Release Heroic Derek Chauvin: "Multiple autopsies showed there were no injuries to George Floyd's neck or back"

Doesn't matter. Not guilty, the rioting will intensify. Democrats bowed to black looters and rioters. Chauvin must be sacrificed to appease blacks. Evidence didn't matter.
Putting Out a Fire With Orange Juice

Same result if OJ had been found guilty. That's why the prosecution threw the case.

Typical of our gurus, Vincent Bugliosi misleads us in claiming that the prosecution was incompetent. They were very competent in getting away with their appeasement of race-riot extortion.
He was never trained to murder a handcuffed black man.
He was trained to put the knee on the back. It's not his fault that Saint Floyd had a bad heart and was hopped up on enough fentanyl to kill him. No evidence of any wind pipe damage.
]quote]skye said:
It has been proven Chauvin is an innocent man!

I hope he gets Justice, even though Justice in America is dead. :mad:[/quote]

What Court of Law has thar been proven in? The Court of right wing opinion doesn't count.
He put it on his neck, that's why he is in prison today. Why didn't he administer NARCAN if that is the case.
No damage to his windpipe or neck area. Death caused by fentanyl. Racists everywhere celebrating the jailing of Chauvin for spite. This makes us all less safe
It's funny that you're still crying like a bitch about it.
It's funny that you are a little parasite who bitches about the United States and cares little about where he came from. The poverty, corruptness and slum of Jamaica. You don't want to go there and help your people why?
It's funny that you are a little parasite who bitches about the United States and cares little about where he came from. The poverty, corruptness and slum of Jamaica. You don't want to go there and help your people why?
I enjoy fucking with your people. What are you fail whites going to do about it? 😄
Wasn't it a violent country in 1838 and 1938?
Well, with all due respect (I am NOT being sarcastic), in those two years there was not the level of ordinary street crime, for people in those two years were under stricter control than they are in 2023 or will be in the coming decades.
there is no way that Officer Chauvin, innocent or guilty, will ever be released from prison.

If he were, there would be the mother of all violent protests in the history of this country.
One Big Riot, One Big Firing Squad

There'd be no riots ever again if gunowners took the law back into the citizens' hands, where all justice originates. The government's attitude towards criminal humanoids qualifies as state-sponsored terrorism.
What a travesty. Derek Chauvin did not kill George "Fentanyl" Floyd.. The jury was coerced into convicting him with fear tactics. If they didn't convict, White communities would be burned down across America.

This thread makes me want to vomit! I pray to Jesus, Chauvin is murdered in prison.
The easiest part of the fakery was the repeated “can’t breathe” . When you actually can’t breathe then you actually can’t talk. If you don’t know how and why it works that way then look it up
So it was Fake from before he eventually overdosed.

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