Redistribution of wealth... didn't work under Obama

Never before has the typical american worker been as productive as they are today. It's impossible for a good business not to be able to find excellent, work until you drop employees.
The big businessmen are concerned with one thing. Having a low wage labor force. That's why they don't like unions, paid vacation, paid sick time, and everything else that helps working people. You know, the real americans, those who bust their butts just to barely hang on.
Feel free to start your own business.
No matter who tries that collectivist bullshit, it never "works", unless the objective is to fuck people out of their shit to enrich some ruling class assfucker. All of the bullshit "redistribution" the meat puppet faggot did only enriched democrook donors. The working class got a stagnant economy in return.

The jobs came back in spite of the meat puppet faggot. Not because his incompetent management somehow created an avenue for productivity.

Hey, I was in purchasing and business mgt, lived and died by the number to make decisions and evaluations. When seeing the numbers and hearing your emotional unsupported evaluation, I gotta go with the numbers and the trend lines seem to carry upon what was built under Obama, extending all the way into and through Trump's 4 years, until the jobs crash under trump. Now the jobs growth number are back on track and even improving. If you guys don't do something fast to sabotage, Joe could end up rivaling Bill Clinton for jobs creation.
Sorry. I can't see past the numbers. It has been a failing, ever since Business School.
If I own 2 houses does that stop the person living on the street from owning or living in a house? I've always been confused by the narrative that an individual having a lot of wealth somehow keeps someone else from having success. There isn't a finite amount of money or wealth in the world. It's not as if every dollar I amass is taking a dollar from someone else.
That is not the point. I never said we should ditch capitalism (just unfettered capitalism.. but I don't like the way the Ds always want to fetter it..)

My primary point is that if people would just listen to (obey) Jesus, we wouldn't have this massive unbalance in wealth. A lot of Rs act like just anyone can make big $$. Thati is just not true. It looks true, that I will grant you.. it looks true.. But it is not true. Some people are just not capable of.. say, starting up their own business. And then some employers do not w ant to hire people who .. fill in the blanks.. older people, ugly people..

so I guess we should just forget about them... walk over them on the sidewalks on our way to making big bucks on Wall Street.. which reminds me of a story about this very thing... a Wall Streeter years ago.. did this exact thing.. stepped over homeless people on his way to making big money off the stock market. But he, unlike 99% of people (?) one day saw this for what it was: unjust.. and he started up some kind of work to help such people, though I have forgotten the details of that work. I believe he quit his job. I should do a Search on this because.. he was doing what Jesus said to do.

if everyone in the world did that.. I mean if every well off person just gave a measley 10% of their income to help others (combined it with the 10% of others to provide low-cost housing or what have u) ... we would not have the problem of people sleeping on sidewalks and etc.. Rent is ridiculous in most big cities..

So yeh, we can't help thinking how different theworld would be if people just listened to Jesus.. as in: take what He said seriously.

Even the well off don't want people sleeping on sidewalks because it ruins their precious view
Hey, I was in purchasing and business mgt, lived and died by the number to make decisions and evaluations. When seeing the numbers and hearing your emotional unsupported evaluation, I gotta go with the numbers and the trend lines seem to carry upon what was built under Obama, extending all the way into and through Trump's 4 years, until the jobs crash under trump. Now the jobs growth number are back on track and even improving. If you guys don't do something fast to sabotage, Joe could end up rivaling Bill Clinton for jobs creation.
Sorry. I can't see past the numbers. It has been a failing, ever since Business School.
you are delusional to believe this

turn off CNN and MSNBC

I suppose I am in the middle of this issue. The Rs often are extreme about not wanting to help the unfortunates.. and the Ds are on the other extreme, wanting to tax people into poverty themselves

There is a solution that does not require any theft of the govt. As per always, Jesus has the Answer

But no one seems to be listening to Him. Everyone seems to think he or she needs 10 cars and 10 houses even though obviously you can't utilize all those resources at one time.. can't drive more than one car @ a time..

it's sickening how some people have nothing.. and I am not talking about those who use drugs and have lost everything due to irresponsible behavior. But even they are.. What?

human? Aren't they human? Have you ever made a mistake? And what if no one forgave you for it?
poor folk are out there catching hell every single day of their lives, it's like they have to go to war every to save their families from the nuclear bomb of capitalism that's about to drop on them. rich folks like Trump & privileged spoiled white boys like me never worked a day in their life
you are delusional to believe this

turn off CNN and MSNBC

I suppose I am in the middle of this issue. The Rs often are extreme about not wanting to help the unfortunates.. and the Ds are on the other extreme, wanting to tax people into poverty themselves

There is a solution that does not require any theft of the govt. As per always, Jesus has the Answer

But no one seems to be listening to Him. Everyone seems to think he or she needs 10 cars and 10 houses even though obviously you can't utilize all those resources at one time.. can't drive more than one car @ a time..

it's sickening how some people have nothing.. and I am not talking about those who use drugs and have lost everything due to irresponsible behavior. But even they are.. What?

human? Aren't they human? Have you ever made a mistake? And what if no one forgave you for it?
None of those charts I posted came from any of those people. Grow up. Numbers don't lie and more often than not, tell most of the story, whether you like the story or not.

His policies were anti-job

Trump is the one who gave us jobs, even jobs from companies that had been overseas but returned because of

Any cognizant and informed citizen knows full well that the regressive agenda is to usher in the decline of the USA. To undermine our interests, marginalize our sovereignty, stifle or even reverse productivity, prosperity and innovation. That is why our cities are in ruins, thugs run amok, churches are ministered by pedophiles and frauds, schools produce jabbering idiots, and we spent 20 years in Afghanistan for nothing. The democrook party pushes that agenda, and the republicrats for the most part provide token resistance and patronize those of who oppose collective globalism and promote freedom. For the most part the GOP is complicit and their political whores enrich themselves all the same.
Michelle and Barack are on the ocean in multiple homes with the global climate change raising the oceans and the peasants paying trillions of dollars from their meager wages for them in that scam..
Right alongside Clinton, Pelosi, Sanders, Warren and most other politicians who enter politics middle class and quickly become multi millionaires.
poor people from the hood can change and heal the world if only we give them that initial push, the initial seed money, so they use it to become something and do good. me & Obama are gonna ride with poor hood people FOREVER!
Right alongside Clinton, Pelosi, Sanders, Warren and most other politicians who enter politics middle class and quickly become multi millionaires.
Isn't that the goal in america? To become wealthy? If one has lots n lots of money then they have zero worries. Life is a dream. Morals and capitalism cannot coexist. That's just the way it is.
None of those charts I posted came from any of those people. Grow up. Numbers don't lie and more often than not, tell most of the story, whether you like the story or not.
I'd point out that all of your charts and graphs are out of date--2008, 2017 and 2020. Those numbers, and many other benchmarks have changed since 2020 with the vegetable.
Isn't that the goal in america? To become wealthy? If one has lots n lots of money then they have zero worries. Life is a dream. Morals and capitalism cannot coexist. That's just the way it is.
If they practiced what they preached--Hypocrisy is all I see from all of these people when they live in this fashion and then preach to everyone else that they should downsizing to help those less fortunate.
Organized religion ruined this country and others. These so called Jesus lovers show up to church on Sunday pretending to be do gooders, and when they leave, it's Jesus who.
"When the white men came they had the Bible, and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray'. When we looked up we had the Bible and they had the land."
-Desmond Tutu
poor people from the hood can change and heal the world if only we give them that initial push, the initial seed money, so they use it to become something and do good. me & Obama are gonna ride with poor hood people FOREVER!
Black consumers spent over a $Trillion each year, some of which could be invested to improve the quality of life in the hood.

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