Reimagining Laws Against Retail Theft

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
There are endless stories in the media these days about people (usually of diversity background) shoplifting large amounts of merchandise and then simply walking out of the store with it. A lot of these retailers will not allow an employee to stop theft. If they get caught, they are regularly being let off with reduced charges, especially in certain Democrat cities. This is absolutely absurd, and is essentially anarchy. However, it is not surprising given how today’s Dems are largely Marxist, and such filth are fundamentally opposed to individual property rights.

In many states individuals have a right to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives, or other’s lives, are in immediate jeopardy of death or seriously bodily injury. There are some ass-backward Democrat states that impose a duty to retreat before using deadly force. But these are shit hole blue states where the Dem leaders do not give a shit about their citizens. These are also usually very “diverse” areas, thus creating the inference that these blue state, degenerate Democrat leaders are racist as fuck (they are) because their naïve and stupid regulations disparately impact certain minorities. But I digress.

Most states that allow you to legally defend yourself restrict it to personal threats. That is, you cannot use deadly force to protect property, real or personal. Thus, you cannot simply pull your sidearm and mag-dump on a skeevy shoplifter, unfortunately. But what if we could?

I suspect that if states granted immunity from criminal prosecution for retail theft deterrent deaths, then we would get this problem under control very quickly. There will be all sorts of dumb uproar over alleged racism and other nonsensical tripe. But the fact is that disparate impact is irrelevant when the perps CHOOSE to engage in criminal acts. Everybody has the free will to decide whether to engage in criminality (i.e., deviant social behavior contra civil society). So fuck them.

Sure, some perps will get whacked with such an immunity regime. But honestly, who cares? But once word gets out, thefts will drop substantially and, therefore, less offenders will be placing themselves in harms way. It’s like if we put machine gun nests on our southern border to enforce a zero tolerance policy. You have to break some eggs to make an omelet. But in the long run the deterrent effect will actually save lives because immigrants will stop coming here to file their frivolous asylum claims and, therefore. No longer be subjected to all the deadly dangers they now face. Sure, some will be machine-gunned down. Who cares? They are trying to enter our country illegally to steal our resources. Why should you care about this when nobody cares about them losing their lives now? Not even the Dems care. Democrats could not care less about the lives and welfare of illegal immigrants. All the Dems care about is their power.

Thus, I propose that trespass to chattel (for the Dems, this means stealing shit) should be treated exactly the same as a threat of death or severe bodily harm to a person for the purpose of using deadly force. Why the hell not? They choose to engage in criminal conduct. They assume the risk of the consequences. If they are willing to risk their lives to steal stuff, then they do not value their lives very much, do they? And if they do not value their own lives, then they sure as hell do not value anyone else’s lives. This make them particularly dangerous. Such people are not the sort of people we need in civil society. They are un/anti civil and, therefore, expendable (with extreme prejudice).

Once we start blasting these thieving scumbags en mass, eventually it will sink in to these stupid fucking criminals that maybe they ought to change course in life. It may even cause some of them to start valuing their lives, and the lives of others. In other words, this immunity plan will be good for us AND the criminal class, and will most likely enable a much more peaceful and thoughtful society to blossom.
What if a bystander is shot?
This is America. Keep your head on a swivel when in public places, maintaining situational awareness. If a store owner or clerk shoot you because they aren't worth a crap with a weapon, and don't clear the background, sue the hell out of the store, the clerk/shooter and the insurance company.
This is America. Keep your head on a swivel when in public places, maintaining situational awareness. If a store owner or clerk shoot you because they aren't worth a crap with a weapon, and don't clear the background, sue the hell out of the store, the clerk/shooter and the insurance company.
I am looking to if the OP extends civil immunity for that.
One thing I'd like to see are class action lawsuits brought by honest customers against stores that raise prices on decent customers, to make up for property loss due to theft, without making serious attempts to stop the scumbag thieves. In other words, "stop penalizing the honest customers because of the actions of the few garbage animals in society.
I am looking to if the OP extends civil immunity for that.
There should never be civil immunity on a shooting event. A shooter is responsible for every round that leaves their weapon. In my carry permit class, we went through video of several shoot/don't shoot scenarios. Not being worth a crap with a weapon or just failing to clear the background is no excuse.
One thing I'd like to see are class action lawsuits brought by honest customers against stores that raise prices on decent customers, to make up for property loss due to theft, without making serious attempts to stop the scumbag thieves. In other words, "stop penalizing the honest customers because of the actions of the few garbage animals in society.
We all need to stand up for our rights as consumers.
There should never be civil immunity on a shooting event. A shooter is responsible for every round that leaves their weapon. In my carry permit class, we went through video of several shoot/don't shoot scenarios. Not being worth a crap with a weapon or just failing to clear the background is no excuse.
I never once said or implied that there should be any sort of immunity when you shoot a non-perp.
Laws absolutely need to authorize use of force to detain or kill thieves, just like how we can kill home invaders, and with the same protections against civil liability.

If these fuckers decide their lives are cheap, then they can throw them away.
Why is that mindless? you are responsible for every round fired, and I wanted to see if you proposed a change that liability.
Did I state that I thought we ought to be able to mag dump on a crowd of people without repercussion if we see retail theft? Of course not. That is just stupid. You need to sit down with a pen or pencil and notepad and write "I will try harder not to be a stupid dork" 500 times.
Laws absolutely need to authorize use of force to detain or kill thieves, just like how we can kill home invaders, and with the same protections against civil liability.

If these fuckers decide their lives are cheap, then they can throw them away.
Amen, brother!
Did I state that I thought we ought to be able to mag dump on a crowd of people without repercussion if we see retail theft? Of course not. That is just stupid. You need to sit down with a pen or pencil and notepad and write "I will try harder not to be a stupid dork" 500 times.
You have not seen video of shootings then. You seem to have a basic inability to have a discussion in the merits it seems. Espcially as i am supportive.

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