Release Heroic Derek Chauvin: "Multiple autopsies showed there were no injuries to George Floyd's neck or back"

Indeed. One fuc**** thug elevated to sainthood immediately by leftists was able to hold the entire country hostage unless the verdict is guilty.
I am sure we would have survived if Chauvin was not a cop.
That you feel it's injustice doesn't move me but I'll pass you a tissue if it'll make you feel better.
A very dishonorable person sees Injustice and celebrates. Jailed because of the color of their skin, I thought you railed against that! Oh only when it fits your Wicked agenda. Incredibly dishonest.
A very dishonorable person sees Injustice and celebrates. Jailed because of the color of their skin, I thought you railed against that! Oh only when it fits your Wicked agenda. Incredibly dishonest.
Is all you're going to do is cry at me like a bitch and hope that that pathetic display is enough for me to eventually agree with you? :dunno:
Is all you're going to do is cry at me like a bitch and hope that that pathetic display is enough for me to eventually agree with you? :dunno:
We've already proven that you are the little bitch insurrectionist who doesn't give a shit about where he came from! You have no choice but to agree with me because of logic, turn away from your dishonesty parasite. "It's a matter of intelligence"
We've already proven that you are the little bitch insurrectionist who doesn't give a shit about where he came from! You have no choice but to agree with me because of logic, turn away from your dishonesty parasite. "It's a matter of intelligence"

Jesus christ you pathetic fuck's stop crying. We don't agree. We're the opposition. You're going to have to defeat us, that's certainly our goal, to defeat you.

Jesus christ you pathetic fuck's stop crying. We don't agree. We're the opposition. You're going to have to defeat us, that's certainly our goal, to defeat you.
There goes a moron laughing at his own jokes again. You really are a miserable little parasite. fail immigrant. What you Advocate is going to be just as damaging to you as me." It's a matter of intelligence".
There goes a moron laughing at his own jokes again. You really are a miserable little parasite. fail immigrant. What you Advocate is going to be just as damaging to you as me." It's a matter of intelligence".
Nope. Chauvin in prison only hurts your feelings. I'm good with it. 😁
The difference is that when I can you a failure it's objectively true. In this instance your side has failed to save Chauvin from prison. But enjoy your make believe. :itsok:
Fail immigrant (you) has no appreciation for what you have. You are a traitor and a usurper. You celebrate injustice like the hypocrite you are. You will fail
Conservatives stand up for someone guilty of, at the bare minimum, police brutality.

Conservatives complain that they are hated for their beliefs.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Nobody forces you idiots to take these do it to yourself.
The fact he was charged with anything at all is the only criminal element to this circumstance outside the actions of George "Kirby" Floyd.
Pete, Seriously? You have to be kidding? You live in some really weird make believe world....that I would not be happy living in.... I don't think you like it either..... Why don't you come join us, in reality, and get out of that miserable Debbie Downer world that you live in? :smiliehug:

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