Refute This!

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.
That's not a "catch-22", it's just a measure self-subsistence. Persistence, overall. DNA evolved, too, as did the proteins it creates.. There is no reason think otherwise.
Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?

I don't have credible evidence for any other explanation. I'm not claiming that is exactly what happened. Just that it seems like the most likely theory given the credible evidence I have found. If you have something credible to disprove my little theory, please share.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

You say nothing physical is eternal? What happens to the energy? Does it vanish or change forms?

This is as logical as your claim that the information contained in DNA is neither matter nor energy.
Assuming that the current belief that the universe will continue to expane indefinitely is correct, then it will suffer a heat death. There will be no useable energy. But I was using eternal in the sense of having always existed. Scientists have no idea how or why energy exists. So my assertion that it was created by God is just as valid as any scientific claims to the contrary. Now, about information. My claim is accurate. Information is immaterial. it can be transmitted by many media, including DNA. But the medium is not the information. It's simply a carrier. This is basic information theory. Look it up if you don't believe me.
There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?

I don't have credible evidence for any other explanation. I'm not claiming that is exactly what happened. Just that it seems like the most likely theory given the credible evidence I have found. If you have something credible to disprove my little theory, please share.
Check out the topic I posted. evolution is dead. It explains it all.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

You say nothing physical is eternal? What happens to the energy? Does it vanish or change forms?

This is as logical as your claim that the information contained in DNA is neither matter nor energy.
Assuming that the current belief that the universe will continue to expane indefinitely is correct, then it will suffer a heat death. There will be no useable energy. But I was using eternal in the sense of having always existed. Scientists have no idea how or why energy exists. So my assertion that it was created by God is just as valid as any scientific claims to the contrary. Now, about information. My claim is accurate. Information is immaterial. it can be transmitted by many media, including DNA. But the medium is not the information. It's simply a carrier. This is basic information theory. Look it up if you don't believe me.

I have looked it up and studied it when I was a student. The information is stored by the number and sequence of those little cross pieces in the double helix.

And as for the "eternal" part, nothing actually disappears. It changes form. Matter can be converted into energy. But nothing is gone, it just changed form.
No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?

I don't have credible evidence for any other explanation. I'm not claiming that is exactly what happened. Just that it seems like the most likely theory given the credible evidence I have found. If you have something credible to disprove my little theory, please share.
Check out the topic I posted. evolution is dead. It explains it all.

No, it is not dead. It is the best answer based on facts, not superstition.
No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?

I don't have credible evidence for any other explanation. I'm not claiming that is exactly what happened. Just that it seems like the most likely theory given the credible evidence I have found. If you have something credible to disprove my little theory, please share.
Check out the topic I posted. evolution is dead. It explains it all.

Evolution continues every day.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
So you just simply ignore the law of cause and effect? And where did the laws of physics come from? No matter what crazy ideas you guys come up with, you cannot even begin to explain why anything exists. You're clueless, but refuse to admit it.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?

I don't have credible evidence for any other explanation. I'm not claiming that is exactly what happened. Just that it seems like the most likely theory given the credible evidence I have found. If you have something credible to disprove my little theory, please share.
Check out the topic I posted. evolution is dead. It explains it all.

No, it is not dead. It is the best answer based on facts, not superstition.
BWAHAHAHA! Good one. Enjoy the time you have left. You're in for a rude awakening with eternal consequences. Watch the video. You might learn something.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
So, your only response is to claim that things were different then? LOLOL! Too funny. Do you have any evidence for this fantesy?

I don't have credible evidence for any other explanation. I'm not claiming that is exactly what happened. Just that it seems like the most likely theory given the credible evidence I have found. If you have something credible to disprove my little theory, please share.
Check out the topic I posted. evolution is dead. It explains it all.

Evolution continues every day.
Watch the video.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
So you just simply ignore the law of cause and effect? And where did the laws of physics come from? No matter what crazy ideas you guys come up with, you cannot even begin to explain why anything exists. You're clueless, but refuse to admit it.

Your avatar is one of the most idiotic avatars I have ever seen RWNJ

Idiot avatar

just saying
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
So you just simply ignore the law of cause and effect? And where did the laws of physics come from? No matter what crazy ideas you guys come up with, you cannot even begin to explain why anything exists. You're clueless, but refuse to admit it.

And it's so easy for you to say God did it. No need to bother trying to learn anything more at that point.
Prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it was your particular God that is 'responsible for everything that exists'.
I don't have to prove anything. How about you prove what atheist scientist say? You can't. It all comes down to faith, no matter what you say. Science doean't have the answers. Only speculation.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
So you just simply ignore the law of cause and effect? And where did the laws of physics come from? No matter what crazy ideas you guys come up with, you cannot even begin to explain why anything exists. You're clueless, but refuse to admit it.

I have not ignored cause & effect.
There is far more proof in the science we are explaining to you than there is of the existence of God.
Prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it was your particular God that is 'responsible for everything that exists'.
I don't have to prove anything. How about you prove what atheist scientist say? You can't. It all comes down to faith, no matter what you say. Science doean't have the answers. Only speculation.

Isn't that handy? YOu don't have to prove anything, and yet you require that science prove every single detail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
So you just simply ignore the law of cause and effect? And where did the laws of physics come from? No matter what crazy ideas you guys come up with, you cannot even begin to explain why anything exists. You're clueless, but refuse to admit it.

And it's so easy for you to say God did it. No need to bother trying to learn anything more at that point.
My faith in God is based on evidence. What evidence do you have for evolution? I suggest you watch the video I posted, evolution is dead. It proves that evolution as well as abiogenesis is a false narrative.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.
As I have stated multiple times already, nothing physical can create itself. Also, consider this. Space and time are a part of the physical universe. So where and when did the BB happen if there was no where or when yet? No matter what theories scientists come up with, they cannot escape the reality that the universe requires a cause. That cause must be eternal since you cannot have an infinite regression of causes. What does that leave us? The only rational explanation is a Creator.

The universe does not require a cause. The laws of physics explain the BB quite well. Gravity pulls the matter in, and at a certain point the mass causes an explosion sending the matter outward. The fact that you claim nothing is eternal does not change that.
So you just simply ignore the law of cause and effect? And where did the laws of physics come from? No matter what crazy ideas you guys come up with, you cannot even begin to explain why anything exists. You're clueless, but refuse to admit it.

I have not ignored cause & effect.
There is far more proof in the science we are explaining to you than there is of the existence of God.
WHat proof? Let's see it.

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