Relax. It’s a mere continuation of the smearing


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
They know it won’t stick but like all the other falsehoods it’s for the front page smear of Trump Guility. Guilty of what is interesting as it was never identified.
So the appeal knocks this down but by then some doubt arises from the headlines and they know that and it’s why and how they did it. The overturn is a long ways off and meanwhile Trump has the pleasure again of proving himself innocent of something.
At least Trump can get back out on the campaign trail and his donations are blowing up tonight....
At least until July 11th when he appears before a judge that hates him, who will put him behind bars to put a stop to that nonsense.

. . . no doubt based on the legal reasoning that Trump is engaged in the type of activity, (political activity,) that led him to commit the crime, (falsifying business records,) for which he was convicted of. The judge will probably reason that Trump has a pathological problem which only time in a cell will prevent him from engaging in. . .

At least until July 11th when he appears before a judge that hates him, who will put him behind bars to put a stop to that nonsense.

. . . no doubt based on the legal reasoning that Trump is engaged in the type of activity, (political activity,) that led him to commit the crime, (falsifying business records,) for which he was convicted of. The judge will probably reason that Trump has a pathological problem which only time in a cell will prevent him from engaging in. . .

I read today that he can remain free until the appeal process plays out....
"Falsifying" as defined how and by whom?..
The prosecution and the FBI.
And what alleged "crime" was the
Recorded as payments to a lawyer rather than payments to a porn star.
"falsifying" covering up?
Covering up their true intent of the payments, so Americans could not know of Trump's activities leading up to an election.

Frankly, I think it is bullshit, just like most rational folks. But that is the train of logic, and they had proved it to the satisfaction of the jury.

As I had previously posted and linked, I don't see how this is any different from what the FBI did, by covering up for Biden the laptop story. These actions, ARE IDENTICAL. There is not substantial difference in the two stories.

But there it is.
I read today that he can remain free until the appeal process plays out....
Yeah, I have heard lawyers voice their opinions on that as well, that given his history, they believe he will not get any jail time too.

I am not buying that, given the behavior of the judge and Trump's big mouth, TBH.
But the would not clarify how they were false and illegal
The law, is anything the FBI and the STATE says it is now.

. . . haven't you been paying attention?


July 2, 2019
Is this still solely the muck that he paid stormy from campaign funds and/or business accounts as a business expense and that’s what’s illegal?
Yeah, I have heard lawyers voice their opinions on that as well, that given his history, they believe he will not get any jail time too.

I am not buying that, given the behavior of the judge and Trump's big mouth, TBH.
Judge has gotta keep him as quiet as possible and as out of sight too because it helps Biden and satisfies judgey petty disdain for Trump which used to be called Bias.
Is this still solely the muck that he paid stormy from campaign funds and/or business accounts as a business expense and that’s what’s illegal?
If it were, he could theoretically just pay a fine and be on his way, like all the other politicians that have broken campaign election law, but they had to make it more, so they did.

So now it is more sinister. That is the underlining crime, an FEC violation, which they claim he did not record correctly, to get around the law.

Sort of like that old Nixon impeachment. The crime was not that Nixon was involved in the break-in, it was that he tried to cover it up.

The crime here is not that Trump tried to get around FEC campaign funding limitations. It is that he KNEW there were limitations, that these payments would be seen as FEC violations, and that he knew it.

So they proved that he purposely made a falsification of business records to hide those ledgers, to get around the law, a very Nixonian type of thing to do.

If so? Then yeah, if they proved that, then one could see how he is guilty.

But we must ask ourselves as a society, why do we finally hold this one particular oligarch accountable, but all the others, which we do know, have committed just as serious crimes? meh. . . they are not chased after with just as fine a tooth comb?
At least until July 11th when he appears before a judge that hates him, who will put him behind bars to put a stop to that nonsense.

. . . no doubt based on the legal reasoning that Trump is engaged in the type of activity, (political activity,) that led him to commit the crime, (falsifying business records,) for which he was convicted of. The judge will probably reason that Trump has a pathological problem which only time in a cell will prevent him from engaging in. . .

LOL. You dems and youre TDS. You do crazy shit that works against you every single time. You think putting him in jail is good for dems?!!! Pfff, you guys are fucked if that happens. :laugh:
The prosecution and the FBI.
Who already passed on the case several times, because it was less than weak.
Recorded as payments to a lawyer rather than payments to a porn star.
"Legal expenses" doesn't even list the lawyer.
Covering up their true intent of the payments, so Americans could not know of Trump's activities leading up to an election.
Not a crime.
Frankly, I think it is bullshit, just like most rational folks. But that is the train of logic, and they had proved it to the satisfaction of the jury.

As I had previously posted and linked, I don't see how this is any different from what the FBI did, by covering up for Biden the laptop story. These actions, ARE IDENTICAL. There is not substantial difference in the two stories.

But there it is.
Using The State to bury your treasonous criminal activities is equal to paying off a nuisance claim with your own money?....You can't possibly be serious.

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