Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

did you mean senate majority leader bill frist?

"i believe that we need to restore the over 200-year tradition and precedent of allowing every nominee of the president who has majority support an up or down vote on the floor of the united states senate. It’s consistent with the constitution, where we are as a body to give advice and consent and the only way we can give advice and consent is an up-or-down vote on the floor of the senate."

read more: transcript - washington times
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no this thread is not about me or that guy, it's about reid.

It's about you when you make it about other posters here.
oh you're butt hurt because I called you on the disinformation of clintons surplus? GOT IT.
What did he 'retort'? Some nonsense about activist judges, when he can't name any, and can't name any activist decisions by them - and neither can you!

But I can: Citizens United.
Good point.
well ok you want to clean up the board start with disinformation and lying. How do you fucking challenge a lie that keeps being repeated? This is your fault for allowing lies to be spread.

ummm..... I think challenging mod actions is a 'no no' on most, if not all boards I've been on. You broke the politics sub-forum posting rules by not having any content in your *cough* "posts". It concerns me because I'm subscribed, in fact started this thread so I have to wade through your secondary school insults to get to posts made by grown ups.
fuck off bitch.

oh and cynbdie didn't make a good point he lost the point.

Wow. Is this how Righties behave on this forum, or is this more the exception than the rule?
Good point.

ummm..... I think challenging mod actions is a 'no no' on most, if not all boards I've been on. You broke the politics sub-forum posting rules by not having any content in your *cough* "posts". It concerns me because I'm subscribed, in fact started this thread so I have to wade through your secondary school insults to get to posts made by grown ups.
fuck off bitch.

oh and cynbdie didn't make a good point he lost the point.

Wow. Is this how Righties behave on this forum, or is this more the exception than the rule?

Quote the rule newbie.
Before you make this thread about me it's about fucking dictator want to be reid.

Did you mean Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist?

"I believe that we need to restore the over 200-year tradition and precedent of allowing every nominee of the president who has majority support an up or down vote on the floor of the United States Senate. It’s consistent with the Constitution, where we are as a body to give advice and consent and the only way we can give advice and consent is an up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate."

Read more: Transcript - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

Did you mean Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist?

"I believe that we need to restore the over 200-year tradition and precedent of allowing every nominee of the president who has majority support an up or down vote on the floor of the United States Senate. It’s consistent with the Constitution, where we are as a body to give advice and consent and the only way we can give advice and consent is an up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate."

Read more: Transcript - Washington Times
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That's what I was wondering.

1 has been appointed by Obama

1 Bush Sr
3 Clinton
3 Bush Jr
1 Obama

Actually, Nyvin, it's three. Obama has this year appointed and failed to seat three judges

Caitlin Joan Halligan in March, Robert L. Wilkins in October and Patricia Millett about a week or so ago.

Obama named Wilkins, Pillard and Millett for the three remaining open seats in June, leading Republicans to accuse him attempting to appoint more liberals to a panel that is currently evenly divided between Democratic and Republican appointees.

Republicans accused Democrats of having used similar tactics to deny President George W. Bush the ability to fill the same vacancies in his second term. They accused the Democratic majority of engaging in a “political exercise” on judicial nominations to distract from issues with the new healthcare law.

Obama 0 for 3 as GOP blocks another D.C. Circuit nomination -

Have a seat.

Where did you idiots get the idea that a liberal president ever has any obligation to appoint conservative judges?

Where did you get the idea that I implied it was an obligation? Were you not the one saying it was his duty and right?
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So name them. Which "activist judges" have been being held up?

Comelia Pillard
Patricia Millett
Robert Wilkins
What makes them 'activist'?

What makes them unqualified?

what made alito activist or unqualified? If I recall obama said;

"I have no doubt that Judge Alito has the training and qualifications necessary to serve. ... And there's no indication he's not a man of great character."

yet, he voted to sppt. a filibuster of alito.....

and where does this get us?
Comelia Pillard
Patricia Millett
Robert Wilkins
What makes them 'activist'?

What makes them unqualified?

what made alito activist or unqualified? If I recall obama said;

"I have no doubt that Judge Alito has the training and qualifications necessary to serve. ... And there's no indication he's not a man of great character."

yet, he voted to sppt. a filibuster of alito.....

and where does this get us?

The difference being Alito got confirmed eventually.
What makes them 'activist'?

What makes them unqualified?

what made alito activist or unqualified? If I recall obama said;

"I have no doubt that Judge Alito has the training and qualifications necessary to serve. ... And there's no indication he's not a man of great character."

yet, he voted to sppt. a filibuster of alito.....

and where does this get us?

The difference being Alito got confirmed eventually.
He did. And his confirmation vote was the second lowest on the current court, where he is surpassed only by Clarence Thomas who was confirmed 52–48.
What makes them 'activist'?

What makes them unqualified?

what made alito activist or unqualified? If I recall obama said;

"I have no doubt that Judge Alito has the training and qualifications necessary to serve. ... And there's no indication he's not a man of great character."

yet, he voted to sppt. a filibuster of alito.....

and where does this get us?

The difference being Alito got confirmed eventually.

oh wait, I get it, when you filibuster and lose it doesn't count.....yea, you stick with that. :rolleyes:

and what about miguel estrada? 7................
Alito wasn't filibustered, but there was a token attempt (72-25) at a filibuster. It was more a protest vote. No Supreme Court justice has ever been successfully filibustered.

oooohh, so a token attempt isn't a filibuster either.... yet cruz who could not stop the scheduled vote, was filibuster.....:lol: you guys need to work on your messenging....:lol:

and your missing the other point;

if the gop is just voting to stop obamas nominees due to obama being obama, why did obama go along with a filibuster for a nominee he said; "I have no doubt that Judge Alito has the training and qualifications necessary to serve. ... And there's no indication he's not a man of great character."
Did you mean Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist?

"I believe that we need to restore the over 200-year tradition and precedent of allowing every nominee of the president who has majority support an up or down vote on the floor of the United States Senate. It’s consistent with the Constitution, where we are as a body to give advice and consent and the only way we can give advice and consent is an up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate."

Read more: Transcript - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter


And, Frist is stating the position you agree with, and now Harry Reid has implemented it,

and you're still trying to come up with reasons to attack Reid without attacking yourself.
One question for Trajan: Is it really that hard to type out the word support?
Asking you that simple question was neg worthy, huh/

I mean seriously, I have read I don't know how many times you type out "sppt." instead of the word support.

It's like two extra keystrokes.

It's just weird. But glad you got your neg boner on at that one eh? Excelsior!
fuck off bitch.

oh and cynbdie didn't make a good point he lost the point.

Wow. Is this how Righties behave on this forum, or is this more the exception than the rule?

Quote the rule newbie.

That's Mr. Newbie to you, buster.

And I already know that it is not per se forbidden, so if you wanna act like a total dick who has no couth, no manners and no taste, have at it. I never get in-between a man and his own stupidity.

Proceed, bigrebnc1775, proceeed...
Wow. Is this how Righties behave on this forum, or is this more the exception than the rule?

Quote the rule newbie.

That's Mr. Newbie to you, buster.

And I already know that it is not per se forbidden, so if you wanna act like a total dick who has no couth, no manners and no taste, have at it. I never get in-between a man and his own stupidity.

Proceed, bigrebnc1775, proceeed...
Well if you know it's not forbidden why in the hell did you blurt it out?
Quote the rule newbie.

That's Mr. Newbie to you, buster.

And I already know that it is not per se forbidden, so if you wanna act like a total dick who has no couth, no manners and no taste, have at it. I never get in-between a man and his own stupidity.

Proceed, bigrebnc1775, proceeed...
Well if you know it's not forbidden why in the hell did you blurt it out?

It was a rhetorical question. You do understand that, right?
One question for Trajan: Is it really that hard to type out the word support?
Asking you that simple question was neg worthy, huh/

I mean seriously, I have read I don't know how many times you type out "sppt." instead of the word support.

It's like two extra keystrokes.

It's just weird. But glad you got your neg boner on at that one eh? Excelsior!

I noticed that too. Weird. What shorthand is that :confused: Yet, he spells out the word "attempt" :D
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