Regulators seize First Republic Bank, sell to JPMorgan Chase

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021

Regulators seize First Republic Bank, sell to JPMorgan Chase

JPMC is the governments demonic agent, and has been for decades.
This is just the beginning of the politicians killing all banks and forcing them to sell to JPMC.
Once JPMC has full control over all money in this country.......THEN the real takeover begins.

Unfortunately, Trump is only a "cease and desist" measure for their corruption. He's only one man, and unfortunately he's too old at this point to stay in office for more than two terms. We need someone that can stay in office for up to 4 - 6 terms. And yes, WE the PEOPLE can elect anyone into office for ANY length of time WE want.......even by previous written law.

The only chance we have at this point, unless someone as strong and as forceful as Trump comes to keep Trump in office until all these vile, contemptable demons of Demonicrats die off, or the people finally get off their asses and exterminate this vermin.

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There's a bit of a flase dichotomy fallacy in that OP. There most certainly are other options.

Regulators seize First Republic Bank, sell to JPMorgan Chase

JPMC is the governments demonic agent, and has been for decades.
This is just the beginning of the politicians killing all banks and forcing them to sell to JPMC.
Once JPMC has full control over all money in this country.......THEN the real takeover begins.

Unfortunately, Trump is only a "cease and desist" measure for their corruption. He's only one man, and unfortunately he's too old at this point to stay in office for more than two terms. We need someone that can stay in office for up to 4 - 6 terms. And yes, WE the PEOPLE can elect anyone into office for ANY length of time WE want.......even by previous written law.

The only chance we have at this point, unless someone as strong and as forceful as Trump comes to keep Trump in office until all these vile, contemptable demons of Demonicrats die off, or the people finally get off their asses and exterminate this vermin.


Just one step closer to a single, Central Bank under Marxist control.
There are legitimate complaints but danged if they don't end up getting buried by the arguments of the unhinged.
I heard one guy I sort of respect say even JPM-C's appetite for these banks might be sated.....The FDIC had to really press them to take this one on. He also said there are a shit ton of banks with the same balance sheets.

All those 2.5% home loans they were making is coming back to haunt them.

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