Refute This!

God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses.

How is God not a guess?

Also, which God?

Yahweh? Krishna? Allah? Odin? Zeus? Ik Onkar? (That's the God of the Sihks, the world's fourth largest religion, BTW.)

So imagine you spend your whole life worshiping Jesus, and then you get to heaven and its' the Sihk God without a gender who is in charge.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.

You are using the bible to prove what the bible says?
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses.

How is God not a guess?

Also, which God?

Yahweh? Krishna? Allah? Odin? Zeus? Ik Onkar? (That's the God of the Sihks, the world's fourth largest religion, BTW.)

So imagine you spend your whole life worshiping Jesus, and then you get to heaven and its' the Sihk God without a gender who is in charge.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.
So you must believe the Hebrews were Black if you believe the OT?
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses.

How is God not a guess?

Also, which God?

Yahweh? Krishna? Allah? Odin? Zeus? Ik Onkar? (That's the God of the Sihks, the world's fourth largest religion, BTW.)

So imagine you spend your whole life worshiping Jesus, and then you get to heaven and its' the Sihk God without a gender who is in charge.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.

You are using the bible to prove what the bible says?
Just as someone would use any other ancient documents to prove something. The accuracy of the Old Testament has been verified countless times. In fact, several ancient cities are mentioned. Archeologists have actually used the Bible to help them find these cities, and they were right where the Bible said they were. One of them was Jericho. Guess what. The walls fell outward, just like the Bible said. Others are Sodom and Gamorrah. Guess what. They were destroyed, just like the Bible said. By fire and brimstone.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses.

How is God not a guess?

Also, which God?

Yahweh? Krishna? Allah? Odin? Zeus? Ik Onkar? (That's the God of the Sihks, the world's fourth largest religion, BTW.)

So imagine you spend your whole life worshiping Jesus, and then you get to heaven and its' the Sihk God without a gender who is in charge.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.
So you must believe the Hebrews were Black if you believe the OT?
Where does it say that?
How is God not a guess?

Also, which God?

Yahweh? Krishna? Allah? Odin? Zeus? Ik Onkar? (That's the God of the Sihks, the world's fourth largest religion, BTW.)

So imagine you spend your whole life worshiping Jesus, and then you get to heaven and its' the Sihk God without a gender who is in charge.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.

You are using the bible to prove what the bible says?
Just as someone would use any other ancient documents to prove something. The accuracy of the Old Testament has been verified countless times. In fact, several ancient cities are mentioned. Archeologists have actually used the Bible to help them find these cities, and they were right where the Bible said they were. One of them was Jericho. Guess what. The walls fell outward, just like the Bible said. Others are Sodom and Gamorrah. Guess what. They were destroyed, just like the Bible said. By fire and brimstone.

And the OT says the sun stopped in the sky. Of course, we know that would have meant the Earth stopped rotating. The rotation of the planet is part of equation that creates gravity. There were other cultures living then. Funny that none of them mentions the day gravity stopped working.

And its funny that when a few passages of the bible are verified to exists, you assume the entire book is factual. But you ridicule science for using facts they cannot have seen with their own eyes. That is called hypocrisy.

BTW, when will you offer your evidence of the existence of God?
How is God not a guess?

Also, which God?

Yahweh? Krishna? Allah? Odin? Zeus? Ik Onkar? (That's the God of the Sihks, the world's fourth largest religion, BTW.)

So imagine you spend your whole life worshiping Jesus, and then you get to heaven and its' the Sihk God without a gender who is in charge.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.
So you must believe the Hebrews were Black if you believe the OT?
Where does it say that?
A couple of places. Who founded Egypt and Canaan?
It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.
That's not a "catch-22", it's just a measure self-subsistence. Persistence, overall. DNA evolved, too, as did the proteins it creates.. There is no reason think otherwise.

Simply not true. The first DNA was complex.
The Bible has never been proven wrong about anything. There are also no contradiction about doctrine. Think about that. It was written by about 40 different authors over a 1500 year period and they all agree with each other. Do you have any clue just how impossible that is?
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.
So you must believe the Hebrews were Black if you believe the OT?
Where does it say that?
A couple of places. Who founded Egypt and Canaan?
Chapter and verse, please. Let's see it.
Not true. The bible says jews were in the desert for 40 years but there is not a trace of evidence backing that up.
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.
So you must believe the Hebrews were Black if you believe the OT?
Where does it say that?
A couple of places. Who founded Egypt and Canaan?
Chapter and verse, please. Let's see it.
Lamations 5:10 for starters.

"The famine has blackened our skin as though baked in an oven."

No ones skin turns Black due to famine unless they are very brown skinned like so many African Americans. Thats a medical fact.

Now answer my question. who founded Egypt and Canaan?
Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.
That's not a "catch-22", it's just a measure self-subsistence. Persistence, overall. DNA evolved, too, as did the proteins it creates.. There is no reason think otherwise.

Simply not true. The first DNA was complex.

How do you know that?
Again the PROVEN First LAW of Thermodynamics says, "Energy CANNOT BE CREATED or destroyed.
It cannot be created or destroyed by us. But energy exists. Where did it come from?
Or by YOUR impotent God!!!!

Energy didn't "come from" anywhere and it is not going anywhere, energy IS.
How do you know this? Where is your evidence? It is nothing but a guess, because there is no way of knowing.
Again it is the First Law of Thermodynamics PROVEN by with REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT by James Prescott Joule.
You probably have some electronics plugged into a surge protector rated in "Joules" a unit named after him for his great and famous experiment.
I was referring to the belief that energy has always existed.
According to the proven FLoT, energy cannot be created, which means energy has always existed, and energy cannot be destroyed which means energy will always exist. Taken together they mean energy has always existed and will always exist in the same total quantity, only the form can change.
Get it?
You won't!
What matters is what the Bible says. A persons interpretation of it does not matter. One can only discern Gods truth through the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you understand all of Scripture. If you don't. You can't. That's all that matters.
Well, obviously YOU lack the Holy Spirit!!!
Assuming that the current belief that the universe will continue to expane indefinitely is correct, then it will suffer a heat death.
According to the Third Law of Thermodynamics, there can be no heat death of the universe.
So my assertion that it [energy] was created by God is just as valid as any scientific claims to the contrary.
No, all you have done is call energy "God" and then given it a human personality.
I also mentioned how nothing physical can be eternal, with no beginning and no end. It defies all science and logic.
No it doesn't! It was PROVEN by a repeatable scientific experiment that physical energy has no beginning (can't be created) and has no end (can't be destroyed).
Verse 10. - Was black like an oven. The translation is misleading; there is no real parallel to Lamentations 4:8. Render, gloweth. It is the feverish glow produced by gnawing hunger which is meant. The terrible famine; rather, the burning heat of hunger. Hariri, the humoristic author of the cycle of stories in rhymed Arabic prose and verse, called 'Makamat,' puts into the mouth of his ne'er do well Abu Seid very similar words to describe a famished man -
Sure there is. There is a historical record called the Old Testament.
So you must believe the Hebrews were Black if you believe the OT?
Where does it say that?
A couple of places. Who founded Egypt and Canaan?
Chapter and verse, please. Let's see it.
Lamations 5:10 for starters.

"The famine has blackened our skin as though baked in an oven."

No ones skin turns Black due to famine unless they are very brown skinned like so many African Americans. Thats a medical fact.

Now answer my question. who founded Egypt and Canaan?
I also mentioned how nothing physical can be eternal, with no beginning and no end. It defies all science and logic.
No it doesn't! It was PROVEN by a repeatable scientific experiment that physical energy has no beginning (can't be created) and has no end (can't be destroyed).
It was proven that humans cannot create or destroy energy. You make the assumption that it always existed. There is no evidence for that view. It simply means that scientists do not know where it came from. Can you say that God could not create energy? Just because humans cannot create energy does not mean that someone greater than us cannot. And until you can prove that a Creator does not exist, my claim is just as valid. Neither side has any proof. It requires faith to believe in both. I'm going to ignore you now. Wow. Three in one day. New record.

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