Referendum on whole Ukraine!


Mar 3, 2014
Since democracy and people's will are highest priority, then why not take referendum on whole Ukraine!
Know that who are Pro-Russia and who are Pro-EU; then divide the country in Eastern Ukraine and Western Ukraine, whose territory sizes will be based on the ratio of the vote.
Afterward, arrange to migrate people as per their wishes; they are free to be in any part as they choose.
This way will save everyone’s face and make everyone happy!:badgrin:
Granny says, "Dat's right - Obama gonna put the screws to Putin till he cries 'Uncle'...
Obama announces sanctions on Russian officials
17 Mar.`14 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Monday froze the U.S. assets of seven Russian officials, including top advisers to President Vladimir Putin, for their support of Crimea's vote to secede from Ukraine. The sanctions are the most comprehensive since the end of the Cold War.
Obama said he was moving to "increase the cost" to Russia, and he warned that more people could face financial punishment. "If Russia continues to interfere in Ukraine, we stand ready to impose further sanctions," Obama said. He added in a brief statement from the White House that he still believes there could be a diplomatic resolution to the crisis and that the sanctions can be calibrated based on whether Russia escalates or pulls back in its involvement.

The Treasury Department also is imposing sanctions on four Ukrainians — including former President Viktor Yanukovych and others who have supported Crimea's separation — under existing authority under a previous Obama order. "We are imposing sanctions on specific individuals responsible for undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of Ukraine. We're making it clear that there are consequences for their actions," Obama said. But he's not going far enough, said Sen. John McCain, just back from a weekend trip to Kiev. "I think Vladimir Putin must be encouraged by the absolute timidity," McCain said on MSNBC. He said of Obama's response, "I don't know how it could have been weaker, besides doing nothing — seven people being sanctioned after naked aggression has taken place."

White House spokesman Jay Carney did not rule out future sanctions against Putin himself. "We have the authorities to more broadly identify individuals and entities in the future, and we will do that as necessary if the costs to Russia need to be increased," Carney said. Officials speaking to reporters on a conference call on the condition they not be quoted by name said those sanctioned are very close to Putin and that the sanctions are "designed to hit close to home." The U.S. announcement came shortly after the European Union announced travel bans and asset freezes on 21 people they have linked to the unrest in Crimea. Obama administration officials say there is some overlap between the U.S. and European list, which wasn't immediately made public. Biden was heading to Europe Monday and Obama plans to go next week. The president said that demonstrating a "solemn commitment to our collective defense" as NATO allies will be at the top of the agenda.

The sanctions were expected after residents in Crimea voted overwhelmingly Sunday in favor of the split. Crimea's parliament on Monday declared the region an independent state. The administration officials say there is some concrete evidence that some ballots for the referendum arrived pre-marked in many cities and "there are massive anomalies in the vote." The officials did not say what that evidence was. The United States, European Union and others say the action violates the Ukrainian constitution and international law and took place in the strategic peninsula under duress of Russian military intervention. Putin maintained that the vote was legal and consistent with the right of self-determination, according to the Kremlin. The administration officials said they will be looking at additional sanctions if Russia moves to annex Crimea or takes other action. Those targeted will have all U.S. assets frozen and no one in the United States can do business with them under Obama's order.


See also:

How U.S. sanctions hope to strike at Putin’s allies without actually targeting Putin
March 17,`14 On Monday, President Obama released a list of individuals sanctioned for their involvement in Crimea's vote to join the Russian Federation. Of the 10 names on the list, seven are Russian.
One person, however, was notable by his absence: Russian President Vladimir Putin. While Putin's name appears three times in the list, U.S. officials have explained that it would be "extraordinary" for them to target a head of state in such a case, despite calls to do so from people such as Bill Browder, one of the key supporters of the Magnitsky Act. The list does strike at Putin, however, by targeting some of his key allies. These people may not be household names in the United States or Western Europe, but they hold real power in Russia, which may not be apparent from the one-line descriptions given by the White House.

For starters, there's Vladislav Surkov, described as a presidential aide to Putin. Surkov is notorious in Russia-watching circles as the theater director who later became a PR man for Mikhail Khodorkovsky. He eventually came to the Kremlin and used his understanding of publicity and image to help sustain and strengthen Putin's presidency, with some even suggesting that he was the real power behind the throne. He was called "Putin's Rasputin" in the London Review of Books, and the "Gray Cardinal" by many others. While he apparently fell out of favor after anti-Putin protests in 2012, he was brought back last fall to help deal with Ukraine and other situations.

Then there's Sergei Glazyev, once a fierce critic of Putin and even a rival to his presidency, who was brought into the president's fold in 2012, and is described as a "Presidential Adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin." Glazyev was tasked with developing the Customs Union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, a precursor to the "Eurasian Union" that is said to be close to Putin's heart. It had been hoped that Ukraine might join the Customs Union, and Glazyev had acted as Putin's main emissary to the country over 2013. He had issued a number of warnings to Ukrainians as the Euromaidan protests progressed.

Leonid Slutsky is a State Duma deputy and chairman of the Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots. Importantly, much of his work involves the treatment of Russians living abroad – the justification for Russian involvement in Crimea, remember – and he has argued that Russia has defeated a Western plot for world domination by taking a stand in Crimea. Andrei Klishas is a member of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation who sponsored a bill this month that would allow Russia to seize the property and assets of foreigners if the West brought sanctions against Moscow. Yelena Mizulina is a State Duma deputy and well-known for supporting a bill banning adoptions of Russian children by Americans, and she also was chief sponsor of the bill outlawing dissemination of LGBT "propaganda" to minors, a key part of the ideological fight against the West.

Since democracy and people's will are highest priority, then why not take referendum on whole Ukraine!
Know that who are Pro-Russia and who are Pro-EU; then divide the country in Eastern Ukraine and Western Ukraine, whose territory sizes will be based on the ratio of the vote.
Afterward, arrange to migrate people as per their wishes; they are free to be in any part as they choose.
This way will save everyone’s face and make everyone happy!:badgrin:

How nice.
You "Yes we can" people need a dose of reality.
Putin did address precisely that on Russia`s State TV, "Russia 1"
Russia 1 Live from Russian fed..
(recorded in German):
He said that if there is any "unrest" in the rest of the Ukraine then he will not hesitate to act.
And after that Putin broadcast Russia 1 ran a program where they explained how Russia could nuke the US into oblivion:
Russland: TV-Moderator fabuliert von Atomschlag gegen USA - Video - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Russland sei in der Lage, die USA in "radioaktive Asche" zu verwandeln.
"Russia has the capability to reduce the US to radioactive ashes."
Doesn`t sound as if they give a shit in Russia what kind of noises Obama is making or worry much about stepping over one of his "red lines".
Face it, Obama wimped out with Iran,Egypt and Syria and Putin knows he`ll wimp out again.
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How much r Putin and his ilk paying u Polarbear? Or r u just experiencing brain freeze...? Our prez finding alternatives to senseless and expensive wars like that in Iraq is certainly not "wimping out"..and his aggressive diplomacy w Iran is de-nuking it PEACEFULLY and has gotten rid of the tyrants in Eqypt and Libya...what the natives of those nations do after we helped them shed Mubarak and Ghaddaffi is up to them...and Obama's moves certainly cost less than the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles...
Our prez has shown courage and wisdom not only in getting OBL without starting another war...but in persisting in finding ways to deal with global crisis without resorting to empty sabre rattling or all out conflict....What would u have him do? Nuke Miscow?

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Since democracy and people's will are highest priority, then why not take referendum on whole Ukraine!
Know that who are Pro-Russia and who are Pro-EU; then divide the country in Eastern Ukraine and Western Ukraine, whose territory sizes will be based on the ratio of the vote.
Afterward, arrange to migrate people as per their wishes; they are free to be in any part as they choose.
This way will save everyone’s face and make everyone happy!:badgrin:

Maybe Korea could show example and vote if North and South should be one instead of broken into two pieces. Or maybe allow South Korea to come into North Korea for a few week or months and be allowed to give their side of story without interference from North Korean military and police. Let South Korea talk on TV and Radio and put messages into newpapers. Let people in North Korea decide if they want to unite with Koreans in the South.
Fair for Ukraine it should be fair for Korea, right?
Ridiculous effort to show equivalency...the Ukrainian people r VERY MUCH INVESTED IN DEMOCRACY... And self determination. That is why they resisted Yanucivich's effort to deny joining the EU in favor of aligning w Putin...and those that demonstrated were willing to die for their choice...unlike the North Koreans, which actually deify their oppressors ...

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