Refute This!

Perhaps you should refresh the old noggin of the definition of omnipotent.
Even God cannot change the past.
- Agathon
There is no past as far as God is concerned. And He could change it if He wanted to. But history progresses according to His plan, so why would He want to change anything.
Are you claiming that God cannot do anything he wanted to do? How silly.
That's right, there is nothing in the entire universe more impotent than YOUR God.
That is the truth. Glad to see that you've finally seen the light.
Nothing in the physical universe is eternal. Energy came from somewhere because it cannot be self existent. Someone created it.
Again the PROVEN First LAW of Thermodynamics says, "Energy CANNOT BE CREATED or destroyed.
It cannot be created or destroyed by us. But energy exists. Where did it come from?
Or by YOUR impotent God!!!!

Energy didn't "come from" anywhere and it is not going anywhere, energy IS.
How do you know this? Where is your evidence? It is nothing but a guess, because there is no way of knowing. Can ou prove that, at one point, energy was not created? No. You cannot. You have no idea why it exists. You simply assume that their is no God, in spite of all of the evidence. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. You claim that energy always existed, yet you reject the possibility of an eternal God. Keep believing that. You'll learn the truth one day. Hopefully it won't be too late.
Nothing in the physical universe is eternal. Energy came from somewhere because it cannot be self existent. Someone created it.
Again the PROVEN First LAW of Thermodynamics says, "Energy CANNOT BE CREATED or destroyed.
It cannot be created or destroyed by us. But energy exists. Where did it come from?
Or by YOUR impotent God!!!!

Energy didn't "come from" anywhere and it is not going anywhere, energy IS.
How do you know this? Where is your evidence? It is nothing but a guess, because there is no way of knowing.
Again it is the First Law of Thermodynamics PROVEN by with REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT by James Prescott Joule.
You probably have some electronics plugged into a surge protector rated in "Joules" a unit named after him for his great and famous experiment.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

They have an excuse for that too. "God's time doesn't have to be the same as our time. One day for him might be a thousand years or more for us" See how easy it it when they can just make shit up to justify the crazy shit they believe?
In the original language, the word used for day means a 24 hour day. Jesus confirmed this in the New Testament when he used the word that means the same in the greek, or Aramaic, whichever it was. Can't remember.

Makes no difference. I've heard the above excuse countless times.
In other words, just ignore the facts. Got it.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I will rephrase my remark. It makes no difference to the people that believe Gods time is not necessarily our time. The original language used doesn't matter, logic doesn't matter. It is still their belief.
If God exists, something had to create him.

Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.
And what was responsible for that? Intelligence.

No. It wasn't intelligence. There were extremely intelligent people long before computers were invented. It was more making use of new knowledge
Nothing in the physical universe is eternal. Energy came from somewhere because it cannot be self existent. Someone created it.
Again the PROVEN First LAW of Thermodynamics says, "Energy CANNOT BE CREATED or destroyed.
It cannot be created or destroyed by us. But energy exists. Where did it come from?
Or by YOUR impotent God!!!!

Energy didn't "come from" anywhere and it is not going anywhere, energy IS.
How do you know this? Where is your evidence? It is nothing but a guess, because there is no way of knowing.
Again it is the First Law of Thermodynamics PROVEN by with REPEATABLE EXPERIMENT by James Prescott Joule.
You probably have some electronics plugged into a surge protector rated in "Joules" a unit named after him for his great and famous experiment.
I was referring to the belief that energy has always existed.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

They have an excuse for that too. "God's time doesn't have to be the same as our time. One day for him might be a thousand years or more for us" See how easy it it when they can just make shit up to justify the crazy shit they believe?
In the original language, the word used for day means a 24 hour day. Jesus confirmed this in the New Testament when he used the word that means the same in the greek, or Aramaic, whichever it was. Can't remember.

Makes no difference. I've heard the above excuse countless times.
In other words, just ignore the facts. Got it.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I will rephrase my remark. It makes no difference to the people that believe Gods time is not necessarily our time. The original language used doesn't matter, logic doesn't matter. It is still their belief.
What matters is what the Bible says. A persons interpretation of it does not matter. One can only discern Gods truth through the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you understand all of Scripture. If you don't. You can't. That's all that matters.
Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.
And what was responsible for that? Intelligence.

No. It wasn't intelligence. There were extremely intelligent people long before computers were invented. It was more making use of new knowledge
You completely missed the point. Computers, and the programs that run them would not exist if intelligent people had not created them. The same applies for DNA.
They have an excuse for that too. "God's time doesn't have to be the same as our time. One day for him might be a thousand years or more for us" See how easy it it when they can just make shit up to justify the crazy shit they believe?
In the original language, the word used for day means a 24 hour day. Jesus confirmed this in the New Testament when he used the word that means the same in the greek, or Aramaic, whichever it was. Can't remember.

Makes no difference. I've heard the above excuse countless times.
In other words, just ignore the facts. Got it.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I will rephrase my remark. It makes no difference to the people that believe Gods time is not necessarily our time. The original language used doesn't matter, logic doesn't matter. It is still their belief.
What matters is what the Bible says. A persons interpretation of it does not matter. One can only discern Gods truth through the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you understand all of Scripture. If you don't. You can't. That's all that matters.

If you say so. I'm just not so sure why there are so many different flavors of Christianity. Each group thinks they, and only they are capable of understanding all the scripture.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.
And what was responsible for that? Intelligence.

No. It wasn't intelligence. There were extremely intelligent people long before computers were invented. It was more making use of new knowledge
You completely missed the point. Computers, and the programs that run them would not exist if intelligent people had not created them. The same applies for DNA.

I sense you are looking for an argument on this. Sorry. Not that concerned with the subject right now.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

Are you suggesting there is a grand conspiracy among the world's scientists?

Well, this scientist (Bruce Malone) that no other scientist that doesn't want to challenge him, does believes that there are scientist that are keeping people from knowing the truth. As Bruce Malone said that Evolutionist doesn't wants to tell anyone that the fossils that were found of the horse evolved into a bigger horse were all found in the same sediment. And they have found fossils of fishes swallowing another fish before it has died. Sounds like something had happen suddenly. It is just like as if I had died with a spoon in my mouth.

If the authority of scientists mattered to you, you would accept evolutionary theory, as do nearly all scientists. That being the case, it doesn't much matter if this guy is a scientist, does it?

As for a fish swallowing a fish...sometimes fish die while eating, as they cannot get oxygen or free the animal from their own throats. so they die, and they sink. And if this so-called "scientists" doesn't mention this as the FIRST possibility, then he has zero credibility and should not be taken seriously.

But when they die in that way,that their bodies decays, and turn back into dust. But something had fell on them, smothering the oxygen from these fishes. But heat from the core, had caused the salt in their bodies to crystallized. That burned off the flesh and preserved their bones. Like the time of them bombing Hiroshima. That the explosion only remains of the people that it had left, was salt crystals from the bodies of the victims.

Researcher LM Lewis, in his book Footprints on the Sands of Time, claims: When Hiroshima was being rebuilt, stretches of sandy soil were found to have been atomically changed into a substance resembling a glazed silicon-permeated by a saline crystalloid. Little blocks of this were cut from the mass and sold to tourists as souvenirs of the town – and of an atomic action.Evidence of Nuclear War in the distant Past: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.”

Isaac Newton

Okay, but I don't see where you are going with this...
In the original language, the word used for day means a 24 hour day. Jesus confirmed this in the New Testament when he used the word that means the same in the greek, or Aramaic, whichever it was. Can't remember.

Makes no difference. I've heard the above excuse countless times.
In other words, just ignore the facts. Got it.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I will rephrase my remark. It makes no difference to the people that believe Gods time is not necessarily our time. The original language used doesn't matter, logic doesn't matter. It is still their belief.
What matters is what the Bible says. A persons interpretation of it does not matter. One can only discern Gods truth through the Holy Spirit. If you have the Holy Spirit, you understand all of Scripture. If you don't. You can't. That's all that matters.

If you say so. I'm just not so sure why there are so many different flavors of Christianity. Each group thinks they, and only they are capable of understanding all the scripture.
It is a result of mans sinful nature. BTW, almost all versions of Christianity agree on the core concepts of the Christian faith. The differences are mostly cosmetic and inconsequential. Almost all of them believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He is the only way to salvation. That's really the only thing that matters.
It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.
And what was responsible for that? Intelligence.

No. It wasn't intelligence. There were extremely intelligent people long before computers were invented. It was more making use of new knowledge
You completely missed the point. Computers, and the programs that run them would not exist if intelligent people had not created them. The same applies for DNA.

I sense you are looking for an argument on this. Sorry. Not that concerned with the subject right now.
I graciously accept your unconditional surrender. Have a nice day.

Are you suggesting there is a grand conspiracy among the world's scientists?

Well, this scientist (Bruce Malone) that no other scientist that doesn't want to challenge him, does believes that there are scientist that are keeping people from knowing the truth. As Bruce Malone said that Evolutionist doesn't wants to tell anyone that the fossils that were found of the horse evolved into a bigger horse were all found in the same sediment. And they have found fossils of fishes swallowing another fish before it has died. Sounds like something had happen suddenly. It is just like as if I had died with a spoon in my mouth.

If the authority of scientists mattered to you, you would accept evolutionary theory, as do nearly all scientists. That being the case, it doesn't much matter if this guy is a scientist, does it?

As for a fish swallowing a fish...sometimes fish die while eating, as they cannot get oxygen or free the animal from their own throats. so they die, and they sink. And if this so-called "scientists" doesn't mention this as the FIRST possibility, then he has zero credibility and should not be taken seriously.

But when they die in that way,that their bodies decays, and turn back into dust. But something had fell on them, smothering the oxygen from these fishes. But heat from the core, had caused the salt in their bodies to crystallized. That burned off the flesh and preserved their bones. Like the time of them bombing Hiroshima. That the explosion only remains of the people that it had left, was salt crystals from the bodies of the victims.

Researcher LM Lewis, in his book Footprints on the Sands of Time, claims: When Hiroshima was being rebuilt, stretches of sandy soil were found to have been atomically changed into a substance resembling a glazed silicon-permeated by a saline crystalloid. Little blocks of this were cut from the mass and sold to tourists as souvenirs of the town – and of an atomic action.Evidence of Nuclear War in the distant Past: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.”

Isaac Newton

Okay, but I don't see where you are going with this...

I sees a lot of road kill on the road. But none of them fossilizes. They just turn back into dust overtime. But as it says in the scriptures. When the earth was form, that the earth had spread all over the waters. But a geysers sprouted up, water the top of the earth crust. Creating rivers and lakes. And so their were water on top of the firmament ((Which means a sphere or dome of some sort), and beneath it. But it says during the deluge. That the springs of water underneath the earth burst from the ground. Sounds as if the ground had collapsed into the waters below. And if you look at the ring of fire. That it looks as if the earth once filled the area that the pacific ocean now is. But the earth collapsed because of underwater volcanic activity. That is the only way for the creatures to become fossilized. Because of volcanic activity and water that suddenly cools it down. But when the earth crust sank in the water, it caused the water to push upward, flooding everything. And if you look at the global map. That all the oceans were once occupied by land at one time, that had sank into the water beneath it. That explains why there are so many underwater pyramid that are still intact. Because if a flood comes roaring in from the shore, that it will knock everything over. But the pyramids and cities that are found under the water are intact. As if it just sank straight downwards. Not one of them are tilted over, or upside down.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

There's a Huge Underground Ocean That Could Explain the Origin of Seas
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

If God exists, something had to create him.

Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..
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Are you suggesting there is a grand conspiracy among the world's scientists?
Well, this scientist (Bruce Malone) that no other scientist that doesn't want to challenge him, does believes that there are scientist that are keeping people from knowing the truth. As Bruce Malone said that Evolutionist doesn't wants to tell anyone that the fossils that were found of the horse evolved into a bigger horse were all found in the same sediment. And they have found fossils of fishes swallowing another fish before it has died. Sounds like something had happen suddenly. It is just like as if I had died with a spoon in my mouth.

If the authority of scientists mattered to you, you would accept evolutionary theory, as do nearly all scientists. That being the case, it doesn't much matter if this guy is a scientist, does it?

As for a fish swallowing a fish...sometimes fish die while eating, as they cannot get oxygen or free the animal from their own throats. so they die, and they sink. And if this so-called "scientists" doesn't mention this as the FIRST possibility, then he has zero credibility and should not be taken seriously.

But when they die in that way,that their bodies decays, and turn back into dust. But something had fell on them, smothering the oxygen from these fishes. But heat from the core, had caused the salt in their bodies to crystallized. That burned off the flesh and preserved their bones. Like the time of them bombing Hiroshima. That the explosion only remains of the people that it had left, was salt crystals from the bodies of the victims.

Researcher LM Lewis, in his book Footprints on the Sands of Time, claims: When Hiroshima was being rebuilt, stretches of sandy soil were found to have been atomically changed into a substance resembling a glazed silicon-permeated by a saline crystalloid. Little blocks of this were cut from the mass and sold to tourists as souvenirs of the town – and of an atomic action.Evidence of Nuclear War in the distant Past: The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah


“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.”

Isaac Newton

Okay, but I don't see where you are going with this...

I sees a lot of road kill on the road. But none of them fossilizes. They just turn back into dust overtime. But as it says in the scriptures. When the earth was form, that the earth had spread all over the waters. But a geysers sprouted up, water the top of the earth crust. Creating rivers and lakes. And so their were water on top of the firmament ((Which means a sphere or dome of some sort), and beneath it. But it says during the deluge. That the springs of water underneath the earth burst from the ground. Sounds as if the ground had collapsed into the waters below. And if you look at the ring of fire. That it looks as if the earth once filled the area that the pacific ocean now is. But the earth collapsed because of underwater volcanic activity. That is the only way for the creatures to become fossilized. Because of volcanic activity and water that suddenly cools it down. But when the earth crust sank in the water, it caused the water to push upward, flooding everything. And if you look at the global map. That all the oceans were once occupied by land at one time, that had sank into the water beneath it. That explains why there are so many underwater pyramid that are still intact. Because if a flood comes roaring in from the shore, that it will knock everything over. But the pyramids and cities that are found under the water are intact. As if it just sank straight downwards. Not one them are tilted over, or upside down.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.

There's a Huge Underground Ocean That Could Explain the Origin of Seas

You've never seen roadkill fossilize? And....? Could it be because you haven't been alive that long, and fossilization takes a long time? Have you ever seen nuclear fusion up close? How about, the impacts which caused the craters on the Moon?

You are arguing for a young earth. I'm not going to have that debate with you. But, if you would like to expound on the apparently very vast conspiracy you are implying, post here: Evolution
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If God exists, something had to create him.

Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.
"Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either."

that seems ridiculous, as pond scum already has DNA. Nobody has ever suggested that existing organisms with DNA created the first DNA. how bizarre.

It takes intelligence to form a complex code, or any code for that matter. Just like computer codes, they don't just appear. Read up on the complexity of the DNA code and you'll realize that DNA by chance is a scientific impossibility.

Yes, and not too long ago it was a scientific impossibility for the ability of the worlds largest and most complex computers to be reduced to the size of something called a cell phone.

There has to be an origin for the information in the DNA of the very first live organism. DNA is extremely complex, and cannot poof itself into existence. As with computers of any size they are worthless until they are programed. DNA, same thing. Who was intelligent enough to construct the DNA code that was necessary for life to exist?
Google the DNA of a single celled organism and you'll realize that it could not have happened by chance.
So says science, anyway. Nothing happens by chance. The Theory of Randomness says nothing is random, not even chaos. There is order and patterns even in chaos. And just like DNA, even chaos in it's initial stage has to be programed.
Find the origin of information, and you will find God..

No reason to believe DNA just appeared one day with the complexity it has today. More likely that it started as a random variation on a chemical reaction, or some other natural aspect, and slowly developed through millennia until it advanced to the complexity it is at today, just like every other aspect of evolution.
Problem with that. DNA is an unstable molecule. It requires proteins that detect and correct errors. DNA cannot exist without proteins, but the information to make proteins is in the DNA. Catch 22.

Yes,that is how it exists today.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

You say nothing physical is eternal? What happens to the energy? Does it vanish or change forms?

This is as logical as your claim that the information contained in DNA is neither matter nor energy.

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