Regarding "No Police". So What Does This Do To Your Real Estate Value?,If You Have No Police Protection, What Is Your Home Or Condo Worth? 0 Dollars?

they haven't brought this up yet, but think about it. Let's say your average 2000 sq. ft. home is worth about $175,000. Near the city. Then all of a sudden, you lose all police protection and criminals can do whatever they want, and you have no one to call for help. Does this mean your home is no longer worth anywhere near what you paid for it?
In these situations crew served defensive positions should increase the property value.
You know, defunding or abolishing the police is a stupid idea. We need law enforcement to keep the citizenry safe, and enforce the laws we have.


Getting rid of the police union and holding the police officers accountable for their actions is a good start. Another good one would be that if an officer is let go for disciplinary reasons, they are no longer allowed to be a police officer in this country ever again. If a person is kicked out of the military for discipline reasons, their reenlistment code on their DD-214 is RE-4, meaning they are not allowed to serve in any of the armed forces ever again.

Hold the police to the same level of accountability that the military functions under.

Its impossible to "get rid" of the police union.

You can do away with collective bargaining , outlaw police strikes, no longer collect dues from payroll and submit them to the union office.

But there is a constitutional problem, Freedom of assembly, with "getting rid" of police unions.

Further, I'm sure that police would still want to be in a position to fight false charges made by the public.
if a person is kicked out of the military for disciplinary reasons, they are never allowed back into the military again
Don't give me that bullshit, or why can't the person possess firearms like every other private citizen? I swear on the Holy Bible, There's a Democrat Commissioned Officer straight out of college riding every conservative recruit's butt.
Same should hold true for police officers, but that isn't the case.
No the civvie cops never lose their gun rights no matter what, do they? It's a little too precious to them and they were a little too vicious in denying it to us.

What about the M.P.s on the beat at the base who take orders straight from Democrat careerist militaries in the C.O. ranks of middle management?

If a person is kicked out of the military for disciplinary reasons, the reenlistment code that is put on their 214 is RE-4, meaning they are not allowed to ever join the military again. And no, an RE-4 doesn't mean that they are no longer allowed to possess guns, it just means they can never serve in the military ever again.

In order for a person to lose their gun rights, they must be convicted at either a summary or general courts martial for a crime that is considered a felony. Then, and only then, can their gun rights be removed, but that is just like anyone else convicted of a felony.

I was a Personnelman for over 20 years in the Navy, yes, I know this stuff as it was part of my job.

As far as following orders? Politics didn't play into it. If it was a lawful order, then I did what I was told. If it was an unlawful order, I told the person issuing it that it wasn't a lawful order and I wouldn't do it. Military personnel are trained on what is and isn't a lawful order.
You know, defunding or abolishing the police is a stupid idea. We need law enforcement to keep the citizenry safe, and enforce the laws we have.


Getting rid of the police union and holding the police officers accountable for their actions is a good start. Another good one would be that if an officer is let go for disciplinary reasons, they are no longer allowed to be a police officer in this country ever again. If a person is kicked out of the military for discipline reasons, their reenlistment code on their DD-214 is RE-4, meaning they are not allowed to serve in any of the armed forces ever again.

Hold the police to the same level of accountability that the military functions under.

Its impossible to "get rid" of the police union.

You can do away with collective bargaining , outlaw police strikes, no longer collect dues from payroll and submit them to the union office.

But there is a constitutional problem, Freedom of assembly, with "getting rid" of police unions.

Further, I'm sure that police would still want to be in a position to fight false charges made by the public.

Well, if they can't get rid of the police unions, then they need to start holding officers accountable, and a good start would be that if a police officer is ever fired for disciplinary reasons, they should never be able to serve as an officer ever again. In the military, if you are kicked out for disciplinary reasons, you can never enlist in the branch you were kicked out of or any other one.
an RE-4 doesn't mean that they are no longer allowed to possess guns, it just means they can never serve in the military ever again.
Anything of that sort means only that you're allowed to possess firearms only to be arrested and convicted for illegal possession of the firearms of which they lied and told you you could possess.
they haven't brought this up yet, but think about it. Let's say your average 2000 sq. ft. home is worth about $175,000. Near the city. Then all of a sudden, you lose all police protection and criminals can do whatever they want, and you have no one to call for help. Does this mean your home is no longer worth anywhere near what you paid for it?
I was wondering about the insurance situation. It cost more to insure a home outside the fire district. For outside the police district does homeowners, fire and theft, liability, health and life insurance go up? I would move.
Yep, that's one of several reasons there is going to be a mass exodus out of the big DEM cities. And it will be those who can afford to leave. Exactly what happened to the inner city Black neighborhoods in the 50s and 60s when the upwardly mobile Black people moved on up to the suburbs.
I kind of think they will be reorganized prior to disbanding, a rose by another name or change of underware without as many skid marks, depending on point of view.
You know, defunding or abolishing the police is a stupid idea. We need law enforcement to keep the citizenry safe, and enforce the laws we have.


Getting rid of the police union and holding the police officers accountable for their actions is a good start. Another good one would be that if an officer is let go for disciplinary reasons, they are no longer allowed to be a police officer in this country ever again. If a person is kicked out of the military for discipline reasons, their reenlistment code on their DD-214 is RE-4, meaning they are not allowed to serve in any of the armed forces ever again.

Hold the police to the same level of accountability that the military functions under.

Its impossible to "get rid" of the police union.

You can do away with collective bargaining , outlaw police strikes, no longer collect dues from payroll and submit them to the union office.

But there is a constitutional problem, Freedom of assembly, with "getting rid" of police unions.

Further, I'm sure that police would still want to be in a position to fight false charges made by the public.

Well, if they can't get rid of the police unions, then they need to start holding officers accountable, and a good start would be that if a police officer is ever fired for disciplinary reasons, they should never be able to serve as an officer ever again. In the military, if you are kicked out for disciplinary reasons, you can never enlist in the branch you were kicked out of or any other one.

The information should certainly be available to departments if someone was fired before, but if the Youngstown PD is cool with hiring someone who got fired in Johnstown or Allentown, they should be able to do it if they want to.

Ex. given. Suppose an officer was fired from the Youngstown PD for racism. Why should that bar him from employment in Coudersport, where there are no black people and thus, no chance of a repeat.
they haven't brought this up yet, but think about it. Let's say your average 2000 sq. ft. home is worth about $175,000. Near the city. Then all of a sudden, you lose all police protection and criminals can do whatever they want, and you have no one to call for help. Does this mean your home is no longer worth anywhere near what you paid for it?

Show me a refund check from the city/state before we talk about defunding.
an RE-4 doesn't mean that they are no longer allowed to possess guns, it just means they can never serve in the military ever again.
Anything of that sort means only that you're allowed to possess firearms only to be arrested and convicted for illegal possession of the firearms of which they lied and told you you could possess.

Wrong. A person's RE code has zero bearing on their 2nd Amendment rights.

The only way they could be removed is via summary or general courts martial conviction for a crime that is considered a felony.
they haven't brought this up yet, but think about it. Let's say your average 2000 sq. ft. home is worth about $175,000. Near the city. Then all of a sudden, you lose all police protection and criminals can do whatever they want, and you have no one to call for help. Does this mean your home is no longer worth anywhere near what you paid for it?

Good luck trying to get someone to insure that bad boy! No Police? Looting and burning at will? Oh yeah! The insurance companies will be lined up to insure things wherever THAT is happening! (eye roll)
As far as following orders? Politics didn't play into it.
It's 100% Democrat then. And there's a Catholic chaplain.
If it was a lawful order, then I did what I was told. If it was an unlawful order, I told the person issuing it that it wasn't a lawful order and I wouldn't do it
You're dicking around riding somebody's butt.
Military personnel are trained on what is and isn't a lawful order
It doesn't matter if it's lawful or not. Are you going to get in trouble for following orders, or bucking the commander? Or rewarded for blowing the whistle? People are are so full of shit here it's not even funny.
Suppose an officer was fired from the Youngstown PD for racism
That's because he isn't jailed in the federal penitentiary on hate crime charges for decades on end like a private citizen would be for the same act.
and the cities that want no police, probably want no one to own guns, right? {well,just those in charge}
You know, defunding or abolishing the police is a stupid idea. We need law enforcement to keep the citizenry safe, and enforce the laws we have.


Getting rid of the police union and holding the police officers accountable for their actions is a good start. Another good one would be that if an officer is let go for disciplinary reasons, they are no longer allowed to be a police officer in this country ever again. If a person is kicked out of the military for discipline reasons, their reenlistment code on their DD-214 is RE-4, meaning they are not allowed to serve in any of the armed forces ever again.

Hold the police to the same level of accountability that the military functions under.
I have no problem with union for collective bargaining or even limited imput on promotions to make sure their is no buddy buddy favoritism (that is rampant in some small non union forces) , but they have no place what so ever being involved in representing police in disciplinary procedures.
I agree wholeheartedly on the spin code idea to keep bad cops from going to the next town down the road or across the country to be bad cops. If their dismissal involved miss-use of a fire arm, they should no longer be allowed to legally own weapons either, by having name automatically updated to homeland defense.
we just vision watching al sharpton making his say about all this.....something like,,,,,,"Weze Much Mich Dat Pole Lice racist bitch like dem whitey cops need to much go home and neva work again in deez projects pohtecting uz people ov cohla"
In many areas you have metal grates on windows and doors. After the police leave, they will put metal grates on the bricks.
they haven't brought this up yet, but think about it. Let's say your average 2000 sq. ft. home is worth about $175,000. Near the city. Then all of a sudden, you lose all police protection and criminals can do whatever they want, and you have no one to call for help. Does this mean your home is no longer worth anywhere near what you paid for it?
So lets say they do get rid of the police force, how will the liberal if they take power get all the guns away from the law abiding citizens? Use the military? Hmmm, where did i hear that the government shouldnt use the military on its own citizens?
In many areas you have metal grates on windows and doors. After the police leave, they will put metal grates on the bricks.
with the police gone, i can see a major increase in bear traps/painful booby traps
You know, defunding abolishing the police is a stupid idea. We need law enforcement to keep the citizenry safe, and enforce the laws we have.


Getting rid of the police union and holding the police officers accountable for their actions is a good start. Another good one would be that if an officer is let go for disciplinary reasons, they are no longer allowed to be a police officer in this country ever again. If a person is kicked out of the military for discipline reasons, their reenlistment code on their DD-214 is RE-4, meaning they are not allowed to serve in any of the armed forces ever again.

Hold the police to the same level of accountability that the military functions under.
I thought liberals loved their unions? Are you saying that unions are corrupt?

The police need to be unionized.
All units are corrupt to a certain extent.
they haven't brought this up yet, but think about it. Let's say your average 2000 sq. ft. home is worth about $175,000. Near the city. Then all of a sudden, you lose all police protection and criminals can do whatever they want, and you have no one to call for help. Does this mean your home is no longer worth anywhere near what you paid for it?

It's a great idea that will depopulate democrat urban centers far quicker than an actual pandemic.
so no cops? OK,,,so when u see three men, in the middle of the night.,.walking around your home with those 2 gallon gas containers,,,,who do u call?

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