Redacted Affadavit officially released

Keep posting dumb shit, halfwit. Nobody said that the N.A. has the authority to classify documents, jackass. The point is that your ass friend Trump robbed Top Secret documents from the W.H., took them to his shitty resort & hoarded them in that basement, then lied to the F.B.I. & the N.A. about what he had. Trump no longer has a security clearence & neither do the lackeys he surrounds himself with which means he has no legal authority to possess classified top secrets documents, despite what you've been force fed by your ass buddy's goon squad.
Poor little faggot. Crying and whining because your shit got debunked. As usual for an ass loving retard like you. Trump stole nothing you asshole. Keep spewing your verbal diarrhea. And wipe the spit off mommy’s keyboard.
The only reason your ass buddy Trump wasen't charged with a crime is because it's DOJ's policy not to charge a sitting President even a criminal like Trump, dope.
More lies from the faggot. Mueller stated that policy played NO role in the decision. A lack of evidence did. Try again loser...
More lies from the faggot. Mueller stated that policy played NO role in the decision. A lack of evidence did. Try again loser...
Hey pinhead, it didn't matter one way or another. DOJ would not have prosecuted your ass friend either way, no matter what evidence was there retard. And there was plenty of it if you had the brains to understand what was in the report, dope.
Poor little faggot. Crying and whining because your shit got debunked. As usual for an ass loving retard like you. Trump stole nothing you asshole. Keep spewing your verbal diarrhea. And wipe the spit off mommy’s keyboard.
Hey jerkoff, if Trump robbed nothing why'd he lie to the N.A. & F.B.I., Trump brown noser?

No brains, but you do have a permanent brown smudge on your nose from Trump's ass. Wear it well, Pugsley.
Hey pinhead, it didn't matter one way or another. DOJ would not have prosecuted your ass friend either way, no matter what evidence was there retard. And there was plenty of it if you had the brains to understand what was in the report, dope.
Projecting homosexuality again. There was no evidence. Cry harder.
Hey jerkoff, if Trump robbed nothing why'd he lie to the N.A. & F.B.I., Trump brown noser?

No brains, but you do have a permanent brown smudge on your nose from Trump's ass. Wear it well, Pugsley.
He didn’t lie homo. Letters from those departments showing his full cooperation. Go see Regressive Pervert. He’ll help you with your desire to eat a man’s ass...
just what do the doetards here think trump wanted with those top secret documents?

it doesn't scare them thinking they are in the hands of a world class ass****?

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