Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Writing "none" on the receipt was rude enough, as was NOT tipping.

But somehow he stops at the racial slur.

Gotta love it.

If you don't put something on the tip line it can be altered later and you end up paying for it, common sense. As for tipping, do you leave a tip at McDonald's?

Honestly, the handwriting does look different from the two words. Especially the letter "E".

The E in "none" has a distinct pause where the loop is squared. The loop in the e in the slur is smooth and rounded.
The "N"'s are so dissimilar it is obvious the two handwriting samples are not the same.
Have any of you people ever ordered food for takeout? You do not get a waitress when you order for takeout. You are not expected to tip.

However, if you are seated and waited on....and then decide to take the meal home for some reason, you are expected to tip. That is, unless the service was horrible in some way.

Now....please continue speculating.

Have you? Restaurants that want repeat customers are willing to sit people waiting for takeout and offer them some water if they are not crowded, they call it customer service.
Racist Blacks don't quietly write insults instead of tip their Red Lobster waitress. They gang thug attack & beat her in the restaurant full of customers. Writing ****** on the check was far kinder than being these 4 racist ****** bitches.


Honestly, the handwriting does look different from the two words. Especially the letter "E".
Oh..One other issue. The handwriting in 'none' is darker than in the slur. If the same person wrote both words, the pressure would be the same and thus, the shade of color would be the same.
This thing is a scam.
The real victim is the customer...
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

Maybe she did.

Yes, she should have....but she was probably too upset, went running home to the arms of her daddy, and he exploded with outrage at the abuse of his 'baby'.

What Red Lobster should've done was see the violation for what it was, and say to the girl; "Company policy is that you don't post company receipts online or make them public...but in your case we completely understand the emotion involved and will be overlooking the breach of our policy.
Dear, take a few days off on full recover from your shock and trauma...that was a terrible thing for someone to do to you".

Honestly, the handwriting does look different from the two words. Especially the letter "E".
Oh..One other issue. The handwriting in 'none' is darker than in the slur. If the same person wrote both words, the pressure would be the same and thus, the shade of color would be the same.
This thing is a scam.
The real victim is the customer...

What happened to:

"However, I will reserve judgement on the receipt until such time as it is proved that this is legitimate."

How quickly we forget.

Honestly, the handwriting does look different from the two words. Especially the letter "E".
Oh..One other issue. The handwriting in 'none' is darker than in the slur. If the same person wrote both words, the pressure would be the same and thus, the shade of color would be the same.
This thing is a scam.
The real victim is the customer...

Could the cops!
Tell them to get their handwriting experts to go over the receipt. This is a very serious 'business', possible fraud and setting up of an innocent customer.

To me...the 'none' and the slur word do look like they were written by different hands.

'none' all in lower case, the slur word starts with a capital letter.
Also, the two words seem to be a different slope.
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Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

Maybe she did.

Yes, she should have....but she was probably too upset, went running home to the arms of her daddy, and he exploded with outrage at the abuse of his 'baby'.

What Red Lobster should've done was see the violation for what it was, and say to the girl; "Company policy is that you don't post company receipts online or make them public...but in your case we completely understand the emotion involved and will be overlooking the breach of our policy.
Dear, take a few days off on full recover from your shock and trauma...that was a terrible thing for someone to do to you".

And what are they going to say when it comes out that she wrote the note herself? Then posted it on Facebook herself (not her father) and ruined the life of yet another innocent man? I'm getting kind of sick of these people that blame everyone else for hate crimes when it's clear they are the ones with the hatred. She's already made more than $10,000 of the deal, wonder if they'll be able to make her give it back?
1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical. In addition, nobody who had been liabled so badly would have been content to send such a mild letter to the restaurant. He would have waited until he was off from work, and have been at the restaurant with his paster/lawyer in a New York second.

2. The waitress' father was wrong to publish the restaurant's name, and lacking good judgment in publishing the customer's signature. It wasn't the restaurant's fault, and the customer might have been George Zimmerman is disguise.

3. Nobody should have been suspended.

4. I have known for 30 years that if you are going to eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden, you have no taste, or even good judgment. The food sucks, the service stinks, and the prices are ridicules for the low quality food.

Therefore, nobody wins.

Dude. for purely political purposes you ignore the obvious. Look at the note the customer wrote. Compare the handwriting to the slur. They are not even close.
The slur "N" is upper case.
The "N" in the letter is upper case as well.
n the note, the "N" has sharp angles with a distinct pause at the top and bottom of the letter. In the slur, the "N" it is smooth and cursive.
Look, you are a lib. This MUST be a racist incident. It is how you feed your hatred for all who are not liberal. This will be devastating to you libs when this turns out to be a hoax. And it will.
This is going to backfire on the worker and the restaurant management.
1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical.

Devin Barnes does not hook the bottom of his G's or Y's like the forged G's on the receipt. He also sharply vertically closes his G's unlike the lazy unclosed curve of the forger.

If you say so, Kiss. I'm sure that you are right. Having been born in raised in the South, I can NEVER recall any white person ever insulting a black person. It simply NEVER happens!

Hey sunshine...No shit. Here's the deal. it does not happen nearly as much as you would like to happen.
This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

Obviously you have convinced yourself that there MUST be something racist here because you MUST believe it.
And anyone with a keen eye for detail can tell those two words were not written by the same person.

I have done nothing of the kind. I am uncommitted as to what happened in that restaurant. I wait for all the info before I make decisions. It is the liberal in me.
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.'s up to the company to assure the employee they don't have to put up with a hostile work environment.

They are in big trouble.

How so?
The only trouble for the employer is when they are served with a summons to appear as a defendant in a civil action against them....
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

Maybe she did.

Yes, she should have....but she was probably too upset, went running home to the arms of her daddy, and he exploded with outrage at the abuse of his 'baby'.

What Red Lobster should've done was see the violation for what it was, and say to the girl; "Company policy is that you don't post company receipts online or make them public...but in your case we completely understand the emotion involved and will be overlooking the breach of our policy.
Dear, take a few days off on full recover from your shock and trauma...that was a terrible thing for someone to do to you".

And what are they going to say when it comes out that she wrote the note herself? Then posted it on Facebook herself (not her father) and ruined the life of yet another innocent man? I'm getting kind of sick of these people that blame everyone else for hate crimes when it's clear they are the ones with the hatred. She's already made more than $10,000 of the deal, wonder if they'll be able to make her give it back?

What the company would say then is that they took the girl's claim at face value to be honest and true, and acted in her best welfare.
For which most people would applaud them.

If at a later time what the girl claimed to be true was proven to be a total lie...then they would be entitled to sack her...and likely be applauded by most people for doing so.

The cops could interview the girl's father, and tell him what the go is...that if his daughter has lied and owns up now she could claim "I did wrong, but I was mixed up in the head at that time, and the voices told me to do it", "I humbly apologise"...and maybe not be charged by the cops...but if she keeps on with her claim and it's proven to be a lie she could be charged with a crime and jailed.
They could also ask him if he posted the receipt on Facebook...telling him that they want the absolute truth.
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This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

Obviously you have convinced yourself that there MUST be something racist here because you MUST believe it.
And anyone with a keen eye for detail can tell those two words were not written by the same person.

My guess is that he would be happy to side with everyone that has analyzed the handwriting if we were pointing out how it leads us to believe that the customer wrote the slur. His problem is we prefer to be honest.
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I never leave a tip on a to go order. There was no service.
The cooks get paid a regular wage.
When I bartended, we never expected a tip on to go orders. If someone left a tip it was because they were a regular customer.
Why this person expected to be tipped is a mystery.
Maybe she did.

Yes, she should have....but she was probably too upset, went running home to the arms of her daddy, and he exploded with outrage at the abuse of his 'baby'.

What Red Lobster should've done was see the violation for what it was, and say to the girl; "Company policy is that you don't post company receipts online or make them public...but in your case we completely understand the emotion involved and will be overlooking the breach of our policy.
Dear, take a few days off on full recover from your shock and trauma...that was a terrible thing for someone to do to you".

And what are they going to say when it comes out that she wrote the note herself? Then posted it on Facebook herself (not her father) and ruined the life of yet another innocent man? I'm getting kind of sick of these people that blame everyone else for hate crimes when it's clear they are the ones with the hatred. She's already made more than $10,000 of the deal, wonder if they'll be able to make her give it back?

What the company would say then is that they took the girl's claim at face value to be honest and true, and acted in her best welfare.
For which most people would applaud them.

If at a later time what the girl claimed to be true was proven to be a total lie...then they would be entitled to sack her...and likely be applauded by most people for doing so.

The cops could interview the girl's father, and tell him what the go is...that if his daughter has lied and owns up now she could claim "I did wrong, but I was mixed up in the head at that time, and the voices told me to do it", "I humbly apologise"...and maybe not be charged by the cops...but if she keeps on with her claim and it's proven to be a lie she could be charged with a crime and jailed.
They could also ask him if he posted the receipt on Facebook...telling him that they want the absolute truth.

From all the articles I've read, he didn't post it on Facebook SHE did.
What if her manager didn't give a shit? I'd have posted it as well - and her father posted it, not her.

Then her dad may have caused her to lose her job.

The picture shows her name, the company and it's address and the guest's name

Then punish her father. If she didn't know it was posted, she can't be blamed for his actions. is on HER facebook page..

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