Redistribution of wealth... didn't work under Obama

I'm just saying that if they are able to work and purposely don't then fuck 'em. There are millions who are gaming the system and doing outright fraud. I've seen much of it myself and have talked to others who are knowledgeable who have seen a lot too. I dated a girl once who was a social worker and day after day after day after day single mothers would come in and apply for more welfare, admitting they had more children for the sole purpose of getting more welfare and they often claimed they didn't know who the fathers were and there was a running joke that these women came in all the time claiming the father was "Dave in Canada".

I've also known many people myself who worked their butts off to claim disability. I also knew a private investigator who investigated questionable worker's compensation cases. They kept him working full time and caught many a people collecting worker's comp for their injuries while also having no trouble doing hard physical work. He took pictures and videos of it all and, as I said, he worked full time and caught many a person. The left claim fraud is minimal but it is not. Probably about 25% of these cases are legit while the other 75% are scamming the government and insurance companies for money that could be given to the truly needy. If we have to take children away from lazy ass single mothers then that's what we should do. Innocent children deserve more than being brought up in generational poverty and the violence that often goes hand in hand with it. We can give the kids back after they get a good enough job to deserve having the kids back. There are jobs everywhere.
The first part of this made sense, then came the last part.

I know of a family where the children were taken from the welfare mother, but not because she was a bad mother. She was a very good one. But politics entered the picture. It as a corrupt (blue) state that took children so as to sell them to adoptive parents who couldn't adopt babies for whatever reason.. The state made $$ off children taken from welfare mothers. This likely still happens even though this case was many years ago.

You a re out of your mind to say children should be taken from their mothers just bc they are on welfare! In that case, one of the children had a breakdown over being taken away not only from his mother but his siblings who were placed elsewhere... He began committing one crime after another and what's amazing is that this child was once a very loving person, someone who helped his mom raise the other, younger siblings. But once taken from his family, he went berserk... At first he cried and begged the authorities to be given back to his mother but no one listened. They made the mother jump through hoops but even when she did, they kept the kids... Guess where he ended up?

Death Row

the state is terrible at everything, esp raising children.

people believe what they want to believe... all the way to Hell
Actually, you have to rationalize it to make it apply to everyone.

And, we're all going to 'hell', whether in it when buried, or on it when scattered.
The first part of this made sense, then came the last part.

I know of a family where the children were taken from the welfare mother, but not because she was a bad mother. She was a very good one. But politics entered the picture. It as a corrupt (blue) state that took children so as to sell them to adoptive parents who couldn't adopt babies for whatever reason.. The state made $$ off children taken from welfare mothers. This likely still happens even though this case was many years ago.

You a re out of your mind to say children should be taken from their mothers just bc they are on welfare! In that case, one of the children had a breakdown over being taken away not only from his mother but his siblings who were placed elsewhere... He began committing one crime after another and what's amazing is that this child was once a very loving person, someone who helped his mom raise the other, younger siblings. But once taken from his family, he went berserk... At first he cried and begged the authorities to be given back to his mother but no one listened. They made the mother jump through hoops but even when she did, they kept the kids... Guess where he ended up?

Death Row

the state is terrible at everything, esp raising children.
Children deserve more than to be raised up in an environment of generational perpetual poverty and the violence etc, which goes with it. I didn't say every mother on welfare. I was just talking about those who are lazy ass bums who don't want to do anything more in life than to just play the system. Those people are NOT good mothers. They only care about themselves.

His policies were anti-job

Trump is the one who gave us jobs, even jobs from companies that had been overseas but returned because of

If that were true, he wouldn't have lowered the unempolyment rate that Trump took credit for.
Investment creates the jobs.
No it doesn’t

Investment just moves money from one place to another. Jobs will be there regardless

Your investment would be worthless without the labor of others
No it doesn’t

Investment just moves money from one place to another. Jobs will be there regardless

Your investment would be worthless without the labor of others
It is the people staying out of the labor force that are making things worthless.
No it doesn’t

Investment just moves money from one place to another. Jobs will be there regardless
It moves from the bank to the jobsite. Without the money there is no jobsite, or jobs.
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o_O I don't know what to say.
Yes, it is obvious you don’t know
It is labor that creates wealth

Lets hear what Abe has to say

No it doesn’t

Investment just moves money from one place to another. Jobs will be there regardless

Your investment would be worthless without the labor of others

This is absolute nonsense. To say there will be jobs regardless is totally ridiculous, there are no jobs without an employer and there is no employer without investments. Labor does not create new ideas, nor does it design, develop, organize, and implement a business entity to bring an idea to fruition. And all of that requires investment capital, which means investors and banks to start up production and keep it going until it all works or doesn't. And labor takes no risks either if the enterprise fails. They get paid no matter what.
This is absolute nonsense. To say there will be jobs regardless is totally ridiculous, there are no jobs without an employer and there is no employer without investments. Labor does not create new ideas, nor does it design, develop, organize, and implement a business entity to bring an idea to fruition. And all of that requires investment capital, which means investors and banks to start up production and keep it going until it all works or doesn't. And labor takes no risks either if the enterprise fails. They get paid no matter what.

Enterprise takes no risk. They screw up and the government takes from the workers to make them whole again.

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I speak for millions of Americans when I say that there is something terribly wrong when some people have 10 homes, only live in one or 2 and then on the other hand, we see people sleeping on the sidewalk, in the dead of winter!

But I am not a Marxist, as many posters here know. So what is my solution to the problem?

Here is one solution: People listen to Jesus, who said to give to the poor and then follow Him. It seems to me that would solve the problem if everyone actually did that.

But since most people are not going to do that because if they were, they would be doing it already...

I have no idea how the problem gets solved. And don't ask me how I myself would help the homeless because I help them when I can and I just cannot do much. I've already pared my possessions down...
O redistributed wealth to the top 10%. It worked really well for them.

I have mixed feelings on this issue. I speak for millions of Americans when I say that there is something terribly wrong when some people have 10 homes, only live in one or 2 and then on the other hand, we see people sleeping on the sidewalk, in the dead of winter!

But I am not a Marxist, as many posters here know. So what is my solution to the problem?

Here is one solution: People listen to Jesus, who said to give to the poor and then follow Him. It seems to me that would solve the problem if everyone actually did that.

But since most people are not going to do that because if they were, they would be doing it already...

I have no idea how the problem gets solved. And don't ask me how I myself would help the homeless because I help them when I can and I just cannot do much. I've already pared my possessions down...
Matthew 26:11-You will always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me with you. God Himself declares these words in scripture. The "poor, needy and orphans" will always be among us."
Now let's look at the real problem!!! Over taxation. A corrupt Government. Lazy people, kept lazy by a corrupt Government, in order to buy their votes. Life time pay, and benefits for overpaid corrupt Government officials. Now because of that most American workers have much less expendable income to help the poor.
This is absolute nonsense. To say there will be jobs regardless is totally ridiculous, there are no jobs without an employer and there is no employer without investments. Labor does not create new ideas, nor does it design, develop, organize, and implement a business entity to bring an idea to fruition. And all of that requires investment capital, which means investors and banks to start up production and keep it going until it all works or doesn't. And labor takes no risks either if the enterprise fails. They get paid no matter what.
There is no wealth without the labor to produce it.

Labor DOES create new ideas, it also designs, develops and implements to fruition

Do you think the owner does all those things?
He hires people to do it
I must have missed the redistribution of wealth because it went up and not down the social pole.

Nope, that was under Trump you fool. The “rich“ got richer under Obama and yet, ironically, the poor loved him the most. Just goes to show you how uninformed most people really are.

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