Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Check out these black guys at the Red Lobster:

I always talk to the manager if the service is substandard. Sloppiness or sullenness is always "rewarded."

I still remember my worst restaurant experience. We'd decided to take our kids to Denny's for breakfast. There was a couple in front of us when we came in. Several people came in behind us so they decided to take names. They took everybody else's name before ours. So now we were behind the people who came in behind us. When we finally got seated, there were people who where seated after us that got their orders before the waitress even took our order. We had two kids and they'd about had it when she finally took our order, then it took even longer and the restaurant was practically empty by the time we got our food. It wasn't anything to crow about. As we were leaving, my husband, who hates scenes just said "don't say anything". I left a quarter on the table so she would know I didn't forget to tip her. (BTW, many times when I charge my dinner, I leave a tip on the table, thus, no tip on the bill) As I paid my bill, the manager asked "how was breakfast today?" I said, "Do you really want to know?" He said, "yes" so I told him. He said, "How would you feel if breakfast was on us today?" I said "I'd feel a lot better." We ended up returning to that restaurant and the service has always been stellar since then. Just that day must've been a really bad day. If the manager hadn't asked how our breakfast was, we never would have returned to that place.

I don't think putting "none" in the tip place on a credit card receipt necessarily means you didn't leave a tip, just that you aren't charging the tip. I would like to hear from the customer why he didn't leave a tip. He, strangely, left that out of his note.
Instead Of Standing By Their Employee, Red Lobster Suspends Waitress Who Received 'None N****r' As A Tip -


Red Lobster might really be in trouble this time. We just reported on how a waitress, Tori Christina Jenkins, received ‘None, N****r’ instead of a tip this past weekend from racist customers at the Franklin, TN Red Lobster where she works. Now, instead of standing behind Jenkins, Red Lobster has suspended her, citing a violation of company policy as the reason.

A spokesman for Red Lobster, Mike Bernstein, said in an email to the Huffington Post that suspension with pay is “standard procedure” when company policy is violated. In this case, the violation would be publicly posting a receipt, which Jenkins’ father did, on Facebook, Sunday night, with a status message saying “that we still have much ignorance to overcome.”

What is wrong with scum racists like this customer?

Its certainly no hardship to boycott Red Lobster. Their food is made to appeal to people who like fat, sugar and grease and I haven't eaten there in many years. Never will again.

The sad thing is, after learning about this, more and more scum racists will flock to Red Lobster is some kind SICK solidarity.
I will preface by stating, if this is real,such conduct ( by the customer) is reprehensible.
However, I will reserve judgement on the receipt until such time as it is proved that this is legitimate.

Once again, a lib has missed the point.
The company has rules in place to deal with this.
And I can bet that the worker did much more than just have her father post the ticket on the internet.
Now, the owner of the franchise did nothing wrong. The worker violated policy.
You go right ahead and boycott. That is your right. It is also your right to react with knee jerk swiftness whenever the perception of a slight occurs to one of your PC protected classes.
Such nonsense.
This didn't even hit the main stream news.
Troll thread.
This from R:

Hi *******, our server is back at work this week per her usual schedule, and she has not lost a single day of work due to this situation. We were in constant communication with her over the past several days and have extended her a high degree of respect and caring for what has happened. No one should have to endure what our employee went through last weekend.

But they should not have suspended her.

And their food still sucks.
Oh wah wah wah....Troll thread.
Still on this even though there is no proof that either person put the N word on the receipt? All you handwriting experts are flat out wrong. From what I can make of her writing none of it looks like what appears on the receipt. The customers e's look exactly like the e in the n word. My guess is that it makes more sense for the customer to have done it. White male racists are particularly emboldened when faced with a lone black female. They are usaully cowards anyway. The employee has more to lose including her job for transmitting the information to a 3rd party. It doesn't make any sense for her to have done it. What could she have possibly gained from it?

Money, haven't you been paying attention? She's already been given $10,000.
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I don't think it was take out since the check says Table 33 and guests (2).

Some restaurants let you sit at a table while waiting for your takeout order. I think that is what happened here.
Some assholes acted badly at a restaurant. No need to call the National Guard.


She'll be back to work in no time.

Yeah, but what did SHE do wrong? She didn't call in the national guard, she simply posted a racial assholes receipt on facebook.

And now both she and the restaurant's owner will be sued.
Good. Bury them both for their negligence.
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.'s up to the company to assure the employee they don't have to put up with a hostile work environment.

They are in big trouble.


I take it you have NEVER worked in any service industry?

There is that. Anyone who works in a job with public contact is going to get grief from them at one time or another.
Tank, katzen, really stretching and I'll bet this thread goes to several pages of racist shit like this.

The handwriting looks similar, "e" is the same in both words.

katzen, please show where the racist's scum name and address appears.

It's different. Anyone who is willing to look at this objectively can see that.
You remain entirely too dense to understand your mistake in reasoning. My effort is wasted on you. The capital "N" is on the word "******" written on the receipt by the way. Now compare it with the uppercase "N" the customer uses close to the end of his letter. The customer's "N" is a lot more sharp and rigid than that of the "N" written on the receipt. It is also more tilted to the right, where as it is standing straight up on the receipt. The only logical conclusion is that the waitress wrote that word there, not the customer.

I don't know how many times I must explain the obvious to you, Asclepias, but it ends here.

Your "effort" is wasted because it was a bunch of hot air. :lol: You have no facts and only guesses. The poster clearly said Jenkins capital N not the person accused of writing the n word. You are not in touch with reality. Now I give you permission to end it.

Grow up. You missed this by a country mile. You clearly lack any observational skill necessary to make any logical deducement. For the last time, look with your own eyes, genius.


I cut and pasted the letters in question. You will notice the distinct variations in writing style right off the bat. These are not guesses, these are astute observations. The way the capital "N" is written is a dead giveaway. The "N" on the receipt is curved on the lower right bend. The bends on the "N" in the apology letter are sharp on the top left and lower right. The waitress is in trouble, and you don't want to admit it. This game is over, you lose.

If I need to reiterate this to the clueless liberals on this thread once again, I will. Your posterchild is in deep.
i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I don't think it was take out since the check says Table 33 and guests (2).

Many restaurants use software that puts a "table number" on all orders. A local pizza place uses it...their takeout orders are always "table 99".

Another possiblity, bad software design.
Just look at the words none and the word ******, you can see the two different writings and the guy says he didn't write it

Another Tawana.

"two different writings"?

Styles of handwriting. Don't be a wiseass..It will get you into trouble.
Or haven't you learned that yet.
You libs won't be getting any mileage out of this. So SHUT IT.

Trouble? What do you mean, trouble? I have had no trouble here. You are still a lying dick.....and no trouble for me.

What mileage? I have no dog in this hunt. USMB nutters are desperate to show that this young woman did such a stupid thing......because they need reassurance that there are people in this world who are dumber than they are.

How's baseball coming along? Still having a hard time with the them mom? Jackoff.

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