Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

He either did so, using his convoluted tax shelter off-shore schemes, lied to his investor, or Reid pulled the claim out of his ass. So far, Mittens's hasn't called it a lie.

Romney has certainly called it a lie. Try a little integrity.

I didn't hear it. I heard Mr. Etch-a-Sketch dancing around the issue. Why doesn't Mittens just put the proof on the table? Unless he's a liar.

Welll lets all lay our dicks on the table.....OBama can release his college records.....and lets do it for all federal politicians.....I think it would be awesome.

Jon Stewart has turned into a real disappointment to some of us on the left. I've noticed that for the past couple years or so he seems to be catering more to the right. I used to look forward to watching him every night, but now I rarely bother. Is he going the way of Lou Dobbs? I don't know...

Maybe he is becoming objective and sees the idiots and hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.

Come on, Reid is a real dick, he is spreading gossip as fact, very unprofessional for the leader of the Senate.

I used to think Reid was a gutless dick, but not so much so now...

Jon Stewart has turned into a real disappointment to some of us on the left. I've noticed that for the past couple years or so he seems to be catering more to the right. I used to look forward to watching him every night, but now I rarely bother. Is he going the way of Lou Dobbs? I don't know...

Maybe he is becoming objective and sees the idiots and hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.

Come on, Reid is a real dick, he is spreading gossip as fact, very unprofessional for the leader of the Senate.

Trying to sell distortions as facts damning the opposing party is how politics is done. If Rmoney had any smarts (or maybe just a smart PR), he'd dodge the allegations with grace and dignity while leaving his detractors looking shame-faced and silly. Instead, he stammers half-answers which only BEG everyone to dare him to prove it.

Should someone so easily manipulated actually become the head of state?
Jon Stewart has turned into a real disappointment to some of us on the left. I've noticed that for the past couple years or so he seems to be catering more to the right. I used to look forward to watching him every night, but now I rarely bother. Is he going the way of Lou Dobbs? I don't know...

Maybe he is becoming objective and sees the idiots and hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.

Come on, Reid is a real dick, he is spreading gossip as fact, very unprofessional for the leader of the Senate.

Trying to sell distortions as facts damning the opposing party is how politics is done. If Rmoney had any smarts (or maybe just a smart PR), he'd dodge the allegations with grace and dignity while leaving his detractors looking shame-faced and silly. Instead, he stammers half-answers which only BEG everyone to dare him to prove it.

Should someone so easily manipulated actually become the head of state?

You just descibed Obama, so it would be a push.
Romney has certainly called it a lie. Try a little integrity.

I didn't hear it. I heard Mr. Etch-a-Sketch dancing around the issue. Why doesn't Mittens just put the proof on the table? Unless he's a liar.

Welll lets all lay our dicks on the table.....OBama can release his college records.....and lets do it for all federal politicians.....I think it would be awesome.

There are NO education requirements to be president, so what the hell does Obama's college transcripts have to do with anything?
I didn't hear it. I heard Mr. Etch-a-Sketch dancing around the issue. Why doesn't Mittens just put the proof on the table? Unless he's a liar.

Welll lets all lay our dicks on the table.....OBama can release his college records.....and lets do it for all federal politicians.....I think it would be awesome.

There are NO education requirements to be president, so what the hell does Obama's college transcripts have to do with anything?

So we can see his thoughts......since the media didnt vet him....I'd like to know more....but there arent any tax return requirements either, correct?
Welll lets all lay our dicks on the table.....OBama can release his college records.....and lets do it for all federal politicians.....I think it would be awesome.

There are NO education requirements to be president, so what the hell does Obama's college transcripts have to do with anything?

So we can see his thoughts......since the media didnt vet him....I'd like to know more....but there arent any tax return requirements either, correct?

Doncha know that the requirements are different for each side? Many in Obama's cabinet had major tax issues, but those came to light and the facts were out there. Despite Turbo Timmy Geithner's obvious attempt at cheating, he claimed that he didn't know that certain things weren't allowed as deductions. For his ignorance and/or dishonesty, he holds an important position and dictates how we pay taxes.

Now we just have an allegation and Reid can't back it up and is merely citing a secret source.

Meanwhile, Obama could have handed over a birth certificate written in crayon and the left would have been satisfied it was real.
Welll lets all lay our dicks on the table.....OBama can release his college records.....and lets do it for all federal politicians.....I think it would be awesome.

There are NO education requirements to be president, so what the hell does Obama's college transcripts have to do with anything?

So we can see his thoughts......since the media didnt vet him....I'd like to know more....but there arent any tax return requirements either, correct?

Obama was thoroughly vetted not only by the media, but by McCain and Clinton. The only problem is that wingnuts can't accept it. There was no there there.

As for releasing tax returns, Romney is far less than the "traditional" average by presidential candidates. If Romney thinks he can weather the storm, that's his choice. I don't think he can...
If Romney participated in the IRS Tax Amnesty Program in 2009 and received legal immunity, I think that would destroy him politically if it became public.
Maybe he is becoming objective and sees the idiots and hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.

Come on, Reid is a real dick, he is spreading gossip as fact, very unprofessional for the leader of the Senate.

Trying to sell distortions as facts damning the opposing party is how politics is done. If Rmoney had any smarts (or maybe just a smart PR), he'd dodge the allegations with grace and dignity while leaving his detractors looking shame-faced and silly. Instead, he stammers half-answers which only BEG everyone to dare him to prove it.

Should someone so easily manipulated actually become the head of state?

You just descibed Obama, so it would be a push.

Ummm..... no. I described our political system.

Obama ducked the issue of his supposed foreign birth until it became clear that he might actually gain more votes by producing a copy for the press. He could just as easily have let it go, since he had already attested to his eligibility when he filed to run for the office. His citizenship status might have landed him in jail if he had lied about it - that fact alone killed the credibility of all the folks who said he wasn't eligible.

Rmoney is not in that position now though. Everything that comes out adds to the suspicion that he's not telling the whole story when he does answer an allegation. That stacks up red minus signs in the honesty and integrity columns. At this point in his campaign, the only way he'll ever dispel the general feeling that he doesn't tell us the truth and that we can't trust him is to divulge more info than he would have been comfortable with in the first place.

A person with nothing to hide hides nothing. Rmoney doesn't look like that person right now.
I didn't hear it. I heard Mr. Etch-a-Sketch dancing around the issue. Why doesn't Mittens just put the proof on the table? Unless he's a liar.

Welll lets all lay our dicks on the table.....OBama can release his college records.....and lets do it for all federal politicians.....I think it would be awesome.

There are NO education requirements to be president, so what the hell does Obama's college transcripts have to do with anything?

Heh.... and then there's that.
Maybe next we can go after all the notes his mother wrote to excuse him from gym class?
New Source Backs Reid's Tipster On Romney Tax-Dodge Allegation

A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original source for the claim that Mitt Romney "didn't pay any taxes for 10 years" exists, is a "Bain investor" and a "credible person." Dana Bash reported on this source, and the person's willingness to corroborate the allegation to which the Senate majority leader repeated on Thursday's airing of CNN's AC360.

More: Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN
New Source Backs Reid's Tipster On Romney Tax-Dodge Allegation

A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original source for the claim that Mitt Romney "didn't pay any taxes for 10 years" exists, is a "Bain investor" and a "credible person." Dana Bash reported on this source, and the person's willingness to corroborate the allegation to which the Senate majority leader repeated on Thursday's airing of CNN's AC360.

More: Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN

This is quickly escalating into an urban myth - I know a guy who knows this guy who says Rmoney hasn't paid a dime in taxes for 10 years...

CNN is just getting silly now.
I think the Republicans better get someone else lined up for their Convention to run for president in case this blows up in romney's face...

the coverup is usually worse than the act itself....romney should just release in full a few years of his returns to stop this speculation madness imho....and in the opinion of many on the Republican side as well....
I think the Republicans better get someone else lined up for their Convention to run for president in case this blows up in romney's face...

the coverup is usually worse than the act itself....romney should just release in full a few years of his returns to stop this speculation madness imho....and in the opinion of many on the Republican side as well....

He can't go back even one more year as that would reveal his participation in the IRS amnesty program.
Romney has provided everything required by law.
Anything else is none of your business Libturds.

Case fucking closed.

Next !
If Romney did participate in an IRS amnesty program that participation is already public record. This is entirely made up. When did you stop beating your wife Mrl Reid? The democrats already know what's in the tax returns because the government is the custodian of the tax returns. If there was anything illegal, they would have leaked it by now. What the democrats are looking for is the names of the charities Romney donated to so they can tell the world that he donates to religious causes some of which are pro life and pro traditional marriage.
On another note....this seems extremely awkward with one Mormon against another Mormon....I'm wondering if this is tearing their tightly knit community apart? One Mormon against another the community taking sides on this back in their home states?

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