Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Harry Reid did this so that they can get activist Judges in the D. C. court.

The counter by Repubs should be, if they get the Senate in 2014 and keep the House, is to write legislation that would bring up Judges to a review board when they make their own laws like they are doing now and then can get fired for doing that.

The problem with this is President Obama would veto it.
So they would have to do this when they would get a Repub President maybe in 2016.

So name them. Which "activist judges" have been being held up?
...and explain what makes them "activist".

It's just a term she heard Hannity use, and couldn't wait to use it here.

Like the idiots running around yelling 'statist'! :lol:
Harry Reid did this so that they can get activist Judges in the D. C. court.

The counter by Repubs should be, if they get the Senate in 2014 and keep the House, is to write legislation that would bring up Judges to a review board when they make their own laws like they are doing now and then can get fired for doing that.

The problem with this is President Obama would veto it.
So they would have to do this when they would get a Repub President maybe in 2016.
Not a fan of the constitution, are you?

I am very much so a fan of the constitution.
The Constitution is for 3 branches of government that are separate and Judges making their own law is unconstitutional, the congress is suppose to do that.
Judges are suppose to Judge on laws passed by congress. Not make their own laws.

You mean like Citizens United?

Hey peach: if you're such a fan of the Constitution, please point out where the word 'filibuster' is, because I can't find it! :lol:
Can;t read very good, kenya?

No you can't read try again and look at the edit time and your post time shit stain.
It's the same time. 8:16. You made an edit cause you realized you fucked up when you said "Hey dumb ass how in the hell can you say that you remember when, when you weren't even a member here back in 2005?" and called him a liar.

You don't think we can see that?


:rofl: go back to the kiddie pool bigderp and leave the adults here alone :eusa_hand:

As to the OP, More than a few Repubs are finally happy that they don't have to go through McConnell's never-ending, cringe-worthy, obstruction kabuki theater.

First Thoughts: Not as bad as you think? - First Read
Next, eliminating the filibuster for presidential appointments might be a relief for the members of GOP’s so-called “Compromise Caucus.” If you’re a Lindsey Graham or Lamar Alexander, aren’t you glad you’re no longer always feeling responsible for having to cast votes for Obama’s nominees, especially with re-election coming up?
Harry Reid did this so that they can get activist Judges in the D. C. court.

The counter by Repubs should be, if they get the Senate in 2014 and keep the House, is to write legislation that would bring up Judges to a review board when they make their own laws like they are doing now and then can get fired for doing that.

The problem with this is President Obama would veto it.
So they would have to do this when they would get a Repub President maybe in 2016.

So name them. Which "activist judges" have been being held up?

Comelia Pillard
Patricia Millett
Robert Wilkins
What makes them 'activist'?

What makes them unqualified?
the "new & improved" version of the politics sub-forum. Posts like bigderpnc1175's above pass as "debate"? :eusa_eh:

yeah, synth's debating ability is far above pass/fail as debate. :lol:

I see you failed to answer the question. Swing & a miss. :thup: You are consistent in your hackery.

Anything to say about the OP?

WTF? I was making a statement about your sorry ass post, not about the OP. Your comprehension ability sucks, dude. But that is need someone to explain it, typical liberal mind. :eusa_whistle:
It's the same time. 8:16. You made an edit cause you realized you fucked up when you said "Hey dumb ass how in the hell can you say that you remember when, when you weren't even a member here back in 2005?" and called him a liar.

You don't think we can see that?


:rofl: go back to the kiddie pool bigderp and leave the adults here alone :eusa_hand:

As to the OP, More than a few Repubs are finally happy that they don't have to go through McConnell's never-ending, cringe-worthy, obstruction kabuki theater.

First Thoughts: Not as bad as you think? - First Read
Next, eliminating the filibuster for presidential appointments might be a relief for the members of GOP’s so-called “Compromise Caucus.” If you’re a Lindsey Graham or Lamar Alexander, aren’t you glad you’re no longer always feeling responsible for having to cast votes for Obama’s nominees, especially with re-election coming up?
So derpcom wants to play?
I don't fuck off bitch

Why so much profanity? Ever notice you're about the only one talking like that here? Kinda uncivil.
They may or may not be qualified, but what about those who legislate from the bench?
You fucking traitor.

Like Citizens United?

You're not smart enough to debate me. Now go play with your plumber's putty.

Strange you couldn't retort what Bigreb posted, just an attack on thinks you got nothing. :eusa_whistle:

What did he 'retort'? Some nonsense about activist judges, when he can't name any, and can't name any activist decisions by them - and neither can you!

But I can: Citizens United.
number of judicial nominee filibusters under Obama - 82

number of judicial nominee filibusters under all the other presidents combined - 86

nuff said.

Number of morons Obama appoints as Cabinet Secretary- 82

Number of Cabinet Secretary morons appointed under all the other presidents combined - 86

nuff said.

Because a Nobel Prize winner is simply too smart. And we know what Republicans think of "smart". They call smart people "elitist" and reject them in favor of "stupid". "Stupid" is the GOP "new smart".

Nobel Prizewinner not right for Fed: key Republican senator - Central Banking
Like Citizens United?

You're not smart enough to debate me. Now go play with your plumber's putty.

Strange you couldn't retort what Bigreb posted, just an attack on thinks you got nothing. :eusa_whistle:

What did he 'retort'? Some nonsense about activist judges, when he can't name any, and can't name any activist decisions by them - and neither can you!

But I can: Citizens United.

obamacare right back at you.
:rofl: go back to the kiddie pool bigderp and leave the adults here alone :eusa_hand:

As to the OP, More than a few Repubs are finally happy that they don't have to go through McConnell's never-ending, cringe-worthy, obstruction kabuki theater.

First Thoughts: Not as bad as you think? - First Read
So derpcom wants to play?
I don't fuck off bitch

Why so much profanity? Ever notice you're about the only one talking like that here? Kinda uncivil.
He's a little child who isn't smart enough to actually discuss issues, so he does what little children do.

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