't

B. It is NOT better. Better is natural immunity from having had it and getting a vaccine. That is virtually bulletproof.
And 45,000 getting the vaccines died within 3 days....according to VAERS website if you add up the numbers. Natural Immunity is better than faux vaccine by far and away. And since the faux vaccines are new and studies are already showing some evidence that although initially a combo of vaccine and virus is stronger than natural immunity alone---the effects of the vaccine quickly wears off and the long side effects are unknown. The evidence though is starting to show that the faux vaccines weaken the bodies natural immunity response over time.
And 45,000 getting the vaccines died within 3 days....according to VAERS website if you add up the numbers. Natural Immunity is better than faux vaccine by far and away. And since the faux vaccines are new and studies are already showing some evidence that although initially a combo of vaccine and virus is stronger than natural immunity alone---the effects of the vaccine quickly wears off and the long side effects are unknown. The evidence though is starting to show that the faux vaccines weaken the bodies natural immunity response over time.
Then should we blame trump for pushing this FAUX vaccine on us and WANTING to claim credit for such a POOR drug?
I did

If you've had COVID-19 before, does your natural immunity work better than a vaccine?

The data is clear: Natural immunity is not better. The COVID-19 vaccines create more effective and longer-lasting immunity than natural immunity from infection.

  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination
The takeaway: Get vaccinated, even if you've had COVID-19. Vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity.

"Natural immunity can be spotty. Some people can react vigorously and get a great antibody response. Other people don't get such a great response," says infectious diseases expert Mark Rupp, MD. "Clearly, vaccine-induced immunity is more standardized and can be longer-lasting."

Link in post #58

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization

immunity gained after recovering from a bout of COVID-19 is more protective ...
Natural immunity was estimated to be about 13 times stronger than having two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
Vaccinated individuals with no prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2 had a 13.06-fold increased risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant.
vaccinated individuals showed a greater risk of requiring hospitalization from a breakthrough infection than unvaccinated individuals with natural immunity.

people with natural immunity to COVID-19 could be 13 times less likely to contract the respiratory virus than those who were solely vaccinated against the disease.
natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection

Let me know if you want more, as this has become common knowledge to most as of late.

For those who recover from COVID-19, immunity to the virus can last about 3 months to 5 years, research shows.
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Are you fucking stupid?

Because you're far less likely to get covid and FAR less likely to die from it
But you are FAR more likely to develop myocarditis or blood clots if you take the vaccine versus not. And in the event an unvaccinated catches WuFlu they can just use drugs like IVM and others that have proven to significantly reduce the chances of death, as proven all over the world, even in third world countries.

Thankfully, according to Joe Biden, vaccinated people can't spread covid.

Get better soon, Ginger Goebbels!

What's the big deal here?
There's heaps of anti vaxxer conspiracy theorists blowing snot and spit every day.
I'm surprised she hasn't had it 4 times.
Big deal.
Bullshit. If the vax were efficatious, people wouldn't need to be forced to take it dumbass.

Unlike you, we are smart.
You are clearly clueless about pandemics and vaccination history. Near-full population vaccination had always required forcing, because no matter the efficacy, there is always some nutbag % of population believing all kinds of crazy shit.

Many vaccinations are REQUIRED (read forced) for children to attend school. You have to be pretty fucking dumb to say that this means that they don't work.
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But we know Biden is an idiot, and you don't believe anything he says.
So why now?


The Vaccination is said to lessen the adverse affects of Covid, if you should catch it.

Guy on my timeline, fully vaccinated, didn't test until three days into his illness. Then, he was assured he wouldn't get "that sick" because vax. Right-o. He is now in the ICU.

Then there's the KISS roadie, same story. Was sick for about a week, they finally quarantined him, he died in his hotel room. Also fully vaccinated. This on the heels of Colin Powell. This guy was in his early 50s.

These shots are absolute crap. You might as well stop defending them. You only look foolish.

Thankfully, according to Joe Biden, vaccinated people can't spread covid.

Get better soon, Ginger Goebbels!

It was is a breakthrough case, not that sick, probably got it from one of her kids. The misinformation the republicans have is astounding.
Guy on my timeline, fully vaccinated, didn't test until three days into his illness. Then, he was assured he wouldn't get "that sick" because vax. Right-o. He is now in the ICU.

Then there's the KISS roadie, same story. Was sick for about a week, they finally quarantined him, he died in his hotel room. Also fully vaccinated. This on the heels of Colin Powell. This guy was in his early 50s.

These shots are absolute crap. You might as well stop defending them. You only look foolish.
He has a breakthrough case and probably immunocompromised. Why don't you tell us the facts of the case of the one in ICU??

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