

Jun 25, 2011
Hello all,

I live in Kentucky now but am from the East Coast and have lived in Asia.

I am interested in law, philosophy, economics, basically everything political. I am extremely opinionated but also thick-skinned, and enjoy a good tussle (but not a troll). I also enjoy listening to experts, and have learned a lot from chatboards, so if you're serious I promise to take you seriously. But that doesn't mean I don't have an abundant sense of humor (that's a requirement for being a serious individual, if that makes any sense).

I am politically all over the map: skeptical of both gov't and corporations, frothing at the mouth over Wall Street's takeover of DC, a staunch defender of Federalism AND Civil Rights, a lover of the Supreme Court but a hater of all nine on the bench, an anti-communist who welcomes China's rise, and a globalist who believes in the validity of in-group identification.

But what I am most is a complete internet addict. I think I may have a problem.
Hello all,

I live in Kentucky now but am from the East Coast and have lived in Asia.

I am interested in law, philosophy, economics, basically everything political. I am extremely opinionated but also thick-skinned, and enjoy a good tussle (but not a troll). I also enjoy listening to experts, and have learned a lot from chatboards, so if you're serious I promise to take you seriously. But that doesn't mean I don't have an abundant sense of humor (that's a requirement for being a serious individual, if that makes any sense).

I am politically all over the map: skeptical of both gov't and corporations, frothing at the mouth over Wall Street's takeover of DC, a staunch defender of Federalism AND Civil Rights, a lover of the Supreme Court but a hater of all nine on the bench, an anti-communist who welcomes China's rise, and a globalist who believes in the validity of in-group identification.

But what I am most is a complete internet addict. I think I may have a problem.

Welcome to USMB, Kuros. Everybody here has interests, passions, and gregarious instincts. Glad you came along, and hope that in addition to political chat, you will visit the no-beating-allowed boards, expecially Foxfyre's USMB Coffee House, where everybody goes and leaves politics, anger issues, etc. on the thread they left and just enjoys the lively hiya, guess what just happened to me at the grocery store-type chats. It's the place to either dumb down or re-light your fire before going back to the rw (real world).

You'll do better if you can (1) forget stupid stuff someone said (2) never flame another poster, no matter what, (3) learn something you didn't know on any one of many threads--arts, travel, music, banks, writing, astronomy, gardening, etc. (4) contribute to a no-flame thread 3 times a day in addition to visiting the poltical threads of particular interest to you (5) accept others' opinions with respect as you state your own. You may be roundly ignored, thanked, flamed, or whatever, but you may find a friend or two who has a totally different perspective than your own.

At any rate, good luck, happy posting, and be sure to have plenty of fun along the way.

Ain't America great!!!!
Hello all,

I live in Kentucky now but am from the East Coast and have lived in Asia.

I am interested in law, philosophy, economics, basically everything political. I am extremely opinionated but also thick-skinned, and enjoy a good tussle (but not a troll). I also enjoy listening to experts, and have learned a lot from chatboards, so if you're serious I promise to take you seriously. But that doesn't mean I don't have an abundant sense of humor (that's a requirement for being a serious individual, if that makes any sense).

I am politically all over the map: skeptical of both gov't and corporations, frothing at the mouth over Wall Street's takeover of DC, a staunch defender of Federalism AND Civil Rights, a lover of the Supreme Court but a hater of all nine on the bench, an anti-communist who welcomes China's rise, and a globalist who believes in the validity of in-group identification.

But what I am most is a complete internet addict. I think I may have a problem.

Ahhh, but the real question on everybody's mind is, have you had your shots.........
Hello all,

I live in Kentucky now but am from the East Coast and have lived in Asia.

I am interested in law, philosophy, economics, basically everything political. I am extremely opinionated but also thick-skinned, and enjoy a good tussle (but not a troll). I also enjoy listening to experts, and have learned a lot from chatboards, so if you're serious I promise to take you seriously. But that doesn't mean I don't have an abundant sense of humor (that's a requirement for being a serious individual, if that makes any sense).

I am politically all over the map: skeptical of both gov't and corporations, frothing at the mouth over Wall Street's takeover of DC, a staunch defender of Federalism AND Civil Rights, a lover of the Supreme Court but a hater of all nine on the bench, an anti-communist who welcomes China's rise, and a globalist who believes in the validity of in-group identification.

But what I am most is a complete internet addict. I think I may have a problem.

Don't we all? :eusa_angel:

Welcome to USMB
Welcome to USMB.
Admiting your addicted to the internet is the first step to recovery. Admiting it on a message board, not so much. Welcome.

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