Released Transcripts PROVE DOJ LIED IN ROGER STONE CASE – Had No Proof Russia Gave Emails to WikiLeaks

Yep. The most unemployed are us retirees. We don't have to work anymore, and we always show up AT THE POLLS. Maybe team trump needs to lighten up on asking us to go for the self sacrificing angle on the open up fast and loose idea, not in our interests.

'Not in our best interest'? For a veteran, you sure seem to have adopted a 'Me, Me,Me-1st before country attitude. My service has no expiration date.

The world's strongest economy was derailed based on lies and fear mongering supported by monstrously failed / wrong predictions about a virus with a mortality rate of less that 1%, equal or less than annual influenza numbers....and now that it's closed Dems like Pelosi are intent to keep the economy closed as long as possible, to destroy the nation if she has to win an election.

This as just a criminal extension of Barry's failed coup attempt, his trampling of the Constitution, Rule of law, Constitutional and Civil Rights, illegal spying, sending innocent people to jail - all part of his coup official documents show he ran out of the oval office.

Trump, Papa, Flynn, Stone - he targeted them all. Pelosi is carrying on Barry's attempt to fundamentally change the US in the lust for power.

F* Them. Durham is going to hammer the shit out of a lot of Democrats, and hopefully we will get things open again, with or without Pelosi, for the good of the nation...and hopefully ensure her boney ass is tossed out of govt so she can go back to eating gourmet ice cream out of her $25k fridge full time.
No evidence shows any of that.

Nice unsupported hate/ignorance-driven sentiment. Too bad the facts / reality doesn't agree with you.

I don't play the 'snowflake opinion' thing, which is all you contributed. Have a nice day.
If Hillary had won, Roger Stone would be in Guantanamo with Julian Assange
right now and General Flynn would be in Leavenworth.

We'd be living the bad ending in Wayne's World.
But thank God Trump is saving us.
The case against Roger Stone is the next to crumble. KT McFarland got threatened with the Flynn Treatment. The coup wanted her to testify to their lies about Trump. She will be happy to testify against shitface obama.
Mueller / The Govt Lied about the Illegal Russian Collusion narrative they knew was bogus.

Mueller / The Govt Lied about the Flynn case.

Now you can add their case against Roger Stone:

Stone was indicted in part for lying to Congress about Russians hacking the DNC and sending the hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

Newly released documents last week prove Stone didn't lie and did not send documents to wikileaks. Part of Stone's defense was that the DNC server as never hacked.

The DNC, Obama administration, FBI's, and even MUELLER'S claim was that the Russians hacked the DNC server...which the DNC never released to the FBI for them to analyze and verify. In this case of National Security, Obama and the FBI allowed a private company hired by the DNC to do the FBI's job of reportedly analyzing and confirming the Russians hacked the server. ONE PROBLEM: Crowdstrike admitted several months ago it WAS NEVER HIRED BY THE DNC TO ANALYZE THEIR SERVER, THA TTHEY NEVER DID LOOK AT THE SERVER, THEY NEVER CONFIRMED THE BOGUS NARRATIVE OF 'THE RUSSINA HACKE THE DNC SERVER'. Crowdstrike declared the DNC hired their PR DEPARTMENT to help them craft the narrative that it had been hacked.

Stone asked the DOJ to provide the evidence that the hack by Russians was never confirmed. The Obama DOJ refused and instead told him since Mueller had indicted 9 Russians that was proof that the Russians DID hack the DNC server.
-- There is an old saying - 'You can indict a ham sandwich' doesn't mean its guilty.....and Mueller's indictment of 9 Russians did not mean they hacked the DNC's server. No evidence was EVER shown proving Russians hacked the DNC's server.....YET ROGER STONE WAS INDICTED BASED ON THE UNSUPPORTED / UNPROVEMN LIE...NO EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN PRODUCED PROVING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE DNC SERVER. (The case was DROPPED against the 9 Russians, & no proof was ever shown the did anything....)


On January 23, 2019, Stone was indicted for a number of frivolous crimes where he was accused of lying to Congress. Looking at the indictments, Stone had a good case that he did not lie.

Stone claimed that the DNC servers in 2016 were never examined by Crowdstrike and asked for proof that this was the case, because it was pertinent to his case. Stone was indicted for lying to Congress about Russians hacking the DNC and sending the hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

It was uncovered in the Roger Stone case that CrowdStrike gave the US government three “draft reports” on the so-called hack by Russia which were full of redactions and the FBI just took Crowdstrike’s reports at face value. The FBI never inspected the DNC servers. It was also reported that the DOJ never received the unredacted copies of Crowdstrike’s reports

Stone pressed the DOJ for support that Russia hacked the DNC and sent the emails to WikiLeaks, and the DOJ eventually responded that the investigation of the 12 Russian GRU officers noted in the Mueller investigation gathered evidence that Russia hacked the DNC systems and sent the emails they hacked to WikiLeaks.

The DOJ went on to say that they were not going to provide Stone the data from the GRU case.

we now know Crowdstrike did not confirm Russia’s actions after they ‘hacked’ the DNC. To date there is no evidence that Russia sent emails to WikiLeaks.
It looks like these Deep State actors lied to the court. This is serious.'


The intel agencies have forensic proof your post is horseshit.

Mueller / The Govt Lied about the Illegal Russian Collusion narrative they knew was bogus.

Mueller / The Govt Lied about the Flynn case.

Now you can add their case against Roger Stone:

Stone was indicted in part for lying to Congress about Russians hacking the DNC and sending the hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

Newly released documents last week prove Stone didn't lie and did not send documents to wikileaks. Part of Stone's defense was that the DNC server as never hacked.

The DNC, Obama administration, FBI's, and even MUELLER'S claim was that the Russians hacked the DNC server...which the DNC never released to the FBI for them to analyze and verify. In this case of National Security, Obama and the FBI allowed a private company hired by the DNC to do the FBI's job of reportedly analyzing and confirming the Russians hacked the server. ONE PROBLEM: Crowdstrike admitted several months ago it WAS NEVER HIRED BY THE DNC TO ANALYZE THEIR SERVER, THA TTHEY NEVER DID LOOK AT THE SERVER, THEY NEVER CONFIRMED THE BOGUS NARRATIVE OF 'THE RUSSINA HACKE THE DNC SERVER'. Crowdstrike declared the DNC hired their PR DEPARTMENT to help them craft the narrative that it had been hacked.

Stone asked the DOJ to provide the evidence that the hack by Russians was never confirmed. The Obama DOJ refused and instead told him since Mueller had indicted 9 Russians that was proof that the Russians DID hack the DNC server.
-- There is an old saying - 'You can indict a ham sandwich' doesn't mean its guilty.....and Mueller's indictment of 9 Russians did not mean they hacked the DNC's server. No evidence was EVER shown proving Russians hacked the DNC's server.....YET ROGER STONE WAS INDICTED BASED ON THE UNSUPPORTED / UNPROVEMN LIE...NO EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN PRODUCED PROVING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE DNC SERVER. (The case was DROPPED against the 9 Russians, & no proof was ever shown the did anything....)


On January 23, 2019, Stone was indicted for a number of frivolous crimes where he was accused of lying to Congress. Looking at the indictments, Stone had a good case that he did not lie.

Stone claimed that the DNC servers in 2016 were never examined by Crowdstrike and asked for proof that this was the case, because it was pertinent to his case. Stone was indicted for lying to Congress about Russians hacking the DNC and sending the hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

It was uncovered in the Roger Stone case that CrowdStrike gave the US government three “draft reports” on the so-called hack by Russia which were full of redactions and the FBI just took Crowdstrike’s reports at face value. The FBI never inspected the DNC servers. It was also reported that the DOJ never received the unredacted copies of Crowdstrike’s reports

Stone pressed the DOJ for support that Russia hacked the DNC and sent the emails to WikiLeaks, and the DOJ eventually responded that the investigation of the 12 Russian GRU officers noted in the Mueller investigation gathered evidence that Russia hacked the DNC systems and sent the emails they hacked to WikiLeaks.

The DOJ went on to say that they were not going to provide Stone the data from the GRU case.

we now know Crowdstrike did not confirm Russia’s actions after they ‘hacked’ the DNC. To date there is no evidence that Russia sent emails to WikiLeaks.
It looks like these Deep State actors lied to the court. This is serious.'


To date no one has ever confirmed let alone looked at The DNC server to confirm their narrative of being hacked.

Seth Rich is who sent the emails to Wiki.

Meanwhile Julian Assange will never be seen or heard from again.

The intel agencies have forensic proof your post is horseshit.

1. You continue to demonstrate when you can't debunk what is being repoerterd you revert to childishattemp[ts to attack the source.



NO ONE EVER got to analyze the DNC server.
Crowdstrike declared they were NEVER hired to do so.
Crowdstrike declared they NEVER provided any report whatsoever of any evidence of Russia hacking the DNC server
There is NO evidence, no report, NO forensic evidence

Way to publicly piss on whatever credibility you have left.
You've developed an odd habit. You post some bullshit thread from a bullshit source without any real evidence to support your claim, and then when called on it you make demands about rebuttal you have no right to make.
If you are interested in reviewing the evidence that was found that ties Russians to the transfer of the hacked DNC material to Wikileaks you can find it here..............

You've developed an odd habit. You post some bullshit thread from a bullshit source without any real evidence to support your claim, and then when called on it you make demands about rebuttal you have no right to make.
If you are interested in reviewing the evidence that was found that ties Russians to the transfer of the hacked DNC material to Wikileaks you can find it here..............

You said there was forensic evidence proving the DNC's server was hacked by the Russians. I challenged you to post the direct link AND EVIDENCE, not give me a link to the entire Mueller Report.

You just proved you do not have any link or proof there is forensic evidence - YOU LIED. You didn't post it because it doesn't you just got busted AGAIN. Way to keep pissing on what minuscule bit of credibility you have left, snowflake.

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Mueller / The Govt Lied about the Illegal Russian Collusion narrative they knew was bogus.

Mueller / The Govt Lied about the Flynn case.

Now you can add their case against Roger Stone:

Stone was indicted in part for lying to Congress about Russians hacking the DNC and sending the hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

Newly released documents last week prove Stone didn't lie and did not send documents to wikileaks. Part of Stone's defense was that the DNC server as never hacked.

The DNC, Obama administration, FBI's, and even MUELLER'S claim was that the Russians hacked the DNC server...which the DNC never released to the FBI for them to analyze and verify. In this case of National Security, Obama and the FBI allowed a private company hired by the DNC to do the FBI's job of reportedly analyzing and confirming the Russians hacked the server. ONE PROBLEM: Crowdstrike admitted several months ago it WAS NEVER HIRED BY THE DNC TO ANALYZE THEIR SERVER, THA TTHEY NEVER DID LOOK AT THE SERVER, THEY NEVER CONFIRMED THE BOGUS NARRATIVE OF 'THE RUSSINA HACKE THE DNC SERVER'. Crowdstrike declared the DNC hired their PR DEPARTMENT to help them craft the narrative that it had been hacked.

Stone asked the DOJ to provide the evidence that the hack by Russians was never confirmed. The Obama DOJ refused and instead told him since Mueller had indicted 9 Russians that was proof that the Russians DID hack the DNC server.
-- There is an old saying - 'You can indict a ham sandwich' doesn't mean its guilty.....and Mueller's indictment of 9 Russians did not mean they hacked the DNC's server. No evidence was EVER shown proving Russians hacked the DNC's server.....YET ROGER STONE WAS INDICTED BASED ON THE UNSUPPORTED / UNPROVEMN LIE...NO EVIDENCE HAS EVER BEEN PRODUCED PROVING THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE DNC SERVER. (The case was DROPPED against the 9 Russians, & no proof was ever shown the did anything....)


On January 23, 2019, Stone was indicted for a number of frivolous crimes where he was accused of lying to Congress. Looking at the indictments, Stone had a good case that he did not lie.

Stone claimed that the DNC servers in 2016 were never examined by Crowdstrike and asked for proof that this was the case, because it was pertinent to his case. Stone was indicted for lying to Congress about Russians hacking the DNC and sending the hacked emails to WikiLeaks.

It was uncovered in the Roger Stone case that CrowdStrike gave the US government three “draft reports” on the so-called hack by Russia which were full of redactions and the FBI just took Crowdstrike’s reports at face value. The FBI never inspected the DNC servers. It was also reported that the DOJ never received the unredacted copies of Crowdstrike’s reports

Stone pressed the DOJ for support that Russia hacked the DNC and sent the emails to WikiLeaks, and the DOJ eventually responded that the investigation of the 12 Russian GRU officers noted in the Mueller investigation gathered evidence that Russia hacked the DNC systems and sent the emails they hacked to WikiLeaks.

The DOJ went on to say that they were not going to provide Stone the data from the GRU case.

we now know Crowdstrike did not confirm Russia’s actions after they ‘hacked’ the DNC. To date there is no evidence that Russia sent emails to WikiLeaks.
It looks like these Deep State actors lied to the court. This is serious.'


so who gives a fuk - yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


33 million voters want jobs -
Anything on topic, Dummy?
Yep. The most unemployed are us retirees. We don't have to work anymore, and we always show up AT THE POLLS. Maybe team trump needs to lighten up on asking us to go for the self sacrificing angle on the open up fast and loose idea, not in our interests.

'Not in our best interest'? For a veteran, you sure seem to have adopted a 'Me, Me,Me-1st before country attitude. My service has no expiration date.

The world's strongest economy was derailed based on lies and fear mongering supported by monstrously failed / wrong predictions about a virus with a mortality rate of less that 1%, equal or less than annual influenza numbers....and now that it's closed Dems like Pelosi are intent to keep the economy closed as long as possible, to destroy the nation if she has to win an election.

This as just a criminal extension of Barry's failed coup attempt, his trampling of the Constitution, Rule of law, Constitutional and Civil Rights, illegal spying, sending innocent people to jail - all part of his coup official documents show he ran out of the oval office.

Trump, Papa, Flynn, Stone - he targeted them all. Pelosi is carrying on Barry's attempt to fundamentally change the US in the lust for power.

F* Them. Durham is going to hammer the shit out of a lot of Democrats, and hopefully we will get things open again, with or without Pelosi, for the good of the nation...and hopefully ensure her boney ass is tossed out of govt so she can go back to eating gourmet ice cream out of her $25k fridge full time.
I've done my time and sacrificed for the common good. Don't know if I saw you freezing your a$$ off on a tank at Baumholder or Graffe . Don't bother waving that flag at me, dude. Go get those young to middle aged democrats you guys hate, cause you're wasting your fingertips on me. I'll take modest precautions and live a long life, contributing dollars to the economy, seeking fulfillment, bypassed while out in the free economy, working, serving and taking care of business when I was younger. Broke off to talk to my only remaining brother. We were talking about a trip to kayak on the Holsten river in east TN. We promise to spend money, so there. We're supporting. If we go in to spend, we will mask and distance. When we get in our boats, we will be wearing life-jackets even if the water are calm when we set out. Taking precautions is just good conservative common sense. We don't even drink beer while on the water. Doubt if I helmet up and put on the elbo pads and gloves, but they will be in the truck in case come across something more demanding and decide to try it out.
I've done my time and sacrificed for the common good. Don't know if I saw you freezing your a$$ off on a tank at Baumholder or Graffe .

Sorry, I didn't have the luxury of sleeping under cover or riding around everywhere much of the timer in Afghanistan and Iraq....
I'll take modest precautions and live a long life, contributing dollars to the economy...

Good on youfor taking modest precautions, but WHAT economy. The Trump economy - the strongest economy ever - was the one thing the Democrats could not hope to overcome in Nov. And now that it is down, Pelosi and other Democrats are stepping on its neck, ensuring it doesn't get up - even if it destroys the nation - before November in hopes that it will help them win back POWER.

F@ that!

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