Regarding Hispanic Vote VS Romney;,Don't Most Latinos Live In Deep Blue States ?

Mar 16, 2012

Ever wonder where they are taking the polls regarding how they plan to vote? Take for example Cally and New York. You know its going to be a 75/25 race.
What if you took polls in the 12 or so swing states where the latino block may vary from 15 to 20% of the vote,yet those states have a 70% white base. Most swing states are dominantly white, and odds are at least 65% of whites are going to vote for Romney. Take Pennsylvania and Ohio for instance,both are about 80% white.
In another scenario, if the election were only taken in a state like California, where it may be 33% hispanic and 18% black, who do you think would win?
We need to hope that Rubio goes to Colorado and Nevada and tell them the real truth of "The Obama Hidden Agenda". If uninformed Latinos knew the real truth of what Obama has up his sleeve, they would wake up and vote for Romney.

Ever wonder where they are taking the polls regarding how they plan to vote? Take for example Cally and New York. You know its going to be a 75/25 race.
What if you took polls in the 12 or so swing states where the latino block may vary from 15 to 20% of the vote,yet those states have a 70% white base. Most swing states are dominantly white, and odds are at least 65% of whites are going to vote for Romney. Take Pennsylvania and Ohio for instance,both are about 80% white.
In another scenario, if the election were only taken in a state like California, where it may be 33% hispanic and 18% black, who do you think would win?
We need to hope that Rubio goes to Colorado and Nevada and tell them the real truth of "The Obama Hidden Agenda". If uninformed Latinos knew the real truth of what Obama has up his sleeve, they would wake up and vote for Romney.

no Actually there are large Hispanic Populations all over the place man. The Deep south, NE, Mid west. Are you blind?
i am aware the are in every state, but another thing, are they polling legal or illegal aliens?

Ever wonder where they are taking the polls regarding how they plan to vote? Take for example Cally and New York. You know its going to be a 75/25 race.
What if you took polls in the 12 or so swing states where the latino block may vary from 15 to 20% of the vote,yet those states have a 70% white base. Most swing states are dominantly white, and odds are at least 65% of whites are going to vote for Romney. Take Pennsylvania and Ohio for instance,both are about 80% white.
In another scenario, if the election were only taken in a state like California, where it may be 33% hispanic and 18% black, who do you think would win?
We need to hope that Rubio goes to Colorado and Nevada and tell them the real truth of "The Obama Hidden Agenda". If uninformed Latinos knew the real truth of what Obama has up his sleeve, they would wake up and vote for Romney.

no Actually there are large Hispanic Populations all over the place man. The Deep south, NE, Mid west. Are you blind?

Florida right now within the margin of error meaning TIED.
Real Clear Politics Average of 6 Polls from 5/6 - 7/2 45.0 Romney Vs Obama--46.7 +1.7
With 6.73 million white, 1.073 million black, hispanics 1.239 million - Asians 128K of the

Ohio..Again margin of error meaning TIED.
RCP Average 5/17 - 6/25 -- Romney 43.2 Obama 46.2 +2.6
with 4.910 million white, .606 million black, 64K Hispanic 27K Asian of 4.910 million voters.

The facts are Obama was 67% of hispanic votes in FL/OHIO.


Obama's White Base Shows Cracks Compared With 2008
with florida having a huge gap between white and black voters, it will be an uphill battle for obama, and keeping in mind, seniors vote in the masses.

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