Redistribution of wealth... didn't work under Obama

We have a military that spends more than the next seven nations combined.
All to defend a nation that hasn’t been invaded in 150 years

It all comes down to priorities
I’d rather be spending on military as opposed to bullshit line items such as gender studies in Pakistan or how cocaine impacts the sexual behavior of Japanese quails. Scratch shit like this off spending bills then we can take a granular look at the Military.
I’d rather be spending on military as opposed to bullshit line items such as gender studies in Pakistan or how cocaine impacts the sexual behavior of Japanese quails. Scratch shit like this off spending bills then we can take a granular look at the Military.

The gender studies was a back door military program.
The gender studies was a back door military program.
What is your source? Even if it is, tge point is that there are hundreds if not thousands of bullshit line items totaling five to seven digits apiece.

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I speak for millions of Americans when I say that there is something terribly wrong when some people have 10 homes, only live in one or 2 and then on the other hand, we see people sleeping on the sidewalk, in the dead of winter!

But I am not a Marxist, as many posters here know. So what is my solution to the problem?

Here is one solution: People listen to Jesus, who said to give to the poor and then follow Him. It seems to me that would solve the problem if everyone actually did that.

But since most people are not going to do that because if they were, they would be doing it already...

I have no idea how the problem gets solved. And don't ask me how I myself would help the homeless because I help them when I can and I just cannot do much. I've already pared my possessions down...

Biden is attempting to elimimate 'wealth' in the lower and Middle Classes, turn most of America into massive homeless tent cities.

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