Refute This!

God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

Who or what created the Creator?
Let's see...How many times have I answer this stupid question? Too many. You know perfectly well what the answer is. Assuming you haven't lived in a closet your whole life. If not, I assume you know how to use a search engine. Perhaps you should do so.

Perhaps you should answer my "stupid question", otherwise I must conclude you are incapable of doing so.

Q. Who or what created the "Creator".

BTW, I was raised and confirmed Catholic, and patronized the Nuns until I was confirmed, pleasing my mom. Since then, I've adopted the agnostic position and have waited for decades for someone to offer a proof.

Do you believe that the shortest distance between two points is a line?
You claim you were raised Catholic? Then why do you want me to answer a question you should already know the answer to? Besides, I already answered it on this post. Pay attention.

Then you can go to your post, copy the answer and post it here. I'm not going to hunt, and you didn't answer my question ("Do you believe that the shortest distance between two points is a line?'); Hint the answer is not in Euclidean Geometry.
I'm not going to play your game. You know perfectly well who created God. No one did. As for your other question, I refuse to answer, since it is not relevant to this discussion.
Perhaps you should refresh the old noggin of the definition of omnipotent.
Even God cannot change the past.
- Agathon
There is no past as far as God is concerned. And He could change it if He wanted to. But history progresses according to His plan, so why would He want to change anything.
scientists claim that energy has always existed.
Actually they do more than "claim," they have proved with a repeatable experiment that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed." It is called The First Law of Thermodynamics.
They have also proved that nothing physical can be eternal. Since energy cannot be eternal, it must have been created by a process greater than anything the mind of man can possibly conceive. Like an omnipotent God, for instance. It's funny how scientists can give the term eternal to energy, but balk at doing the same for God. Why is that?
That's your opinion. Nothing in the physical universe is eternal. Energy came from somewhere because it cannot be self existent. Someone created it.
It's been nearly an hour and RWNJ has yet to post his PROOF.
Proof of what? Refresh my memory. If I recall correctly, you were challenging the fact that nothing can create itself, or something like that.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
It is also in their laws that energy can only be transferred from one type into another. But they doesn't knows what created the energy in the first place.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

If God exists, something had to create him.

Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
Who or what created the Creator?
Let's see...How many times have I answer this stupid question? Too many. You know perfectly well what the answer is. Assuming you haven't lived in a closet your whole life. If not, I assume you know how to use a search engine. Perhaps you should do so.

Perhaps you should answer my "stupid question", otherwise I must conclude you are incapable of doing so.

Q. Who or what created the "Creator".

BTW, I was raised and confirmed Catholic, and patronized the Nuns until I was confirmed, pleasing my mom. Since then, I've adopted the agnostic position and have waited for decades for someone to offer a proof.

Do you believe that the shortest distance between two points is a line?
You claim you were raised Catholic? Then why do you want me to answer a question you should already know the answer to? Besides, I already answered it on this post. Pay attention.

Then you can go to your post, copy the answer and post it here. I'm not going to hunt, and you didn't answer my question ("Do you believe that the shortest distance between two points is a line?'); Hint the answer is not in Euclidean Geometry.
I'm not going to play your game. You know perfectly well who created God. No one did. As for your other question, I refuse to answer, since it is not relevant to this discussion.
"You know perfectly well who created God. No one did. "

Shaman RWNJ has spoken! (again) Heed his words, all ye who value your eternal souls!
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.

If God exists, something had to create him.

Since single celled amoebas existed in pond scum, something had to create a complex digital DNA code for it to exist. Who created that code of information?
Ask Bill Gates if he believes that pond scum can produce complex computer codes. It can't produce DNA codes either.
"Who created that code of information?"

Nobody did, because people weren't around yet. What an odd question. But, just so you know, selection created that code.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
I also don't see why there would be a conflict between god and science, except that a lot of what theists say goes against science because they cling to their myths so adamantly. But even theists who are theoretical physicists... aren't actually looking for god, something they named "the god particle" notwithstanding.
God is the only rational explanation for why anything exists at all. Science has tried to come up with explanations that exclude a Creator, but they are nothing but guesses. Many, if not all of them, defy science and logic. For instance, some scientists claim that energy has always existed. This is impossible since nothing physical can be eternal. It violates the law of cause and effect. That leaves us with the question of where energy came from. The problem is that it is impossible for something physical to create itself. The only reasonable answer is that someone created it. And don't even bother insulting our intelligence by asking who created God. For one, God is not physical. The laws of physics do not apply to Him. He created them. Bottom line. The universe requires a Creator. Nothing else makes any sense.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

They have an excuse for that too. "God's time doesn't have to be the same as our time. One day for him might be a thousand years or more for us" See how easy it it when they can just make shit up to justify the crazy shit they believe?
This is silly. You can still agree with every accepted scientific theory and say, "God did that!". You should give up this false dichotomy...your attempts to undermine science will always fail.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

Just personal opinions, no science was presented. Plus, it's total nonsense, like Spinal Tap for theists. :lol:
Then perhaps you could tell us where the universe came from. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

They have an excuse for that too. "God's time doesn't have to be the same as our time. One day for him might be a thousand years or more for us" See how easy it it when they can just make shit up to justify the crazy shit they believe?
In the original language, the word used for day means a 24 hour day. Jesus confirmed this in the New Testament when he used the word that means the same in the greek, or Aramaic, whichever it was. Can't remember.
The universe came from the Big Bang. What was before that and how the BB came to be is still unknown. But at least scientists are looking, as opposed to theists, who aren't even looking for any proof.

Most theoretical physicists I've met are theists of one kind or another. There is no conflict between science and some religions, like Judeo-Christian or Taoist or Zen Buddhism.
Correction. There is no conflict between REAL science and some religions.
Science has confirmed that the earth wasn't made in 6 days.

They have an excuse for that too. "God's time doesn't have to be the same as our time. One day for him might be a thousand years or more for us" See how easy it it when they can just make shit up to justify the crazy shit they believe?
In the original language, the word used for day means a 24 hour day. Jesus confirmed this in the New Testament when he used the word that means the same in the greek, or Aramaic, whichever it was. Can't remember.
So the world was still not made in six days, where's the proof?

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