Religion in general

I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

I fear what's written in this article is the very very old pagan belief from the 19th, 20th and 21st century. For example: As far as I know knows no one really what the druids of the Celts believed in. The Celts wrote nothing down. And by the way - also a lot of old forms of pagan beliefs are a reaction on the Christian religion. Walhall is for example such a construct. Instead of the Christian heavens s.o. suggested to do a really heavenly thing: To drink together until everyone is totally drunken and to go in war afterwards - because this is a fine fun for idiots ... ah sorry: for warriors. Who wins a war, when he is totally drunken, must be in heaven, isn't it?

To separate all this nonsense from the true faith is a little difficult - not only in pagan religions but in all religions. Specially if is this religions base on verbal and not on written traditions.

Nonsense interpretations exist for example also in the Christian religion - what you can see very good in the phenomenon "burning witches". The standard prejudice in this context is: the Catholic church burned millions of witches (wise pagan women) after a kind of sado-maso torture made from inquisitors. But nearly nothing is true in this view to the world. In the middle ages, where pagans still existed, the belief in witches was seen as a wrong prejudice. Same today.

The real problem started much later in times after the reformation. As well Catholics and Protestants burned witches and everyone was either a Catholic or a Protestant in this time of history. It was like a kind of public festival to do so - in most cases produced from local authorities. Protestants burned 90% witches and 10% sorcerers - but Catholics were much murdern, ah sorry: "modern", practiced emancipation and burned 50% witches and 50% sorcerers. So the sex component has to do with Protestants and not with Catholics. And indeed: Where the inquisition was strong, nearly never a witch or sorcerer was burned. And it were also not 2 million burned witches, how the "tolerant" Prussians (not tolelrant in case of Catholics) cooked up during their anti-Catholic culture fight. It were indeed "only" 50,000 - a lot - too many - but nearly nothing compared with the stories the people believe in.

But what's perhaps the most important thing in context of religion is the concrete force of religion. Today live lots of people in fear of suicide bombers for example. People without strong faith on their own are not able to understand that religious people are able to sacrifice their own life for their belief - as absurde as this seems to be in the eyes of others.

But indeed is faith our complete spiritual, cultural and civilisatoric existence - what Göbekli Tepe shows very well. Before Göbekli Tepe was discovered the standrad idea of atheists had been religion was a kind of game, which was played when the people had started with agriculture and had a lot of time to invent fairytales. For example the fairytales of and around god. But Göbekli Tepe was not made from lazy people on reason of boredom. This first temple of the world, where all our civilisations come from, was made from hunter-gatherers. Looks like: First was faith, religion and culture - then came agriculture and civilisation. We are all basing first of all on spirituality.
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I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

There were a lot of people from different religions that had converted over to the Christian belief. And brought some of their practices with them. But Jesus told the followers that came from Judaism to accept all who believe in Him. Even if you have to sit down and eat with them.
Their faith in Him have cleansed them. And so what ever He had cleansed, we are to accept it.
One of the main things that God want from us. It is to acknowledge Him. He careless about the sacrifices you've made.
The sacrifices and the burnt offerings were to prove that you believe in Him. But to some it became a ritual but their faith in Him had declined.
Everybody goes to church on a Sunday, and sin for the rest of the week. Even though they've sacrificed one day out of a week for Him. Doesn't make them clean.
Jesus said don't turn none of them away. Especially those that are in their beginning developing stage. The laws were milk that help us to develop. But now we don't need to condemn those that work on the Sabbaths, the day that we are suppose to be focusing on God and being cleanse free from sin, holy. God wants us to focusing on Him or His word. but there is no need to bind a Tefillin to our foreheads anymore just to prove that the word of God is on our minds always.


Acts 6:1
In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.

Acts 10:14
“Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

Psalm 91:14
“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

Hosea 6:6
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.

1 Corinthians 3:2
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.

Deuteronomy 11:18

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.

but there is no need to bind a Tefillin to our foreheads anymore just to prove that the word of God is on our minds always. ...

View attachment 423832

There is no need to do so - for nothing is a need to do so, we are free - but it is very fascinating, isn't it? If the background would be another background - if he wouldn't wear glasses - and if the clothing would not be synthetics, then this picture could be some thousands years old - if they would had been able to make a photograph some thousand years ago. A very old real tradition.

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I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

Mostly all rubbish arguments; in fact many of the pagan cults changed up their tales and rituals to appear more like Hebrewism and Christianity in order to compete with its popularity, especially under the Tetrarchy. The lame gimmick is to to take some extremely vague and remote alleged 'similarity' and paste modern updated rhetoric and Christian terminology on top of it to make the ignorant think its 'stolen' from earlier cults like the Egyptians and Sumerians, when in fact the 'stories' are nothing like the same things.

For instance, one claim is that the 'resurrection' was stolen from an ancient Egyptian fable about a 'god' who was hacked into many pieces and then 'resurrected' by being put back together again, which is more of a Frankenstein story not to mention it wasn't brought back to life but was more of a zombie creature. Others are based on some bizarre cognitive dissonance that the Habiru tribes are supposed to have entirely different histories than the other peoples in the same region they lived in, which is more than a little stupid assertion as well.

I don't knw a single Christian who claims Jesus was born on Dec. 25; it's just a day to celebrate his birthday, and why not use a holiday time that already exists and convenient for many people, since no one knows the actual day anyway, and Easter is the main Christian holiday, as are some of the Jewish holidays as well.
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In the ancient Church of Jesus Christ, Apostolic succession was part of the church. In Acts 1 we see the succession of Judas Iscariot with Matthias. The Bible tells us that God intended to have apostles until we all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man. So did we reach that point by the end of the first century? Once into the second century, we no longer had the office of apostles leading the church. What happened to the apostolic succession?

Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Shouldn't the true church have continued with apostles?

Why do you assume the offices were meant to be hereditary? That was one of the 'sins' of the 2nd Temple, its hereditary priesthood based on strict racism; the Christian revolution was to continue to follow the covenants as well as the new and take the Hebrewism 'universal', as intended. Universalism is implicit in monotheism, and it was Isaiah who finally turned Hebrew theology to monotheism. When Paul set up churches in towns and cities whose synagogues had expelled Christians, many of the 'deacons' were women.

Also most, if not all, of the Apostles were killed soon after Jesus ended his ministry.!

which the puritans waged war on!

in fact, bill oreilly is doing a documentary on how pilgrims were really marxists who hated god and that is why they banned christmas
Those rituals not mentioned in scripture were adopted by a individual churches or groups. The only rituals in Christianity are Lords Supper and Baptism by water immersion . Christianity is not a Religion , the churches and groups is where you find religion .At least it's what I learned at disciple class. Independent Missionary Baptist here. :)
In the ancient Church of Jesus Christ, Apostolic succession was part of the church. In Acts 1 we see the succession of Judas Iscariot with Matthias. The Bible tells us that God intended to have apostles until we all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man. So did we reach that point by the end of the first century? Once into the second century, we no longer had the office of apostles leading the church. What happened to the apostolic succession?

Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Shouldn't the true church have continued with apostles?

Why do you assume the offices were meant to be hereditary? That was one of the 'sins' of the 2nd Temple, its hereditary priesthood based on strict racism; the Christian revolution was to continue to follow the covenants as well as the new and take the Hebrewism 'universal', as intended. Universalism is implicit in monotheism, and it was Isaiah who finally turned Hebrew theology to monotheism. When Paul set up churches in towns and cities whose synagogues had expelled Christians, many of the 'deacons' were women.

Also most, if not all, of the Apostles were killed soon after Jesus ended his ministry.

It seems apparent in the verse quoted.

Ephesians 4:11-13
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
I found this interesting about Christianity. Thought I'd share it. Not saying I agree with all of it, but it does have its points on origins of what religions "worship" or follow as doctrine.

I don't have any problem with Christmas trees and celebrating Christmas on the 25th of December. For me the Christmas tree is a representation of heaven and or the Garden of Eden. The lights represent the stars of heaven, the star at the top of the tree represents the Star of Bethlehem ---- or the Angel at the top of the tree represents the messenger who came to the shepherds to tell the news of the Messiah's birth. The gold ornaments represent the gold that the Magi brought as a gift the the Christ Child for his birthday (they arrived about 1 year later). The silver represents the 30 pieces of silver that Judas was paid to expose Jesus to his captures. The blue and purple mark Jesus' Kingship and rule over all. The red signifies the blood the Messiah shed for our sins. The white is His purity. Green demonstrates the gift of eternal life Christ freely gives. And the candy canes is a memorial to the first to be in formed of the Messiah's birth (signified by a Shepherd's crook, or it can be a "J" for Jesus --- The GOOD SHEPHERD). And December 25th clearly reveals that the light is gaining and darkness is retreating...
Everything can be applied either for good or bad.
I love researching religion and for sure much Paganism in the Christian religion and I don't follow a religion because it is mind control. I believe in a Divine Source but I don't follow these religion gods. But I will tell you I will fight for the freedom of individuals to be able to go to church. Because if we stop people from doing what they believe our beliefs are next. We should always stand up for the freedom of religion. But yes you are right and I believe religion is just another control mechanism. I don't even believe the Bible Jesus existed through my research.
You had me until the last sentence, lol. I call myself pagan christian because on my personal path, I embrace much the same that native american indians believe in...but Jesus goes with me everywhere I go. He has much to show me, and teach me. I can't/won't go without Him. I know that sounds weird, am I, heh.

One time, a friend told me that God speaks to me through nature and animals because He knows how much I mistrust mankind. I have a kindred spirit with animals, and they with me. They are pure beings.

All Christians have a friend in Jesus, he goes wherever they go.

Just like the Sun.
My brother has 3 children
1 male 2 daughters
Each married a Pastor.
I’ll let you figure out which one married whom.
All are raising God Loving Children.
They are Great Families and I love ❤ them Dearly.

Now Me and my sister both went to College
We have good jobs, as do our Spouses

Neirher my sister nor I, or our families, follow the same absolute values that my brother follows.
My Brother is 67 and broke with Zero retirement plan and $2000 monthly income, because he claims disability plus SS , whereas we followed the “rules of Capitalism”.
My Very Religious Brother hates Socialism but thrives upon it.
Whereas my sister and I both support small forms of Socialism but don’t need it but absolutely contribute to it without complaint.
Whereas my anti socialist brother except his free money without conditions

There is no such thing as a "socialist" state anywhere in the world. One has never existed. What you're referring to is a capitalist economic system that provides welfare. Much of Europe is mistakenly called "socialist" when, in fact, they too are capitalist that tax at even higher rates than the U.S. does but also provides more "social" or "welfare" programs for its residents.
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):

Sorry: But the words "humanity" and "human" make not a big sense in this context. "Human" are a lot of things - for example burping. A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian". Human beings (children of god) are only in one center of the Christian religion. But god himselve is in the elementary center of the children of god. Truth for example depends on nothing what human beings say or not say. All human beings are able to be wrong, while for example only one human being is right. And this last human being, who is right, is perhaps only an ET and indeed all human beings are able to be wrong. So to love human beings (the children of god) is quite okay - but it exists not really a human idea about why this is [for god] so unbelievable important that his children love each other. We got this idea, this "so it must be" - from god.

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13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):

Sorry: But the words "humanity" and "human" make not a big sense in this context. "Human" are a lot of things - for example burping. A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian". Human beings (children of god) are only in one center of the Christian religion. But god himselve is in the elementary center of the children of god. Truth for example depends on nothing what human beings say or not say. All human beings are able to be wrong, while for example only one human being is right. And this last human being, who is right, is perhaps only an ET and indeed all human beings are able to be wrong. So to love human beings (the children of god) is quite okay - but it exists not really a human idea about why this is [for god] so unbelievable important that his children love each other. We got this idea, this "so it must be" - from god.

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):
A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian".
I used humanity, not human - you miss the point zaan - the original religion of antiquity would conclude when all humanity were - "in the unity of the faith" - entitles judgement.

that can never be christianity - being subservient as a substitution for faith.

a conclusion > faith, to triumph over evil - to then triumph over evil - - accomplishment for admission to the Everlasting. ... the original religion of antiquity.
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):

Sorry: But the words "humanity" and "human" make not a big sense in this context. "Human" are a lot of things - for example burping. A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian". Human beings (children of god) are only in one center of the Christian religion. But god himselve is in the elementary center of the children of god. Truth for example depends on nothing what human beings say or not say. All human beings are able to be wrong, while for example only one human being is right. And this last human being, who is right, is perhaps only an ET and indeed all human beings are able to be wrong. So to love human beings (the children of god) is quite okay - but it exists not really a human idea about why this is [for god] so unbelievable important that his children love each other. We got this idea, this "so it must be" - from god.

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):
A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian".
I used humanity, not human - you miss the point zaan - the original religion of antiquity would conclude when all humanity were - "in the unity of the faith" - entitles judgement.

that can never be christianity - being subservient as a substitution for faith.

a conclusion > faith, to triumph over evil - to then triumph over evil - - accomplishment for admission to the Everlasting. ... the original religion of antiquity.

I don't have any idea what you try to tell me here now except "I am right and all others are wrong". Who fought against Hitler in Germany? The intellectuals, who based their knowledge on the knowledge of the ancient Greek "humanism"? Oh wait ... the most leading Nazis ... ¿may this be? ... were educated to be humanists.

And some modern word is often not this, what people like to see in it. What is "empathy" good for? Some think empathy on its own is able to save the world. Empathy shows the best of all human abilities: to be able to feel, what others feel. If everyone would be always empathic then we would live in a paradise. But to be able to feel, what others feel, is for example also used for mind manipulations and even for torture. Also the use of this word is not easily understandable if the people would not use it normally instead of the christian expression "brotherly and sisterly love": "For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"! - That's why empathy is important: For to cultivate the own mind.
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13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):

Sorry: But the words "humanity" and "human" make not a big sense in this context. "Human" are a lot of things - for example burping. A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian". Human beings (children of god) are only in one center of the Christian religion. But god himselve is in the elementary center of the children of god. Truth for example depends on nothing what human beings say or not say. All human beings are able to be wrong, while for example only one human being is right. And this last human being, who is right, is perhaps only an ET and indeed all human beings are able to be wrong. So to love human beings (the children of god) is quite okay - but it exists not really a human idea about why this is [for god] so unbelievable important that his children love each other. We got this idea, this "so it must be" - from god.

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):
A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian".
I used humanity, not human - you miss the point zaan - the original religion of antiquity would conclude when all humanity were - "in the unity of the faith" - entitles judgement.

that can never be christianity - being subservient as a substitution for faith.

a conclusion > faith, to triumph over evil - to then triumph over evil - - accomplishment for admission to the Everlasting. ... the original religion of antiquity.

I don't have any idea what you try to tell me here now except "I am right and all others are wrong". Who fought against Hitler in Germany? The intellectuals, who based their knowledge on the knowledge of the ancient Greek "humanism"? Oh wait ... the most leading Nazis ... ¿may this be? ... were educated to be humanists.

And some modern word is often not this, what people like to see in it. What is "empathy" good for? Some think empathy on its own is able to save the world. Empathy shows the best of all human abilities: to be able to feel, what others feel. If everyone would be always empathic then we would live in a paradise. But to be able to feel, what others feel, is for example also used for mind manipulations and even for torture. Also the use of this word is not easily understandable if the people would not use it normally instead of the christian expression "brotherly and sisterly love": "For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"! - That's why empathy is important: For to cultivate the own mind.

I don't have any idea what you try to tell me here now except "I am right and all others are wrong".
you use that a lot ...

accomplishment, not reading and becoming subservient to a book is the path to the Everlasting - available for all.

faith without accomplishing the faith's goal is the same as having (no) faith, that is unfulfilled - a meaningless standard. - - columbus found land on the otherside and fulfilled his faith ...

what you have will never be fulfilled. reading a book of forgeries and fallacies. your faith.
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):

Sorry: But the words "humanity" and "human" make not a big sense in this context. "Human" are a lot of things - for example burping. A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian". Human beings (children of god) are only in one center of the Christian religion. But god himselve is in the elementary center of the children of god. Truth for example depends on nothing what human beings say or not say. All human beings are able to be wrong, while for example only one human being is right. And this last human being, who is right, is perhaps only an ET and indeed all human beings are able to be wrong. So to love human beings (the children of god) is quite okay - but it exists not really a human idea about why this is [for god] so unbelievable important that his children love each other. We got this idea, this "so it must be" - from god.

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God (spiritualism), unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (humanity):
A senseful use of the word "human" is only possible, if you are able to replace it with an expression like "christian".
I used humanity, not human - you miss the point zaan - the original religion of antiquity would conclude when all humanity were - "in the unity of the faith" - entitles judgement.

that can never be christianity - being subservient as a substitution for faith.

a conclusion > faith, to triumph over evil - to then triumph over evil - - accomplishment for admission to the Everlasting. ... the original religion of antiquity.

I don't have any idea what you try to tell me here now except "I am right and all others are wrong". Who fought against Hitler in Germany? The intellectuals, who based their knowledge on the knowledge of the ancient Greek "humanism"? Oh wait ... the most leading Nazis ... ¿may this be? ... were educated to be humanists.

And some modern word is often not this, what people like to see in it. What is "empathy" good for? Some think empathy on its own is able to save the world. Empathy shows the best of all human abilities: to be able to feel, what others feel. If everyone would be always empathic then we would live in a paradise. But to be able to feel, what others feel, is for example also used for mind manipulations and even for torture. Also the use of this word is not easily understandable if the people would not use it normally instead of the christian expression "brotherly and sisterly love": "For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"! - That's why empathy is important: For to cultivate the own mind.

I don't have any idea what you try to tell me here now except "I am right and all others are wrong".
you use that a lot ...

What do I use a lot?


? ... difficult word for me. We understand three totally different things under this expression. I would need more context to find out what of this three (or more) things you think about by using this word.

not reading and becoming subservient to a book is the path to the Everlasting - available for all.

I guess you try to say here something about the bible. Very short: The Christian religion is not a religion of a book. It's a religion of the revelation (disclosure) of god. The bible is an instrument, a tool, in this context, which we componed when we were about 300 years young.

faith without accomplishing the faith's goal is the same as having (no) faith, that is unfulfilled - a meaningless standard. - - columbus found land on the otherside and fulfilled his faith ...

Columbus made a miscalculation about the position of India. Indeed it was totally absurde what he said about the distance to India and nearly all navigators and geometers criticised him on very good reasons. It existed no ships, which were able to reach India. It needed first of all better ships. Comparable: If the NASA had made a miscalculation of the position of the moon, then no one had made a little step on another planet.

what you have will never be fulfilled. reading a book of forgeries and fallacies. your faith.

You should perhaps not think your lack of knowledge about the Christian religion is the Christian religion.

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RE witch burnings less than 6,000 are actually documented, and most of those happened within select geographical regions, mostly along the constantly contested borders of what is now Germany and FRance, and most were a result of peasant hysteria. Pagans invented witch burnings, and most peasants remained pagans right up into the 19th Century. Witch burnings were almost entirely non-existent in Italy, for instance; the official Catholic Church policy was that 'magic' was just a silly peasant superstition and didn't recognize 'witchcraft' as ' magic per se, they did however, put crimes like poisoning in under such a category, a crime mostly committed by women for obvious reasons as a method for revenge in a violent world.

The Church itself never executed anybody; only secular local authorities had that 'right'. '50,000' is a ridiculous number and just silly Protestant propaganda aimed at Catholics.

FRom 371 A.D. to 1647, some 1,200 years, only 120 or so cases are recorded in Italy, for instance, which of course contradicts the mythology of 'Evul Catlicks Running Amok And Burning Millions N Stuff!!'. They came in spurts, of course, but an average of one for every 10 years doesn't exactly get a rise out of sane people. Even these numbers are highly questionable, given medieval propensities for exaggeration, and many appear to be for attempted murders, not 'casting magical spells.
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I guess you try to say here something about the bible. Very short: The Christian religion is not a religion of a book. It's a religion of the revelation (disclosure) of god. The bible is an instrument, a tool, in this context, which we componed when we were about 300 years young.

I interrupt this ridiculous Grab Ass Moment between two morons in order to inform those in the Peanut Gallery that almost all the books in the Bible were known and named in various correspondences by 150 A.D., not '300 years later', but maybe 50, and not by Constantine. The lists were compiled and distributed among the congregations as a rebuttal of the attempts by Marcione to lay claim to a 'true' canon according to his own uneducated and anti-Jewish opinions, though of course he was still better educated than these two loons.

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