Reid: Everyone is lying

How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

The disgraceful Harry Reid, one of America’s most corrupt politicians, a man who has mysteriously gotten rich as a public employee, is losing his grip. This has been going on for a while; remember his insane claim during the 2012 presidential campaign that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay any taxes? Today the subject was Obamacare. Reid, probably because he sees his position as majority leader slipping away on account of popular revulsion toward Obamacare, went on a hysterical rant against those who criticize the Democrats’ signature legislation:
Across the country Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered for something like cancer or as simple as acne have been able to buy affordable health insurance they could afford and could trust. Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.
Got that? Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie! With more than five million people already having been booted off their existing coverage by the ACA, that’s a whole lot of liars.

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.

It's on YouTube.
How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.

It's on YouTube.

as opposed to wingnutty left-wing morons still pretending record welfare and food stamps in the 8th year of Progressive Majority Rule is "forward progress" or the fault of the guy that left office years ago?

lol libs are such morons!
When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.

It's on YouTube.

as opposed to wingnutty left-wing morons still pretending record welfare and food stamps in the 8th year of Progressive Majority Rule is "forward progress" or the fault of the guy that left office years ago?

lol libs are such morons!

They just want to give single mothers more flexibility. They're strengthening the middle-class.
But all the high-profile well-publicized horror stories were lies, which is what Reid was speaking of. It's extremely dishonest of powerline to take Reid out of context like that. They lied big about Reid. And all the conservatives here approve and join in with the lie. When TheParty commands them to worship the latest lie, they all instantly drop to their knees. And then they get so upset because nobody outside of their right-wing-fringe cult pays any attention to what they're crying about this time.

So what's the source of the conservative panic? They put all of their eggs in the "Repeal ObamaCare!" basket, and it's dawning on them what a mistake that was. They can't repeal a successful program, but they swore to do it and have no Plan B. They'll probably just have to resort to screaming "Benghazi!" to deflect attention.

Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.
How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

The disgraceful Harry Reid, one of America’s most corrupt politicians, a man who has mysteriously gotten rich as a public employee, is losing his grip. This has been going on for a while; remember his insane claim during the 2012 presidential campaign that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay any taxes? Today the subject was Obamacare. Reid, probably because he sees his position as majority leader slipping away on account of popular revulsion toward Obamacare, went on a hysterical rant against those who criticize the Democrats’ signature legislation:
Across the country Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered for something like cancer or as simple as acne have been able to buy affordable health insurance they could afford and could trust. Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.
Got that? Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie! With more than five million people already having been booted off their existing coverage by the ACA, that’s a whole lot of liars.
Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.

The only real issue here is if he actually said it or not, not the source. Would it help if I posted video of Reid saying it from the Senate floor, or would the fact that it was on YouTube somehow still prove everyone is lying about what he said?

Wow. look at that, exactly what they said he said, and they even got the context right. I guess that makes them right, and him a lying sack of shit.
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How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.

It's on YouTube.

I watched him say it on TV yesterday, Sarah is just a hack.
Did the 5 million dropped from their plans think ObamaCare is a success...
Harry Reid says thay are liars?
They were never dropped?
They never had a negative result in getting new coverage...
Is this how the Democrat party defends ObamaCare.
Everybody is full of shit.
Someone started a thread about subsidy recapture and when I did a worst case scenario I got a marginal tax rate of 37,000,000%. Maybe Harry will denounce me on the floor the next time he goes off his meds.
But all the high-profile well-publicized horror stories were lies, which is what Reid was speaking of. It's extremely dishonest of powerline to take Reid out of context like that. They lied big about Reid. And all the conservatives here approve and join in with the lie. When TheParty commands them to worship the latest lie, they all instantly drop to their knees. And then they get so upset because nobody outside of their right-wing-fringe cult pays any attention to what they're crying about this time.

So what's the source of the conservative panic? They put all of their eggs in the "Repeal ObamaCare!" basket, and it's dawning on them what a mistake that was. They can't repeal a successful program, but they swore to do it and have no Plan B. They'll probably just have to resort to screaming "Benghazi!" to deflect attention.
Priceless. You're now lying to give cover to Reid? Crazy town is missing its biggest tool.
How can you tell when your signature legislation is a complete failure?

The disgraceful Harry Reid, one of America’s most corrupt politicians, a man who has mysteriously gotten rich as a public employee, is losing his grip. This has been going on for a while; remember his insane claim during the 2012 presidential campaign that Mitt Romney doesn’t pay any taxes? Today the subject was Obamacare. Reid, probably because he sees his position as majority leader slipping away on account of popular revulsion toward Obamacare, went on a hysterical rant against those who criticize the Democrats’ signature legislation:
Across the country Americans who were once denied insurance because they suffered for something like cancer or as simple as acne have been able to buy affordable health insurance they could afford and could trust. Despite all that good news, there’s plenty of horror stories being told. All are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.
Got that? Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie! With more than five million people already having been booted off their existing coverage by the ACA, that’s a whole lot of liars.

Harry Reid Goes Around the Bend on Obamacare | Power Line

When you all post stuff like this, the first thing I usually is go to your source which is usually someone I never heard of and hit the about us button and sure enough it's always some blogger from National Review, Weekly Standard, other wingnutty rags and this one is no different.

He said it. I suggest you skip the youtube posted. It makes defending stupid harder when you actually hear it ;)
Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.

Like I said, the GOP shills are getting upset about how nobody outside their cult is paying any attention to whatever talking points their GOP masters said to parrot. Tomorrow someone else will be the designated target, the cultists will obediently parrot the new talking points, and again, nobody will care. Which will have the cultists declaring it's all a media conspiracy. Same old same old.
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Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie!

Pretty much so...I can't think of any of these right wing created Obamacare horror stories that weren't based on misinformation and/or pure fabrication.

Those Koch Brothers have some deeeeeeeep pockets.
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Wow...does this read like it was written by TDM or what?
If someone said this was a TDM sock trying to write a little differently to disguise herself I would not be the least surprised.

If you're calling me a sock, have the guts to do so directly.

But then, you are a conservative, so weasel-like behavior is expected.
Wow...does this read like it was written by TDM or what?
If someone said this was a TDM sock trying to write a little differently to disguise herself I would not be the least surprised.

If you're calling me a sock, have the guts to do so directly.

But then, you are a conservative, so weasel-like behavior is expected.

I just took it as them saying you sound just as stupid as she does, and you do.
Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.

Like I said, the GOP shills are getting upset about how nobody outside their cult is paying any attention to whatever talking points their GOP masters said to parrot. Tomorrow someone else will be the designated target, the cultists will obediently parrot the new talking points, and again, nobody will care. Which will have the cultists declaring it's all a media conspiracy. Same old same old.

Here are a few of the "lies."

Stephen Blackwood: ObamaCare and My Mother's Cancer Medicine -
New health care law makes finding cancer coverage difficult, family says |
A Stage-4 Gallblader Cancer Survivor Says: I Am One of ObamaCare's Losers -

Exclusive: AIDS patients in Obamacare limbo as insurers reject checks | Reuters
Denied Obamacare coverage, Michigan family with disabilities finds alternatives much more expensive |

Feel free to do the same thing Reid did, attempt to pretend he didn't mean what he said.
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Every “horror story” about Obamacare is a lie!

Pretty much so...I can't think of any of these right wing created Obamacare horror stories that weren't based on misinformation and/or pure fabrication.

Those Koch Brothers have some deeeeeeeep pockets.

I just posted a few, feel free to go through them and point out how they misrepresent the facts.

Better yet, since you are in the mood to defend Obamacare, explain why this woman is telling a lie so bad that the FCC needs to ban it.

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Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.

Like I said, the GOP shills are getting upset about how nobody outside their cult is paying any attention to whatever talking points their GOP masters said to parrot. Tomorrow someone else will be the designated target, the cultists will obediently parrot the new talking points, and again, nobody will care. Which will have the cultists declaring it's all a media conspiracy. Same old same old.
Code translation:

We have had an information blackout to keep the American people from getting this information and you people are spoiling it!
Except they aren't lies, which makes you a lying sack of shit that is defending a scumbag asshole politician lying sack of shit.

Like I said, the GOP shills are getting upset about how nobody outside their cult is paying any attention to whatever talking points their GOP masters said to parrot. Tomorrow someone else will be the designated target, the cultists will obediently parrot the new talking points, and again, nobody will care. Which will have the cultists declaring it's all a media conspiracy. Same old same old.

The problem with that is millions of people have been effected by this law. Millions of witnesses after the fact. If you haven't lost your health insurance or lost your doctor you'll know somebody who has. This is why Obama pushed back mandating the law till after 2016. By then he'll be in retirement and we'll have to deal with the mess.
The key problem for the Ds is that the number of voters who see Obamacare as an existential threat to themselves and their loved ones is growing. Reid is likely to lose his seat in 2016, if he runs, and that is entirely due to his role in passing Obamacare. Ocare is likely to reelect our wildly unpopular FL governor, Scott, and his unfavorable rating would make that impossible absent this POS of a program.

But have no fears about the GOP, Ds, they will gangbang the pooch as usual when they get back in power. What you should worry about is your left flank. Not passing single payer, which was never possible, will be punished at the polls by the Greens and other leftist fringe parties.

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