Religion and Ethics

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Dear Ziggy and Potterhead2021
There are more than one level of Christian faith.

1. When secular gentiles under natural laws of reason and science receive the spirit of forgiveness and liberating truth in Christ Jesus, these secular NONTHEIST thinkers may stay SECULAR and agree on concepts but not convert to Christian practice or culture. This is like learning to read (or speak) a second language, but not convert. I knew an Atheist who gave up Christianity but keot teaching free grace and forgiveness. He could totally tolerate and work with Christians, unless they refused to work with him. I am like bilingual (or trilingual) and still understand in secular terms while translating into Christian or even Constitutional terms. I can also understand translating into Buddhist terms, but more like reading and comprehending how real native Buddhists translate these concepts and quoting from them. I am not a native speaker so my translations depend on others.

2. When believers who are part of the fold compelled to follow Scriptural laws receive Christ, then these do work with given Christian language and culture in order to organize and collaborate among themselves in respective congregations.

I find that receiving Christ fulfills ANY path someone is on. It is rare that people totally abandon their native tongue or culture, because all our experiences and language are neurally networked and wired in our brains. We are conditioned to think and talk a certain way, whether nontheistic or theistic, liberal or conservative, individualistic or collective.

I see more often that people expand on their base foundation and ADD understanding of other cultures or languages to what we already use and know. Like adding a second language, not dropping one language and "converting" to another. That happens but is much less common.
I'm still working on english and trying to find the right words that express what I'm trying to say.
I was trucking with my ex for 10 years. Cussing is a second language to me...
or maybe it was my first.
It was just part of the conversation.
I found the closer I drew to the Lord, the less I wanted to cuss.
It made me feel ... oops, i said it again.. and the next time I was going to say it, I would catch it before it came out of my mouth.
After a while I didn't even think of the words. Those words were being replaced by cleaner words.

I found I didn't have to prove how tough I was to other people by the words I used.
I just had to prove I was growing in the right direction to the Lord.

There are clean words that can cut to bone more effective than the dirty ones.
And the greatest of words are truthful ones.
No one likes to hear the truth if they are heading the wrong way.
Ours is not to judge others and what they do. Ours is to judge ourselves and how we handle the situation.
That's the beam in the eye parable. or looking in the mirror.

It's not easy. It takes time. It takes patience.
And before you can tell someone else where they are going wrong, you need to check yourself and make sure your not heading that way too.
It's always easier to point the finger at others. You know your growing in maturity when you can point that finger at yourself first.

Thank You
OMG, the peer pressure!.. Okay, I forgive you. :p

Lol aren't I supposed to say that to you? XD

Dear Ziggy and Potterhead2021
There are more than one level of Christian faith.

1. When secular gentiles under natural laws of reason and science receive the spirit of forgiveness and liberating truth in Christ Jesus, these secular NONTHEIST thinkers may stay SECULAR and agree on concepts but not convert to Christian practice or culture. This is like learning to read (or speak) a second language, but not convert. I knew an Atheist who gave up Christianity but keot teaching free grace and forgiveness. He could totally tolerate and work with Christians, unless they refused to work with him. I am like bilingual (or trilingual) and still understand in secular terms while translating into Christian or even Constitutional terms. I can also understand translating into Buddhist terms, but more like reading and comprehending how real native Buddhists translate these concepts and quoting from them. I am not a native speaker so my translations depend on others.

2. When believers who are part of the fold compelled to follow Scriptural laws receive Christ, then these do work with given Christian language and culture in order to organize and collaborate among themselves in respective congregations.

I find that receiving Christ fulfills ANY path someone is on. It is rare that people totally abandon their native tongue or culture, because all our experiences and language are neurally networked and wired in our brains. We are conditioned to think and talk a certain way, whether nontheistic or theistic, liberal or conservative, individualistic or collective.

I see more often that people expand on their base foundation and ADD understanding of other cultures or languages to what we already use and know. Like adding a second language, not dropping one language and "converting" to another. That happens but is much less common.
I'm still working on english and trying to find the right words that express what I'm trying to say.
I was trucking with my ex for 10 years. Cussing is a second language to me...
or maybe it was my first.
It was just part of the conversation.
I found the closer I drew to the Lord, the less I wanted to cuss.
It made me feel ... oops, i said it again.. and the next time I was going to say it, I would catch it before it came out of my mouth.
After a while I didn't even think of the words. Those words were being replaced by cleaner words.

I found I didn't have to prove how tough I was to other people by the words I used.
I just had to prove I was growing in the right direction to the Lord.

There are clean words that can cut to bone more effective than the dirty ones.
And the greatest of words are truthful ones.
No one likes to hear the truth if they are heading the wrong way.
Ours is not to judge others and what they do. Ours is to judge ourselves and how we handle the situation.
That's the beam in the eye parable. or looking in the mirror.

It's not easy. It takes time. It takes patience.
And before you can tell someone else where they are going wrong, you need to check yourself and make sure your not heading that way too.
It's always easier to point the finger at others. You know your growing in maturity when you can point that finger at yourself first.

Thank You

Wow, you're a much better Christian than me. I've been cussing people out left and right since I've got here. Not that I actually want to of course,.. but they're all a bunch of idiots. :rolleyes:
Agreeing to forgive by praying in Christ Jesus authority does not require changing to some other culture.

It just involves agreement to FORGIVE on that higher level.
"by praying in Christ Jesus" -- what gibberish.
How about you simply accept that we all play on the same field to begin with. Secular does not mean lower "level." That's just your bigoted "Faith" talking. Forgiveness helps all period. Many resist it far too long, but there's no magic to it.
Dear Grumblenuts
Praying with faith or for sake of Christ Jesus is like invoking Restorative Justice.

I have atheist friends who have lived and led the Peace and Justice movement in Houston which is another name for Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The names do not make highe or lower levels.

What makes the difference in level of outreach is degree of inclusion, forgiveness and universal service to others.

A. People who EMBODY and live by commitment to Restorative Justice in words actions and relations with others are Different from
Those who just follow others like members of a church or party letting other people lead or do all the work

B. Those who forgive include and work with more people and diverse groups
Are Different from
Those who only accept their ways and judge or reject others who disagree or have opposing ways

Do you agree that people who do not judge or exclude others are able to serve more people on a broader level
Than those who restrict their service or outreach to only likeminded groups?
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?


If someone doesn't believe they are going to Hell, then why would they feel insulted by someone else saying otherwise?


Maybe I should start a religious thread in Announcements & Feedback

*****HAPPY SMILE*****


Can you imagine a religious discussion by Christians that didn't mention their only goal, which is an eternity in heaven to the exclusion of all that don't share their beliefs? No I can't either. Perhaps a private, invitation only thread where you don't have to allow any differences of opinion, but if you have an open discussion, it has to be open to even those that don't fall in line.

It is only intimidating to those who are weak in their own faith, or have no faith at all, and are insecure with that.

It doesn't matter what anyone at USMB posts, they aren't God.
I generally tell people who just want to be assholes and argue about it, to take it up with Him.

Dear Ziggy and Potterhead2021
There are more than one level of Christian faith.

1. When secular gentiles under natural laws of reason and science receive the spirit of forgiveness and liberating truth in Christ Jesus, these secular NONTHEIST thinkers may stay SECULAR and agree on concepts but not convert to Christian practice or culture. This is like learning to read (or speak) a second language, but not convert. I knew an Atheist who gave up Christianity but keot teaching free grace and forgiveness. He could totally tolerate and work with Christians, unless they refused to work with him. I am like bilingual (or trilingual) and still understand in secular terms while translating into Christian or even Constitutional terms. I can also understand translating into Buddhist terms, but more like reading and comprehending how real native Buddhists translate these concepts and quoting from them. I am not a native speaker so my translations depend on others.

2. When believers who are part of the fold compelled to follow Scriptural laws receive Christ, then these do work with given Christian language and culture in order to organize and collaborate among themselves in respective congregations.

I find that receiving Christ fulfills ANY path someone is on. It is rare that people totally abandon their native tongue or culture, because all our experiences and language are neurally networked and wired in our brains. We are conditioned to think and talk a certain way, whether nontheistic or theistic, liberal or conservative, individualistic or collective.

I see more often that people expand on their base foundation and ADD understanding of other cultures or languages to what we already use and know. Like adding a second language, not dropping one language and "converting" to another. That happens but is much less common.
I'm still working on english and trying to find the right words that express what I'm trying to say.
I was trucking with my ex for 10 years. Cussing is a second language to me...
or maybe it was my first.
It was just part of the conversation.
I found the closer I drew to the Lord, the less I wanted to cuss.
It made me feel ... oops, i said it again.. and the next time I was going to say it, I would catch it before it came out of my mouth.
After a while I didn't even think of the words. Those words were being replaced by cleaner words.

I found I didn't have to prove how tough I was to other people by the words I used.
I just had to prove I was growing in the right direction to the Lord.

There are clean words that can cut to bone more effective than the dirty ones.
And the greatest of words are truthful ones.
No one likes to hear the truth if they are heading the wrong way.
Ours is not to judge others and what they do. Ours is to judge ourselves and how we handle the situation.
That's the beam in the eye parable. or looking in the mirror.

It's not easy. It takes time. It takes patience.
And before you can tell someone else where they are going wrong, you need to check yourself and make sure your not heading that way too.
It's always easier to point the finger at others. You know your growing in maturity when you can point that finger at yourself first.

Thank You
Especially with politics, I find the fingerpointing is mutual. But instead of shutting down this process, why not use it to point out and MAKE those mutual corrections? If we use each other as mirrors, why not fix both sides of each conflict? Let everyone air out their laundry lists, and let's clean up all the dirty laundry piling up!

That's how I see it. Like group therapy sessions and helping each other clean up our act. No holds barred. We have free speech, so let's use it to talk out all grievances, assess problems debts and damages, and share solutions for reorganizing resources for corrections and reforms.

Each person or party has their own laundry list. Plenty of work to fix all this, so let's team up, compile a game plan, and start knocking this list out!

Thanks Ziggy for your unapologetic free speech. If we all speak as freely, so can we work out all other issues by not judging what it looks or sounds like.
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Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?

Did you NOT read my post?

" IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs. "

Can you imagine a religious discussion by Christians that didn't mention their only goal, which is an eternity in heaven to the exclusion of all that don't share their beliefs? No I can't either. Perhaps a private, invitation only thread where you don't have to allow any differences of opinion, but if you have an open discussion, it has to be open to even those that don't fall in line.
Dear BULLDOG and BlackSand
Wamting Peace and Justice for all humanity doesn't exclude anyone.

And yes, I have been having this very ongoing conversation.

The keys are Forgiveness and recognizing different ways people say the same things, like Jesus and the Holy Spirit representing Universal Peace and Justice for All.

Same goal for all humanity inclusively.

But where we fail to forgive and communicate, that's where we miss the goal
Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?


If someone doesn't believe they are going to Hell, then why would they feel insulted by someone else saying otherwise?

That's the problem I come across a lot. People like to threaten people with fear.
If you have no fear, what's there to worry about?

I think christianity is more about reaching out to people and helping them where they are at in life.
Anger, depression, feeling solitary.. these hurt the inner person. The one that lashes back with intolerance, bitterness, hate.

It's so easy to say to someone, If you don't do this or that your going to hell.
No one has the authority to say that to another person. We can't toss people anywhere.
The challenge is to show and teach other people how not to let anger and depression and solitude rule over them.
Teach people to be victorious in their accomplishments of being a better person. Overcoming those things that have control of your emotions.

What is the saying... you can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Or you can teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

I believe the responibility of a christian is to teach people how to fish.
Not whack them over the head with the rod and hook


although some really really deserve it sometimes lol
You just have to overcome your own desire to whack them..
Dear BULLDOG and BlackSand
Wamting Peace and Justice for all humanity doesn't exclude anyone.

And yes, I have been having this very ongoing conversation.

The keys are Forgiveness and recognizing different ways people say the same things, like Jesus and the Holy Spirit representing Universal Peace and Justice for All.

Same goal for all humanity inclusively.

But where we fail to forgive and communicate, that's where we miss the goal

Sorry, but I am firm believer that God will speak to the heart of anyone who will listen.
I also thinks God provides different paths for different people, as He embraces the opportunity to reach anyone.

That doesn't require me to determine anything for anyone else, and excludes no one from His Grace.
If a Christian decides to express I am going to Hell because I listen to God, before I listen to them ... Well, Good Luck with that ... :auiqs.jpg:

Let's Examine the Claims of Atheists

Chem Engineer

Mar 22, 2021
Let's Examine Claims of Atheists

The Fallacy of Science vs. Religion

The atheists' frequent claim that science and religion are mutually exclusive is demonstrably false. If atheists were as "rational" and "intelligent" as they are always claiming, they would not resort to mendacity. Science pursues truth.

The list of scientists as men and women faith is long and growing.

List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia

“Science is not only compatible with spirituality, it is a profound source of spirituality. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.”
” - Demon Haunted World, page 29, by Carl Sagan

“I believe in God more because of science than in spite of it.” – William Phillips, Nobel Laureate in Physics

and more in post one


I am an Atheist, shall I ignore the hard nasty bashing made by a religionist?
IMO, threads like those belong in forums where bashing is authorized, aka Zone 3.

but for atheists, and assholes, (notice how I separate them), there is no place for them trolling in R&E.
I completely understand. You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it. Who could possibly find fault with that?

You feel it is completely proper and even advised for religious folk to insult and degrade those who don't share their particular religious beliefs, and the victims of those attacks should just STFU and take it.
IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs.
You don't see that claiming anyone who doesn't share their belief is deserving of hell as an insult? Really?

Did you NOT read my post?

" IF you see that happening in a Zone One thread, ANY Zone One thread, report it, so it can be moved downstairs. "

Can you imagine a religious discussion by Christians that didn't mention their only goal, which is an eternity in heaven to the exclusion of all that don't share their beliefs? No I can't either. Perhaps a private, invitation only thread where you don't have to allow any differences of opinion, but if you have an open discussion, it has to be open to even those that don't fall in line.
Dear BULLDOG and BlackSand
Wamting Peace and Justice for all humanity doesn't exclude anyone.

And yes, I have been having this very ongoing conversation.

The keys are Forgiveness and recognizing different ways people say the same things, like Jesus and the Holy Spirit representing Universal Peace and Justice for All.

Same goal for all humanity inclusively.

But where we fail to forgive and communicate, that's where we miss the goal


I've been having an...... interesting conversation in...

...about God, life, the universe, and everything, with some prominent atheists on this board.




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Dear Ziggy and Potterhead2021
There are more than one level of Christian faith.

1. When secular gentiles under natural laws of reason and science receive the spirit of forgiveness and liberating truth in Christ Jesus, these secular NONTHEIST thinkers may stay SECULAR and agree on concepts but not convert to Christian practice or culture. This is like learning to read (or speak) a second language, but not convert. I knew an Atheist who gave up Christianity but keot teaching free grace and forgiveness. He could totally tolerate and work with Christians, unless they refused to work with him. I am like bilingual (or trilingual) and still understand in secular terms while translating into Christian or even Constitutional terms. I can also understand translating into Buddhist terms, but more like reading and comprehending how real native Buddhists translate these concepts and quoting from them. I am not a native speaker so my translations depend on others.

2. When believers who are part of the fold compelled to follow Scriptural laws receive Christ, then these do work with given Christian language and culture in order to organize and collaborate among themselves in respective congregations.

I find that receiving Christ fulfills ANY path someone is on. It is rare that people totally abandon their native tongue or culture, because all our experiences and language are neurally networked and wired in our brains. We are conditioned to think and talk a certain way, whether nontheistic or theistic, liberal or conservative, individualistic or collective.

I see more often that people expand on their base foundation and ADD understanding of other cultures or languages to what we already use and know. Like adding a second language, not dropping one language and "converting" to another. That happens but is much less common.
I'm still working on english and trying to find the right words that express what I'm trying to say.
I was trucking with my ex for 10 years. Cussing is a second language to me...
or maybe it was my first.
It was just part of the conversation.
I found the closer I drew to the Lord, the less I wanted to cuss.
It made me feel ... oops, i said it again.. and the next time I was going to say it, I would catch it before it came out of my mouth.
After a while I didn't even think of the words. Those words were being replaced by cleaner words.

I found I didn't have to prove how tough I was to other people by the words I used.
I just had to prove I was growing in the right direction to the Lord.

There are clean words that can cut to bone more effective than the dirty ones.
And the greatest of words are truthful ones.
No one likes to hear the truth if they are heading the wrong way.
Ours is not to judge others and what they do. Ours is to judge ourselves and how we handle the situation.
That's the beam in the eye parable. or looking in the mirror.

It's not easy. It takes time. It takes patience.
And before you can tell someone else where they are going wrong, you need to check yourself and make sure your not heading that way too.
It's always easier to point the finger at others. You know your growing in maturity when you can point that finger at yourself first.

Thank You
Especially with politics, I find the fingerpointing is mutual. But instead of shutting down this process, why not use it to point out and MAKE those mutual corrections? If we use each other as mirrors, why not fix both sides of each conflict? Let everyone air out their laundry lists, and let's clean up all the dirty laundry piling up!

That's how I see it. Like group therapy sessions and helping each other clean up our act. No holds barred. We have free speech, so let's use it to talk out all grievances, assess problems debts and damages, and share solutions for reorganizing resources for corrections and reforms.

Each person or party has their own laundry list. Plenty of work to fix all this, so let's team up, compile a game plan, and start knocking this list out!

Thanks Ziggy for your unapologetic free speech. If we all speak as freely, so can we work out all other issues by not judging what it looks or sounds like.
That's like Jesus going up and preaching to Pilate or Ceasar. He didn't did he?
He went to the guy that just got his butt kicked and everything stolen from him. He went to the outcasts that were only looking for food and some nice conversation. He went to the woman who had been mistreated and neglected by the doctors who took all her savings and never fixed a thing, they just made it worse.

We can't fix politics.

All we can do is love the people who are controlled and ruled by the Herod's and the Pilates and the Caesars in the world.
They think they hold the chains that bind us.
Jesus showed us that even death itself has no hold on those that trust him.

Love is the answer. And there is no love in politics. Only greed and hatred and fear.

So, it's grass roots. You want to change the world. First you start with yourself. Then you meet friends and form a group.
And you go together 2 by 2 out into the storm. And you keep eachother warm. And you break bread.
Abd when you find someone hungry and needing comfort, you reach out together and lift that one up.
For where 2 or more of you are gathered together....
Love will find a way.

I like your idea
So, it's grass roots. You want to change the world. First you start with yourself. Then you meet friends and form a group.
And you go together 2 by 2 out into the storm. And you keep eachother warm. And you break bread.
Abd when you find someone hungry and needing comfort, you reach out together and lift that one up.
For where 2 or more of you are gathered together....
Love will find a way.

I like your idea

It might be a good idea to mention that none of that requires a person to kick the can to the government,
and pretend they are fulfilling their purpose as a servant of God, by passing the responsibility on to someone else.

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Does Jessie ever get you mad? Maybe she knocks something over, or scratches you?
What do you do?

Well when she attacks my legs or scratches me I'm just like "hey, no!!" and sometimes let out a cuss word but that's pretty much it.
So, it's grass roots. You want to change the world. First you start with yourself. Then you meet friends and form a group.
And you go together 2 by 2 out into the storm. And you keep eachother warm. And you break bread.
Abd when you find someone hungry and needing comfort, you reach out together and lift that one up.
For where 2 or more of you are gathered together....
Love will find a way.

I like your idea

It might be a good idea to mention that none of that requires a person to kick the can to the government,
and pretend they are fulfilling their purpose as a servant of God, by passing the responsibility on to someone else.

Reminds me of Scrooge.
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