Religion is not Biblical thing!

Also, just because Jesus claimed to be the son of God and then gave a testimony as to who God is doesn't mean that you know there is a God and that you know who he is.

First off, all you have to go on is a book and third hand testimony to accept the fact that Jesus even -said- any of this shit. For all you know it's all inaccurate.

SEcond, even if Jesus really -did- say all that, -you- still couldn't know whether or not it's the truth. Even if he really did perform the miracles as described in the bible, there's still no proof that what he said regarding God was the truth. Maybe he was a bored alien with some pretty scary genetic abilities and way too much free time just f'in with the minds of a sentient but inferior species. Maybe there really is a God or even multiple gods, and some supernatural being who doesn't like said deity(ies) took human form and started doing and saying crazy shit to throw everybody off the scent. Point is, there are countless potential explanations, any of which are just as plausible as the creator of a universe that spans some 13 billion light years in any direction just -happening- to take so much pride in this -one- floating rock, out of so many that it would require most of the length of this post for me to type out the number, that he sends his only kid -here- to save -us- from our own misbehavior, we who were designed by a being who is infallible.

Sorry, but no matter how strongly you feel that you're right on this one, you don't -know-. Your faith isn't based in knowledge.

Yes actually you can know. You could ask the Lord directly and recieve your own witness.

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