Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Perhaps now this great nation can move ahead, out of the Senate Repub filibuster morass, and do the people's work, FOR WHICH THEY ARE PAID I might add.
Obama spent over $300 billion dollars the day after they raised the debt-ceiling.


U.S. National Debt Over $17 Trillion - Surges $328 Billion In A Single Day |

Yeah ... But it is all the good spending that Democrats and this administration do that counts.
Like the $192 million they gave to Fisker for developing new energy efficient cars ... Who just went bankrupt and sold their assets to a Hong Kong tycoon for less than $30 million.

Your tax dollars at work ... Doing nothing ... Fisker files for Bankruptcy, hopes selling company will restart Karma sales

Perhaps now this great nation can move ahead, out of the Senate Repub filibuster morass, and do the people's work, FOR WHICH THEY ARE PAID I might add.

It will make it easier to "move", that's true. Where you gonna hide when the 'moral majority' gets back in? I guess you're just hoping they don't?
Democrap scum believe not needing to prove their socialist judges are legit legal minds and not anti-American is "getting business done."

The end justifies the means in your dirty minds.
Harry Reid did this so that they can get activist Judges in the D. C. court.

The counter by Repubs should be, if they get the Senate in 2014 and keep the House, is to write legislation that would bring up Judges to a review board when they make their own laws like they are doing now and then can get fired for doing that.

The problem with this is President Obama would veto it.
So they would have to do this when they would get a Repub President maybe in 2016.

So name them. Which "activist judges" have been being held up?

Comelia Pillard
Patricia Millett
Robert Wilkins

Patricia Millett is not an activist judge. She's never been a judge.
Democrats will always have that advantage, and the reason for that is the way the two parties look at government in the first place.

Liberals have a significant affection for and devotion to government, a romantic notion of We The People all working together in a collective to make things better. The government, of course, is the instrument of that effort, so it's natural and easy for them to promote its power and influence at all times., and they're very passionate about it.

Conservatives don't share that affection or devotion, so they're essentially working at a disadvantage right off. So their challenge - and it may be too late at this point - is to convince Americans that the individual has the ability to improve their own lives. That's much tougher sell, an eat-your-vegetables message that must be phrased carefully.

Unfortunately for the GOP, too many of its messengers over the last several years don't appreciate how carefully that message must be delivered, and instead have gone with a simplistic, absolutist approach that has damaged the party by alienating many.

The party had better learn how to deliver its message more effectively before it's too late.


Here's the way to rid this country of liberals. Let obama have everything he wants. within five years people will wake up when obamas failed policy starts taking more money than they make.

the only time we've lost money in our jobs and life was under republican rule ... when we made money up the ass it was under democrat regulations and tax increases ... never under any republican in office ...

Really? how about when obama was a junior half ass senator?
Shut the fuck up bitch.
Here's some fun for ya's


Liberty Counsel, as part of the National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters, recently signed a letter urging the the U.S. Senate leadership "to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur." The letter also pointed out that "while it is the right of the President to expect the Senate to give Advice and Consent within a reasonable period of time, it is the duty of every Senator to offer Advice and Consent through an honest, up or down vote."

A number of Republican senators still remain opposed or undecided on the issue. We have compiled a list you can use to call the Senators and ask them to end the judicial filibusters.


Washington, DC – Today, Senator Harry Reid invoked the “nuclear option” on judicial nominations, not including nominations to the Supreme Court. Under the new rules change, a judicial nominee does not need to meet the 60-vote cloture threshold and can be confirmed by a simple majority vote.
“Today’s action by Harry Reid is frightening, and every freedom-loving American should be deeply concerned,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel… the Court in Frightening Power Grab.pdf


That's only half the fun...wait.
That Liberty Council letter from 2005 is da bomb. You have to go to google cache to see the actual letter, because they deleted it.

National Coalition to End Judicial Filibusters:A Letter to Senate Leadership | Human Events

Have a look.
Shortened: To The Honorable William H. Frist,.... As the representatives of millions of American voices, we write to ask you to end the judicial filibusters at the earliest possible moment and well before a Supreme Court vacancy should occur. We believe that short of a compromise that guarantees an up or down vote at the end of debate, the Constitutional Options available to you will serve to honor the Constitution, restore Senate tradition and protect judicial independence....[Constitutional Options = Nuclear Option] (that whole letter is a hoot, retrospectively - read it.)

Look at who signed it:

. Sincerely, C. Boyden Gray, Committee for Justice Kay R. Daly, Coalition for a Fair Judiciary Harvey Tettlebaum, Republican National Lawyers Association David A. Keene, American Conservative Union Gary L. Bauer, American Values Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family James D. Daly, Focus on the Family Tony Perkins, Family Research Council James J. Fotis, Law Enforcement Alliance of America Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship Ministries Mark Earley, Prison Fellowship Ministries Connie Mackey, Family Research Council Lisa DePasquale, Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute L. Brent Bozell III, Conservative Victory Committee Dr. William A. Donohue, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Jim Backlin, Christian Coalition of America Dr. Carl Herbster, AdvanceUSA Ray Ruddy, Gerard Health Foundation Kurt Entsminger, Care Net Dr. Virginia Armstrong, Eagle Forum’s Court Watch Duane Parde, ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) Matt Kibbe, Freedom Works Peter A. Samuelson, Americans United for Life Clarke D. Forsythe, Esq. AUL’s Project on Law and Bioethics Richard Land, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Dr. Barrett Duke, Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Dr. John C. Eastman, The Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice James Bopp, Jr., James Madison Center for Free Speech Samuel B. Casey, Christian Legal Society Kelly Shackelford. Liberty Legal Institute Mathew D. Staver, Liberty Counsel Alan E. Sears, Alliance Defense Fund Roy Innis, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Niger Innis, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Lanier Swann, Concerned Women for America Dr. Keith Wiebe, American Association of Christian Schools Jeffrey Mazzella, Center for Individual Freedom Brian McCabe, Progress for America Phyllis Berry Myers, New Black Leadership Coalition Nancie Marzulla, Defenders of Property Rights Kevin W. Blier, Center for American Cultural Renewal Steven Mosher, Population Research Institute Ken Connor, Center for a Just Society Rick Scarborough, Vision America Michael Valerio, Vision America Gary Marx, Judicial Confirmation Network Ron Robinson, Young America’s Foundation Michael Howden, Stronger Families Manuel Lujan, Jr., Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute James L. Martin, 60 Plus Association Penny Nance, Kids First Coalition Charles W. Jarvis, USA Next (United Seniors Association) Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries Dr. Gary Cass, Center for Reclaiming America Mark Sutherland, Joyce Meyer Ministries Dr. S. Dale Burroughs, Biblical Heritage Institute Mike Snyder, The Wilberforce Forum Bishop Keith Butler Pastor Rod Parsley, Center for Moral Clarity Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition Andrea Lafferty, Traditional Values Coalition Jeff Ballabon, Center for Jewish Values Bill May, Catholics for the Common Good Oliver N.E. Kellman, Jr., National Faith Based Coalition Rev. Rusty Thomas, Eijah Ministries Dr. Paige Patterson, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Steve Lemke, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Dr. Craig Blaising, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas Austin Ruse, Culture of Life Foundation Thomas Glessner, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates Leslee Unruh, Abstinence Clearinghouse Thomas A. Shields, Coalition for Marriage and Family Bradley Mattes, Life Issues Institute Warren Kelley, National Center for Freedom & Renewal Robert B. Carlson, American Civil Rights Union Chuck Muth, Citizen Outreach Jennifer Bingham, Susan B. Anthony List Paul Caprio, Family-PAC Federal Larry Cirignano, William Greene, C. Preston Noell III, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc. Phil Burress, Citizens for Community Values Alvin Williams, Black America’s PAC (BAMPAC) Donald E. Wildmon, American Family Association Stephen M. Crampton, AFA Center for Law & Policy Dr. Patricia McEwen, Life Coalition International Rev. Keith Tucci, Life Coalition International Richard Ford, Heritage Alliance Karen Testerman, Cornerstone Policy Research Gregory K. Blankenship, Illinois Policy Institute Mary Anne Hackett, Catholic Citizens of Illinois Irwin Essenfeld, Renew Illinois Foundation Mary T Erickson, Illinois Citizens for Life Peter LaBarbera, Illinois Family Institute Thomas Smith, America 21 (Tennessee) Tom Brejcha, Thomas More Society, Pro-life Law Center (Chicago) Denise Mackura, Ohio Right to Life Russell Johnson, American Restoration Project (Pastor, Fairfield Christian Church, OH) James E. Barrett, Michigan Chamber of Commerce Gary Glenn, American Family Association of Michigan Len Deo, New Jersey Family Policy Council Dr. Steven J. Kidder, New York State Family Policy Council, Inc. Michael S. Heath, Christian Civic League of Maine Kenneth Endean, Maine Association of Christian Schools Lisa E. Roche, Esq, Maine Right to Life Committee Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum Kris Mineau, Massachusetts Family Institute Diane Gramley, American Family Association of Pennsylvania Dr. Ed Johnson, Minnesota Association of Christian Schools Tom Prichard, Minnesota Family Council Michael N. Duff, United Families Idaho Julie Lynde, Cornerstone Institute of Idaho Chuck Hurley, Iowa Family Policy Center Kelly M. Rosati, JD, Hawaii Family Forum Dr. James Efaw, Colorado Association of Christian Schools Gene Mills, Louisiana Family Forum Sadie Fields, Christian Coalition of Georgia Rev. Reece Yandle, South Carolina Association of Christian Schools Brad Fleming, Maryland Association of Christian Educators Douglas P. Stiegler, Family Protection Lobby – Maryland Dr. Ronald Konopaski, United For Life- San Francisco Dr. Joe Haas, North Carolina Christian School Association Bill Brooks, North Carolina Family Policy Council Robert E. Regier, South Dakota Family Policy Council Kent Ostrander, The Family Foundation of Kentucky David Bydalek, Family First (Nebraska) Len Munsil, The Center for Arizona Policy Micah Clark, American Family Association of Indiana John Stemberger, Florida Family Action, Inc Forest Thigpen, Mississippi Center for Public Policy Michael L. Jestes, Oklahoma Family Policy Council Julaine K. Appling, The Family Research Institute of Wisconsin Joe Bob Mizzell, Alabama Baptist Christian Life Commission Tim Parish, Rocky Mountain Association of Christian Schools. Dr. Ken Hutcherson, Antioch Bible Church, Redmond, WA William F. Large, Alaska Republican Party Hiram Lewis, Esq., West Virginia GOP Dorcas K. Harbert, GOP County Chair, Monongalia County, Morgantown, WV Charles Bolen, Past Chairman, West Virginia Young Republicans Former Congressman Mick Staton (R-WV) West Virginia Senator Larry Kimble (R-WV) Mark Coyle, former Communications Director, WV Republican Party Grant M. Lally, Irish American Republicans Brian McCarthy, Irish-American Republicans Don A. Daughtery, Wisconsin Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Maclin Davis, Tennessee Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Mark E. Foster, Oregon Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Craig Hymowitz, Philadelphia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Jefferson Knight, Florida Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Paul D. Seyferth, Kansas Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Frank B. Strickland, Georgia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter William M. Todd, Ohio Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Corey R. Weber, California Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Thomas E. Wheeler, Indiana Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter William B. Sellers, Alabama Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Brian T. Egan, New York Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Ann Browning, California Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Cameron Quinn, Virginia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Lee Goodman, Virginia Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter David Blackwood, Maryland Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Mark Chadwick, Southern Arizona Republican National Lawyers Association Chapter Keith Carlson, Orange County (CA) Republican Lawyers Association Rhet Miles, Chairman of the Benton County, Arkansas, Republican Committee Ron Shuping, The Inspiration Television Networks Janet Parshall, nationally syndicated Radio and TV host Martha Zoller, Radio Talk Show Host and Political Analyst (Georgia) Kevin P. Doran, Radio Talk Show host (New York) Mike Siegel, Radio host and author of Power Talk: The Influence of Talk Radio Chris Dickson. “The Dickson/Chappell Report”, (Midwest) Dom Giordano 1210 AM Radio (Philadelphia) Adam McManus, Radio Host of “Take A Stand” (Texas) Dave “Doc†Kirby, Radio Host (Alabama) Inga Barks, Radio Host (Southern CA) Marta Montelongo, Radio Host (Central CA) Vicki McKenna, Radio Host, News/Talk 1310 WIBA (Wisconsin) Brian Farrar, Syndicated talk show host, Michigan Talk Radio Network Mark R. Levin, author of Men in Black Craig Shirley, author, “Reagan’s Revolution; The Untold Story of the Campaign that Started it All.” Carol A. Taber, (former publisher, Working Woman and Working Mother magazines). Victor K. Williams, Professor of Law, Catholic University of America School of Law Clint Bolick, Esq. (Arizona)

(sorry about the long cut and paste. It had to be done)

That list reads like a CPAC meeting on 'roids.

Now listen to some of those same doodleburgers screaming Tyranny!
Note the date:

July 11, 2013
, 2:48 PM EDT20915

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) launched a barn-burner of a speech Thursday on the Senate floor, excoriating Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for continued obstruction when it comes to presidential nominees. He escalated the battle by setting up test votes next week on a series of potentially controversial nominees.

"Senator McConnell broke his word," Reid said. "The Republican leader has failed to live up to his commitments. He's failed to do what he said he would do -- move nominations by regular order except in extraordinary circumstances. I refuse to unilaterally surrender my right to respond to this breach of faith."

Did Reid act in good faith on allowing Republicans to have say in amendments? That was an acknowledged problem. Both sides promised to do better. Reid didn't keep up his part of the deal either.

There was no excuse for Reid to break his 2008 promise to the people who would be voting for him. Democrats' current overreach was their reaction to the damage done by their last overreach. They saw their polls falling in response to revelations about their abuse and they decided the solution was more abuse. We'll see how well that goes over.

Reid was not going to let them sabotage the ACA. That was their intent with the amendments.

If Reid broke a campaign promise, it's no one's business except the voters of Nevada.
"It is a disturbing trend when Republicans are willing to block executive branch nominees even if they have no objection about the qualification of the nominee," Reid said. "They're blocking qualified nominees because they refuse to accept the law of the land."

They may or may not be qualified, but what about those who legislate from the bench?
You fucking traitor.

Like Citizens United?

You're not smart enough to debate me. Now go play with your plumber's putty.
"It is a disturbing trend when Republicans are willing to block executive branch nominees even if they have no objection about the qualification of the nominee," Reid said. "They're blocking qualified nominees because they refuse to accept the law of the land."

They may or may not be qualified, but what about those who legislate from the bench?
You fucking traitor.

Like Citizens United?

You're not smart enough to debate me. Now go play with your plumber's putty.
And I'll raise you obamacare now go play in the middle of the road.
"It is a disturbing trend when Republicans are willing to block executive branch nominees even if they have no objection about the qualification of the nominee," Reid said. "They're blocking qualified nominees because they refuse to accept the law of the land."

They may or may not be qualified, but what about those who legislate from the bench?
You fucking traitor.

Like Citizens United?

You're not smart enough to debate me. Now go play with your plumber's putty.

Strange you couldn't retort what Bigreb posted, just an attack on thinks you got nothing. :eusa_whistle:
Wow...they said that?!? And then go on to filibuster President Obama's nominees to an unprecedented degree and then get pissed when Harry Reid enacts reform? Sheesh, it's like they're rank hypocrites or something.

I remember being on a different board back in 2005, and conservative opposition to the filibustering of judges was practically unanimous;

now look at this board, gee, can't imagine why conservative opinion has done a complete 180...
Hey dumb ass how in the hell can you say that you remember when, when you weren't even a member here back in 2005? You are a lying sack of shit.
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Or are you comparing two different boards?

More evidence that you're a total dumbass who cannot read. :lol:
Can;t read very good, kenya?

No you can't read try again and look at the edit time and your post time shit stain.
It's the same time. 8:16. You made an edit cause you realized you fucked up when you said "Hey dumb ass how in the hell can you say that you remember when, when you weren't even a member here back in 2005?" and called him a liar.

You don't think we can see that?

He thinks we're as stupid as he is.
Note the date:

July 11, 2013
, 2:48 PM EDT20915

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) launched a barn-burner of a speech Thursday on the Senate floor, excoriating Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for continued obstruction when it comes to presidential nominees. He escalated the battle by setting up test votes next week on a series of potentially controversial nominees.

"Senator McConnell broke his word," Reid said. "The Republican leader has failed to live up to his commitments. He's failed to do what he said he would do -- move nominations by regular order except in extraordinary circumstances. I refuse to unilaterally surrender my right to respond to this breach of faith."

Did Reid act in good faith on allowing Republicans to have say in amendments? That was an acknowledged problem. Both sides promised to do better. Reid didn't keep up his part of the deal either.

There was no excuse for Reid to break his 2008 promise to the people who would be voting for him. Democrats' current overreach was their reaction to the damage done by their last overreach. They saw their polls falling in response to revelations about their abuse and they decided the solution was more abuse. We'll see how well that goes over.

Reid was not going to let them sabotage the ACA. That was their intent with the amendments.

If Reid broke a campaign promise, it's no one's business except the voters of Nevada.

Is he gonna let Al Franken sabotage it?
They may or may not be qualified, but what about those who legislate from the bench?
You fucking traitor.

Like Citizens United?

You're not smart enough to debate me. Now go play with your plumber's putty.

Strange you couldn't retort what Bigreb posted, just an attack on thinks you got nothing. :eusa_whistle:

He's the type that stand in front of the mirror and repeats

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