Reid says Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years

Then why limit it to tax returns (because it fits the class warfare rhetoric being used?)? Why not college transcripts for all candidates too??

Usually what happened 5 years ago is more important than what happened 45 years ago. Especially when the monetary policy which includes tax rates are a centerpiece of the election.

But I agree, lets see everything.

Lets get a law passed saying you need to release all records for congress and the white house...If you want the vote, you gotta do it, until then I dont care

Why? If you want to release a partial return, showing that you have secret investments in tax havens like the Caymans, the Bhamas, and Switzerland, that should be your choice. If people want to speculate why so much or your fortune is hidden in off-shore tax havens, that's their choice. I figure that everyone should decide what that means.

If Romney doesn't have the bullocks to say yes or no that he didn't pay a dime in American taxes for 10 years, that's his choice. Let the American people decide how important his punking out is.
Then why limit it to tax returns (because it fits the class warfare rhetoric being used?)? Why not college transcripts for all candidates too??

Usually what happened 5 years ago is more important than what happened 45 years ago. Especially when the monetary policy which includes tax rates are a centerpiece of the election.

But I agree, lets see everything.

Lets get a law passed saying you need to release all records for congress and the white house...If you want the vote, you gotta do it, until then I dont care

That wouldn't bother me any except I think there is a better process. Have the FBI do a background check on every federally elected official. This would include X years of financial records, college transcripts, employment records, any memberships the officials belong to etc... Just the submission of the records; not the details. If all of the required records are submitted, they get a "pass" and if not, they get a "fail".

It's hard enough to get good people to put themselves through this meat grinder of political theater we hold every 2 years. This would allow for transparency without the risk of embarrassment.
Just going back 5 years, including the 2010 return released in full and not missing anything, would answer the question about amnesty.

the reason some are calling for the 10 years of returns, like what romney's father released when running for Governor, is a whole different issue...left wingers want it to go back 10 years so they can see if he was lying about his connection to Bain Capital...

Exactly! Lefties are mostly concerned about years 1999 thru 2002.
Mitt doesn't need to show all his tax returns.

I think that would be enough.
The issue is whether or not Mitt payed zero taxes for 10 years. Why hasn't he even denied it?

Because he does not owe you anything.

Don't like it, don't vote for him.


He owes nothing to anyone. He certainly doesn't owe anything to me (unless I could see his tax returns). If Mittens doesn't want to deny that he didn't pay taxes for 10 years, that's certainly his choice. But the fact remains that there's evidence that he didn't pay a dime in taxes for 10 years. He hasn't denied it.

And there is evidence you were dropped on your head as an infant and have never fully recovered.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

You are a Pathetic Hypocrite Chris. If any Republican made claims like this about a Democrat, with only his Word to go on, you would be the first and loudest voice calling Bullshit.

yet you perpetuate this kind of Baseless, "someone I can't name told me this" type of Attack.

You are a pile of human waste sir.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has claimed that Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years.

Reid said that is the reason the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has only released two years of personal tax returns, according to the Huffington Post.

Reid said that a Bain Capital investor recently told him: ‘Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.’

'Mitt Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years,' claims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid | Mail Online

You are a Pathetic Hypocrite Chris. If any Republican made claims like this about a Democrat, with only his Word to go on, you would be the first and loudest voice calling Bullshit.

yet you perpetuate this kind of Baseless, "someone I can't name told me this" type of Attack.

You are a pile of human waste sir.


Chris' best days are ahead of him.

When he passes, his brain will be sold as never-been-used and the rest of him will be composted into a garden where the veggies will enjoy the s**t he will bring.
Because he does not owe you anything.

Don't like it, don't vote for him.


He owes nothing to anyone. He certainly doesn't owe anything to me (unless I could see his tax returns). If Mittens doesn't want to deny that he didn't pay taxes for 10 years, that's certainly his choice. But the fact remains that there's evidence that he didn't pay a dime in taxes for 10 years. He hasn't denied it.

And there is evidence you were dropped on your head as an infant and have never fully recovered.

Perhaps, but I'm not running for president. Has Romney denied not paying taxes for 10 years?
He owes nothing to anyone. He certainly doesn't owe anything to me (unless I could see his tax returns). If Mittens doesn't want to deny that he didn't pay taxes for 10 years, that's certainly his choice. But the fact remains that there's evidence that he didn't pay a dime in taxes for 10 years. He hasn't denied it.

....and you haven't denied beating your wife....and no there isn't any evidence other than Harry making shit up...

Go and ask her. She's been buried since 1996. Why do you want to bring family members into the debate?

Why do you claim there is "Evidence" Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years? What Evidence? A claim made by the Leader of the Democrats in the senate about something someone supposedly told him? The Fact you have not seen his Tax Returns?

Well gee, He has not been arrested for Tax Fraud, I would call that Evidence you don't know what the FUCK you are talking about.

I will say one thing, there is absolutely no way in heaven that romney went 10 years without paying ANY income the "he paid zero" in taxes the last 10 years I just don't buy in to it.... it could have been virtually nothing compared to income, but certainly not zero.
He owes nothing to anyone. He certainly doesn't owe anything to me (unless I could see his tax returns). If Mittens doesn't want to deny that he didn't pay taxes for 10 years, that's certainly his choice. But the fact remains that there's evidence that he didn't pay a dime in taxes for 10 years. He hasn't denied it.

And there is evidence you were dropped on your head as an infant and have never fully recovered.

Perhaps, but I'm not running for president. Has Romney denied not paying taxes for 10 years?

So you are going to take the, You have to Prove you are Innocent approach?

Harry Reid is the one that needs to Put up or Shut up, He is the one making claims, In American we ask the Accuser to prove it, not the other way around.

Now, As far as Romney and his Taxes, You do Realize they are not Private to the IRS right? They have them, Or they don't, if they don't they know he cheated, if they do, and have not done anything in 10 years, I am guessing it's because he has not broke any laws.

So once again, you are just making baseless accusations and asking the accused to prove his Innocence.

How very Un American of you.
I will say one thing, there is absolutely no way in heaven that romney went 10 years without paying ANY income the "he paid zero" in taxes the last 10 years I just don't buy in to it.... it could have been virtually nothing compared to income, but certainly not zero.

I am betting, that Harry is Playing games with words, It is highly likely Romney has paid 0 Federal Income tax in 10 years, Instead only Paying Cap Gains Taxes.

I bet Harry will eventually admit he was wrong, and Romney has simply not paid Federal Income Tax on any Income in 10 years, and he has of course paid taxes.

After the Election of course.
10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns

By Joshua Holland

Everyone knows it's something that would damage an already weak candidate, but nobody knows exactly what it is.

Mitt Romney knows how to do a cost-benefit analysis, and he's determined that it's better to be dogged by reporters for failing to release his tax returns for the duration of the 2012 campaign than it is to make the documents public. Never mind that a majority of Americans – and a third of Republicans – think he should come clean.

It's beyond obvious that whatever's in those returns must be enough to do serious damage to Romney, or even sink his candidacy completely.

What might it be, exactly? In the vaccuum Romney has created by not disclosing, any number of theories have been floated as to what his returns could reveal. For your convenience, we've collected 10 theories that are making the rounds in the political press.

The 10 Theories: 10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet
....and you haven't denied beating your wife....and no there isn't any evidence other than Harry making shit up...

Go and ask her. She's been buried since 1996. Why do you want to bring family members into the debate?

Why do you claim there is "Evidence" Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years? What Evidence? A claim made by the Leader of the Democrats in the senate about something someone supposedly told him? The Fact you have not seen his Tax Returns?

Well gee, He has not been arrested for Tax Fraud, I would call that Evidence you don't know what the FUCK you are talking about.

He wouldn't have been arrested if he was one of the 4000 people that had money in the Swiss bank who had to give up the names of the 4000 Americans banking there to the US Gvt, for it being a tax avoidance haven, because these people were given a shot at Amnesty by our gvt in 2010...

Didn't you read about this Amnesty given to these elite Americans banking there back in 2009 and 2010?

So if he was one of the 4000 forced in to the Amnesty program, the IRS was on them like no tomorrow....and all of them took the Amnesty and penalties in order to avoid jail time or even bigger penalties and they fessed up and payed up, to their wrong doing....

the previous tax returns of romney would clear him of being one of these 4000 or show that he was a part of the ones giving Amnesty that illegally hid their money in Swiss bank accounts to avoid paying USA taxes.
I wonder if Reid is fearful that Romney will now show evidence that he, Reid, is wrong? Why does Reid seem confident that this whole thing doesn't backfire on him? Why didn't Reid have someone else make the claim? Why would Reid take the chance that he will be proven wrong?
10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns

By Joshua Holland

Everyone knows it's something that would damage an already weak candidate, but nobody knows exactly what it is.

Mitt Romney knows how to do a cost-benefit analysis, and he's determined that it's better to be dogged by reporters for failing to release his tax returns for the duration of the 2012 campaign than it is to make the documents public. Never mind that a majority of Americans – and a third of Republicans – think he should come clean.

It's beyond obvious that whatever's in those returns must be enough to do serious damage to Romney, or even sink his candidacy completely.

What might it be, exactly? In the vaccuum Romney has created by not disclosing, any number of theories have been floated as to what his returns could reveal. For your convenience, we've collected 10 theories that are making the rounds in the political press.

The 10 Theories: 10 Theories About What Mitt Romney's Really Hiding in Those Tax Returns | Alternet

Wow, You know what you remind me of?

a Birther, or a 9/11 Truther. Take you pic.

10 theories? lol

If Romney's Taxes were hiding anything Illegal, the IRS who has them, would do something about it. You know, I know, We all know it. You just don't give a fuck about the Truth.
I wonder if Reid is fearful that Romney will now show evidence that he, Reid, is wrong? Why does Reid seem confident that this whole thing doesn't backfire on him? Why didn't Reid have someone else make the claim? Why would Reid take the chance that he will be proven wrong?

It wont Back fire on him. If Romney shows he is Wrong, Harry will just say his Source lied to him, or his source was Mistaken.

Why do you think he is pulling this, I am not saying it, someone told me it, I am just repeating them, BS?


This is some low ass, Down and Dirty Politics is all it is.

Shows just how scared the Dems are.
I wonder if Reid is fearful that Romney will now show evidence that he, Reid, is wrong? Why does Reid seem confident that this whole thing doesn't backfire on him? Why didn't Reid have someone else make the claim? Why would Reid take the chance that he will be proven wrong?
All very valid and very good questions.... seems strange that he would take that risk, without being pretty certain....but who the heck knows, politics is so unpredictable.... :eusa_eh:

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