

Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
For starters, don’t pick up the dictionary to lookup ‘Mumugiousity’, I coined it myself but you will soon understand what i mean

As I approach this topic I want to be careful so readers don’t get the whole essence of this write up, twisted. Religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people and in my household it is generally not considered “polite conversation.”

For some, an attack on religion is an attack on their god or gods. I only wish to put down certain points or aspects of organized religion I’m not comfortable with, I am not questioning anyone’s belief in a personal god.
Around the world, religion has helped us to remain sane or else we all for donkolowith the way our environment is stifling us. Religion can give people a sense of community and make people feel welcomed. But life is never that simple.

In Nigeria especially, religion has turned a lot of my people into MUMU’s (fools). Instead of learning to discern truth on their own and formulate their own mindset, they’re told how to think. These are the people engaged in ‘Mumugiousity’. For them Religion has turned them into group soul’s, sheep, cows and goat with their Shepherd as their pastors, who have erased their trust in their own intellect and gradually convinced them to put their trust in them(pastors) as the only true men of god, convincing them that without them they would be lost. Hummmm! They fall for this like very poor people would fall for a bag of rice.

You have become ‘mumurized’ when you can forgo the little intelligence you have and on top of all that, you become a hypocrite. Religion is filling mumu(foolish) people with fear; it is one of the main reasons why mumu(fools) people are afraid of living. And when I say ‘living’ I don’t mean just surviving. To survive is one thing, even stones do that, but to live is a completely different thing. To live means to be sensitive, it means to feel, to grow, to discover your potential and achieve to higher states of being each and every moment. These days nothing happens without it being remote controlled from the village, someone must have sent it, there are more demons waiting to destroy us.
See Ful: Religion Mumugiousity by Charly Boy - eReporter
How many people have the potential to become an NBA player, or the acumen to understand advanced calculus, or the creativity/skill to write like Shakespeare?
Doesn't it also stand to reason that most people lack the capacity to experience nirvanna/satori/enlightenment/the-kingdom-of-god?
And doesn't it also stand to reason that most people lack the capacity to grasp the many layered meanings of sacred scripture?
Necessarily, religion must be mumu-fied, or simplified for the unwashed masses to digest. For many, their religious doctrine is stripped down to a very simplistic punishment and reward system. They miss out on all the richness. It doesn't mean they don't have other gifts, excelling in other fields.

It makes an attack on religion very easy to conduct. It is easy to cut down a cartoonish Santa Claus/Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy concept of God. Generally, someone who is overly logical is not going to have the capacity to approach a rich concept of the Tao, or the Word Incarnate, or God as a first principle (rather than an old man with a white beard who loves to punish people).
For starters, don’t pick up the dictionary to lookup ‘Mumugiousity’, I coined it myself but you will soon understand what i mean

As I approach this topic I want to be careful so readers don’t get the whole essence of this write up, twisted. Religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people and in my household it is generally not considered “polite conversation.”

For some, an attack on religion is an attack on their god or gods. I only wish to put down certain points or aspects of organized religion I’m not comfortable with, I am not questioning anyone’s belief in a personal god.
Around the world, religion has helped us to remain sane or else we all for donkolowith the way our environment is stifling us. Religion can give people a sense of community and make people feel welcomed. But life is never that simple.

In Nigeria especially, religion has turned a lot of my people into MUMU’s (fools). Instead of learning to discern truth on their own and formulate their own mindset, they’re told how to think. These are the people engaged in ‘Mumugiousity’. For them Religion has turned them into group soul’s, sheep, cows and goat with their Shepherd as their pastors, who have erased their trust in their own intellect and gradually convinced them to put their trust in them(pastors) as the only true men of god, convincing them that without them they would be lost. Hummmm! They fall for this like very poor people would fall for a bag of rice.

You have become ‘mumurized’ when you can forgo the little intelligence you have and on top of all that, you become a hypocrite. Religion is filling mumu(foolish) people with fear; it is one of the main reasons why mumu(fools) people are afraid of living. And when I say ‘living’ I don’t mean just surviving. To survive is one thing, even stones do that, but to live is a completely different thing. To live means to be sensitive, it means to feel, to grow, to discover your potential and achieve to higher states of being each and every moment. These days nothing happens without it being remote controlled from the village, someone must have sent it, there are more demons waiting to destroy us.
See Ful: Religion Mumugiousity by Charly Boy - eReporter

When I became convinced that the universe was natural, that all the ghosts and gods were myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell. The dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles turned to dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world, not even in infinite space.

I was free to think. Free to express my thoughts, free to live in my own ideal. Free to live for myself and those I loved. Free to use all my faculties, all my senses. Free to spread imagination’s wings, free to investigate, to guess, and dream and hope. Free to judge and determine for myself. Free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the inspired books that savages have produced, and the barbarous legends of the past. Free from sanctified mistakes and “holy” lies. Free from the fear of eternal pain, free from the winged monsters of the night. Free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free.

There were no prohibited places in all of the realm of thought. No error, no space where fancy could not spread her painted wings. No chains for my limbs. No lashes for my back. No flames for my flesh. No Master’s frown or threat, no following in another’s steps. No need to bow or cringe or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free; I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.

My heart was filled with gratitude, with thankfulness, and went out in love to all the heros, the thinkers who gave their lives for liberty of hand and brain, for the freedom of labor and thought to those who fell on the fierce fields of war. To those who died in dungeons, bound in chains, to those by fire consumed, to all the wise, the good, the brave of every land whose thoughts and deeds have given freedom to the sons of men. And then, I vowed to grasp the torch that they held, and hold it high, That light might conquer darkness still.

-Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899)
For starters, don’t pick up the dictionary to lookup ‘Mumugiousity’, I coined it myself but you will soon understand what i mean

As I approach this topic I want to be careful so readers don’t get the whole essence of this write up, twisted. Religion is a touchy subject for a lot of people and in my household it is generally not considered “polite conversation.”

For some, an attack on religion is an attack on their god or gods. I only wish to put down certain points or aspects of organized religion I’m not comfortable with, I am not questioning anyone’s belief in a personal god.
Around the world, religion has helped us to remain sane or else we all for donkolowith the way our environment is stifling us. Religion can give people a sense of community and make people feel welcomed. But life is never that simple.

In Nigeria especially, religion has turned a lot of my people into MUMU’s (fools). Instead of learning to discern truth on their own and formulate their own mindset, they’re told how to think. These are the people engaged in ‘Mumugiousity’. For them Religion has turned them into group soul’s, sheep, cows and goat with their Shepherd as their pastors, who have erased their trust in their own intellect and gradually convinced them to put their trust in them(pastors) as the only true men of god, convincing them that without them they would be lost. Hummmm! They fall for this like very poor people would fall for a bag of rice.

You have become ‘mumurized’ when you can forgo the little intelligence you have and on top of all that, you become a hypocrite. Religion is filling mumu(foolish) people with fear; it is one of the main reasons why mumu(fools) people are afraid of living. And when I say ‘living’ I don’t mean just surviving. To survive is one thing, even stones do that, but to live is a completely different thing. To live means to be sensitive, it means to feel, to grow, to discover your potential and achieve to higher states of being each and every moment. These days nothing happens without it being remote controlled from the village, someone must have sent it, there are more demons waiting to destroy us.
See Ful: Religion Mumugiousity by Charly Boy - eReporter

How is religion helping the Muslims in the Middle East? It isn't keeping them "sane" it is keeping them down.
Fishin 4 Religion by Arrestive Development:

The reason I'm fishin' 4 a new religion
Is my church makes me fall asleep
They're praising a God, that watches you weep
And doesn't want you to do a damn thing about it

When they want change
The preacher says, "Shout it"
Does shout bring about change? I doubt it
All shout does is make you lose your voice

So on the dock I sit in silence
Staring at a sea that's full of violence
Scared to put my line in that water
'Coz it seems like no religion is in there

Naively so I give it another go
Sitting in church, hearing legitimate woes
Pastor tells the lady it'll be alright
Just pray so you can see the pearly gates so white

So the lady prays and prays and prays and prays
It's everlasting, there's nothing wrong with praying, it's what she's asking
She's asking the Lord, to let her cope
So one day she can see the golden ropes

What you pray for God, will give
To be able to cope in this world we live in
It goes the word cope and the word change
Is directly opposite, not the same

She should have been praying to change her woes
But pastor said, "Pray to cope with those"
The government is happy with most baptist churches
'Coz we don't do a damn thing to try to nurture

Brothers and sisters on a revolution
Baptist teaches, dying is the only solution
Passiveness causes others to pass us by
I throw my line until I've made my decision

Until then, I'm still fishin' 4 religion

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