Redistribution of wealth... didn't work under Obama

Nope, that was under Trump you fool. The “rich“ got richer under Obama and yet, ironically, the poor loved him the most. Just goes to show you how uninformed most people really are.
The rich got richer under Trump also....and poh rubes loved him enough to go to jail for him and his lies which made them poorer.
Enterprise takes no risk. They screw up and the government takes from the workers to make them whole again.

So says someone who has obviously never funded a business venture. No, buying a lawnmower and cutting grass doesn’t qualify. Small business startups fail daily with substantial financial loss and no substantial government assistance to recover.
The rich got richer under Trump also....and poh rubes loved him enough to go to jail for him and his lies which made them poorer.

Most everyone gained wealth under Trump. Don’t be so naive.
Matthew 26:11-You will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me with you. God Himself declares these words in scripture. The "poor, needy and orphans" will always be among us."
Now let's look at the real problem!!! Over taxation. A corrupt Government. Lazy people, kept lazy by a corrupt Government, in order to buy their votes. Life time pay, and benefits for overpaid corrupt Government officials. Now because of that most American workers have much less expendable income to help the poor.
What about the govt. money given to the rich, why do they not deserve your rage?
Nobody is trying to take from the rich and give to the poor

But why does our tax code favor the rich when they obviously don’t need it?

The wealthy used to bear more of the burden for healthcare, education, public services

They no longer do
That was also during an era when America’s spending was more controlled and not egregious and frivolous. Today, Democrats consider a spending cut to be not the increase they sought in annual spending for a program.
So says someone who has obviously never funded a business venture. No, buying a lawnmower and cutting grass doesn’t qualify. Small business startups fail daily with substantial financial loss and no substantial government assistance to recover.

Small business isn't funded by business ventures. You can try and deflect from my point all you wish.

Auto manufacturers fail and the taxpayers have to bail them out. (Here is where you pretend they did not)

Banks fail and taxpayers have to bail them out. (Here is where you pretend they paid this all back)

Presidents fail and the taxpayers are on the hook to bail out the harmed business (here is where you argue it had to be done).
They also gain wealth during every president, don't be so myopic.

LOL…pure ignorance.

This metric’s performance was downright self-humiliating under uber-RINO G. W. Bush. Across all eight years of his “compassionate conservatism,” median households saw their winnings creep up a paltry $401, or 0.7 percent.

“This means that in the 16 years before the Trump presidency, incomes rose by about $1,500 while in less than three years, middle incomes have risen three times faster,” Moore writes. Indeed, in a bit more than half of his term, Trump’s $5,003 mountain of growth in median household income is 346 percent higher than Bush-Obama’s $1,444 molehill of marginal middle-class earnings.

Income Gap Grows under Trump, Obama — but So What? | National Review
Weird. My current tenant would beg to differ. You don’t know what you are talking about.

You have to deflect to some sort of "small business" argument because you can't address what is actually being discussed. No one is upset over some guy starting up a restaurant.
LOL…pure ignorance.

This metric’s performance was downright self-humiliating under uber-RINO G. W. Bush. Across all eight years of his “compassionate conservatism,” median households saw their winnings creep up a paltry $401, or 0.7 percent.

“This means that in the 16 years before the Trump presidency, incomes rose by about $1,500 while in less than three years, middle incomes have risen three times faster,” Moore writes. Indeed, in a bit more than half of his term, Trump’s $5,003 mountain of growth in median household income is 346 percent higher than Bush-Obama’s $1,444 molehill of marginal middle-class earnings.

Income Gap Grows under Trump, Obama — but So What? | National Review
Now look at the losses under Trump.

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover​

A look at Trump's economic legacy - ABC News › Business › story

Jan 20, 2021 — He has become the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when ...

Trump will have the worst jobs record in modern U.S. history


How Trump's Tariffs Really Affected the U.S. Job Market › chinafinancialmarkets

Jan 28, 2021 — A recent study on U.S.-China trade concludes that Trump's trade policies cost the U.S. economy nearly a quarter million jobs. › business › 2021/01/08

Jan 8, 2021 — President Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. He leaves presiding over the worst labor market ...
Now look at the losses under Trump.

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover​

A look at Trump's economic legacy - ABC News › Business › story

Jan 20, 2021 — He has become the first president since Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression to depart office with fewer jobs in the country than when ...

Trump will have the worst jobs record in modern U.S. history


How Trump's Tariffs Really Affected the U.S. Job Market › chinafinancialmarkets

Jan 28, 2021 — A recent study on U.S.-China trade concludes that Trump's trade policies cost the U.S. economy nearly a quarter million jobs. › business › 2021/01/08

Jan 8, 2021 — President Trump took office at the crest of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. He leaves presiding over the worst labor market ...

COVID ring any bells? Notice when the downturn started? You know this, but it hurts your narrative.
That was also during an era when America’s spending was more controlled and not egregious and frivolous. Today, Democrats consider a spending cut to be not the increase they sought in annual spending for a program.
You mean an era before we had historically low tax rates on the wealthy
Stop spending egregiously and frivolously and trying to justify it ALL as critical because you are going to run out of people to tax.

We have a military that spends more than the next seven nations combined.
All to defend a nation that hasn’t been invaded in 150 years

It all comes down to priorities
There is no wealth without the labor to produce it.

Labor DOES create new ideas, it also designs, develops and implements to fruition

Do you think the owner does all those things?
He hires people to do it
Even in Jesus day "money (capital) answers everything", and, "the laborer is worthy of his pay". Fiat money changed the wealth equation.
The unintended consequences of over-dependence on government provides limited-to-no incentives to be successful. Why would one want to work hard when they get money, housing and benefits for a substantially reduced cost or free?
The big businessmen are concerned with one thing. Having a low wage labor force. That's why they don't like unions, paid vacation, paid sick time, and everything else that helps working people. You know, the real americans, those who bust their butts just to barely hang on.
No .. the businessmen are concerned with turning a profit, and the largest profit they can. Cheaper labor is a contributor to reducing expenses. Unions artificially inflate the value of a job -- like paying common roles exuberate hourly wages.

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