Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Customer Devin Barnes apology letter for writing comparison. The G's, I's, R's & print cursive mixing don't match. The ****** word is slanted, has lower pen pressure & does not match Barnes's writing. Darden Restaurants & that racist waitress owe Mr. Barnes a huge apology & big money for defamation.

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In addition to posting the receipt she also posted the customer's name and address.

Why wasn't her ass fired?

If it's proven she wrote that on the receipt....I'd think the customer would have a very good case against her for defamation....

His case would be against the restaurant under the doctrine of respondeat superior. I hope he nails her ass.

He could sue Darden Restaurants actually because she did this while under their employ.
1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical. In addition, nobody who had been liabled so badly would have been content to send such a mild letter to the restaurant. He would have waited until he was off from work, and have been at the restaurant with his paster/lawyer in a New York second.

2. The waitress' father was wrong to publish the restaurant's name, and lacking good judgment in publishing the customer's signature. It wasn't the restaurant's fault, and the customer might have been George Zimmerman is disguise.

3. Nobody should have been suspended.

4. I have known for 30 years that if you are going to eat at Red Lobster or Olive Garden, you have no taste, or even good judgment. The food sucks, the service stinks, and the prices are ridicules for the low quality food.

Therefore, nobody wins.
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1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical.

Devin Barnes does not hook the bottom of his G's or Y's like the forged G's on the receipt. He also sharply vertically closes his G's unlike the lazy unclosed curve of the forger.
It looks like someone wrote "Serv" in the Total line & then someone else printed "Nig" in front of it.
1. The customer is lying. He wrote the word on the receipt. It would make no sense for anyone else to have done that. I also note that the letter "g" on both the receipt and the letter, in several places, are identical.

Devin Barnes does not hook the bottom of his G's or Y's like the forged G's on the receipt. He also sharply vertically closes his G's unlike the lazy unclosed curve of the forger.

If you say so, Kiss. I'm sure that you are right. Having been born in raised in the South, I can NEVER recall any white person ever insulting a black person. It simply NEVER happens!
A vile hoax!!
A crappy, useless, lazy server who felt entitled to a tip.
Tips are earned.
If you don't earn it......
You don't get it!!!!!!!!!!

Not getting a tip does not mean your customer is racist
Forging the N BOMB and playing the race card makes you a black supremacist.
Racist bitch.

Apparently you didn't bother getting all the facts because this receipt was for a to go order which you don't need to tip on. Furthermore, how do you know she is the one that did this and not someone else at the restaurant playing a trick on her?
Instead Of Standing By Their Employee, Red Lobster Suspends Waitress Who Received 'None N****r' As A Tip -


Red Lobster might really be in trouble this time. We just reported on how a waitress, Tori Christina Jenkins, received ‘None, N****r’ instead of a tip this past weekend from racist customers at the Franklin, TN Red Lobster where she works. Now, instead of standing behind Jenkins, Red Lobster has suspended her, citing a violation of company policy as the reason.

A spokesman for Red Lobster, Mike Bernstein, said in an email to the Huffington Post that suspension with pay is “standard procedure” when company policy is violated. In this case, the violation would be publicly posting a receipt, which Jenkins’ father did, on Facebook, Sunday night, with a status message saying “that we still have much ignorance to overcome.”

What is wrong with scum racists like this customer?

Its certainly no hardship to boycott Red Lobster. Their food is made to appeal to people who like fat, sugar and grease and I haven't eaten there in many years. Never will again.

The sad thing is, after learning about this, more and more scum racists will flock to Red Lobster is some kind SICK solidarity.

I'd take it as a hint that she sucks as a waitress.

nah, that couldn't possibly be. She's black, so the fact that she could suck at it would be racist.

Clearly that ****** is a fucking moron, since the HAND WRITING doesn't match
It looks like someone wrote "Serv" in the Total line & then someone else printed "Nig" in front of it.

Ya had to go and say that, huh?

I mean...some of your handwriting analysis was plausible...until you went and said that. That is rigoddamndiculous.
I'd take it as a hint that she sucks as a waitress.

nah, that couldn't possibly be. She's black, so the fact that she could suck at it would be racist.

Clearly that ****** is a fucking moron, since the HAND WRITING doesn't match

He said the food order was "To Go" so there was no real reason to tip her. Most of the racist people I know are black. She is likely the one who wrote it. I would like to see a sample of her hand writing.
This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

No one has claimed that. But the casual observer can see the differences. An handwriting analyst can do scientific testing and determine if the same hand wrote it just by looking at the pressure. In medical charts they can tell when something has been added because ink changes the paper over time and they can tell a new statement from and old one. I doubt they could on this, but there are other things an expert can do besides just compare letters. A scientific investigation of the receipt will tell the tale. Open. Closed.
If it's proven she wrote that on the receipt....I'd think the customer would have a very good case against her for defamation....

His case would be against the restaurant under the doctrine of respondeat superior. I hope he nails her ass.

He could sue Darden Restaurants actually because she did this while under their employ.

Yes, even if she violated policy. If people go by policy they aren't going to get in trouble, generally. It is people who ignore policy, but are still under the umbrella of the employer. I would bet this isn't the first time she had violated policy if her service was so bad they wouldn't leave a tip. If that is the case, the 'know or should have known' principle comes into play and the doctrine of respondeat superior which means 'let the master answer.'

The worst thing you can do to yourself is to sign the ticket with their pen. He clearly did that and she took it and added to it. I will NEVER use their pen. Ever. That way they can't even ad a '1' to a tip of $5.00 making it $15.00. I worked with people functioning at their base level far to long to be very trusting.
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This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

No one has claimed that. But the casual observer can see the differences. An handwriting analyst can do scientific testing and determine if the same hand wrote it just by looking at the pressure. In medical charts they can tell when something has been added because ink changes the paper over time and they can tell a new statement from and old one. I doubt they could on this, but there are other things an expert can do besides just compare letters. A scientific investigation of the receipt will tell the tale. Open. Closed.

Yes. I know. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express too.
This place is AWESOME. We have handwriting experts!

No one has claimed that. But the casual observer can see the differences. A handwriting analyst can do scientific testing and determine if the same hand wrote it just by looking at the pressure. In medical charts they can tell when something has been added because ink changes the paper over time and they can tell a new statement from and old one. I doubt they could on this, but there are other things an expert can do besides just compare letters. A scientific investigation of the receipt will tell the tale. Open. Closed.

Yes. I know. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express too.

No one has claimed that. But the casual observer can see the differences. A handwriting analyst can do scientific testing and determine if the same hand wrote it just by looking at the pressure. In medical charts they can tell when something has been added because ink changes the paper over time and they can tell a new statement from and old one. I doubt they could on this, but there are other things an expert can do besides just compare letters. A scientific investigation of the receipt will tell the tale. Open. Closed.

Yes. I know. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express too.


You didn't get it?

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