Red states building a nation within a nation

Nope, never been to prison, asswipe.

How the view from Trump's ass?
So you are just into the hairy man ass butt love thing on purpose?

You rainbow warrior you.

Silly Goose!

A good summary of the movement to create a sub-culture (or sub-country really) within America by the right. Basically its another assault by the red states to suppress the rights of Americans within their state borders.. last time being Jim Crow. Everything old is new again, or history repeats itself if you prefer.


Red states are building a nation within a nation - CNNPolitics

"It's not at the level of Jim Crow, or certainly the difference between slave states and free states, but the differences are major," says Jake Grumbach, a University of Washington political scientist who studies divergence among the states. And like Kettl, Grumbach believes the economic and political differences between the red and blue states are on track to only widen.

Seen as a whole, the red states' drive to set their own rules, while blocking any interference from either blue-leaning local governments or a Democratic-controlled federal government, represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction across the South after the Civil War that ultimately led to Jim Crow segregation, Kettl believes. In some respects, he argues, red states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.

For now, Kettl sees the initial red state Republican goal primarily as consolidating these new rules and blocking any interference -- what he calls "an effort to build very high castle walls with a very deep moat." But like Grumbach and other experts on state policy, Kettl is dubious that Republicans will settle for imposing their values solely on the states now under their control. As the red states pursue a more consistent and coordinated course, Kettl predicts that Republicans will "try to impose [this] policy on the nation as a whole" if they achieve the federal power to do so.

Blue states such as California, New York, Illinois and Colorado have moved forcefully over the past two years to expand many of the liberties now under siege in the red states. But congressional Republicans while in the minority have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation on many of these same issues. The new social order red states are now sketching behind their "castle" walls may offer the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.
Kinda like Democrats forcing red states to have gay marriage.
You still trying to remove that brown smudge on your nose from having it buried up Trump's ass, mouth breather?

Guess what? You're out of luck. It's permanent like a tattoo.
What is the turn on with you people when it comes to being attracted to men? Is it the beans and franks you are attracted too because you have the same equipment, or do you just like the taste left in your mouth when are finished servicing your BFF?
A good summary of the movement to create a sub-culture (or sub-country really) within America by the right. Basically its another assault by the red states to suppress the rights of Americans within their state borders.. last time being Jim Crow. Everything old is new again, or history repeats itself if you prefer.


Red states are building a nation within a nation - CNNPolitics

"It's not at the level of Jim Crow, or certainly the difference between slave states and free states, but the differences are major," says Jake Grumbach, a University of Washington political scientist who studies divergence among the states. And like Kettl, Grumbach believes the economic and political differences between the red and blue states are on track to only widen.

Seen as a whole, the red states' drive to set their own rules, while blocking any interference from either blue-leaning local governments or a Democratic-controlled federal government, represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction across the South after the Civil War that ultimately led to Jim Crow segregation, Kettl believes. In some respects, he argues, red states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.

For now, Kettl sees the initial red state Republican goal primarily as consolidating these new rules and blocking any interference -- what he calls "an effort to build very high castle walls with a very deep moat." But like Grumbach and other experts on state policy, Kettl is dubious that Republicans will settle for imposing their values solely on the states now under their control. As the red states pursue a more consistent and coordinated course, Kettl predicts that Republicans will "try to impose [this] policy on the nation as a whole" if they achieve the federal power to do so.

Blue states such as California, New York, Illinois and Colorado have moved forcefully over the past two years to expand many of the liberties now under siege in the red states. But congressional Republicans while in the minority have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation on many of these same issues. The new social order red states are now sketching behind their "castle" walls may offer the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.
Yes the red states will unite and then go hunting for commies...where's my tank?
A good summary of the movement to create a sub-culture (or sub-country really) within America by the right. Basically its another assault by the red states to suppress the rights of Americans within their state borders.. last time being Jim Crow. Everything old is new again, or history repeats itself if you prefer.


Red states are building a nation within a nation - CNNPolitics

"It's not at the level of Jim Crow, or certainly the difference between slave states and free states, but the differences are major," says Jake Grumbach, a University of Washington political scientist who studies divergence among the states. And like Kettl, Grumbach believes the economic and political differences between the red and blue states are on track to only widen.

Seen as a whole, the red states' drive to set their own rules, while blocking any interference from either blue-leaning local governments or a Democratic-controlled federal government, represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction across the South after the Civil War that ultimately led to Jim Crow segregation, Kettl believes. In some respects, he argues, red states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.

For now, Kettl sees the initial red state Republican goal primarily as consolidating these new rules and blocking any interference -- what he calls "an effort to build very high castle walls with a very deep moat." But like Grumbach and other experts on state policy, Kettl is dubious that Republicans will settle for imposing their values solely on the states now under their control. As the red states pursue a more consistent and coordinated course, Kettl predicts that Republicans will "try to impose [this] policy on the nation as a whole" if they achieve the federal power to do so.

Blue states such as California, New York, Illinois and Colorado have moved forcefully over the past two years to expand many of the liberties now under siege in the red states. But congressional Republicans while in the minority have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation on many of these same issues. The new social order red states are now sketching behind their "castle" walls may offer the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.
Jim Crow was a Democrat policy. I can't get past the first couple sentences in your posts before you start lying. Pitiful.
Jim Crow was a Democrat policy. I can't get past the first couple sentences in your posts before you start lying. Pitiful.
These are Republicans now. Who did they support during Jim Crowe?

Said every tyrant ever. Conservatives have no intention of leaving people alone.
Fat Cats Move at a Snail's Pace

Conservatives won't lead the secession; they're too snug in their unearned wealth and too timid to welcome any drastic change, even though things have been changed drastically in a negative way. In fact, their fear of rocking the boat has kept them from stopping cold the changes the Left has made. Maybe they fear they'll be correctly identified as part of the problem if they can't be the ones to lead us.
Awful started after Murray The Kaye flew the Beatles over the first time
That Entire Class Needs to Go Back to the Crumbling Castles of Europe Where It Belongs

Their mop-top hairstyle was copied from what the Preppies were wearing at the time. The hereditary ruling class canceled the rock-and-roll singers for class reasons, not market reasons. Only Elvis survived, because he was too big for them to get away with canceling.

Further proof is that the Beatles changed to long hair only after the Preppies did.
They shut down their states to keep COVID-19 from spreading.
Little Green Corpses

The Globalists' cronyvirus could only survive when auto emissions were lowered by the Killer Lockdown. No one on the Right suggests the plausible idea that "pollution" is antiseptic; that's typical of why both sides must have all power and influence taken away from them.
Very true! The radical left have become a cult of religious zealots, who “cancel” anyone that offends them. Their religion is now the church of Woke.
Meaningless partisan bumper sticker talking points.
The divide is already happening. Blue states will be run by the Party of Transgender Extremism, the red states will be for normal Americans who know what pronouns and bathrooms to use naturally.
You place importance on the stupidest of things. That's what meatheads do. Nothing normal about it.
One group wants to kill babies and keep people from defending themselves. It ain't the red states.
The other group wants to kill Democrats and invade bedrooms and bathrooms for the sake of heeding to some fake Christian purity test brought to you by the most immoral magaturds on the planet. That ain't 'blue' states.

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