Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

How it works out is.....either one of those two people is a complete idiot.....or a third person wrote the word "******" on the receipt. In which case....we are all complete idiots.
It appears she was very religious before the incident though. She must be able to tell the future in addition to being a liar.

That still doesn't change the fact she did what she did. Your sarcasm indicates you're out of gas in this discussion.

The only fact is that she took a picture of it. Other than that your guessing is not a fact. Your insistence in saying your guess is a fact indicates you are having trouble understanding what reality means.

Ya know..Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, a person that keeps insisting is not a rational person.
It is as though you are treating this like a sporting event. You have chosen a side and are rooting for that side to win.
Do you have a personal stake in this? Or is it just so very important for your point of view to be the only correct point of view 100% of the time?
I find it creepy you are so emotionally interested in this case.
If you had any self respect, you'd want to back off your position on this to avoid total embarrassment.
Normally, that's what you do in a thread, smart alec.

I found you rushing to judgement about Obamacare in another thread, assuming someone's post is "bullshit" without an effective counter. You're a typical liberal leaps before he looks.


You are too stupid to even have fun with. That is not rushing to judgement. You simply do not understand things well enough to make talking to you fun.

Did you read my next post in that thread?

Wading through your failure to comprehend shit is like cutting through a forest of brambles.....only to find that the flower I was after is a fucking McDonalds wrapper.

You have got to learn how to focus.

There you go calling me stupid again. Frankly, I am too smart for you to handle. You and Asclepias both assume the customer wrote that slur on the receipt, and then get angry when your arguments are cast to the wind. You deflect by saying, "I'd rather not jump to conclusions." Such is a typical response from someone on the wrong end of a debate.

And no, you've been on my ignore list for the better part of four months. I usually don't make a habit of responding to people like you.

You have got to learn how to read and interpret facts that don't agree with your prevaricated assumptions.

You are stupid. That is not in dispute. Maybe you should start a poll.

I have not said anything about who I think wrote the word "******" on that receipt. You have. I have not. Simple.

You do not posess the willpower to keep me on ignore. I own you.

Nice word....prevaricated. Are you sure that is the one you wanted to use. It is a bit odd in that context.

Are you going to show me a post of mine where I rushed to judgement? You ARE an honorable Templar, are you not?
Somebody else's vile racism isn't justification for violating company policy. She should have reported the incident to her manager instead of posting the receipt on Facebook.

i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I don't think it was take out since the check says Table 33 and guests (2).
Quite often people will change their mind and after sitting down, will ask for the order to go.
If they remained at the table and were served beverages while waiting for their meal, they should have at least tipped 10% of the bill. If they did not and left the table before the food arrived, no tip.
Also, some wait staff will take a to go order and write the table number on the receipt just to remind themselves of the number in the party. Plus they get credit for a sale on one of their tables.
Clearly though, the customer ordered the food to go.
So, it should become clear knowing she took a picture of it, that her credibility in all of this should be questioned. I mean, she could have written it there on the spot without anyone knowing. There are many possible ways for her to have given her manager the slip (no pun intended). Given how black people love to use race as a tool to get what they want out of folks, this wouldn't surprise me...

However, it is (after doing a bit more reading) too early to tell who to blame in this.

You forgot one important thing. Why would she do that and then send it to her father? What would she gain except possibly getting fired for sending sensitive information to a non-employee?

Why? Look at the fur flying here.
This is clearly an attempt to create a lawsuit.
The waitress was pissed off because she did not get tipped.
So she decided to make this into a racial issue to cover her tracks.
She was the one who illegally, yes illegally released private and proprietary information to the public. She claims her father did it. Bullshit. SHE sent it to her father.
She will be used and so will her employer. Libel, slander and defamation of character.
It's all very clear she did all three things.

Then the customer who is receiving threats etc as a result should be going to the police.
i'm guessing these guys came in saw their meal as takeout and felt no reason to leave a tip. she decided to jump on Obama's famous race card bandwagon and made the comment herself

I never leave a tip on a to go order. There was no service.
The cooks get paid a regular wage.
When I bartended, we never expected a tip on to go orders. If someone left a tip it was because they were a regular customer.
Why this person expected to be tipped is a mystery.

From one of the articles I read. They were seated at a table and when she came to take their order, they gave it and asked for it "to go". She said they acted weird.

And that holds any significance how?
The fact that she was not tipped could have been for any number of reasons.
The issue here is the handwriting is not of the customer. That much is certain. Now, either the waitress herself wrote the slur, or she had someone else write it.
The fact that she released the image to the public( her father is a member of the public) in direct violation of company rules and made an issue out of it, tells those with common sense that she is exacting vengeance on the customer for one reason or another. The logical conclusion is that she did not get a tip.
No I'm just not a handwriting expert. Neither are you so you haven't proved anything except you have an opinion.
No need to be an expert. An expert would be used to detect a forgery.
This one is obvious to the non professional eye.
There are several characteristics of the samples that are clearly different.
Face it. This is going to be proved a hoax..

And you know this how as one is written in print and the other in script? The same person can have very different hand writting styles for each. My script is chicken scratch but my printing is very legible.

How this works out will however be interesting. Will this be considered a hate crime if the customer did it? And If it is found that the waitress forged the message will that be considered a hate crime toward the customer?

Of course not. For some reason our country doesn't seem to recognize hate crimes against whites.
Writing "none" on the receipt was rude enough, as was NOT tipping.

But somehow he stops at the racial slur.

Gotta love it.

WHACK, WHACK, WHACK! Hello, McFly! You in there, stupid?!?!

It was a TAKE-OUT ORDER! Get that to sink through that thick skull into your walnut-sized brain, dumbass!



The waitress said it was a to-go order. The customer said it was a to-go order in his letter. The restaurant said it was a to-go order. The articles said it was a to-go order.
The most plausible idea I have heard so far for Jenkins being the culprit is that Jenkins somehow knew she was going to make 10K thru donations so she chanced her job and her credibility. You guys should look up Occams Razor to help you in your wild fantasies. The racist that happened to have a pastor as an attorney probably wrote it. Another theory that makes sense is someone else completely different from the 2 involved parties wrote it.
The most plausible idea I have heard so far for Jenkins being the culprit is that Jenkins somehow knew she was going to make 10K thru donations so she chanced her job and her credibility. You guys should look up Occams Razor to help you in your wild fantasies. The racist that happened to have a pastor as an attorney probably wrote it. Another theory that makes sense is someone else completely different from the 2 involved parties wrote it.

My, oh my aren't YOU prone to speculation.
The most plausible idea I have heard so far for Jenkins being the culprit is that Jenkins somehow knew she was going to make 10K thru donations so she chanced her job and her credibility. You guys should look up Occams Razor to help you in your wild fantasies. The racist that happened to have a pastor as an attorney probably wrote it. Another theory that makes sense is someone else completely different from the 2 involved parties wrote it.

My, oh my aren't YOU prone to speculation.

That would be you hand writing expert. :lol:
The most plausible idea I have heard so far for Jenkins being the culprit is that Jenkins somehow knew she was going to make 10K thru donations so she chanced her job and her credibility. You guys should look up Occams Razor to help you in your wild fantasies. The racist that happened to have a pastor as an attorney probably wrote it. Another theory that makes sense is someone else completely different from the 2 involved parties wrote it.

My, oh my aren't YOU prone to speculation.

That would be you hand writing expert. :lol:

Nope it would be this, dimwit. If you can't acknowledge what you see before your very own eyes, you are ignorant beyond belief.

My, oh my aren't YOU prone to speculation.

That would be you hand writing expert. :lol:

Nope it would be this, dimwit. If you can't acknowledge what you see before your very own eyes, you are ignorant beyond belief.


Only ignorant people like you make up fantasies and parade them around as facts. You want to convince me then show me a recording of her writing the word or a link to her admitting she did it. I know racist white boys do stuff like this to a woman because they know they would get their ass kicked if they did it to a man. Thats why they have to have a 10 to 1 ratio to handle a real man.
That would be you hand writing expert. :lol:

Nope it would be this, dimwit. If you can't acknowledge what you see before your very own eyes, you are ignorant beyond belief.


Only ignorant people like you make up fantasies and parade them around as facts. You want to convince me then show me a recording of her writing the word or a link to her admitting she did it. I know racist white boys do stuff like this to a woman because they know they would get their ass kicked if they did it to a man. Thats why they have to have a 10 to 1 ratio to handle a real man.

That picture is not a contrived fantasy. THAT IS DIRECT EVIDENCE! Normal people would call that deductive reasoning. You call that fantasy.

You are completely moronic. All you are is a liberal zealot with no real argument. You argue just to argue. Other than your first sentence, you uttered nothing but gibberish. But you are par for the course... a liberal must find racism in everything. EVERYTHING.
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Writing "none" on the receipt was rude enough, as was NOT tipping.

But somehow he stops at the racial slur.

Gotta love it.

Ever think she was a lousy waitress?

Personally, I will just tip the minimum for bad service. However..if it's really bad? I will complain to the management.

Abusing servers is like kicking puppies.

Seriously, do you leave this board long enough to eat out?
I always talk to the manager if the service is substandard. Sloppiness or sullenness is always "rewarded."

I still remember my worst restaurant experience. We'd decided to take our kids to Denny's for breakfast. There was a couple in front of us when we came in. Several people came in behind us so they decided to take names. They took everybody else's name before ours. So now we were behind the people who came in behind us. When we finally got seated, there were people who where seated after us that got their orders before the waitress even took our order. We had two kids and they'd about had it when she finally took our order, then it took even longer and the restaurant was practically empty by the time we got our food. It wasn't anything to crow about. As we were leaving, my husband, who hates scenes just said "don't say anything". I left a quarter on the table so she would know I didn't forget to tip her. (BTW, many times when I charge my dinner, I leave a tip on the table, thus, no tip on the bill) As I paid my bill, the manager asked "how was breakfast today?" I said, "Do you really want to know?" He said, "yes" so I told him. He said, "How would you feel if breakfast was on us today?" I said "I'd feel a lot better." We ended up returning to that restaurant and the service has always been stellar since then. Just that day must've been a really bad day. If the manager hadn't asked how our breakfast was, we never would have returned to that place.

I don't think putting "none" in the tip place on a credit card receipt necessarily means you didn't leave a tip, just that you aren't charging the tip. I would like to hear from the customer why he didn't leave a tip. He, strangely, left that out of his note.

I, too, leave cash tips sometimes, but when I do I write on the receipt that a cash tip was left. If I don't like the service I top 2 cents. I'm sure they get that message.
Some assholes acted badly at a restaurant. No need to call the National Guard.


She'll be back to work in no time.

Yeah, but what did SHE do wrong? She didn't call in the national guard, she simply posted a racial assholes receipt on facebook.

And now both she and the restaurant's owner will be sued.
Good. Bury them both for their negligence.

I wouldn't bother suing her. I doubt she has a pot to piss in. Let alone any money.
How it works out is.....either one of those two people is a complete idiot.....or a third person wrote the word "******" on the receipt. In which case....we are all complete idiots.

she still violated the policy and posted the customers name.

but I would prefer both of them not to be the ones who wrote than word. The unknown person to blame here is a psychological relief for all ivolved
Nope it would be this, dimwit. If you can't acknowledge what you see before your very own eyes, you are ignorant beyond belief.


Only ignorant people like you make up fantasies and parade them around as facts. You want to convince me then show me a recording of her writing the word or a link to her admitting she did it. I know racist white boys do stuff like this to a woman because they know they would get their ass kicked if they did it to a man. Thats why they have to have a 10 to 1 ratio to handle a real man.

That picture is not a contrived fantasy. THAT IS DIRECT EVIDENCE! Normal people would call that deductive reasoning. You call that fantasy.

You are completely moronic. All you are is a liberal zealot with no real argument. You argue just to argue. Other than your first sentence, you uttered nothing but gibberish. But you are par for the course... a liberal must find racism in everything. EVERYTHING.

Whats contrived fantasy is your wish that you were a handwriting expert. Thats not direct evidence or deductive reasoning. Thats called speculation. The person who signed the receipt is the one that did it. Thats deductive reasoning.

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