Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again

Did you find that quote for me yet...where Jesus demands the killing of gays?

Not yet?

Keep looking.

(It's the old 'how to keep an idiot busy' from junior high)
If he was as loving as Scientific Humanists he would have, in 2000 years, condemned the writings in the main book about HIM (the Bible) that say to KILL gays, of course. Expect more from a person who claims to be all-knowing. He'd have spoken up for gay rights - he claimed to be a moral teacher. Expect more from a person who claims to be all-knowing. He's also have clarified, or changed, the policy in Romans that says gays can't get into heaven. Expect more from a person who claims to be all-knowing.

See, if I can't find a quote of Hitler's were he specifically says "gas all the Jews!", it doesn't absolve Hitler, of course.

You agree with the policy of keeping gays out of heaven, and sending them to hell, or do you feel that the Bible got that dead wrong, like Scientific Humanists do? I think you fully agree with the policy, but are trying to get out on a technicality (such as "Hitler did not say to gas all the Jews!!!!")...see what I mean?

But I value our chats, and I'm learning things.

Take care.

Wait.....are you now admitting that Jesus never .....NEVER....said to kill gays????

But...but.......that was your whole argument!!!

No, that's not true.

He DID say kill gays????

You're back to that????
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

"...not hatred...."

I do hate ignorance and bigotry....probably why you're kinda sensitive about this exchange.
No, that's not true.

He DID say kill gays????

You're back to that????
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
Will you do the Scientific Humanist thing to do and condemn those Christians in Uganda who were in favor of this law - in loving solidarity with the LGBT community that Scientific Humanists love so much?
Did you find that quote for me yet...where Jesus demands the killing of gays?

Not yet?

Keep looking.

(It's the old 'how to keep an idiot busy' from junior high)
We don't know 100% what "heaven/hell" (if any) is actually like regarding gays - because god/Jesus are not very good communicators - no one does....but can we at least agree that if, repeat if, hypothetically speaking, for argument's sake here, that if god/Jesus send gays to hell even if they are moral people that you, like Scientific Humanists, would condemn god/Jesus in no uncertain terms? Can we agree on that hypothetical?

You don't have to agree with us - but if you don't, then please realize that if you love people as much as we do that you'll eventually agree with us someday on that.
Thanks. argument, now that your old was was you claim Jesus said he'd send gays to Hell?

If it's not asking too much.....could I see the quote?
I think it's obvious that your own opinion is that you hate gays - I'm pretty sure of that. But there is a better, more loving attitude to have, mi agigo.

"I think it's obvious that your own opinion is that you hate gays..."

"Think" is a mighty strong way of putting what you do, isn't it?
After all, didn't we agree that you're an idiot???
You didn't say "no, I love gays" in reply, so I'm pretty sure, after reading your constant and relentless defense of the anti-gay wording in the Bible (unless I missed a post where you found your compassion and condemned the Bible), that you do hate gays. Do you love gays, PChic? Please tell us.

" defense of the anti-gay wording in the Bible"

There never was any such post.

Caught you lying again, huh?
He DID say kill gays????

You're back to that????
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Can you find enough love in your heart to say this prayer with me? "god/Jesus, please let LGBT get into heaven and avoid hell - I love them that much. Thanks."

If so, then you're on your way to becoming a Scientific Humanist.

Did you catch me hunting down gays?


Sooo why the silly request?
You hate gays, period.

(Look, you are entitled to your belief as much as me or anyone, I believe - I'm glad you have a right to express it, and to disagree with me and anyone Cuba they don't have that right.)

"You hate gays, period."

Actually, what I like is mocking you.
He DID say kill gays????

You're back to that????
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
No, but as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally", so I will condemn injustice, based on ancient fairy tales, whenever I see it.

World sure in lucky to have you around!!
He DID say kill gays????

You're back to that????
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
Will you do the Scientific Humanist thing to do and condemn those Christians in Uganda who were in favor of this law - in loving solidarity with the LGBT community that Scientific Humanists love so much?

"... condemn those Christians in Uganda...." post #237 you said you 'love everybody equally'.... were lying again???

Sounds like All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

You should get your story straight.
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
No, but as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally", so I will condemn injustice, based on ancient fairy tales, whenever I see it.

World sure in lucky to have you around!!
I condemn that Biblically-inspired - can you find the love to do that as well?
Big picture - Scientific Humanism chooses the side of love, and unfortunately you appear to be choosing the side of hatred (like the divine Jesus.) I'd love to expand your heart so that you can join us in love, and not hatred. Keep in mind that LGBT do not particularly harm you, so LGBT is a victimless "crime". I believe you'll choose love over hatred at sometime in your life.

Have a great night.

Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
Will you do the Scientific Humanist thing to do and condemn those Christians in Uganda who were in favor of this law - in loving solidarity with the LGBT community that Scientific Humanists love so much?

"... condemn those Christians in Uganda...." post #237 you said you 'love everybody equally'.... were lying again???

Sounds like All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

You should get your story straight.
"Love" does not equal blind acceptance! I love my children, but if my child, on purpose, cuts off the ear of some other little kid, I love him enough to give him some "tough love" - condemnation would be part of that.

You don't love people enough to condemn the Christians in Uganda for that law - but I believe that some day you'll grow and be able to join us in doing so.
Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
No, but as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally", so I will condemn injustice, based on ancient fairy tales, whenever I see it.

World sure in lucky to have you around!!
I condemn that Biblically-inspired - can you find the love to do that as well?

I'm in favor of free speech and freedom of thought.

How about you?
Sooooo.....who are the religious leaders demanding death for gays?

Do you have a list....or is this a windmill-jousting cult you're fronting for?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
Will you do the Scientific Humanist thing to do and condemn those Christians in Uganda who were in favor of this law - in loving solidarity with the LGBT community that Scientific Humanists love so much?

"... condemn those Christians in Uganda...." post #237 you said you 'love everybody equally'.... were lying again???

Sounds like All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

You should get your story straight.
"Love" does not equal blind acceptance! I love my children, but if my child, on purpose, cuts off the ear of some other little kid, I love him enough to give him some "tough love" - condemnation would be part of that.

You don't love people enough to condemn the Christians in Uganda for that law - but I believe that some day you'll grow and be able to join us in doing so. were just kiddin'' when you wrote this?
"as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally",

And you're hoping that someday I grow to be as great a hypocrite as you are?

Do I thank you for that?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
No, but as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally", so I will condemn injustice, based on ancient fairy tales, whenever I see it.

World sure in lucky to have you around!!
I condemn that Biblically-inspired - can you find the love to do that as well?

I'm in favor of free speech and freedom of thought.

How about you?
We do agree on that - that's #1 on our 10 "commandments" (freedom/free speech) so I agree with you - yes, they have a right to say their hatred of gays. But morally, ethically, can you condemn them for their hatred of innocent people - gays? I believe in you - I believe that you are more ethical than Jesus/Moses, etc, and that you can move beyond their hatred towards gays. You can be incredible.
I do hate ignorance and bigotry...

RATFLMAO!! The most ironic post of 2017 so far....

Got any examples....or is this your usual hot air post?
You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?

"You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say blah blah blah..."


" gay rights..."

What rights do gays need that they don't have?

I mean....if there are none that you can come up with....well, that would mark you as some sort of nut, wouldn't it?
Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 - Wikipedia

But the damage is already done - Christianity is seen as a hate group by many many people. live in Uganda?
Will you do the Scientific Humanist thing to do and condemn those Christians in Uganda who were in favor of this law - in loving solidarity with the LGBT community that Scientific Humanists love so much?

"... condemn those Christians in Uganda...." post #237 you said you 'love everybody equally'.... were lying again???

Sounds like All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

You should get your story straight.
"Love" does not equal blind acceptance! I love my children, but if my child, on purpose, cuts off the ear of some other little kid, I love him enough to give him some "tough love" - condemnation would be part of that.

You don't love people enough to condemn the Christians in Uganda for that law - but I believe that some day you'll grow and be able to join us in doing so. were just kiddin'' when you wrote this?
"as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally",

And you're hoping that someday I grow to be as great a hypocrite as you are?

Do I thank you for that?
See, we DO INDEED love everybody equally...for example I've treated you with respect even though you've referred to me as an "idiot", and I say this prayer "god/Jesus, please let ethical non-believers into heaven and avoid hell - because we love everybody equally. Thanks".
Can you "love everybody equally", and say that prayer, as well, PChic? By doing so, you'll move to a higher level, morally, than god, than Jesus, than Allah, than Mohammad, etc. I know you can do this. live in Uganda?
No, but as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally", so I will condemn injustice, based on ancient fairy tales, whenever I see it.

World sure in lucky to have you around!!
I condemn that Biblically-inspired - can you find the love to do that as well?

I'm in favor of free speech and freedom of thought.

How about you?
We do agree on that - that's #1 on our 10 "commandments" (freedom/free speech) so I agree with you - yes, they have a right to say their hatred of gays. But morally, ethically, can you condemn them for their hatred of innocent people - gays? I believe in you - I believe that you are more ethical than Jesus/Moses, etc, and that you can move beyond their hatred towards gays. You can be incredible.

"We do agree on that - that's #1 on our 10 "commandments" (freedom/free speech)"

But you just told me what I have to say...
"You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights..."

You're not too good at this are you.
I do hate ignorance and bigotry...

RATFLMAO!! The most ironic post of 2017 so far....

Got any examples....or is this your usual hot air post?
You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?

"You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say blah blah blah..."


" gay rights..."

What rights do gays need that they don't have?

I mean....if there are none that you can come up with....well, that would mark you as some sort of nut, wouldn't it?
Uh, in Uganda.....
No, but as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally", so I will condemn injustice, based on ancient fairy tales, whenever I see it.

World sure in lucky to have you around!!
I condemn that Biblically-inspired - can you find the love to do that as well?

I'm in favor of free speech and freedom of thought.

How about you?
We do agree on that - that's #1 on our 10 "commandments" (freedom/free speech) so I agree with you - yes, they have a right to say their hatred of gays. But morally, ethically, can you condemn them for their hatred of innocent people - gays? I believe in you - I believe that you are more ethical than Jesus/Moses, etc, and that you can move beyond their hatred towards gays. You can be incredible.

"We do agree on that - that's #1 on our 10 "commandments" (freedom/free speech)"

But you just told me what I have to say...
"You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights..."

You're not too good at this are you.
Ok, obviously you won't say it, that's clear to me now.

I blame god/Jesus for being bad role models for you. What you need is some belief system that loves gays enough to stand up to god/Jesus/Allah's hatred of innocent people (gays). live in Uganda?
Will you do the Scientific Humanist thing to do and condemn those Christians in Uganda who were in favor of this law - in loving solidarity with the LGBT community that Scientific Humanists love so much?

"... condemn those Christians in Uganda...." post #237 you said you 'love everybody equally'.... were lying again???

Sounds like All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

You should get your story straight.
"Love" does not equal blind acceptance! I love my children, but if my child, on purpose, cuts off the ear of some other little kid, I love him enough to give him some "tough love" - condemnation would be part of that.

You don't love people enough to condemn the Christians in Uganda for that law - but I believe that some day you'll grow and be able to join us in doing so. were just kiddin'' when you wrote this?
"as a Scientific Humanist I "love everybody equally",

And you're hoping that someday I grow to be as great a hypocrite as you are?

Do I thank you for that?
See, we DO INDEED love everybody equally...for example I've treated you with respect even though you've referred to me as an "idiot", and I say this prayer "god/Jesus, please let ethical non-believers into heaven and avoid hell - because we love everybody equally. Thanks".
Can you "love everybody equally", and say that say prayer, as well, PChic? By doing so, you'll move to a higher level, morally, than god, than Jesus, than Allah, than Mohammad, etc. I know you can do this.

"See, we DO INDEED love everybody equally...for example I've treated you with respect even though you've referred to me as an "idiot"...

I am cursed with the inability to speak anything but the truth.

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