Reevaluating Jon Huntsman Jr.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I'm still not decided on who I will support. I've been leaning in different directions over the course of the campaign. Every candidate has things that I like and things that I dislike. So I've told myself I am going to seriously reevaluate all the candidates still in the race.

I've been looking at Jon Huntsman Jr. again. I'm not living in a fantasy world where I believe he is an ideal conservative. Frankly, I find problems with all of the candidates on that regard. But I've been checking out the issues he is actually running on and they are far more conservative than I was expecting. Check out his issues: Jon Huntsman on the Issues: Jobs, Foreign Policy, & More | Huntsman 2012

Now he does have a bit of an ego. And I am not honestly happy about that. But I think maybe the knee jerk rejection of him over a few statement's he has made is not the best idea.

What do you think about the issues he is running on? I'm curious.
You best bet to beat Obama, if he hadn't worked for Obama and wasn't a Mormon. He won't win the southern states in the primaries.
If Republicans would uniformly vote for him he could possibly win, not a chance in hell.
Can someone actually discuss any of the issues? I dont really care what you think his shot against Obama is. I want to know what you think of his issues. Which ones do you support? Which ones are you opposed to?
You best bet to beat Obama, if he hadn't worked for Obama and wasn't white. He won't win the southern states in the primaries.


1. that's stupidity...
2. changing people's quotes is a bannable offense.

It should be. Its sneaky and low down. If you don't like what someone posts, say so but don't change their words.

The pub/baggy candidates who lift phrases out of context and then lie about what was said. They shouldn't get away with it either.
Other than his abortion position (in favor of right to life amendment), and his previous support of for health insurance mandates, he at least seems sane and intelligent. He's the only Republican, other than Paul and Johnson, that I'd consider voting for. Not sure I would, but I'd consider it. He might be better than Obama - and I can't really say that of any of the media favorites.
Honestly after you see and hear Ron Paul it's hard to even consider anyone else... Even if you don't like everything Paul says he is honest and is not a flip flopper... The main issue with everyone else is they lie and they flip flop like mad... It's like who fucking cares if Mitt/Newt/Huntsman/Cain/whoever says something you like, in less than a week they might be adding to that statement in a way that makes it totally opposite to what you once agreed with, bet you can't wait until they do that as President!

Why anyone puts up with that kind of politician is beyond me.

Honest question. Do you really think Newt/Cain/Huntsman/Mitt will even:

Begin to balance the budget in 4 years?

How about end any wars in 4 fucking years?

In fact what are the odds that you think we might enter an whole new war in 4 years?

How much would these new wars cost?

Cut ANY meaningful spending in 4 years?

Repeal the Patriot act?

How about expand it lol?

Actually do anything meaningful with illegal immigration other than give Amnesty?

Newt likes cap and trade! Maybe you do too!? =D Well wait, not anymore!!! Great news lol.

Newt and Mitt like Obama's healthcare system... Or wait, real conservatives mandate stuff in their own states but would never ever do it on the federal level... Is that a fucking joke?

Mitt is the candidate you just don’t like… You don’t wana see him debate Obama nor do you wana see him win, not really. Mitt lies and is a flip flopper...

Newt is the candidate you have to forgive, forgive… and forgive more… The guy that sounds smart so you just have to pretend all the stupid shit you would normally hate in a politician somehow does not exists… Newt lies and is a flip flopper...

Huntsman is still low on the radar, hard to know his positions but he comes off as an asshole, like if you don’t like him it’s because you’re a stupid Republican… Oh shit, did he just say that!? Nope, but we all know he is thinkin it. Not to mention the flip flopping and many liberal positions… Not cuts and blah blah blah… At least Huntsman talks about bringing down the wars, about not starting new wars, but I get the feeling he hates to admit it because he knows it makes him look weak or something...
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Huntsman is a moderate.

A moderate who posed a serious threat to Obama, so Obama cagily neutralized him by drafting him for diplomatic service. Like a patriotic statesman, Huntsman answered the call of his president.

Score one for Obama.

But a loss for the nation going forward.
I think it's very easy to consider other people after listening to Ron Paul.

In fact, i think its easy to consider all the candidates.
Huntsman is a moderate.

A moderate who posed a serious threat to Obama, so Obama cagily neutralized him by drafting him for diplomatic service. Like a patriotic statesman, Huntsman answered the call of his president.

Score one for Obama.

But a loss for the nation going forward.

That’s not how it works. You have to balance a few things… You have to have a base, a meaningful base that likes you or loves you. Then you need to appeal to independents… Huntsman is extremely forgettable. Huntsman is seen as a liberal in his own party and I see no reason for him to pull independents away from Obama.

Anyways, if Huntsman “surges” in the polls I guess we’ll see what happens, this is all my opinion, nothing more. I’m oddly good at predicting things.

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