Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

The 'r' in the 'n' word is in cursive. He didn't make one single 'r' in that letter in cursive. He did not write that on the ticket. She did.

THAT is a GREAT catch.

R is usually either or, I don't know people who use BOTH.

Looks like it is the girl, who wrote the N word, she could not have known what HIS handwriting of the letters would be but she would write in a different from her usual manner style.

a signature is consistent with "none".

Interesting. You think she thought about it enough to try and change her handwriting style. Pretty clever.

Do the signatures on the receipt and the letter look the same to you?

Is there an "r" in his name?

This is some high level shit.

Of course she did. Nothing too clever. If she did it, she KNEW it may blow and will be checked and compared to her handwriting. It was HER who made the whole thing public, so she thought about it, including the change of her handwriting. Professional experts can detect that anyway

signature and the word "none" look the same to me.
N word is written in a totally different style.

and the "r" is usually a given, unless, as I said, it is changed on purpose.
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I have done nothing of the kind. I am uncommitted as to what happened in that restaurant. I wait for all the info before I make decisions. It is the liberal in me.

Wow. Did you just say that out loud?

Absolutely. You have an example of me rushing to judgement? Besides the one I made about you after your first day here? That one was spot on, by the way.

Example, please. I'll wait.

I thought you'd never ask.

I'm sure this went over well.
Wow. Did you just say that out loud?

Absolutely. You have an example of me rushing to judgement? Besides the one I made about you after your first day here? That one was spot on, by the way.

Example, please. I'll wait.

I thought you'd never ask.

I'm sure this went over well.

Nope. No rushing to judgement there. Fail.
Regarding what?

Your being wrong? If you haven't already noticed [MENTION=21241]KissMy[/MENTION]:'s post at the top of this page, it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the waitress fabricated the entire thing. And for that she should be fired.

Where has that been proven? Can you link me to where she admitted she faked it?
It's not the customer's handwriting. That much is certain..
CLearly, she is not going to admit to anything.
Why is it so important to you for this charge of racism to be true?
I don't think it was take out since the check says Table 33 and guests (2).

Many restaurants use software that puts a "table number" on all orders. A local pizza place uses it...their takeout orders are always "table 99".

Another possiblity, bad software design.

Not "bad", more like "generic". I don't see the big deal...I kind of like it, actually. When I hear one of the cooks call out, "Order up for 99!", I know my food is ready. :D
Maybe you should stop guessing.

I know what you are led to believe. If I were a thoughtless person who thought he could analyze handwriting.....and was certain that the samples provided were genuine....I might be led to believe the same thing.

But...I prefer my style. I'll wait until I am certain. You should too.

You are never certain. You deny reality constantly. You should also refrain from giving advice. Funny how you called QWB a "thoughtless person" when he mentioned yesterday in this thread he had been a professional handwriting analyst for the better part of 30 years.

Your style is flawed.

He was? First I heard of that. I knew I should have read every post! Dammit!

Listen here, dummy. You now need to find an example of me rushing to judgement or you will have to put yourself on "double-super-duper-secret probation" it is the Templar code!

Normally, that's what you do in a thread, smart alec.

I found you rushing to judgement about Obamacare in another thread, assuming someone's post is "bullshit" without an effective counter. You're a typical liberal leaps before he looks.
Maybe you should stop guessing.

I know what you are led to believe. If I were a thoughtless person who thought he could analyze handwriting.....and was certain that the samples provided were genuine....I might be led to believe the same thing.

But...I prefer my style. I'll wait until I am certain. You should too.

You are never certain. You deny reality constantly. You should also refrain from giving advice. Funny how you called QWB a "thoughtless person" when he mentioned yesterday in this thread he had been a professional handwriting analyst for the better part of 30 years.

Your style is flawed.

He was? First I heard of that. I knew I should have read every post! Dammit!

Listen here, dummy. You now need to find an example of me rushing to judgement or you will have to put yourself on "double-super-duper-secret probation" it is the Templar code!

So now something is ‘true’ because an anonymous poster on an internet message board says it is?

First I’ve heard of that as well…
While the racial slur is uncalled for, she shouldn't have posted it on facebook. I suppose she could have reported it as a hate crime? They both conducted themselves poorly.

if she lied and wrote it herself and then posted it online - how is it that HE is to be blamed as well? in this instance he is totally innocent and actually can sue both her and the Red Lobster for defamation.

Well that's for the lawyers to decide with handwritting analysis or surveilence tape I suppose. He did however refuse to tip her and wrote none, and she was obviously pissed over that. Who can say right now who did what. I always leave some tip even if it's just a penny and even if it's crappy service. If I was THAT unsatisfied with the service, I would have spoken to the manager and /or walked out.
You are never certain. You deny reality constantly. You should also refrain from giving advice. Funny how you called QWB a "thoughtless person" when he mentioned yesterday in this thread he had been a professional handwriting analyst for the better part of 30 years.

Your style is flawed.

He was? First I heard of that. I knew I should have read every post! Dammit!

Listen here, dummy. You now need to find an example of me rushing to judgement or you will have to put yourself on "double-super-duper-secret probation" it is the Templar code!

So now something is ‘true’ because an anonymous poster on an internet message board says it is?

First I’ve heard of that as well…

Same as you claiming you're an expert in case law. All you do is call people's arguments stupid. You don't debate, you spew ad hominem. You liberals proclaim yourselves the so-called "experts on reality" yet we see you all here denying the facts. Face it, you were looking for another excuse to call Southerners and Republicans racist. You act as if this waitress's skin color shields her from any criticism. How amateurish.
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You are never certain. You deny reality constantly. You should also refrain from giving advice. Funny how you called QWB a "thoughtless person" when he mentioned yesterday in this thread he had been a professional handwriting analyst for the better part of 30 years.

Your style is flawed.

He was? First I heard of that. I knew I should have read every post! Dammit!

Listen here, dummy. You now need to find an example of me rushing to judgement or you will have to put yourself on "double-super-duper-secret probation" it is the Templar code!

Normally, that's what you do in a thread, smart alec.

I found you rushing to judgement about Obamacare in another thread, assuming someone's post is "bullshit" without an effective counter. You're a typical liberal leaps before he looks.


You are too stupid to even have fun with. That is not rushing to judgement. You simply do not understand things well enough to make talking to you fun.

Did you read my next post in that thread?

Wading through your failure to comprehend shit is like cutting through a forest of brambles.....only to find that the flower I was after is a fucking McDonalds wrapper.

You have got to learn how to focus.
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I must still not be paying attention. Where is this evidence you speak of? All I see is handwriting in a notebook. To my point if you look at the N in none and the n in his signature they are totally different.

The top and bottom left images are the waitresses handwriting. The top and bottom right images are comparisons between the waitresses handwriting and the customers on an apology letter. The word "******" more closely matches the waitresses handwriting than does the customer's.

Are you that dense?

No I'm just not a handwriting expert. Neither are you so you haven't proved anything except you have an opinion.
No need to be an expert. An expert would be used to detect a forgery.
This one is obvious to the non professional eye.
There are several characteristics of the samples that are clearly different.
Face it. This is going to be proved a hoax..
I already stated its possible that either he or someone else wrote it after the fact. It just doesnt make sense she wrote it and would jeopardize her job over it.

It doesn't make sense why you are continuing to deny our accounts despite the evidence already presented, Asclepias.

There are plenty of people willing to implicate some random person in order to perpetrate a hoax of this nature. Quite frankly, I find it disgusting.

You think it looks like her writing. I dont. Am I supposed to believe you over my own opinion? :lol:

Whether the 'n' word looks like her handwriting is immaterial. The fact that is does not match the customer's handwriting is the focal point.
Therefore there is foul play here. And since the waitress is responsible for that receipt, it is HER fault. Hands down.
The top and bottom left images are the waitresses handwriting. The top and bottom right images are comparisons between the waitresses handwriting and the customers on an apology letter. The word "******" more closely matches the waitresses handwriting than does the customer's.

Are you that dense?

No I'm just not a handwriting expert. Neither are you so you haven't proved anything except you have an opinion.
No need to be an expert. An expert would be used to detect a forgery.
This one is obvious to the non professional eye.
There are several characteristics of the samples that are clearly different.
Face it. This is going to be proved a hoax..

And you know this how as one is written in print and the other in script? The same person can have very different hand writting styles for each. My script is chicken scratch but my printing is very legible.

How this works out will however be interesting. Will this be considered a hate crime if the customer did it? And If it is found that the waitress forged the message will that be considered a hate crime toward the customer?
I already stated its possible that either he or someone else wrote it after the fact. It just doesnt make sense she wrote it and would jeopardize her job over it.

It doesn't make sense that she would pass around information about a customer either, but she clearly did that.

Thats precisely my point. She sent that to her father. He posted it. What does she gain from this? She appears to be pretty religious to top it all off.

SHE violated the policy by releasing the image to the public.
She started a chain of events by either writing the slur herself or having someone write it for her. Fact it. She got pissed off because she did not get a tip on a to go order and she sought vengeance.Now she's into this up to her neck. So she suddenly got religion.
How convenient. And even if she is 'religious'....So what? Is it your implication that religious people are infallible?
He was? First I heard of that. I knew I should have read every post! Dammit!

Listen here, dummy. You now need to find an example of me rushing to judgement or you will have to put yourself on "double-super-duper-secret probation" it is the Templar code!

Normally, that's what you do in a thread, smart alec.

I found you rushing to judgement about Obamacare in another thread, assuming someone's post is "bullshit" without an effective counter. You're a typical liberal leaps before he looks.


You are too stupid to even have fun with. That is not rushing to judgement. You simply do not understand things well enough to make talking to you fun.

Did you read my next post in that thread?

Wading through your failure to comprehend shit is like cutting through a forest of brambles.....only to find that the flower I was after is a fucking McDonalds wrapper.

You have got to learn how to focus.

There you go calling me stupid again. Frankly, I am too smart for you to handle. You and Asclepias both assume the customer wrote that slur on the receipt, and then get angry when your arguments are cast to the wind. You deflect by saying, "I'd rather not jump to conclusions." Such is a typical response from someone on the wrong end of a debate.

And no, you've been on my ignore list for the better part of four months. I usually don't make a habit of responding to people like you.

You have got to learn how to read and interpret facts that don't agree with your prevaricated assumptions.

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