Release Heroic Derek Chauvin: "Multiple autopsies showed there were no injuries to George Floyd's neck or back"

Multiple autopsies showed there were no injuries to George Floyd's neck or back​

I read the autopsy. Nothing Chauvin did could have cut off Floyd's air or blood supply to his brain.

So all that leaves is the combined physical stress of fighting with the police that day

on top of having all those drugs in his system simply contributed to his death.
What a travesty. Derek Chauvin did not kill George "Fentanyl" Floyd.. The jury was coerced into convicting him with fear tactics. If they didn't convict, White communities would be burned down across America.

A 12-member jury found Chauvin guilty of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.
A 12-member jury found Chauvin guilty of unintentional second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter.
The fact he was charged with anything at all is the only criminal element to this circumstance outside the actions of George "Kirby" Floyd.
A 12-member jury found Chauvin guilty of unintentional second-degree murder

Looks like 12 people were wrong. All Chauvin did was HIS JOB. It was HIS JOB to respond to a felony police call, gain control and custody of the offender and bring him in under arrest.

Floyd made it end up in a struggle requiring his being held down pinned to the street until a paddy wagon could arrive to take him in.

Had Floyd just gotten into the back of the police cruiser as they repeatedly tried with him, he'd still be alive today.

No one is responsible for that but Floyd.
What a travesty. Derek Chauvin did not kill George "Fentanyl" Floyd.. The jury was coerced into convicting him with fear tactics. If they didn't convict, White communities would be burned down across America.

Macho Man wants to deprive inmates of Derek Chauvin
White people need to wake the fuck up, but unfortunately I don't see it happening. At least not until the situation is dire, or hopeless.
Too many white people are ignorant as fuck….they have been conditioned to believe they MUST allow themselves to be replaced….they must assist in their replacement.

Thomas Sowell once said:
“But if you don't have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.”
Unfortunately….Civilized humans don’t conduct themselves like jungle savages.

The Founders rioted and revolted to get their way. Violence is simply one means to an end. According to you we used violence and the threat of violence to intimidate until we got our way so what would you rather be? A civilized Loser? Or someone pointing and laughing at the bitch Chauvin rotting in prison? I don't mind if you choose cuck.

The Founders rioted and revolted to get their way. Violence is simply one means to an end. According to you we used violence and the threat of violence to intimidate until we got our way so what would you rather be? A civilized Loser? Or someone pointing and laughing at the bitch Chauvin rotting in prison? I don't mind if you choose cuck.
Floyd was a man with no redeeming good qualities. He was a pure net negative to the economy human that brought children into the world and did not even take care of them. He was in his late 40's. There is no perfection in people. In all of us. There are too many people like Floyd of all cultures. Whatever Chauvin was he did deserve a fair trial. And not one that was kangaroo court style. To me, there are outside people who influence people to riot. For their own power and money. So, whatever happened on that day, Floyd was not a good man.
What a travesty. Derek Chauvin did not kill George "Fentanyl" Floyd.. The jury was coerced into convicting him with fear tactics. If they didn't convict, White communities would be burned down across America.

You’re a troll here to make MAGA look retarded


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