Regarding the Moon Landings-Must see video

Our good friends the Soviets tracked the Apollo missions all the way from take off to landing on the surface and return. There is no way to fake the radio signals which are easy to track to a specific location in space.

Are you saying the Soviets were in on the conspiracy too?
Gee I guess those satellites that have been in orbit around the earth for decades must have some great fuel supply. Or maybe it's just the fact that once an object is moving in space it no longer needs power except to change it's direction or slow it down?

The moon landings are real, the footage is real.
:clap2: some people can't deal with fact even when it bitch slaps them.

Fact is a word that does not fit this subject. What FACT can you represent? You can't because the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there.

All we know that is a rocket was launched and left earths orbit. We can't see beyond that point.

So slap me in the face with some facts bud.

Duh, because they said so on T.V. Stashman, and I even saw a video.
ok....fact several of the Apollo missions left laser reflectors on the moon they are used to calculate the distance between earth and the moon.
if the missions were faked how did they get there.?
BTW using you so called logic ,if the moon missions were faked then it follows that the Mercury, Gemini, shuttle, Hubble, and all other space endeavors were faked too.
so you think the guys who were there are lying...
also using you faulty logic : " the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there." you must also believe that everything that ever happened ,big or small didn't happen because YOU did not wittiness it!
ollie the first earth satellite was sputnik and it was launched in 1957.

If i am wrong than show me.

did you not try to say that the apollo flights did not have enough fuel to get to the moon and back?

The fact is that they only needed the fuel to get out of earths atmosphere and guide the ship for any corrections. Land on the moon and come back. There is no fuel needed to move through empty space. Or are you denying this?

Facts, don't you just love them?

The moon landings are real.

here's a fact for you. Debate this one with me ollie. Lol!

“it is commonly believed that man will fly directly from the earth to the moon, but to do this, we would require a vehicle of such gigantic proportions that it would prove an economic impossibility. It would have to develop sufficient speed to penetrate the atmosphere and overcome the earth’s gravity and, having traveled all the way to the moon, it must still have enough fuel to land safely and make the return trip to earth. Furthermore, in order to give the expedition a margin of safety, we would not use one ship alone, but a minimum of three … each rocket ship would be taller than new york’s empire state building [almost ¼ mile high] and weigh about ten times the tonnage of the queen mary, or some 800,000 tons.”

wernher von braun, the father of the apollo space program, writing in conquest of the moon
obviously von braun was wrong!
After Aldren punched the guy, were there any repercussions?
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After Aldren punched the guy, were there any reppercussions?
CNN interviewed the hosts of the show "Mythbusters" about the conspiracy theorists who believe the Apollo Moon landing was faked, and the their extensive efforts debunking the claims of the Moon landing deniers.

However, buried towards the end of the interview is a gem of video of Buzz Aldrin, famously one of the first astronauts to walk on the Moon, being confronted by one of these moon landing skeptics several years ago. The man angrily calls Aldrin a "coward" and a "liar." Aldrin tells the man to get away from him, and when he refuses, Aldrin promptly punches him in the face.

The conspiracy theorist tried to sue Aldrin but the judge threw out the case.
:clap2: some people can't deal with fact even when it bitch slaps them.

Fact is a word that does not fit this subject. What FACT can you represent? You can't because the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there.

All we know that is a rocket was launched and left earths orbit. We can't see beyond that point.

So slap me in the face with some facts bud.

Duh, because they said so on T.V. Stashman, and I even saw a video.
ok....fact several of the Apollo missions left laser reflectors on the moon they are used to calculate the distance between earth and the moon.
if the missions were faked how did they get there.?
BTW using you so called logic ,if the moon missions were faked then it follows that the Mercury, Gemini, shuttle, Hubble, and all other space endeavors were faked too.
so you think the guys who were there are lying...
also using you faulty logic : " the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there." you must also believe that everything that ever happened ,big or small didn't happen because YOU did not wittiness it!

How do you know this. Oh yeah, because the very people involved in the conspiracy say so. Wonder why they would say that?
The reason that I do not believe is not because I was not there to witness it, but because there is far more evidence that says we didn't than that we did. It's called researching both sides, and you really should try it.

If we were able to put man on the moon in 1969 as easily as you say, than why have we not returned? Why hasn't any other country been there? It seems to me that if we had gone to the moon than we would have chosen it to place the space station.

Those who say that it did happen point to the moon rocks often. I submit this article from the BBC to you.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed
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CNN interviewed the hosts of the show "Mythbusters" about the conspiracy theorists who believe the Apollo Moon landing was faked, and the their extensive efforts debunking the claims of the Moon landing deniers.

Now there's real scientist. So you believe the guys on Mythbusters, yet say the father of the Apollo missions was wrong? :cuckoo:
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CNN interviewed the hosts of the show "Mythbusters" about the conspiracy theorists who believe the Apollo Moon landing was faked, and the their extensive efforts debunking the claims of the Moon landing deniers.

Now there's real scientist. So you believe the guys on Mythbusters, yet say the father of the Apollo missions was wrong? :cuckoo:

Hint: He was wrong

Millions saw the Saturn V rocket take off. Von Braun himself led the Saturn V effort he must not have thought it was impossible
Fact is a word that does not fit this subject. What FACT can you represent? You can't because the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there.

All we know that is a rocket was launched and left earths orbit. We can't see beyond that point.

So slap me in the face with some facts bud.

Duh, because they said so on T.V. Stashman, and I even saw a video.
ok....fact several of the Apollo missions left laser reflectors on the moon they are used to calculate the distance between earth and the moon.
if the missions were faked how did they get there.?
BTW using you so called logic ,if the moon missions were faked then it follows that the Mercury, Gemini, shuttle, Hubble, and all other space endeavors were faked too.
so you think the guys who were there are lying...
also using you faulty logic : " the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there." you must also believe that everything that ever happened ,big or small didn't happen because YOU did not wittiness it!

How do you know this. Oh yeah, because the very people involved in the conspiracy say so. Wonder why they would say that?
The reason that I do not believe is not because I was not there to witness it, but because there is far more evidence that says we didn't than that we did. It's called researching both sides, and you really should try it.

If we were able to put man on the moon in 1969 as easily as you say, than why have we not returned? Why hasn't any other country been there? It seems to me that if we had gone to the moon than we would have chosen it to place the space station.

Those who say that it did happen point to the moon rocks often. I submit this article from the BBC to you.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed

Can you address the question about the reflectors put on the moon? It seems like a valid point. If we have never been there, how do you explain this quote: What Neil & Buzz Left on the Moon - NASA Science
University of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project's principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today. "Using these mirrors," explains Alley, "we can 'ping' the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely. This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon's orbit and to test theories of gravity."
or this one: How Scientists Use Reflectors On The Moon
Both USA and Russia have left reflectors on the Moon. Reflectors are used by NASA as part of its lunar laser ranging experiment to measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon. These reflectors were initially placed on the lunar surface by the Apollo missions, namely Apollo 11, 14 and 15. Apollo 11 left a reflector array consisting of 100 retro-reflectors as did Apollo14, whereas the Apollo 15 reflector array had 300 retro-reflectors.

So, in your opinion, these scientists are continuing to produce "fake" research based on the "fake" reflectors even to this day?
ok....fact several of the Apollo missions left laser reflectors on the moon they are used to calculate the distance between earth and the moon.
if the missions were faked how did they get there.?
BTW using you so called logic ,if the moon missions were faked then it follows that the Mercury, Gemini, shuttle, Hubble, and all other space endeavors were faked too.
so you think the guys who were there are lying...
also using you faulty logic : " the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there." you must also believe that everything that ever happened ,big or small didn't happen because YOU did not wittiness it!

How do you know this. Oh yeah, because the very people involved in the conspiracy say so. Wonder why they would say that?
The reason that I do not believe is not because I was not there to witness it, but because there is far more evidence that says we didn't than that we did. It's called researching both sides, and you really should try it.

If we were able to put man on the moon in 1969 as easily as you say, than why have we not returned? Why hasn't any other country been there? It seems to me that if we had gone to the moon than we would have chosen it to place the space station.

Those who say that it did happen point to the moon rocks often. I submit this article from the BBC to you.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed

Can you address the question about the reflectors put on the moon? It seems like a valid point. If we have never been there, how do you explain this quote: What Neil & Buzz Left on the Moon - NASA Science
University of Maryland physics professor Carroll Alley was the project's principal investigator during the Apollo years, and he follows its progress today. "Using these mirrors," explains Alley, "we can 'ping' the moon with laser pulses and measure the Earth-moon distance very precisely. This is a wonderful way to learn about the moon's orbit and to test theories of gravity."
or this one: How Scientists Use Reflectors On The Moon
Both USA and Russia have left reflectors on the Moon. Reflectors are used by NASA as part of its lunar laser ranging experiment to measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon. These reflectors were initially placed on the lunar surface by the Apollo missions, namely Apollo 11, 14 and 15. Apollo 11 left a reflector array consisting of 100 retro-reflectors as did Apollo14, whereas the Apollo 15 reflector array had 300 retro-reflectors.

So, in your opinion, these scientists are continuing to produce "fake" research based on the "fake" reflectors even to this day?

Not at all. Just because they are there do not mean they were placed there with a manned mission. In 1970 Russia sent the Luna 17 unmanned craft to the moon that left reflector arrays. This brings up two questions:

1. Could we not have used unmanned craft just as they did to leave those reflectors?

2. If Russia used an unmanned craft to leave their reflectors why did they not just use a manned craft, and land on the moon themselves?

The assumption by many that the Russians did not land on the moon because we had already done so makes 0 sense. That's like Russia saying that America has already created the atom bomb so why should they.
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CNN interviewed the hosts of the show "Mythbusters" about the conspiracy theorists who believe the Apollo Moon landing was faked, and the their extensive efforts debunking the claims of the Moon landing deniers.

Now there's real scientist. So you believe the guys on Mythbusters, yet say the father of the Apollo missions was wrong? :cuckoo:

Hint: He was wrong

Millions saw the Saturn V rocket take off. Von Braun himself led the Saturn V effort he must not have thought it was impossible

Yes they all did see it take off and they saw it till it was out of sight. After that though they can only believe what they were told and saw on T.V. Isn't that so?

Just because Von Braun led the effort does not mean that rocket went to the moon, or that he thought it was possible to do so. As far as we know all he was doing was making sure that his Rocket was launched into space. Isn't that so?

It amazes me that so many Americans believe whatever their Government tells them when the founding fathers themselves told us to guard against that. Every Government in the history of the world has lied to it's citizens and to think that this Government would not do so is naive to say the least. When I came to this thread I held no opinion on this topic one way or the other, but while reading it was obvious that those who do believe we landed believe so for no other reason than they were told so. You can not have a debate like that. I am merely posting things that I have read since first reading this thread, to see if indeed anyone can offer anything other than, 'Because they said so."

At first no one did, and I was happy finally to get some stuff from you and someone else that put real items to consider on the table. I will pick the opposite side of most debates than the popular view and debate them on USMB because in doing so maybe, just maybe someone will look a little deeper into whatever subject it is. Without looking at both sides of an issue no one can have a true opinion.
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CNN interviewed the hosts of the show "Mythbusters" about the conspiracy theorists who believe the Apollo Moon landing was faked, and the their extensive efforts debunking the claims of the Moon landing deniers.

Now there's real scientist. So you believe the guys on Mythbusters, yet say the father of the Apollo missions was wrong? :cuckoo:
cherry picked, out of context !
Now there's real scientist. So you believe the guys on Mythbusters, yet say the father of the Apollo missions was wrong? :cuckoo:

Hint: He was wrong

Millions saw the Saturn V rocket take off. Von Braun himself led the Saturn V effort he must not have thought it was impossible

Yes they all did see it take off and they saw it till it was out of sight. After that though they can only believe what they were told and saw on T.V. Isn't that so?

Just because Von Braun led the effort does not mean that rocket went to the moon, or that he thought it was possible to do so. As far as we know all he was doing was making sure that his Rocket was launched into space. Isn't that so?

It amazes me that so many Americans believe whatever their Government tells them when the founding fathers themselves told us to guard against that. Every Government in the history of the world has lied to it's citizens and to think that this Government would not do so is naive to say the least. When I came to this thread I held no opinion on this topic one way or the other, but while reading it was obvious that those who do believe we landed believe so for no other reason than they were told so. You can not have a debate like that. I am merely posting things that I have read since first reading this thread, to see if indeed anyone can offer anything other than, 'Because they said so."

At first no one did, and I was happy finally to get some stuff from you and someone else that put real items to consider on the table. I will pick the opposite side of most debates than the popular view and debate them on USMB because in doing so maybe, just maybe someone will look a little deeper into whatever subject it is. Without looking at both sides of an issue no one can have a true opinion.
that should read: objectively look a both sides of an clearly have not done that!
Fact is a word that does not fit this subject. What FACT can you represent? You can't because the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there.

All we know that is a rocket was launched and left earths orbit. We can't see beyond that point.

So slap me in the face with some facts bud.

Duh, because they said so on T.V. Stashman, and I even saw a video.
ok....fact several of the Apollo missions left laser reflectors on the moon they are used to calculate the distance between earth and the moon.
if the missions were faked how did they get there.?
BTW using you so called logic ,if the moon missions were faked then it follows that the Mercury, Gemini, shuttle, Hubble, and all other space endeavors were faked too.
so you think the guys who were there are lying...
also using you faulty logic : " the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there." you must also believe that everything that ever happened ,big or small didn't happen because YOU did not wittiness it!

How do you know this. Oh yeah, because the very people involved in the conspiracy say so. Wonder why they would say that?
The reason that I do not believe is not because I was not there to witness it, but because there is far more evidence that says we didn't than that we did. It's called researching both sides, and you really should try it.

If we were able to put man on the moon in 1969 as easily as you say, than why have we not returned? Why hasn't any other country been there? It seems to me that if we had gone to the moon than we would have chosen it to place the space station.

Those who say that it did happen point to the moon rocks often. I submit this article from the BBC to you.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed
please present irrefutable evidence of a conspiracy.
ok....fact several of the Apollo missions left laser reflectors on the moon they are used to calculate the distance between earth and the moon.
if the missions were faked how did they get there.?
BTW using you so called logic ,if the moon missions were faked then it follows that the Mercury, Gemini, shuttle, Hubble, and all other space endeavors were faked too.
so you think the guys who were there are lying...
also using you faulty logic : " the only way that either you or I could know the facts of this matter would only come from being there." you must also believe that everything that ever happened ,big or small didn't happen because YOU did not wittiness it!

How do you know this. Oh yeah, because the very people involved in the conspiracy say so. Wonder why they would say that?
The reason that I do not believe is not because I was not there to witness it, but because there is far more evidence that says we didn't than that we did. It's called researching both sides, and you really should try it.

If we were able to put man on the moon in 1969 as easily as you say, than why have we not returned? Why hasn't any other country been there? It seems to me that if we had gone to the moon than we would have chosen it to place the space station.

Those who say that it did happen point to the moon rocks often. I submit this article from the BBC to you.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed
please present irrefutable evidence of a conspiracy.

I can do that no more than you can bring irrefutable evidence to support your view. If either you or I could do so than this would not be the topic it has become over the years.

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