Relax folks! Obama finally used the word...

Check out what Rush had to say:

LIMBAUGH: Let me ask you a question, again based on my observation in recent years. If you, listening to this program, are a Muslim, and it turns out that a Muslim did bomb the Boston Marathon, how d you feel? I daresay that if you are a Muslim, you can be pretty certain, you can rest assured, that everybody in the media will circle the wagons and say that this is not because of Islam. This is a lone bad actor – lone wolf – but this in no way say anything about Islam, it’s just a lone nut, and they will remind us that the vast majority of people denounce this kind of violence.

So if you’re a Muslim, and it turns out to be a Muslim bomber, you will be in no way associated with it. Which is fair. However, folks, if you are a conservative, and it turns out that whoever did this is either real or has an imagined connection to conservatives, everyone in the media will unite to denounce your whole group. Crazy extremists. Everybody thought to be in that guys group will be targeted. And believe me, that’s what they are all hoping for. "

He's so right.

Limbaugh: If Boston Bomber Is Muslim "The Media Will Circle The Wagons" | RealClearPolitics
...TERRORISM in regard to the Boston bombing. We can all relax now.

I find it quite silly to get all bent out of shape concerning every little thing we THINK the president should have said.

All the people that jumped in to chastise Obama for not using the word yesterday are just too impatient to wait for sufficient analysis of an event like this. There is no need to jump to conclusions.

Sometimes words are important. Take for instance the terrorist attack at Ft Hood, in that situation the refusal to call it "Terrorism" or even accept it as such has caused much pain for the victims and their families.

And you know this... because?

When an individual slaughters unarmed people in the name of Muslim crap it is terrorism. The victims of Ft Hood were denied many financial and health benefits for the President and his Attorney General to deny it as terrorism.
Check out what Rush had to say:

LIMBAUGH: Let me ask you a question, again based on my observation in recent years. If you, listening to this program, are a Muslim, and it turns out that a Muslim did bomb the Boston Marathon, how d you feel? I daresay that if you are a Muslim, you can be pretty certain, you can rest assured, that everybody in the media will circle the wagons and say that this is not because of Islam. This is a lone bad actor – lone wolf – but this in no way say anything about Islam, it’s just a lone nut, and they will remind us that the vast majority of people denounce this kind of violence.

So if you’re a Muslim, and it turns out to be a Muslim bomber, you will be in no way associated with it. Which is fair. However, folks, if you are a conservative, and it turns out that whoever did this is either real or has an imagined connection to conservatives, everyone in the media will unite to denounce your whole group. Crazy extremists. Everybody thought to be in that guys group will be targeted. And believe me, that’s what they are all hoping for. "

He's so right.

Limbaugh: If Boston Bomber Is Muslim "The Media Will Circle The Wagons" | RealClearPolitics

Rush is always right, especially when exposing liberals and their tactics.

The media left, and the left on this board are clamoring at the possibility of it being a "militant right-winger", so they can spring their attack on all conservatives.

If it is however, a Muslim, there will be a collective sigh of disappointment from the left. They'll have lost an "opportunity" to smear conservatives, and to go after more freedoms.

Right now we don't know who did this bombing. But one thing we do know, is exactly how liberals will react when the truth does come out.
Come on people, we had to gather all the facts first. We had to rule out that it might of been a sewage worker that set off some natural gas lines during an unauthorized smoke break.

...and Obie gave his first official briefing just 3 hours after the bombing. By the second day, he had apparently been briefed by his advisers and the FBI who had determined that it was definitely bombs that exploded rather than sewer gas...or a propane bottle on a street vendors cart.

All I'm sayin' is Obie should NOT be jerked around just for not using the word Monday.

As I type, the FBI and the Mayor of Boston are giving live updates...they are both reading from prepared statements. It takes time for those things to be verified...and they should be verified before public officials spread the word. They have to be especially careful what they say because so many will give them shit later for misstating the facts or using the wrong word here and there.

Obie SHOULD be jerked around for overspending, for not leading this country, for appeasing our enemies, for bowing to other world leaders, for ignoring the Constitution, for covering up Benghazi, for giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, for pushing Marxism, for using emotional arguments to get support for gun control...and other things....but not for failing to use the word in his Monday talk.

Carry on!
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Come on people, we had to gather all the facts first. We had to rule out that it might of been a sewage worker that set off some natural gas lines during an unauthorized smoke break.

yeah,, that'll do it, blow everyone's legs right off it will.
Sometimes words are important. Take for instance the terrorist attack at Ft Hood, in that situation the refusal to call it "Terrorism" or even accept it as such has caused much pain for the victims and their families.

And you know this... because?

When an individual slaughters unarmed people in the name of Muslim crap it is terrorism. The victims of Ft Hood were denied many financial and health benefits for the President and his Attorney General to deny it as terrorism.

exactly right, they deserve the financial and health benefits just the same way the NYC victims did. but obama fucked that up for them.
Come on people, we had to gather all the facts first. We had to rule out that it might of been a sewage worker that set off some natural gas lines during an unauthorized smoke break.

yeah,, that'll do it, blow everyone's legs right off it will.

Explosions can move surrounding metal and glass at high velocities. A fast moving pipe can remove legs from humans. That is not a sufficient argument.
Yeah and he made the same promise he did after Benghazi and we've all seen how he lived up to that one.
Yeah and he made the same promise he did after Benghazi and we've all seen how he lived up to that one.

This one being in Boston may make some difference. Also, Obie did not refuse to send aid to American citizens being attacked....there is nobody to tell to shut up about it.
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Come on people, we had to gather all the facts first. We had to rule out that it might of been a sewage worker that set off some natural gas lines during an unauthorized smoke break.

yeah,, that'll do it, blow everyone's legs right off it will.

Explosions can move surrounding metal and glass at high velocities. A fast moving pipe can remove legs from humans. That is not a sufficient argument.

when gas explodes it leads to extensive fires too, so your argument is dead in the water.
yeah,, that'll do it, blow everyone's legs right off it will.

Explosions can move surrounding metal and glass at high velocities. A fast moving pipe can remove legs from humans. That is not a sufficient argument.

when gas explodes it leads to extensive fires too, so your argument is dead in the water.
Not necessarily. Some explosions of gas or liquid burn up all of the fuel...and if they're far enough away from flammable surroundings, there is no sustained fire.

I'm not arguing that it could have been a gas line exploding. I'm arguing that Obie just wasn't sure what it was just 3 hours after.
Explosions can move surrounding metal and glass at high velocities. A fast moving pipe can remove legs from humans. That is not a sufficient argument.

when gas explodes it leads to extensive fires too, so your argument is dead in the water.
Not necessarily. Some explosions of gas or liquid burn up all of the fuel...and if they're far enough away from flammable surroundings, there is no sustained fire.

I'm not arguing that it could have been a gas line exploding. I'm arguing that Obie just wasn't sure what it was just 3 hours after.

what? they didn't see any nails, or ball bearings, or bee bee's until today, they didn't find any blown off limbs with nails sticking outta them? one spectator told the whole damn world he found his pocket full off ball bearings, so they must have been coming down like rain.
...TERRORISM in regard to the Boston bombing. We can all relax now.

I find it quite silly to get all bent out of shape concerning every little thing we THINK the president should have said.

All the people that jumped in to chastise Obama for not using the word yesterday are just too impatient to wait for sufficient analysis of an event like this. There is no need to jump to conclusions.

Well he did say he wanted all the facts to be in before they made a determination of the nature of this..

But..yeah..the word terrorism was present.

Still..I doubt it's enough..
when gas explodes it leads to extensive fires too, so your argument is dead in the water.
Not necessarily. Some explosions of gas or liquid burn up all of the fuel...and if they're far enough away from flammable surroundings, there is no sustained fire.

I'm not arguing that it could have been a gas line exploding. I'm arguing that Obie just wasn't sure what it was just 3 hours after.

what? they didn't see any nails, or ball bearings, or bee bee's until today, they didn't find any blown off limbs with nails sticking outta them? one spectator told the whole damn world he found his pocket full off ball bearings, so they must have been coming down like rain.

Was Adam Lanza a terrorist?
Sometimes words are important. Take for instance the terrorist attack at Ft Hood, in that situation the refusal to call it "Terrorism" or even accept it as such has caused much pain for the victims and their families.

And you know this... because?

When an individual slaughters unarmed people in the name of Muslim crap it is terrorism. The victims of Ft Hood were denied many financial and health benefits for the President and his Attorney General to deny it as terrorism.

How about when they do it in the name of Christianity?

What's it called then?
Not necessarily. Some explosions of gas or liquid burn up all of the fuel...and if they're far enough away from flammable surroundings, there is no sustained fire.

I'm not arguing that it could have been a gas line exploding. I'm arguing that Obie just wasn't sure what it was just 3 hours after.

what? they didn't see any nails, or ball bearings, or bee bee's until today, they didn't find any blown off limbs with nails sticking outta them? one spectator told the whole damn world he found his pocket full off ball bearings, so they must have been coming down like rain.

Was Adam Lanza a terrorist?

...TERRORISM in regard to the Boston bombing. We can all relax now.

I find it quite silly to get all bent out of shape concerning every little thing we THINK the president should have said.

All the people that jumped in to chastise Obama for not using the word yesterday are just too impatient to wait for sufficient analysis of an event like this. There is no need to jump to conclusions.

No worries,I didn't mental giant Obutthead to say it was terrorism to know that's what it was
what? they didn't see any nails, or ball bearings, or bee bee's until today, they didn't find any blown off limbs with nails sticking outta them? one spectator told the whole damn world he found his pocket full off ball bearings, so they must have been coming down like rain.

Was Adam Lanza a terrorist?


Well no..he wasn't.

Terrorism is very specific. It's the use of violence to further a political agenda.

[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

When you divorce words from meaning..then words have NO meaning.
when gas explodes it leads to extensive fires too, so your argument is dead in the water.
Not necessarily. Some explosions of gas or liquid burn up all of the fuel...and if they're far enough away from flammable surroundings, there is no sustained fire.

I'm not arguing that it could have been a gas line exploding. I'm arguing that Obie just wasn't sure what it was just 3 hours after.

what? they didn't see any nails, or ball bearings, or bee bee's until today, they didn't find any blown off limbs with nails sticking outta them? one spectator told the whole damn world he found his pocket full off ball bearings, so they must have been coming down like rain.
True. But Obie might not have known all that just 3 hours after. He had to wait for people to tell him officially what happened.

It's not that big of a deal...but I believe it was okay. It's not like Benghazi where he blamed it on a video for weeks after he knew what it was. in that case, it would have looked bad for him just before the election for people to know exactly what happened.

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