Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

Obviously you have convinced yourself that there MUST be something racist here because you MUST believe it.
And anyone with a keen eye for detail can tell those two words were not written by the same person.

I have done nothing of the kind. I am uncommitted as to what happened in that restaurant. I wait for all the info before I make decisions. It is the liberal in me.

Wow. Did you just say that out loud?
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I never leave a tip on a to go order. There was no service.
The cooks get paid a regular wage.
When I bartended, we never expected a tip on to go orders. If someone left a tip it was because they were a regular customer.
Why this person expected to be tipped is a mystery.

From one of the articles I read. They were seated at a table and when she came to take their order, they gave it and asked for it "to go". She said they acted weird.
This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

Obviously you have convinced yourself that there MUST be something racist here because you MUST believe it.
And anyone with a keen eye for detail can tell those two words were not written by the same person.

My guess is that he would be happy to side with everyone that has analyzed the handwriting if we were pointing out how it leads us to believe that the customer wrote the slur. His problem is we prefer to be honest.

Maybe you should stop guessing.

I know what you are led to believe. If I were a thoughtless person who thought he could analyze handwriting.....and was certain that the samples provided were genuine....I might be led to believe the same thing.

But...I prefer my style. I'll wait until I am certain. You should too.
I don't blame that waitress. If the powers that be don't like what she did, they shouldn't have let that customer get away with what they did.

God bless you and the waitress always!!!

Managers are expected to hover over everyone as they sign their charge slip to prevent them from writing something stupid?

Today as i was going thru charge slips I found a comment from a guest.
I looked up his name in the phonebook and thanked him for the suggestion
If the person in charge did nothing about what was done to her, she should have sued them then!

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. The customer may always be right, but that does NOT give the customer the right to be HATEFUL. If that person did not want to be waited on by a black person, why didn't they just leave?

Gee..Another non observant knee jerk reactionary lib comes a sniveling..
Cupcake, there is no proof anything was done to this waitress.
In fact as time passes, this is looking more and more like a hoax.
Obviously you have convinced yourself that there MUST be something racist here because you MUST believe it.
And anyone with a keen eye for detail can tell those two words were not written by the same person.

I have done nothing of the kind. I am uncommitted as to what happened in that restaurant. I wait for all the info before I make decisions. It is the liberal in me.

Wow. Did you just say that out loud?

Absolutely. You have an example of me rushing to judgement? Besides the one I made about you after your first day here? That one was spot on, by the way.

Example, please. I'll wait.
The 'r' in the 'n' word is in cursive. He didn't make one single 'r' in that letter in cursive. He did not write that on the ticket. She did.

THAT is a GREAT catch.

R is usually either or, I don't know people who use BOTH.

Looks like it is the girl, who wrote the N word, she could not have known what HIS handwriting of the letters would be but she would write in a different from her usual manner style.

a signature is consistent with "none".
Obviously you have convinced yourself that there MUST be something racist here because you MUST believe it.
And anyone with a keen eye for detail can tell those two words were not written by the same person.

My guess is that he would be happy to side with everyone that has analyzed the handwriting if we were pointing out how it leads us to believe that the customer wrote the slur. His problem is we prefer to be honest.

Maybe you should stop guessing.

I know what you are led to believe. If I were a thoughtless person who thought he could analyze handwriting.....and was certain that the samples provided were genuine....I might be led to believe the same thing.

But...I prefer my style. I'll wait until I am certain. You should too.

You are never certain. You deny reality constantly. You should also refrain from giving advice. Funny how you called QWB a "thoughtless person" when he mentioned yesterday in this thread he had been a professional handwriting analyst for the better part of 30 years.

Your style is flawed.
[ame=]Black Woman Set Herself On Fire In Fake 'Hate Crime' - YouTube[/ame]
The 'r' in the 'n' word is in cursive. He didn't make one single 'r' in that letter in cursive. He did not write that on the ticket. She did.

THAT is a GREAT catch.

R is usually either or, I don't know people who use BOTH.

Looks like it is the girl, who wrote the N word, she could not have known what HIS handwriting of the letters would be but she would write in a different from her usual manner style.

a signature is consistent with "none".

Interesting. You think she thought about it enough to try and change her handwriting style. Pretty clever.

Do the signatures on the receipt and the letter look the same to you?

Is there an "r" in his name?

This is some high level shit.
While the racial slur is uncalled for, she shouldn't have posted it on facebook. I suppose she could have reported it as a hate crime? They both conducted themselves poorly.
Still on this even though there is no proof that either person put the N word on the receipt? All you handwriting experts are flat out wrong. From what I can make of her writing none of it looks like what appears on the receipt. The customers e's look exactly like the e in the n word. My guess is that it makes more sense for the customer to have done it. White male racists are particularly emboldened when faced with a lone black female. They are usaully cowards anyway. The employee has more to lose including her job for transmitting the information to a 3rd party. It doesn't make any sense for her to have done it. What could she have possibly gained from it?

You're lying, you're blind, or you have not seen the pictures in this thread. There are no other possibilities!
My guess is that he would be happy to side with everyone that has analyzed the handwriting if we were pointing out how it leads us to believe that the customer wrote the slur. His problem is we prefer to be honest.

Maybe you should stop guessing.

I know what you are led to believe. If I were a thoughtless person who thought he could analyze handwriting.....and was certain that the samples provided were genuine....I might be led to believe the same thing.

But...I prefer my style. I'll wait until I am certain. You should too.

You are never certain. You deny reality constantly. You should also refrain from giving advice. Funny how you called QWB a "thoughtless person" when he mentioned yesterday in this thread he had been a professional handwriting analyst for the better part of 30 years.

Your style is flawed.

He was? First I heard of that. I knew I should have read every post! Dammit!

Listen here, dummy. You now need to find an example of me rushing to judgement or you will have to put yourself on "double-super-duper-secret probation" it is the Templar code!
While the racial slur is uncalled for, she shouldn't have posted it on facebook. I suppose she could have reported it as a hate crime? They both conducted themselves poorly.

if she lied and wrote it herself and then posted it online - how is it that HE is to be blamed as well? in this instance he is totally innocent and actually can sue both her and the Red Lobster for defamation.
I always talk to the manager if the service is substandard. Sloppiness or sullenness is always "rewarded."

I still remember my worst restaurant experience. We'd decided to take our kids to Denny's for breakfast. There was a couple in front of us when we came in. Several people came in behind us so they decided to take names. They took everybody else's name before ours. So now we were behind the people who came in behind us. When we finally got seated, there were people who where seated after us that got their orders before the waitress even took our order. We had two kids and they'd about had it when she finally took our order, then it took even longer and the restaurant was practically empty by the time we got our food. It wasn't anything to crow about. As we were leaving, my husband, who hates scenes just said "don't say anything". I left a quarter on the table so she would know I didn't forget to tip her. (BTW, many times when I charge my dinner, I leave a tip on the table, thus, no tip on the bill) As I paid my bill, the manager asked "how was breakfast today?" I said, "Do you really want to know?" He said, "yes" so I told him. He said, "How would you feel if breakfast was on us today?" I said "I'd feel a lot better." We ended up returning to that restaurant and the service has always been stellar since then. Just that day must've been a really bad day. If the manager hadn't asked how our breakfast was, we never would have returned to that place.

I don't think putting "none" in the tip place on a credit card receipt necessarily means you didn't leave a tip, just that you aren't charging the tip. I would like to hear from the customer why he didn't leave a tip. He, strangely, left that out of his note.

No, he didn't: it was a take-out order, says so in the letter. No table service, no tip.
Good point, Bro

If you look in the back ground of the picture you will see what is her 'server's book'.
I recognize the 'Seafood Expert' cards that they keep in the check minder.
She obviously took the picture before she turned it in.

If dad posted it, that would mean that she "electronically communicated" to him for him to be able to do so.

Did she bring it to her manager's attention?

So, it should become clear knowing she took a picture of it, that her credibility in all of this should be questioned. I mean, she could have written it there on the spot without anyone knowing. There are many possible ways for her to have given her manager the slip (no pun intended). Given how black people love to use race as a tool to get what they want out of folks, this wouldn't surprise me...

However, it is (after doing a bit more reading) too early to tell who to blame in this.

You forgot one important thing. Why would she do that and then send it to her father? What would she gain except possibly getting fired for sending sensitive information to a non-employee?

Why? Look at the fur flying here.
This is clearly an attempt to create a lawsuit.
The waitress was pissed off because she did not get tipped.
So she decided to make this into a racial issue to cover her tracks.
She was the one who illegally, yes illegally released private and proprietary information to the public. She claims her father did it. Bullshit. SHE sent it to her father.
She will be used and so will her employer. Libel, slander and defamation of character.
It's all very clear she did all three things.

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