Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

I think it is. Where were you on the Obama Appointments? Just curious. Do you think Reid has issues with shady dealings?

I can't think of the last good thing I had to say about reid other than chuckling at him for pulling this fox news-ish stunt. The guy sucks. As far as the appointments are concerned I was fine with their tax issues being exposed and corrected. If someone in a high position in government is cheating or has cheated on their taxes the public should know about it. Would I have appointed a guy like Geithner in the wake of the financial meltdown? Hell no.

Do You really think the IRS would not act if they had any Evidence at all?

Please people.

IRS seldom does shit.

They don't have the funding.

There are about 750 Billion dollars floating around in taxes unpaid to the US.
So you are going to take the, You have to Prove you are Innocent approach?

Harry Reid is the one that needs to Put up or Shut up, He is the one making claims, In American we ask the Accuser to prove it, not the other way around.

Now, As far as Romney and his Taxes, You do Realize they are not Private to the IRS right? They have them, Or they don't, if they don't they know he cheated, if they do, and have not done anything in 10 years, I am guessing it's because he has not broke any laws.

So once again, you are just making baseless accusations and asking the accused to prove his Innocence.

How very Un American of you.

He could have been breaking laws and accepted amnesty, that's the point. You don't think it's important to know if Romney was committing tax evasion and participated in an amnesty program?

Oh so now you are mr law and order?

Yeah you got me. Prior to this I was a total anarchist and was all about off shore accounts and tax evasion being the cool thing to do. :rolleyes:

Try harder.
I will say one thing, there is absolutely no way in heaven that romney went 10 years without paying ANY income the "he paid zero" in taxes the last 10 years I just don't buy in to it.... it could have been virtually nothing compared to income, but certainly not zero.

He either did so, using his convoluted tax shelter off-shore schemes, lied to his investor, or Reid pulled the claim out of his ass. So far, Mittens's hasn't called it a lie.
Romney was recently asked if he ever paid less then 13.5% for taxes in a given year. He told the interviewer he'd have to look into and get back to him.

Subsequently..the Romney camp told ABC to stop asking the question.

So Romney lied to the interviewer. He had no intention of getting back to him.

John Kerry Paid 12% in one of the years he released.

WTF is your point

If do you know about it?

And how successful was Kerry's run?


I rather talk about how all you fucking assholes supported his Run, and had no issues at all with his Wealth, Which was MUCH MORE THAN Romney, or the Fact that he didn't even earn it like Romney, he married into it.

Rich Lib Worth over a Billion pays 12% you guys say, He is our man. Rich Republican worth 1/5th of that runs and you guys say, oh he is just to Rich.


You people are so Predictably Hypocritical.
I wonder if Reid is fearful that Romney will now show evidence that he, Reid, is wrong? Why does Reid seem confident that this whole thing doesn't backfire on him? Why didn't Reid have someone else make the claim? Why would Reid take the chance that he will be proven wrong?

Because he knows the media has his back.........This stupidity too, will just sink once they see that its not gaining them any traction either.....who else is there to hold him accountable ? No one......

The people are able to hold him accountable. If decent people will stand up and demand that Harry Reid answer for his slander, then some of the nasty politics will stop.
I think it is. Where were you on the Obama Appointments? Just curious. Do you think Reid has issues with shady dealings?

I can't think of the last good thing I had to say about reid other than chuckling at him for pulling this fox news-ish stunt. The guy sucks. As far as the appointments are concerned I was fine with their tax issues being exposed and corrected. If someone in a high position in government is cheating or has cheated on their taxes the public should know about it. Would I have appointed a guy like Geithner in the wake of the financial meltdown? Hell no.

Do You really think the IRS would not act if they had any Evidence at all?

Please people.

Define "act".

you do know what the word"amnesty" means, right?
I will say one thing, there is absolutely no way in heaven that romney went 10 years without paying ANY income the "he paid zero" in taxes the last 10 years I just don't buy in to it.... it could have been virtually nothing compared to income, but certainly not zero.

He either did so, using his convoluted tax shelter off-shore schemes, lied to his investor, or Reid pulled the claim out of his ass. So far, Mittens's hasn't called it a lie.

Romney has certainly called it a lie. Try a little integrity.
It wont Back fire on him. If Romney shows he is Wrong, Harry will just say his Source lied to him, or his source was Mistaken.

Why do you think he is pulling this, I am not saying it, someone told me it, I am just repeating them, BS?


This is some low ass, Down and Dirty Politics is all it is.

Shows just how scared the Dems are.

Lower then questioning where a person was born?
Lower then questioning a person's religion?
Lower then questioning a person's valor in war?
Lower then ascribing an illegimate black child born out of wedlock to a person?


This isn't even close.

Bullshit, this is a sitting Senate Majority Leader Making shit up about a Presidential Candidate, to help his Guy win.

Much Lower.

and all you Hypocrite Libs who normally would be attacking the accuser in a Situation like this one, are on Board.

need I say more.

You fucking Hacks.

Hacks is to light a term.......Obama, this week especially been lieing his ass off, straight up, not a word from the hacks here........hes been stumping on that idiotic the GOP wants to give the rich a tax cut crap, talk about short bus challenged......and not a word......:eusa_whistle:
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John Kerry Paid 12% in one of the years he released.

WTF is your point

If do you know about it?

And how successful was Kerry's run?


I rather talk about how all you fucking assholes supported his Run, and had no issues at all with his Wealth, Which was MUCH MORE THAN Romney, or the Fact that he didn't even earn it like Romney, he married into it.

Rich Lib Worth over a Billion pays 12% you guys say, He is our man. Rich Republican worth 1/5th of that runs and you guys say, oh he is just to Rich.


You people are so Predictably Hypocritical.

Kerry's "wealth" wasn't his own. And he released 20 years of tax returns.

And Romney's problem isn't his "wealth"'s how he accrued it.

Pillaging companies and costing people their jobs may be good for investors and rich folks..but that shit comes back on ya.

He could have been breaking laws and accepted amnesty, that's the point. You don't think it's important to know if Romney was committing tax evasion and participated in an amnesty program?

Oh so now you are mr law and order?

Yeah you got me. Prior to this I was a total anarchist and was all about off shore accounts and tax evasion being the cool thing to do. :rolleyes:

Try harder.

Me?. Naaaa, I however
think you should lay off the hypocrasy want to latch on to this crap yet you left no slimy rock unturned defending the right for state officials to abrogate their responsibilities and take off from their jobs.......little late to the integrity party yo'........
Oh so now you are mr law and order?

Yeah you got me. Prior to this I was a total anarchist and was all about off shore accounts and tax evasion being the cool thing to do. :rolleyes:

Try harder.

Me?. Naaaa, I however
think you should lay off the hypocrasy want to latch on to this crap yet you left no slimy rock unturned defending the right for state officials to abrogate their responsibilities and take off from their jobs.......little late to the integrity party yo'........

I think you should lay off the hypocrisy charges while doing whatever you can to detail this thread. You are so full of it it'spathetic. If you had anywhere near the integrity you think you have you would be right herewanting to know the same info, instead you are busy pointing fingers. You ain't pure as the driven snow, dude. You can be just as partisan as 90% of the board and your last couple of post prove just that.
I will say one thing, there is absolutely no way in heaven that romney went 10 years without paying ANY income the "he paid zero" in taxes the last 10 years I just don't buy in to it.... it could have been virtually nothing compared to income, but certainly not zero.

He either did so, using his convoluted tax shelter off-shore schemes, lied to his investor, or Reid pulled the claim out of his ass. So far, Mittens's hasn't called it a lie.

Romney has certainly called it a lie. Try a little integrity.

I didn't hear it. I heard Mr. Etch-a-Sketch dancing around the issue. Why doesn't Mittens just put the proof on the table? Unless he's a liar.
Harry Reid Doubles Down On Stupid-Needs Civics Course!

Reid also said the burden of proof fell on Romney.

"I don't think the burden should be on me," he said. "The burden should be on him. He's the one I've alleged has not paid any taxes. Why didn't he release his tax returns?"

"Really?" asked Hot Air's Ed Morrissey. "Is that how it works in the US? A government official accuses someone of a felony, and the burden of proof falls on the accused? Funny, I missed that in my civics class," he wrote.

So if a dip wad Senator makes an accusation we now have to prove its false? Where in the hell did he come up with this BS?
He either did so, using his convoluted tax shelter off-shore schemes, lied to his investor, or Reid pulled the claim out of his ass. So far, Mittens's hasn't called it a lie.

Romney has certainly called it a lie. Try a little integrity.

I didn't hear it. I heard Mr. Etch-a-Sketch dancing around the issue. Why doesn't Mittens just put the proof on the table? Unless he's a liar.
"Harry’s going to have to describe who it is he spoke with, because, of course, that is totally and completely wrong," Romney said. "It’s untrue, dishonest and inaccurate. It’s wrong."

"So, I’m looking forward to have Harry reveal his sources, and we will probably find out it’s the White House."

dumb ass
Video: Jon Stewart Slams Harry Reid For Mitt Romney Tax Returns Statements - Business Insider

Reid told The Huffington Post on Tuesday that an unnamed Bain investor told him that Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years, but Reid also acknowledged he didn't know if this was true. Reid went on to speculate that his "poor father must be so embarrassed about his son," referencing the fact that George Romney released more than 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968.

"I cannot believe you just went dead-dad shame on Mitt Romney," Stewart said. "As someone who has truly and thoroughly disappointed his still-living father on many occasions, that is bulls**t shot."

There's a video of the Jon Stewart segment on the linked page.
Video: Jon Stewart Slams Harry Reid For Mitt Romney Tax Returns Statements - Business Insider

Reid told The Huffington Post on Tuesday that an unnamed Bain investor told him that Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years, but Reid also acknowledged he didn't know if this was true. Reid went on to speculate that his "poor father must be so embarrassed about his son," referencing the fact that George Romney released more than 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968.

"I cannot believe you just went dead-dad shame on Mitt Romney," Stewart said. "As someone who has truly and thoroughly disappointed his still-living father on many occasions, that is bulls**t shot."

There's a video of the Jon Stewart segment on the linked page.

Jon Stewart has turned into a real disappointment to some of us on the left. I've noticed that for the past couple years or so he seems to be catering more to the right. I used to look forward to watching him every night, but now I rarely bother. Is he going the way of Lou Dobbs? I don't know...
Video: Jon Stewart Slams Harry Reid For Mitt Romney Tax Returns Statements - Business Insider

Reid told The Huffington Post on Tuesday that an unnamed Bain investor told him that Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years, but Reid also acknowledged he didn't know if this was true. Reid went on to speculate that his "poor father must be so embarrassed about his son," referencing the fact that George Romney released more than 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968.

"I cannot believe you just went dead-dad shame on Mitt Romney," Stewart said. "As someone who has truly and thoroughly disappointed his still-living father on many occasions, that is bulls**t shot."

There's a video of the Jon Stewart segment on the linked page.

Jon Stewart has turned into a real disappointment to some of us on the left. I've noticed that for the past couple years or so he seems to be catering more to the right. I used to look forward to watching him every night, but now I rarely bother. Is he going the way of Lou Dobbs? I don't know...

Maybe he's grasped upon the concept of individual thought?
Mitt Romney To Harry Reid On Tax Dodge: 'Put Up Or Shut Up' (UPDATE: Reid Responds)

UPDATE: 8:46 p.m. -- Reid is not backing down. He put out a statement Thursday night declaring that his source at Bain (who he said told him about Romney not paying taxes) is "extremely credible" and insisted that the one way to clear up the matter is for Romney to be more transparent.

There is a controversy because the Republican presidential nominee, Governor Mitt Romney, refuses to release his tax returns. As I said before, I was told by an extremely credible source that Romney has not paid taxes for ten years. People who make as much money as Mitt Romney have many tricks at their disposal to avoid paying taxes. We already know that Romney has exploited many of these loopholes, stashing his money in secret, overseas accounts in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

Last weekend, Governor Romney promised that he would check his tax returns and let the American people know whether he ever paid a rate lower than 13.9 percent. One day later, his campaign raced to say he had no intention of putting out any further information.

When it comes to answering the legitimate questions the American people have about whether he avoided paying his fair share in taxes or why he opened a Swiss bank account, Romney has shut up. But as a presidential candidate, it’s his obligation to put up, and release several years’ worth of tax returns just like nominees of both parties have done for decades.

It’s clear Romney is hiding something, and the American people deserve to know what it is. Whatever Romney’s hiding probably speaks volumes about how he would approach issues that directly impact middle-class families, like tax reform and the economy. When you are running for president, you should be an open book.

I understand Romney is concerned that many people, Democrats and Republicans, have been calling on him to release his tax returns. He has so far refused. There is only one thing he can do to clear this up, and that’s release his tax returns.​

Sam Stein: Mitt Romney To Harry Reid On Tax Dodge: 'Put Up Or Shut Up' (UPDATE: Reid Responds)
Last edited:
Video: Jon Stewart Slams Harry Reid For Mitt Romney Tax Returns Statements - Business Insider

Reid told The Huffington Post on Tuesday that an unnamed Bain investor told him that Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years, but Reid also acknowledged he didn't know if this was true. Reid went on to speculate that his "poor father must be so embarrassed about his son," referencing the fact that George Romney released more than 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968.

"I cannot believe you just went dead-dad shame on Mitt Romney," Stewart said. "As someone who has truly and thoroughly disappointed his still-living father on many occasions, that is bulls**t shot."

There's a video of the Jon Stewart segment on the linked page.

Jon Stewart has turned into a real disappointment to some of us on the left. I've noticed that for the past couple years or so he seems to be catering more to the right. I used to look forward to watching him every night, but now I rarely bother. Is he going the way of Lou Dobbs? I don't know...

Maybe he is becoming objective and sees the idiots and hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.

Come on, Reid is a real dick, he is spreading gossip as fact, very unprofessional for the leader of the Senate.

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