Redistribution of wealth... didn't work under Obama

People stay on welfare because it often pays more than they are able to earn by working.

My point is that no one has to "sell all they have and give to the poor" in order to care for the poor. This isn't 30 A.D.
so Jesus is irrelevant today?


I have mixed feelings on this issue. I speak for millions of Americans when I say that there is something terribly wrong when some people have 10 homes, only live in one or 2 and then on the other hand, we see people sleeping on the sidewalk, in the dead of winter!

But I am not a Marxist, as many posters here know. So what is my solution to the problem?

Here is one solution: People listen to Jesus, who said to give to the poor and then follow Him. It seems to me that would solve the problem if everyone actually did that.

But since most people are not going to do that because if they were, they would be doing it already...

I have no idea how the problem gets solved. And don't ask me how I myself would help the homeless because I help them when I can and I just cannot do much. I've already pared my possessions down...
Trouble is, many of the poor choose to be poor and sponge off everyone else (such as the government) to survive. It's a way of life for them. In order to please me, you have to find a way to filter out the poor who are actually deserving and those who are unwilling to do anything but sponge off of others. Even then, I am against a permanent gravy train. Find those who are deserving and pull them up by their bootstraps but, at some point, they need to become self sufficient. The problem with our society is, the truly needy don't get the adequate help they need because of all the rest who sponge up the resources because they are so lazy. The system is rife with fraud.

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I speak for millions of Americans when I say that there is something terribly wrong when some people have 10 homes, only live in one or 2 and then on the other hand, we see people sleeping on the sidewalk, in the dead of winter!

But I am not a Marxist, as many posters here know. So what is my solution to the problem?

Here is one solution: People listen to Jesus, who said to give to the poor and then follow Him. It seems to me that would solve the problem if everyone actually did that.

But since most people are not going to do that because if they were, they would be doing it already...

I have no idea how the problem gets solved. And don't ask me how I myself would help the homeless because I help them when I can and I just cannot do much. I've already pared my possessions down...

There is nothing with people having boat loads of money and owning 10 homes. It's their money and they can do what they want with it. Like Jeff bezos, people can complain all they want about how much money he has but he earned. He started the company and he brought it up. Even like Paris Hilton is rich as hell but she was given money from her families fortune and it's theirs to do with what they want.

Very few will own most of the wealth because very few are cut out to create it and wield it. It takes a special person with certain luck most people will never have. It's been that way since kings ruled lands.

Too many people expect too much, and too many people think it's not fair they don't have more. Well, that's life and one day they will die and nothing will have ever mattered at all rich or poor you're dead and gone so just enjoy life and do the best you can with it while you have it.

I like super rich people. Super rich people are why we have smart phones, playstation 5, ultra sonic lithotripsy, modern medicine, rockets that go into space, cars, plane trips to Hawaii and so on. If no one was super rich no one would bother doing those things. Their wealth is what drives them to constantly push forward. Without super rich people you wouldn't be sitting on a toilet while flying in a plane in the sky and watching videos on your phone at the same time.

Personal responsibility, ambition, experience, intelligence those things will get you by in life just fine. And you don't need to be rich to be happy. But not everyone has those things, those are the homeless dope heads you worry about. Not everyone is capable of being a billionaire and not everyone is able to be middle class.

Imagine how much better our society could be if we told everyone "you need to work for what you want. You need to try. You need to be responsible for yourself. You need to be smarter" instead of saying "you didn't do anything, but you deserve to have a part of what others have that did do something." I earned what I have and I'm not giving shit to those less fortunate because I worked for it.

If you're so worried about homeless people shouldn't you down size to a one room apartment and sell your stuff you don't need to live so you can give it to the homeless? I know you're not rich but compared to the homeless you're rich. You want the rich to share their wealth but I don't see you saying you'll share yours.
Curious: which countries redistribute wealth? How many have progressive tax rates where close to half of the income earners pay no federal income tax? For example, everybody pays in the Nordic countries, a VAT tax on top of an income tax that just about every employee pays. That ain't redistribution of wealth. Show me a stable and strong economy that redistributes wealth.
Trouble is, many of the poor choose to be poor and sponge off everyone else (such as the government) to survive. It's a way of life for them. In order to please me, you have to find a way to filter out the poor who are actually deserving and those who are unwilling to do anything but sponge off of others. Even then, I am against a permanent gravy train. Find those who are deserving and pull them up by their bootstraps but, at some point, they need to become self sufficient. The problem with our society is, the truly needy don't get the adequate help they need because of all the rest who sponge up the resources because they are so lazy. The system is rife with fraud.
I'm frankly tired of hearing about all these lazy Americans. Some are, but why is it that this group, the poor, are always lumped into one group and things are said about them that.. apply to EVERY SINGLE one of them! Wow... amazing..

Yet when you do that with, say, Black people, saying all Blacks are blah blah blah... people hit the roof.. or when you say "all women are......"

Most of the people I've known on assistance are DISABLED or elderly. I can't say I know much about the welfare system, where single women get $$ to care for their children, but what are we supposed to do, toss them out in the street and tell them to get a job? Then if they do get one, they'd have to get a baby sitter which in some cases would cost half their check...

I mean, some Rs are just extremist on this issue.
There is nothing with people having boat loads of money and owning 10 homes. It's their money and they can do what they want with it.
I've only read this far, but I never said a thing about how it is wrong for people to have 10 homes. However, I will say it now, that it IS wrong to have all that and see people down the street from you who have NOTHING and sleep outside in the winter. They definitely should feel ashamed of themselves if they don't do anything for those people!

How can people who have everything and don't help the less fortunate live with themselves?

If all the well to do people got together in a given city and decided to build low income housing for these people... we wouldn't need to take $$ out of workers' checks... But the rich keep getting richer and NOT sharing while the poor get poorer.. and the poor rich (as in: they feel sorry for themselves for having to pay taxes) people keep hollering about "It's MY money. I earned it.. "


The Bible says "What do you have, that you have not been given?"


Some people are not given much. They have disabilities, or are elderly or both

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I speak for millions of Americans when I say that there is something terribly wrong when some people have 10 homes, only live in one or 2 and then on the other hand, we see people sleeping on the sidewalk, in the dead of winter!

But I am not a Marxist, as many posters here know. So what is my solution to the problem?

Here is one solution: People listen to Jesus, who said to give to the poor and then follow Him. It seems to me that would solve the problem if everyone actually did that.

But since most people are not going to do that because if they were, they would be doing it already...

I have no idea how the problem gets solved. And don't ask me how I myself would help the homeless because I help them when I can and I just cannot do much. I've already pared my possessions down...

Money is not the issue
We have layer upon layer of safety net
Some people simply can not overcome themselves no matter how much they are helped.
Some don't want to.
Nobody is trying to take from the rich and give to the poor

But why does our tax code favor the rich when they obviously don’t need it?

The wealthy used to bear more of the burden for healthcare, education, public services

They no longer do
poor folk are out there catching hell every single day of their lives, it's like they have to go to war every to save their families from the nuclear bomb of capitalism that's about to drop on them. rich folks like Trump & privileged spoiled white boys like me never worked a day in their life

Maybe you should work.
Money is not the issue
We have layer upon layer of safety net
Some people simply can not overcome themselves no matter how much they are helped.
Some don't want to.
How do you know? Did they tell you that?

Show me some real stories. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of opinion... big deal. Everyone has one... :bigbed:
I'm frankly tired of hearing about all these lazy Americans. Some are, but why is it that this group, the poor, are always lumped into one group and things are said about them that.. apply to EVERY SINGLE one of them! Wow... amazing..

Yet when you do that with, say, Black people, saying all Blacks are blah blah blah... people hit the roof.. or when you say "all women are......"

Most of the people I've known on assistance are DISABLED or elderly. I can't say I know much about the welfare system, where single women get $$ to care for their children, but what are we supposed to do, toss them out in the street and tell them to get a job? Then if they do get one, they'd have to get a baby sitter which in some cases would cost half their check...

I mean, some Rs are just extremist on this issue.
I'm just saying that if they are able to work and purposely don't then fuck 'em. There are millions who are gaming the system and doing outright fraud. I've seen much of it myself and have talked to others who are knowledgeable who have seen a lot too. I dated a girl once who was a social worker and day after day after day after day single mothers would come in and apply for more welfare, admitting they had more children for the sole purpose of getting more welfare and they often claimed they didn't know who the fathers were and there was a running joke that these women came in all the time claiming the father was "Dave in Canada".

I've also known many people myself who worked their butts off to claim disability. I also knew a private investigator who investigated questionable worker's compensation cases. They kept him working full time and caught many a people collecting worker's comp for their injuries while also having no trouble doing hard physical work. He took pictures and videos of it all and, as I said, he worked full time and caught many a person. The left claim fraud is minimal but it is not. Probably about 25% of these cases are legit while the other 75% are scamming the government and insurance companies for money that could be given to the truly needy. If we have to take children away from lazy ass single mothers then that's what we should do. Innocent children deserve more than being brought up in generational poverty and the violence that often goes hand in hand with it. We can give the kids back after they get a good enough job to deserve having the kids back. There are jobs everywhere.
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I'm for the government taking a role in providing for equal opportunity and am for a progressive income tax. Did not like the luxury tax on designated items 20 30 years ago, as it most hurt those employed in producing affected items.
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Nobody is trying to take from the rich and give to the poor

But why does our tax code favor the rich when they obviously don’t need it?

The wealthy used to bear more of the burden for healthcare, education, public services

They no longer do
The tax code favors investment, which is much needed from the private sector.

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