Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Reid is a classic American fucktard traitor, the best medicine for him is the "Hanging Tree", the same tree Thomas Jefferson referred to.

its about time you repub-lie-fucktards take it like a real man... man up !!!!deal with it ... time to put on your big boy pants:clap2::clap2::clap2::woohoo::happy-1:

Jesus, this is the gift that just keeps on giving........:rofl:

Obama has already said what his opinion is, immigration and the farm bill. Your guys need to get to work.

Really? And who would care about that? All that is, is a distraction from the main issue. Obamacare. Your guys fucked up.

Let's be clear, you don't want any distraction from YOUR main issue. The ACA is already the law and it will remain so. Democrat's main issues are immigration and the farm bill.

I wouldn't be so confident about Obamacare. It's the law today, but don't be surprised if it's significantly changed in the near future.

I try hard ... its post like yours that make me laugh at you:lol::lol::lol:

with the stupidity of your post, your on and on about nothing... so if I'm working with stupid people like your self, I have to take it to your level of understanding

here we have had in the united states a total of 168 judges filibustered in our total history ... in this congress alone we have had 84 of those filibustered against judges ... and you see nothing wrong with that????

instead but you dumb fucks here, instead of being appalled over this behavior all you're worried about is losing gun control ??? really!!!!!you red neck dumb fucks got to be the dumbest I've ever seen ... so if you want to be ridiculous stupid I can too

But we have never had to stop a determined Dictator in Chief like Obama who wants to rule, not govern.

is this dumbest response you've ever seen ??? harry Reid is tired of the filibustering of everything they try ... no matter !!!! you want to blame it on Obama because its his judges that are getting filibuster ??? even his cabinet appointees are getting filibustered ... did that ever Happy to Reagan??? either Bush's ??? NOOOOOOOO !!!!! but here we have a liberal, a liberal black man, and for some strange reason every thing he tries, you republican filibuster him... you call that fair??? really dumb fuck !!!! now you're complaining about it here ... 5 years in office Obama hasn't had his administration fully manned ... give me a break about your "he's Dictator in Chief" its more like " dictator in minority leader" you guys are nuts just plain nuts
Billyrockhead is just another troll who overwhelms a thread with his baaaaaaahaaaaaas and nonsense

but he's a loyal comrade to the Democrat party

I try hard ... its post like yours that make me laugh at you:lol::lol::lol:

with the stupidity of your post, your on and on about nothing... so if I'm working with stupid people like your self, I have to take it to your level of understanding

here we have had in the united states a total of 168 judges filibustered in our total history ... in this congress alone we have had 84 of those filibustered against judges ... and you see nothing wrong with that????

instead but you dumb fucks here, instead of being appalled over this behavior all you're worried about is losing gun control ??? really!!!!!you red neck dumb fucks got to be the dumbest I've ever seen ... so if you want to be ridiculous stupid I can too

But we have never had to stop a determined Dictator in Chief like Obama who wants to rule, not govern.

is this dumbest response you've ever seen ??? harry Reid is tired of the filibustering of everything they try ... no matter !!!! you want to blame it on Obama because its his judges that are getting filibuster ??? even his cabinet appointees are getting filibustered ... did that ever Happy to Reagan??? either Bush's ??? NOOOOOOOO !!!!! but here we have a liberal, a liberal black man, and for some strange reason every thing he tries, you republican filibuster him... you call that fair??? really dumb fuck !!!! now you're complaining about it here ... 5 years in office Obama hasn't had his administration fully manned ... give me a break about your "he's Dictator in Chief" its more like " dictator in minority leader"
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Really? And who would care about that? All that is, is a distraction from the main issue. Obamacare. Your guys fucked up.

Let's be clear, you don't want any distraction from YOUR main issue. The ACA is already the law and it will remain so. Democrat's main issues are immigration and the farm bill.

I wouldn't be so confident about Obamacare. It's the law today, but don't be surprised if it's significantly changed in the near future.

yeah from the ACA to single payer ... you can take that to the bank ... the republicans had a chance to offer the public option... which meant if you don't like the private sector you could go to a government plan ... the problem there is these insurance companies would have gone out of business ... because of their high price do nothing plans...
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Whining??? I'm laughing!!!

As your friend, I feel the need to tell you that you really are whining. A lot!
Ok, what am I whining about?
your guns being taking away ... cause we forced the new filibuster rule ... healthy care, jobs, stimulus, Benghaz,i fast and furious, IRS, debt on and on ...just because we now forced the repub-lie-tards with a new filibuster rule...
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Ame®icano;8187058 said:
In this case, I have to agree with you.

However, I think it would have been better if Reid and McConnell could have come together and said, "On midnight 1/1/2020, the rules become __________________" not knowing which party would be benefitted by getting rid of this idiotic filibuster.

This move by Reid is simply wrong.

For once, I agree with you.

And it's freezing here in Michigan.

Thank you for acknowledging Reid made the wrong move ....Senate Democrats have done what Harry Reid said would be the end of the Senate | RedState

Personally IMO, this entire mess needs to be cleaned up. Neither side is right. Both are seeking political approval when they don't deserve it. JMHO

Wrong move....????

Well, I don't know about that in terms of sheer right and wrong outside of the political prism through which all moves by a politician are viewed.

Ultimately this will speed up actions by the Senate and make it more functional. So I can't say it's wrong on it's face but given that both parties have done this sort of tactic in delaying nominations by presidents of the opposite party and NOW the Dems have decided that they have had enough rings hollow.

Especially when you consider that there is a truly bi-partisan way to do away with the filibuster for nominations that the GOP may very well have gone along with; just have the inception date further down the line.

Politically this was a middle finger to the minority party and the Dems fully deserve to have their power stripped when (not if) the GOP regains a majority in the Senate.
The filibuster is a stupid rule.

The Senate just got smarter.

Yes but the leaders (including the President) could have gotten together with the current minority and have chosen a date in the future where the rules would be changed and there would be no more filibustering of appointees and neither side would know who would be in power when the rules changed so nobody could claim a benefit/injury to their cause.

To act unilaterally does improve this body but it's the same thing could have happened when the GOP was in power in the Senate and they didn't do it...

The GOP didn't use the nuclear option because Democrats were not abusing the system. What was happening with the president's nominees was unprecedented. The Teaparty had to be slapped back now not in 2020. The Teaparty in particular will do anything they can think of to delegitimize this president and it's been working.

I think Reid did the right thing and it will help and not hinder the Senate.

The GOP probably used it more often than the Dems...don't know the stats but really Sarah, do you honestly believe that if we had a GOP president, the Dems wouldn't be using every trick in the book to undermine the President? If so, you're skating into thin ice where there rightwing knuckle draggers live.

I agree that the Dems would not be working to deligitmize the POTUS as the GOP and their supporters have done.
Do the Democrat realize they just set themselves up for repealing Obamacare if the GOP takes back the Senate?

Now they don't need a super-majority.

This was just for judicial confirmation. Legislative filibuster reform is still to come.

The GOP now has full permission and public opinion air cover to repeal the legislative filibuster.

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