Redacted Affadavit officially released

just what do the doetards here think trump wanted with those top secret documents?

it doesn't scare them thinking they are in the hands of a world class ass****?
I can think of one likely reason right out the shoot; Opinion | Jared Kushner's new memoir is an accidental tragedy

BUSINESS! They are already highly invested with foreign governments for their own benefit. Looks like they could have had more to sell after they left office.
What part and proved who wrong?....
The department released the memo on Wednesday following an appeals court ruling from last week that said the document had been improperly withheld from a government watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, that had sued for it.
In a statement Wednesday, the group criticized the memo as presenting a “breathtakingly generous view of the law and facts for Donald Trump.”
“It significantly twists the facts and the law to benefit Donald Trump and does not comport with a serious reading of the law of obstruction of justice or the facts as found by Special Counsel Mueller,” the statement said.

ackson, unsatisfied, came to the opposite conclusion, ruling that the legal advice Barr pointed to wasn’t real: What apparently happened was that the then-attorney general decided to give Trump a pass, and he then had the DOJ cook up an after-the-fact rationalization of the decision Barr had already made.
Late last week, a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Jackson.
All of this matters in the interest of accountability — there’s still some debate over the details of the Russia scandal and Mueller’s findings, so Barr’s public deceptions remain relevant — and also in terms of upcoming disclosures. In fact, in light of Friday’s ruling, we’re now more likely to actually see the hidden memo from March 24, 2019.
That said, the Justice Department, in pursuit of institutional interests, may yet appeal the ruling. Watch this space.
In other words, we find out it was a bs decision to cover for Trump.

Steve Benen

The story Barr told was made up.
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Simple fact, Trump and Barr claimed the report exonerated Trump.

They lied.


And if any of you tards actually read the report, you would know Trump obstructed the investigation.
Barr gave him a free pass. There are no obstruction cases similar, that have ever exonerated anyone, according to the watch dog group, who sued to see the entire memo. .
He was exactly right about Russian collusion... there wasn't any... Mueller failed to find any... if he had Trump would have been charged.... so what are you talking about peach fuzz?....
So said Bill the Bagman Barr. And now we find out that the DOJ lawyers told him to say that lest people get the “wrong “ impression from Mueller’s actual report
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28 pages into this thread and of course, deep in the weeds.

Trump took documents. So what. After what the corrupt and crooked FBI/DOJ put him through, he should have taken everything not nailed down, and I would not blame him. No one like me would blame him. Are you kidding? The corrupt and crooked Obama admin spied on him before he even took office. Are we forgetting all this while you all snip and snap about what was classified or not?

Are we forgetting that Hillary, SoS and NOT president, let all kinds of "top secret" docs fly around unsupervised and James Comey shrugged?

So this is a big So What for me. And none of your pearl clutching is going to change it. So go cry about it; I don't care.
Great argument; so what. :laughing0301:

And then comes her scapegoat offerings; DOJ/FBI/ Hillary. :laughing0301: You are hilariously amateur.
No need to hear him out. The FBI/DOJ released exactly what was expected and Trump was better off before it was released. Now the American people have been informed of the legitimacy of the search and the guilt of Trump.

What could Trump's legal team have been thinking?
From what shithouse did you get your American law degree, duck? You don't even have a Canadian law degree and you feel you are qualified to make judgements on American juris prudence? Try again, moron.

if you dont trust those media reports on it, this is also in the white house archives.
Are you feeling okay? What is that, because it certainly proves nothing. There first is no documented evidence that Trump declassified them, and he can't magically wave a wand after he leaves office to do so. Why would you link some other unrelated subject to look stupid?
From what shithouse did you get your American law degree, duck? You don't even have a Canadian law degree and you feel you are qualified to make judgements on American juris prudence? Try again, moron.
You don't need a law degree to understand how laws are written. Especially the ones related to the Espionage Act. What parts are confusing for you?

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