Reid: Everyone is lying

How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

The disgraceful Harry Reid, one of America’s most corrupt politicians, a man who has mysteriously gotten rich as a public employee, is losing his grip. This has been going on for a while; remember his insane claim during the 2012 presidential campaign that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay any taxes? Today the subject was Obamacare. Reid, probably because he sees his position as majority leader slipping away on account of popular revulsion toward Obamacare, went on a hysterical rant against those who criticize the Democrats’ signature legislation:
Across the country Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered for something like cancer or as simple as acne have been able to buy affordable health insurance they could afford and could trust. Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.
Got that? Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie! With more than five million people already having been booted off their existing coverage by the ACA, that’s a whole lot of liars.

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

Certainly an act of desperation.

Even the White House chimed in about those 6 million liars that had their "liked policies" cancelled after being LIED to over 40 times by Barack Obama and democrats who lied to them with the "if you like your policy you can keep it." Reversal of fortune I guess--but I don't think the American public are going to take this strategy and run with it--that's for certain. Maybe liberals will--but 6 million "liars" are a little too much to swallow to be true.

Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie!

Pretty much so...I can't think of any of these right wing created Obamacare horror stories that weren't based on misinformation and/or pure fabrication.

Those Koch Brothers have some deeeeeeeep pockets.

I just posted a few, feel free to go through them and point out how they misrepresent the facts.

Better yet, since you are in the mood to defend Obamacare, explain why this woman is telling a lie so bad that the FCC needs to ban it.

That's a very powerful video--and is probably why Harry Reid is out there stating that "they're all LYING."--:badgrin:

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Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.

Like I said, the GOP shills are getting upset about how nobody outside their cult is paying any attention to whatever talking points their GOP masters said to parrot. Tomorrow someone else will be the designated target, the cultists will obediently parrot the new talking points, and again, nobody will care. Which will have the cultists declaring it's all a media conspiracy. Same old same old.

Cultist? If you didn't have your head so far up Obama's ass you wouldn't be blinded by his shit!

He's been lying since 2008 and you know it! You are not worthy of being called an American.
You like being called a liar by an elected member of Congress?

this is how low and hostile the Democrat party have become to you, WHO they supposedly REPRESENT

[ame=]A Dose of Reality - YouTube[/ame]
the same people who consider record welfare and food stamps to be "forward progress" are calling other people liars.

the same people who brag about supposedly creating 7 MILLION new jobs and 50 striaght months of job growth still cry and ask the other side where are the jobs the Left insists they have already created

the same people crying about THAT; are now telling us how exciting and empowering it is for WOMEN WHO LOST THEIR JOB or health insurance becaue of obamacare. after that is; having to admit FINALLY that the ACA IS costing jobs.

liberals are self-deluding morons; brainwashed lemmings; or just out and out liars

But just think, those unemployed women on welfare and foodstamps can now tuck their children into bed every night! Hell, they might even become artists!
the same people who consider record welfare and food stamps to be "forward progress" are calling other people liars.

the same people who brag about supposedly creating 7 MILLION new jobs and 50 striaght months of job growth still cry and ask the other side where are the jobs the Left insists they have already created

the same people crying about THAT; are now telling us how exciting and empowering it is for WOMEN WHO LOST THEIR JOB or health insurance becaue of obamacare. after that is; having to admit FINALLY that the ACA IS costing jobs.

liberals are self-deluding morons; brainwashed lemmings; or just out and out liars

But just think, those unemployed women on welfare and foodstamps can now tuck their children into bed every night! Hell, they might even become artists!

Maybe write a book that could be turned into a movie....maybe make millions....

...Oh,,......can't do that. Then they'd become evil rich homophobic racist Republicans.
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You like being called a liar by an elected member of Congress?

this is how low and hostile the Democrat party have become to you, WHO they supposedly REPRESENT

A Dose of Reality - YouTube

10 years ago comments like that would have lead to his resignation.:eusa_silenced:

I've watched that party over 60 years transform from one that had civility to the one today.... which is filled with scumbags like Reid, Obama, etc...nasty thugs if you cross them or their policies...But, their base doesn't care how they treat the people in country so they will continue to abuse us
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Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.

Like I said, the GOP shills are getting upset about how nobody outside their cult is paying any attention to whatever talking points their GOP masters said to parrot. Tomorrow someone else will be the designated target, the cultists will obediently parrot the new talking points, and again, nobody will care. Which will have the cultists declaring it's all a media conspiracy. Same old same old.

The problem with that is millions of people have been effected by this law. Millions of witnesses after the fact. If you haven't lost your health insurance or lost your doctor you'll know somebody who has. This is why Obama pushed back mandating the law till after 2016. By then he'll be in retirement and we'll have to deal with the mess.

And with luck, there will be a Republican president in office to be blamed by the libtard left.
You like being called a liar by an elected member of Congress?

this is how low and hostile the Democrat party have become to you, WHO they supposedly REPRESENT

A Dose of Reality - YouTube

10 years ago comments like that would have lead to his resignation.:eusa_silenced:

I've watched that party over 60 years transform from one that had civility to the one today.... which is filled with scumbags like Reid, Obama, etc...nasty thugs if you cross them or their policies...But, their base doesn't care how they treat the people in country so they will continue to abuse us

Their base loves assholes. Plain and simple.

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