Redacted Affadavit officially released

You deserve nothing more, duck. You are not an American and you have no standing. You refuse to take care of the obvious national problems of your own country, choosing instead to try to influence the opinions of Americans. I have done nothing to insult you. Your ignorant arrogance does that all by itself.
Is this a thread about someone on USMB or a thread about the Affidavit? Can you debate that, or do you need to stay with distractions in order to run from this thread?

I'm an American citizen born and bred. Why don't you discuss the substance of the thread with me hot shot? You think you are an American, then prove it.

Get after it. I'll be waiting.

Redacted Affadavit officially released Tell us all about it?

100%! Every Constitutional law expert I heard said he has. All you have to do is read the statute yourself. It's not some ambiguous law jargon that none of us can understand. Very clear text.
So said Bill the Bagman Barr. And now we find out that the DOJ lawyers told him to say that lest people get the “wrong “ impression from Mueller’s actual report
No collusion bucko.... a total waste of your tax dollars... we should make the DNC cover the whole cost....
The department released the memo on Wednesday following an appeals court ruling from last week that said the document had been improperly withheld from a government watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, that had sued for it.
In a statement Wednesday, the group criticized the memo as presenting a “breathtakingly generous view of the law and facts for Donald Trump.”
“It significantly twists the facts and the law to benefit Donald Trump and does not comport with a serious reading of the law of obstruction of justice or the facts as found by Special Counsel Mueller,” the statement said.

ackson, unsatisfied, came to the opposite conclusion, ruling that the legal advice Barr pointed to wasn’t real: What apparently happened was that the then-attorney general decided to give Trump a pass, and he then had the DOJ cook up an after-the-fact rationalization of the decision Barr had already made.
Late last week, a three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with Jackson.
All of this matters in the interest of accountability — there’s still some debate over the details of the Russia scandal and Mueller’s findings, so Barr’s public deceptions remain relevant — and also in terms of upcoming disclosures. In fact, in light of Friday’s ruling, we’re now more likely to actually see the hidden memo from March 24, 2019.
That said, the Justice Department, in pursuit of institutional interests, may yet appeal the ruling. Watch this space.
In other words, we find out it was a bs decision to cover for Trump.

Steve Benen

The story Barr told was made up.
Tells me nothing... if Trump were guilty we would know it because he would have been called into court... you are trying with the help of your fake news hate Trump links turn an innocent verdict into a guilty one out of nothing but spite... its laughable.....
You deserve nothing more, duck. You are not an American and you have no standing. You refuse to take care of the obvious national problems of your own country, choosing instead to try to influence the opinions of Americans. I have done nothing to insult you. Your ignorant arrogance does that all by itself.
Conservatism turns toward nationalism and that becomes ultra-nationalism. You're going to have to start thinking about how Trump has committed treason against your country.

You'll no longer be able to support a fascist leader of the country because it's against the pro-fascist grain that's instilled in you since childhood.
All of it, duck. You just aren't very quick. I've told you for over a year, that you have no standing in US politics or domestic policies.
You've made that request several times and i've denied the request nearly as often. You need to accept my answer. Or obsess on it until the cows come home if that pleases you?
Conservatism turns toward nationalism and that becomes ultra-nationalism. You're going to have to start thinking about how Trump has committed treason against your country.

You'll no longer be able to support a fascist leader of the country because it's against the pro-fascist grain that's instilled in you since childhood.
You are a communist/globalist shill duck. Nationalism is not a bad thing. You globalists have an agenda to make any sort of national patriotism an undesirable thing. I love and support my country. I really don't GAF whether you and every other globalist on earth like it or not. We've dealt with your ilk before. Go ahead and shit on your country all you want, just stay the fuck out of mine.
You've made that request several times and i've denied the request nearly as often. You need to accept my answer. Or obsess on it until the cows come home if that pleases you?
Get used to it duck. As long as you stick your nose in business that is of no concern of yours, I will continue to call it out. The nice thing about it is other Americans on this board know who you are and they will call it out as well. Your obsession (jealousy) of your more successful neighbor will continue because you and a box of animal crackers have the same brain capacity.
You are a communist/globalist shill duck. Nationalism is not a bad thing. You globalists have an agenda to make any sort of national patriotism an undesirable thing. I love and support my country. I really don't GAF whether you and every other globalist on earth like it or not. We've dealt with your ilk before. Go ahead and shit on your country all you want, just stay the fuck out of mine.
Your nationalist feelings can abide a traitor. Trump's criminal behaviour that's coming close to being proven, can't be acceptable to an American who loves his country. Or at least claims to love his country over the criminal.

You're demonstrating your frustration and rage more now than you have in the past.
Everybody is who can see how the law has caught up with him.

However, Trump's prospects are still admirable on account of a fascist can ignore the law by appealing to very large crowds that fall into the 'crowd mentality' trap.

Ask Politicalchic how Hitler was able to rise to power, based on lies and hate for the Jews. Trump's Jews are the immigrants that Americans love to hate.
Trump's criminal behaviour that's coming close to being proven
Like the sham impeachments where Adam Schiff swore up and down he had EVIDENCE? Like that duck. Trump has been insulted and falsely accused worse than any other martyr in the history of this country. You communist scum have tried everything in your very small book to overthrow this country and he has prevailed. Take your ineffective ass down the road. What worked on your mental midget PM, Turdeau will not work here and you will see the result in Nov. Not that it makes a hill of beans. You are a scum enemy of America.
over the criminal.
Link? What has he been convicted of. You have no standing and your opinion means NOTHING.
Everybody is who can see how the law has caught up with him.
So, we can add English language ^^^to the list of subjects that you are grossly ignorant of, eh duck?
immigrants that Americans love to hate.
You are showing your ignorance again, duck. America was built and continues to be built on immigration, legal immigration. I notice Canada has closed its borders to a large segment of the world. What do you have to respond to that, fascist commie duck?
Your nationalist feelings can abide a traitor. Trump's criminal behaviour that's coming close to being proven, can't be acceptable to an American who loves his country. Or at least claims to love his country over the criminal.

You're demonstrating your frustration and rage more now than you have in the past.
Everybody is who can see how the law has caught up with him.

However, Trump's prospects are still admirable on account of a fascist can ignore the law by appealing to very large crowds that fall into the 'crowd mentality' trap.

Ask Politicalchic how Hitler was able to rise to power, based on lies and hate for the Jews. Trump's Jews are the immigrants that Americans love to hate.
It’s named US Message Board for a reason
Like the sham impeachments where Adam Schiff swore up and down he had EVIDENCE? Like that duck. Trump has been insulted and falsely accused worse than any other martyr in the history of this country. You communist scum have tried everything in your very small book to overthrow this country and he has prevailed. Take your ineffective ass down the road. What worked on your mental midget PM, Turdeau will not work here and you will see the result in Nov. Not that it makes a hill of beans. You are a scum enemy of America.
You've gone off again. Let me know when you're feeling better.
I saw the damned thing and its nothing but unreadable black lines. If the DOJ and the FBI think they are in the right how come they blacked the whole thing out?? I'd say its another fuck up by Bidung and those idiots in his administration. Hell Trump did what every other POTUS before him has done. He declassified documents just as they did. Hell the FBI was at his home in Feb. Trump showed them the boxes of documents he had and told them to take what they wanted. They took nothing and just told him to put a new lock on the door where they were stored. He has also sent boxes to the archive. Kinda funny what wasn't a problem in Feb is a problem in August. Another load of horse shit brought to you by the kings of horse shit. The Dems. Trump is pulling in money hand over fist. The mid terms will kick the Dems in the teeth and Trump will win in 2024 just in time to clean up the big fat mess Bidung will be leaving.
Along with all the Pearl clutching and fainting to the couch is the fact that all Presidents retain documents. But, there wasn’t a witch hunt scouring the planet to seize upon and exaggerate any circumstance.
Plus Ohblowme and others don’t like Trump so they won’t be honest and admit that they did also
the trump whitehouse archives is the definitive source of what happened during the Trump administration, and the declassification of crossfire hurricane documents is right there in the white house archives. It is plain as day proof that crossfire hurricane stuff was declassified by Trump.
It should be declassified.

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