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Reid calls illegals “12 million undocumented Americans

no more than st pattys day...

but the irish are white so....
no more than st pattys day...

but the irish are white so....

Ah yes, but the Irish, in early America, suffered discrimination nearly as bad as any other minority group has had to endure. The Irish were considered lower than low and found damn near impossible to find employment.

The truth is, it is my understanding that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in the U.S. much more than it is in Mexico, and by more whites than Mexicans. Must be an excuse to make margaritas.
im sure.. we do love any excuse to get loaded...

hell, im gonna celebrate De junio el catorce tonight!
You know, Juneteenth is just around the corner. Though it is not really a big celebration outside of Texas and a handful of other states.

(For those who don't know, Juneteenth celebrates the day, June 19, 1865, that the news of the Emancipation Proclamation was announced in Texas. Yes, almost three years after it was signed and two and a half years after it went into effect, the slaves of Texas finally got the news.)

Vicente Fox is not the president of mexico anymore.

good grief.

Hey, don't sweat it dude.... Im sure we will save a nice reservation for you out in the desert somewhere where you can remember the glory days of your culture as it shrinks into a fragile impotent joke of what it once was....

you might have to walk to get there, though... maybe we can name yours the "trail of waspy christian RAGE"

ps... considering the religion of the MAJORITY of latinos it highly doubt if your orwelian muslim majority nightmare will ever cause foreign christians to do missionary work in the US...

so, xmas is safe.. but we might have to make cinco de mayo a national federal holiday too.....

I screwed up on the current Mexican President....

That should give you good fodder for some real intellectual come backs like....."Blah Blah"......;)
I never thought I say it on the board, but Shogun, I think your a bonafide rascist.

You really exude a lot of hate and class envy in your posts.

It really degrades any possibility of having a civil, discussion with you. It's all your opinion, and others who differ are baffoons or WASPS, or just not up to your intellectual prowess. Very sad indeed.

Sadly, if your ethnically Mexican or Mexican American you're really hurting things for your those that have legally entered from the South border.

Your posts exude a proponderance of not just class envy, but ironically a class superiority at the same time.

Shall we give back/cede, Florida, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and California to thenation to the South. Would that assuage your hatred for the U.S.?

Better yet, how about we cede the entire U.S. to the indigenous Native American tribes of the U.S.., and lets encourage Canada to do the same, and even Mexico, who so mercilously slaughtered the Apache Indians when they crossed the border fleeing from the U.S. Calvry in the 19th century.

Maybe Mexico should separate out Mexican nationals who have a little Spanish blood in them or follow Catholic religious beliefs, and only recognize indigenous Mexicans that are pure direct decendants of the Maya? Would that make you happy.

Lets go a little farther, lets find out who made the North American Wooly mammoth extinct. Was it the WASPs? No it was indigenous native Americans that crossed the great Bering Sea land bridge from Asia that came to this wholesome continent, and killed off the innocent, indigenous Wooly Mammoth. Can't tack that one on the WASPs.

Why were the first Christian missionaries in the North East U.S.., bringing and not forcing their Christian message to the Mohawks and other indigenous tribes, mercilously tortured in the 1600's.

What makes one people deserving of self governing over another? What society/government is anti-anarchy, or strives to provide for all classes, yet allows for free enterprise, and less governmental intervention, except to enforce laws that quell anarchy, and ethnic superiority over another's? A government that is both ethical, yet attempts to respect all religious beliefs, but refrains from allow those systems to dictate it's policy.

The problem is that when you have a government of the "people" and for the "people" you have a government that is basically made up of what those people are. They still never the less are restrained within the bounds of the U.S. constitution. That's whats incredible about this imperfect nation. It recognizes the imperfect of government, so it set's up safe guards to protect itself from itself in essence, and unethical dictates to it governed populous.

That can't be said of many nations of the world. This was all devised over 200 years ago.

The constituents have the power through the ballot box. This is a Republic/democracy. Not a English or Israeli democracy.

A republic is a form of government maintained by a state or country whose sovereignty is based on popular consent and whose governance is based on popular representation and control. Several definitions stress that the rule of law is an essential feature of a republic.

We are not a government that changes via "sit down strikes", "window breaking", "angry, ethnic warring" etc.. It is by representation that we are heard. It is a slow ponderous process, but it encourages civility and respect for the "law". The ballot box is the clout, not the AK47.

Most of our recent immigrants are clammering for civility in their host country that they seek. Others come to force the changes without the following of rules and due-process. That is not how this country was established to run, and accept change. This is not a perfect country or a perfect government or does the Constitution exhibit perfection, but up to date, it is still the envy of many countries. Even the new Russia, just born a few year ago, sent many government scholars to the U.S. and many U.S. governmental scholars went to the new Russia. Russia wanted to establish a Constitution that mimicked the U.S. Constitution! Yes, that old Marxian, Lenin, Socialist, cold war giant, wanted to have a government like ours. Yep that country that was established on class envy....imploded, and failed.

Well, Mexico needs one too (U.S. type contitution)! Until they get it right, we have a problem, and we must not allow another country's problems become our burden to the detriment of our citizenry, or our economy/government policies.
More Blah Blah.........right?

Just read the Constitution, Shogun. Unfortunately it was written mostly by WASPs. Hope that doesn't dissuade you?
when in doubt scream RACIST, eh?

Ironically, I bet you've never accused anyone on the left of the same easy 1-2-3 sidestep...

Your opinon about what I exude on this board means two things - the first one is Jack.. can you guess what the second thing is?

perhaps if you were not so quick to scream racist when the reality of history comes a slappin you in the face like a cow attacking a salt block you wouldnt have to bury your less than impressive retort among 20 paragraphs... but, im sure, conversation wasnt your desire so much as trying to RSR up the thread is..

Yes, lets give back Texas!

Better yet, how about we cede the entire U.S. to the indigenous Native American tribes of the U.S.., and lets encourage Canada to do the same, and even Mexico, who so mercilously slaughtered the Apache Indians when they crossed the border fleeing from the U.S. Calvry in the 19th century.

Sounds good to me! Give back the land that you'd be adamant about giving back to the indegenous people were the Mexicans Jewish instead of Latino!

yet attempts to respect all religious beliefs, but refrains from allow those systems to dictate it's policy.



remind me of that one right after you vote for a muslim President. (if you can remember who the current one is)

The problem is that when you have a government of the "people" and for the "people" you have a government that is basically made up of what those people are. They still never the less are restrained within the bounds of the U.S. constitution. That's whats incredible about this imperfect nation. It recognizes the imperfect of government, so it set's up safe guards to protect itself from itself in essence, and unethical dictates to it governed populous.

...AND... since the Constitution does not garentee or protect the majority of whites IT WILL BE USED BY WHATEVER NON WHITE RACIAL MAJORITY THAT PUSHES WHITES INTO A MINORITY. So, dance around like a chicken with a broken neck all you want to while rationalizing waspy PANIC at losing the upper hand... When latinos outnumber you and use DEMOCRACY to maintain the new Latino privilege, hopefully, you don't get all terroristy on your way to the reservation. I know I know... it SUCKS when someone who is not white plays the same game that whites have played for decades... by the rules of the US Constitution no less..

now, blather on with the typical limbaugh liberal bashing as if I give a damn about what you think about liberals. You act as if WASPS created America in a fucking caucasian vacuum, dude... indeed, call me a racist while totally ignoring the backs of slaves and the support of indegenous Americans that this nation was also created through... After all, the WORLD should fall to their knees at the very mention of white people, shouldnt they?

It's cool.. like I said... I suggest you start mending fences today and pray that you are not treated like you want to treat others tomorrow.

when in doubt scream RACIST, eh?

Ironically, I bet you've never accused anyone on the left of the same easy 1-2-3 sidestep...

Your opinon about what I exude on this board means two things - the first one is Jack.. can you guess what the second thing is?

perhaps if you were not so quick to scream racist when the reality of history comes a slappin you in the face like a cow attacking a salt block you wouldnt have to bury your less than impressive retort among 20 paragraphs... but, im sure, conversation wasnt your desire so much as trying to RSR up the thread is..

Yes, lets give back Texas!

Better yet, how about we cede the entire U.S. to the indigenous Native American tribes of the U.S.., and lets encourage Canada to do the same, and even Mexico, who so mercilously slaughtered the Apache Indians when they crossed the border fleeing from the U.S. Calvry in the 19th century.

Sounds good to me! Give back the land that you'd be adamant about giving back to the indegenous people were the Mexicans Jewish instead of Latino!

yet attempts to respect all religious beliefs, but refrains from allow those systems to dictate it's policy.



remind me of that one right after you vote for a muslim President. (if you can remember who the current one is)

The problem is that when you have a government of the "people" and for the "people" you have a government that is basically made up of what those people are. They still never the less are restrained within the bounds of the U.S. constitution. That's whats incredible about this imperfect nation. It recognizes the imperfect of government, so it set's up safe guards to protect itself from itself in essence, and unethical dictates to it governed populous.

...AND... since the Constitution does not garentee or protect the majority of whites IT WILL BE USED BY WHATEVER NON WHITE RACIAL MAJORITY THAT PUSHES WHITES INTO A MINORITY. So, dance around like a chicken with a broken neck all you want to while rationalizing waspy PANIC at losing the upper hand... When latinos outnumber you and use DEMOCRACY to maintain the new Latino privilege, hopefully, you don't get all terroristy on your way to the reservation. I know I know... it SUCKS when someone who is not white plays the same game that whites have played for decades... by the rules of the US Constitution no less..

now, blather on with the typical limbaugh liberal bashing as if I give a damn about what you think about liberals. You act as if WASPS created America in a fucking caucasian vacuum, dude... indeed, call me a racist while totally ignoring the backs of slaves and the support of indegenous Americans that this nation was also created through... After all, the WORLD should fall to their knees at the very mention of white people, shouldnt they?

It's cool.. like I said... I suggest you start mending fences today and pray that you are not treated like you want to treat others tomorrow.


You mean like your post #36? Yeah, that was racist. Seriously, the tendency to throw around the racism charge regarding Hispanics is a joke. Most Americans, including those that have a serious problem with illegal entries, haven't any problem with Hispanics in general and Mexicans in particular. Look through the many threads on the topic. For the most part it is acknowledged that these are overwhelmingly people that are just trying to better their own lives and that of their families. Problem is, the US needs to get a grip on the border. I've said it tens of times, up the quota number for Mexico, but close the border.
no, it's about culture.

I bet you don't sport the ole wig look these days do you? Is that a travesty of a lost tradition or is that indicative of times that are always a changin'?

You might as well say that the Westward Expansion wasnt about race either... but look at the impact of the cultures in the way of said expansion. Similarly, the Constitution doesn't say that the US will remain a bastion of waspy cucasian european culture anymore than it said that we will always wear wigs and pantaloons.

My advice is to mend as many fences as you can and pray that you are not, later, treated how the majority, now, treats their minorities. It's just a matter of time before the naturalized latino populations use the same Democracy found in the Constitution in the same fashion that whites have been pummeling everyone with... Being white or living according to your opinion on tradition is not a prerequisite for Constitutional protection.

true fact.

No, it's NOT really about culture either (although that's part of it). Frankly I like a lot about the Mexican culture: it's Christian, family-oriented, hard-working, good values, etc. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that here in the U.S.

The issue is primarily about our laws and maintaining the integrity of our country. Our country is supposed to operate on law. We already have immigration laws on the books which are being broken. This is going a long way to break down our country if it continues. I want no part of becoming part of some kind of North American Union. Is that what you are hoping for?
You mean like your post #36? Yeah, that was racist. Seriously, the tendency to throw around the racism charge regarding Hispanics is a joke. Most Americans, including those that have a serious problem with illegal entries, haven't any problem with Hispanics in general and Mexicans in particular. Look through the many threads on the topic. For the most part it is acknowledged that these are overwhelmingly people that are just trying to better their own lives and that of their families. Problem is, the US needs to get a grip on the border. I've said it tens of times, up the quota number for Mexico, but close the border.

yea.. I guess "racism" amounts to using two or more non-engrish words in the same sentence these days...

face it. democraphics change and the US Constitution makes no garentee that the US of A will remain caucasian. Call me a racist for pointing that out if you want but at least you are not yet to the point where it is socially acceptable to postulate that the only good gringo is a dead gringo...

No, it's NOT really about culture either (although that's part of it). Frankly I like a lot about the Mexican culture: it's Christian, family-oriented, hard-working, good values, etc. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that here in the U.S.

The issue is primarily about our laws and maintaining the integrity of our country. Our country is supposed to operate on law. We already have immigration laws on the books which are being broken. This is going a long way to break down our country if it continues. I want no part of becoming part of some kind of North American Union. Is that what you are hoping for?

If the PEOPLE vote for an American Union via the impending latino majority, right?

if the latino MAJORITY VOTES for open borders, eh?

This is no more going to "break" this country than did an influx of ANY other ethnic group. We will adapt with or without naysayers on the wasp reservation just like we have ALWAYS adapted. Sure, there may be more Juans than Johns but, 100 years from now, this nation will be no less strong than it is 100 years after the Irish flocked to Ellis Island...

though, I have to say, I find it RICH to see the same people willing to bend over backwards defending Israel become instantaneously militant with the thought of Latinos reclaiming their homeland...
yea.. I guess "racism" amounts to using two or more non-engrish words in the same sentence these days...

face it. democraphics change and the US Constitution makes no garentee that the US of A will remain caucasian. Call me a racist for pointing that out if you want but at least you are not yet to the point where it is socially acceptable to postulate that the only good gringo is a dead gringo...


Who is speaking of Caucasians? Well you. WASP, which I fail on the protestant part. I'm on record for not harboring a problem with Hispanics, nearly a third of my class last year were at least partially Hispanic, as there is plenty of intermarriage from Mexicans and 'gringos' in this area.
Who is speaking of Caucasians? Well you. WASP, which I fail on the protestant part. I'm on record for not harboring a problem with Hispanics, nearly a third of my class last year were at least partially Hispanic, as there is plenty of intermarriage from Mexicans and 'gringos' in this area.



'New Thinking'
The New York Sun* reports that the EastWest Institute held a conference yesterday "to promote 'new thinking against violent extremism and radicalization.' " Among the speakers was Harvard's Jessica Stern:

Dr. Stern opened her remarks by saying that, while it may be true there is presently more violence being committed in the name of Islam than in the name of other religions, "all three major monotheistic religions have produced violence." . . .

"I've heard a lot of bashing of Muslim clerics for not stepping up to the plate and condemning extremist violence," she said. "But Catholic priests are not stepping up to condemn those who kill abortion doctors . . . [and] rabbis are not condemning the violent settlers' movement." . . .

When asked to cite specific examples of violence undertaken by this "violent settlers' movement," she mentioned Yigal Amir's 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin, a crime that was almost universally condemned by Jewish leadership.
Bill Donohue of the Catholic League quickly weighed in with a rebuttal of Stern's anti-Catholic remark:

There has not been a single abortionist killed in the U.S. since 1998. When there were killings in the mid-1990s, Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles, chairman of the Pro-Life Activities of the bishops' conference, said that such shootings make "a mockery of everything we stand for." When there were two killings at Massachusetts abortion clinics, Cardinal Bernard Law not only denounced them, he ordered a moratorium on sidewalk protest vigils outside abortion clinics in Boston. Cardinal John O'Connor's response in New York was profound: "If anyone has an urge to kill an abortionist, kill me instead."

It is of course true, and worth noting, that not all fanatics who murder in the name of religion are Muslims. But Stern seems to have drawn these false equivalences for the purpose of excusing decent Muslims who remain silent when others commit atrocities in the the name of Islam. How can this possibly be helpful? If this is an example of "new thinking," we'll stick with the old kind, thanks.

* Disclosure: Heather Robinson, author of the Sun story, was our guest at an EastWest Institute dinner last week.
Who is speaking of Caucasians? Well you. WASP, which I fail on the protestant part. I'm on record for not harboring a problem with Hispanics, nearly a third of my class last year were at least partially Hispanic, as there is plenty of intermarriage from Mexicans and 'gringos' in this area.

indeed, then you can already see the integration happening which will snatch away that coveted majority status...


learn another language!
indeed, then you can already see the integration happening which will snatch away that coveted majority status...


learn another language!

Seriously, my students are English speaking, though fluent in Spanish. They are here legally and their parents speak English, if not fluently. They are able to converse however, regarding their children. My only complaint, which is not most, is some tendency not to see the value in education excellence regarding their daughters.
well, there is that damn Machismo aspect to latino culture but, hell, isnt that why antonio banderas makes you moist?

by the way... second and third generation latinos will not be picking fruit... they will be running for office... theywont be sending money back to mexico because their families will be here. They wont be tyring to hear about learning engrish when they can vote to retain spanish.

the irony kills me.
well, there is that damn Machismo aspect to latino culture but, hell, isnt that why antonio banderas makes you moist?

by the way... second and third generation latinos will not be picking fruit... they will be running for office... theywont be sending money back to mexico because their families will be here. They wont be tyring to hear about learning engrish when they can vote to retain spanish.

the irony kills me.

The irony is your claims to being 'branded' a racist, you are.

On the other hand, so many that want illegal problem brought under control, aren't racists, but are attacked for being so. Thanks for giving an example of the difference.
The irony is your claims to being 'branded' a racist, you are.

On the other hand, so many that want illegal problem brought under control, aren't racists, but are attacked for being so. Thanks for giving an example of the difference.

im racist for giving you a glimps of the next 50 years in America?

...or is it just because I dont pretend that caucasians will have their white privilage once the latino population blossoms?

call me a racist if you want to. hell, it works for the zionists so why wouldnt YOU latch onto it like a pup on a nipple?

indeed, tell me more about sending people back to mexico while breaking your leg to defend israel.... yes, IM the racist one... indeed.... hehehe...

ps.. im not usually one to pick on grammer so instead of a joke ill just ask that you review how commas are used. you are a teacher, right?
im racist for giving you a glimps of the next 50 years in America?

...or is it just because I dont pretend that caucasians will have their white privilage once the latino population blossoms?

call me a racist if you want to. hell, it works for the zionists so why wouldnt YOU latch onto it like a pup on a nipple?

indeed, tell me more about sending people back to mexico while breaking your leg to defend israel.... yes, IM the racist one... indeed.... hehehe...

ps.. im not usually one to pick on grammer so instead of a joke ill just ask that you review how commas are used. you are a teacher, right?

How interesting, from Mexico to Israel, your type has no bounds.

On that topic:

Our Hopeful Step, Your Foolishly Unilateral Withdrawal
Yesterday we noted that the Boston Globe was blaming Israel--and in particular "Ariel Sharon's foolishly unilateral withdrawal" from Gaza in 2005--for Hamas's violent takeover of Gaza. Blogger Harry Forbes notes that in 2005, the Globe sang quite a different tune:

To argue, as Benjamin Netanyahu did in resigning from the Cabinet, that disengagement from Gaza would create "a giant base for terrorism" is to argue that there should never be a two-state solution to the conflict. Denying Palestinians a homeland has been counterproductive for both peoples. Denying them even the hope of a homeland would be a road map to war everlasting.

Another protest frequently voiced by the Israeli right is that the withdrawal, scheduled to begin on Wednesday, only rewards Palestinian militants for the second intifadah--five years of attacks and other violent resistance to Israeli control. But this stance is backward-looking and self-defeating. . . .

Begun as a unilateral move announced by Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the step has since attracted a level of coordination that is encouraging on its own terms. . . .

The settlements have often been called facts on the ground. The withdrawal from Gaza, if successful, will be another important fact.​

Well, at least the Globe wasn't wrong about everything. There is no denying that the withdrawal from Gaza is an important fact.

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